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Teeth Cleaning


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Do dentists in Thailand do this, I mean to go under gums and clean out tartar, buildup with a special hook tool??

I am 36 yo and dentists in my country never do this procedure. My dentist laughed when I told him about this.

In America this is very usual process, can somebody explain this in more details?

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They would not do unless you need it - most people don't. My first experience of having it done in the USA was from a doctor recently arrived from eastern Europe and that was in 1990 so would think it must be known there.

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I've had a number of dental cleanings done here in Thailand. In my experience, the "normal" cleaning is done using some sort of ultrasonic tool, dental floss, and also polishing. The dentists normally do not do the sort of scraping and "deep" under the gums cleaning that the OP is referring to. To get that type of dental cleaning that includes "scaling and root planing" you need to specifically request it.

I recommend that you go to the dental office in person to make your appointment and take the time to make clear (politely and patiently!) what kind of cleaning you want done. Use terms like "root planing" and "periodontal cleaning". They will then schedule the additional time that it will take to do the type of cleaning you want done. I've done it this way and it worked out well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Crest does not really work. The best whitening is said to be a take-home whitening. It takes longer than laser but gives better results. I went to my dentist and had the whitening trays custom-made for my teeth. She gave me whitening gel and i wore those trays filled with the gel for like 5 consecutive nights and my teeth were like white white already.

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