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How Tolerant Are The Mobile Phone Operators In Case Of Over Traffic ?


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Just want know, in case a thief take your smartphone or stolen and many over traffic it happen will the travel insurance cover this one gb in my calculation over traffic results in 2000 bath I have unlimited data!

Years ago when 3G comes up I activate 3 g but was strong limited only over night for updating apps and receiving email 400 bath was gone call the hotline Ais to change another higher promotion and the recredit me the money withouth any problem with be carefully next time!

But what happen with extremely over data if someone have not a unlimited package can simple over 20000 bath is there also a lawsuit in Thailand that limit this, that cannot go up endless?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Is this a post-paid account? If so, you should contact the service provider as soon as you know your phone/SIM are not in your possession. You should also file a report with the Police ASAP. These actions will allow you to limit your liability.

If it is a pre-paid account you should obviously contact the service provider, and Police, ASAP but I wouldn't expect them to rebate any balance which might have been used by a thief/third-party.

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Using your phone, with your sim/promotion, would give you the best chance to get it back:

GPS/3G/2G tracking, the location is known.

Anyway, it looks like you are one of the people, not using the security options of your phone?

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Put a sensible credit limit on your phone account. This limits the damage a thief can do in the worst case. They should suspend the account when it goes over.

Also take a look at tracking / remote wipe apps like Cerberus.

Edited by Crushdepth
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Ditto to recommendation above.

On my wife's DTAC plan and my previous DTAC plan we had a 2,500 baht monthly limit (postpay plans setup a few years ago) and on my new/recently establish DTAC postpay plan I have a 2,800 baht monthly limit (setup a few months ago) . These limits exclude international roaming limits...you would need to activate international roaming separately. These limits were really setup automatically when establishing the accounts but DTAC customer service said we could request lower or higher limits. You may have a limit already established and on a postpay plan and it would show the established credit limit on your monthly bill or if reviewing your account online....or at least our DTAC accounts it does.

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