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Thailand Ranked 8Th Most Dangerous Country, The Worst In S E Asia: Global Terrorism Index


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Maybe it's the media I take in, or my cracker face, but Pattaya still comes across as a more dangerous place for me to walk around at night.

Then again, I've never had a Thai person so much as look at me crossly. All of this stuff gets filtered through local media before it reaches my ears. Interesting.

Strange post. I cant work out if you live in Pattaya but have never had a person look crossly or you live elsewhere and read the papers. In either case the post is odd.

I walk at night in Pattaya and at all hours there are honest people taking down or setting up shop, every corner has a motor cycle taxi waiting patiently for fares There is no room for violent crime. The reports of fights usually involve a drunk farange being stupid. But then again Pattaya is a large city so there will be a downtown somewhere where poverty and anger mix into an ugly brew. I like Pattaya and feel totally safe at all hours.

I think BeforeTigers should have a walk along some of the roads in Yala say, then re-assess his viewpoint on where he feels safe or where is regarded as dangerous.

What has Pattaya got to do with acts of terrorism?

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I have made my views very clear on what I think of those scum who bomb and murder people because they are not of their religion or ethnicity. These crimes are committed by terrorists. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to with these appalling acts. To say all muslims are terrorists and have no right to live here is bigotry.

Good on ya mate. You have made it abundantly clear, that you dont like minorities trying to be heard through violence. Leave the violence to the State.and all will come good. glad George Washington didn,t think like you.

And you believe terroism by minorities is OK just because they are a minority.

George Washington was not a terroist he was a revelutionist. He fought in the open. Any particular reason you are trying to justify terrroism?

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Maybe it's the media I take in, or my cracker face, but Pattaya still comes across as a more dangerous place for me to walk around at night.

Then again, I've never had a Thai person so much as look at me crossly. All of this stuff gets filtered through local media before it reaches my ears. Interesting.

Maybe it`s time for you to take of your "I`m with stupid" t-shirt,go down to the deep South and make a report of how less dangerous it is compared to Pattaya.

Tw.. mad.gif !!!!!!!!!!!

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Growing corruption, mushrooming terrorism, rampant electrical failures, a rice price support system that will bankrupt the country, an airport with cracks in its runway, tourists dropping like flies from poisoned food and hotel rooms, and some of the world's most corrupt and incompetent politicians and bureaucrats. Sometimes, you just don't want to even look out the window for fear the whole place will collapse.


I guess that's why many of us are TVF members and glued to our computers 24/7/365!

edited to change an "m" to an "n".....

Edited by sunshine51
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I have made my views very clear on what I think of those scum who bomb and murder people because they are not of their religion or ethnicity. These crimes are committed by terrorists. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to with these appalling acts. To say all muslims are terrorists and have no right to live here is bigotry.

Good on ya mate. You have made it abundantly clear, that you dont like minorities trying to be heard through violence. Leave the violence to the State.and all will come good. glad George Washington didn,t think like you.

And you believe terroism by minorities is OK just because they are a minority.

George Washington was not a terroist he was a revelutionist. He fought in the open. Any particular reason you are trying to justify terrroism?

If the State is being Murderous dont come crying Terroist when the people fight back. Also do you think Bombing from 30,000 feet is okay because you are not a Minority, therefore you are not a Terroist. The first part of your post has me confused.
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WHERE THE F@#$K DID THEY GET THIS SPURIOUS STATISTICS & BOGUS IMAGINATIONS FROM? I have visited Vientianne-Laos for about 4 times and my life has been threatened twice! I was in the Army during the Muslim-Christian WAR where the Indo-chinese & christians were beheaded and had their heads stacked! A bullet went through my right shoulder and I almost died! I rented a room in Singapore from a local thug and was conned of my money, at the end of the day, I had to beat him up and leave Singapore for good!

I had lived and travelled between Thailand & Japan for many years, my life was never threatened like it has been in Laos, Indonesia and Singapore! Sure there were some squabbles here & there but never life theatening! They should get their bloody facts right! Dumb Morons. Also, there were hard financial times for me when my business in NYC collapsed & if had not been for my Thai friends, I would be dead by now (by my own hand-Hara Kiri).

I say: Give Credit Where It Is Due!

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makes me laugh when i read about thai politicians expressing concerns about thailands image ,.....how do they think that the rest of the world sees thailand ? ..............a moral, ethical , anti racist , modern , fair , educated generous and honest maybe ? ,.....amazing ! ......, all the time thais spend looking in a mirror but dont recognise who they are seeing

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Kick out all the Muslims. Problem solved.

You Dillybag,go back to where YOU came from.

As we all evolved from a primordial soup (or slime) how far back would you like people to go?

We may be all outer space people, but some have our brain activity set towards equality,empathy not Facism. How far back do you think we should go?
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Baby, teachers among six dead in Thai shootings

Baby among five killed in teashop shooting

A school director and a teacher gunned down in Pattani Tuesday.

I reckon Thailand has jumped up a notch in the wrong direction....so....I hope Chalerm see this

and I wonder what kind of statement the bastard's gonna make.

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A separatist (Islamic or not) who plants bombs that murder and maim indiscriminately, executes teachers, monks or anyone they don't like is a terrorist. That or scum, either term is applicable.

They use bombs becaue they are not powerful enough to take on the state. The state kills them with impunity and it is know wonder they try and figh back. If the Buddist state kills them then killing buddists/ snitches/ would be one avenue of revenge. Personnally I am surprised they haven,t gone after the Western Tourists. That would also be a way to screw the state big time.

They are killed because they use violence to further their political and / or religious views. They choose to kill and maim indiscriminently and attack unarmed innocent people becasue they have a different view. Then, like most terrorists, they screem about human rights and being treated fairly if attacked themselves.

Anyone who takes to terrorism relinquishes the right to being treated as a human.

Where do you get that twaddle from? Did you not see men thrown in the back of Army trucks, piled on top of each other like sardines in a can, suffocating to death, slaughtered at Tak Bai and Krue sa. the disappeared, the Lawyer killed by the police,convicted ,then let go. I.m from Irish stock and our freedom fighters fought the most powerful nation of the time, better to die on your feet than be a slave.

I assume you refer to the IRA. I'm from Australian stock, not much time for terrorists, your kind or the ones here in Thailand's South, and take exception to the fact that your so called freedom fighters killed, sorry, murdered, innocent people, including an Australian minding his own business.

If you are not referring to the IRA, then I apologise.

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Only a matter of time before the Islamists export this little feud further afield. When that happens the government will have to act. More paper dove drops perhaps?

They are not 'Islamists' they are separatists.

Or maybe Islamic separatists

Oh many thanks for the clarification. Quite right. Islamic separatists.

Not absolutely right blink.png precisely terrorists Islamic separatists

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