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If You Have Retired To Thailand, How Do You Spend Your Time?


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I retired early, currently I am 53 and this is my third year in Bangkok. Drinking (I like beer) is an easy habit to fall into, so on January 1, I joined the local gym. Working out five times a week is a good antidote to drinking-I don't want to drink too much the night before because I am looking forward to my next trip to the gym.

I also love to read, chat with some friends, fellow retirees, at the condo pool and travel. Usually I'm never bored, but if I do feel a bit blah, I just hop on a train or bus and explore Thailand.

Studying a language is also a good way to keep focused and "moving forward."

I'm also considering splitting my time up a bit, say six months in Thailand (asia) and six in South America. But then I'm single and love to travel so maybe that's not an option for everyone.


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I retired early, currently I am 53 and this is my third year in Bangkok. Drinking (I like beer) is an easy habit to fall into, so on January 1, I joined the local gym. Working out five times a week is a good antidote to drinking-I don't want to drink too much the night before because I am looking forward to my next trip to the gym.

I also love to read, chat with some friends, fellow retirees, at the condo pool and travel. Usually I'm never bored, but if I do feel a bit blah, I just hop on a train or bus and explore Thailand.

Studying a language is also a good way to keep focused and "moving forward."

I'm also considering splitting my time up a bit, say six months in Thailand (asia) and six in South America. But then I'm single and love to travel so maybe that's not an option for everyone.


Too bloody good to be true... everything is absolutley PERFECT for you Lance! Well done Mate!

No need to chane one thing.

Now here's a guy with "All the right moves" All of us"olies worlde bozzie-woozie " types could learn something here :o

Trouble with me is when I feel a bilt 'blah" I jump on a bus and head not out to explore Thailand but for the off license/ bar/pub

Take heed guys ,lets all try to follow Lance's example :D

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I'm not retired yet but being an independent designer and working out of home I do end up with stretches of idle time. Surprisingly, everytime I forsee some downtime I think of all the things I'd like to do and accomplish while I'm between jobs. Without fail it seems I'm busier during those breaks than when I have a job to work on! :o

I have a wifey, her 7-year old son and her 10-year old niece who also lives with us. Plus we another 15-year old niece from Loei who decided to come stay with us six months ago. And . . . a 19-year old friend of the family who had been staying with us through her school years while helping to take care of the kids. We've got a house full! :D

At any given time we may have guests stay such as mom and pop, sisters, local friends and friends from overseas, and those who can't make it home after a night of cards or a birthday party or any other party that we seem to host so frequently. The home life is never a dull moment and usually full of riotous laughter.

If we're not at home we'll be out visiting friends or dining with them, taking in a movie at Major Cineplex, a trip to Dream World, a day at Muang Boran in Samut Prakarn, a weekend in Pattaya or Ayutthaya, shopping at talad Huai Khwang, nights out at Hollywood Party.gifBoogie.gif or Ratchada soi 4, on and on and on. We travel back and forth to Loei where mom and pop live, and visit friends in Roi Et. In the winter we'll be camping at any one of the numerous national parks in Thailand.

Besides all of that I could easily spend a good portion of my day playing with my computer, watching a movie on DVD, reading books, playing with the kids, helping with the housework (to rile the wifey :D ), spending quality time with her, keeping in touch with all the people we know here and back in the States, etc.

All in all there isn't enough time in my day. But I'm happy! RealHappy.gif

Life is too short to ever be bored.

Edit: Lots of great posts, BTW. Clapping.gif

Edited by Tippaporn
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Mobi-- congratulations on that second week! Isn't it great waking up without a hangover? :o

I'm in my 3rd year of retirement in Thailand, although I have to say I'm not new to Thailand, having been working and living here off and on since the mid seventies. I think all the responses to your questions have given you a very good idea of the sort of things you can do over here and you can pick and choose, as it suits you. I spent my first 2 years i8n Bangkok, and came close to killing myself through alcohol abuse. Since being down on my new spread near Pattaya, life is so much better,. and I do many of the activities listed by other members. I think some kind of routine is important. A typical 'home' day for me is up before 8 am (to enjoy the cool mornings), take the dog for a walk, and put her through a short training session, in the pool for a few lengths, breakfast on the terrace, catching up briefly on the overnight news from CNN/BBC; half an hour on my piano; in the office to surf the internet, do my banking/investment management, whilst listening to BBC radio via internet; lunch; back in the office; do a bit of house maintenance and odd chores; afternoon training session with the dog, back in the pool; read the Bnagkok Post pool side whilst listening to the radio; evening walk with the dog; dinner'; watch a bit of TV -comedy/movies/general entertainment/ live sport etc;late evening back on the net; bed and fall asleep with a good book or movie. Or occasionaly some other bed time activities (I am married). Other non- home activities include golf, trips to the bright lights of Pattaya /Bangkok; meals out; trips up country to other parts of Thailand etc etc etc. I am now on my 2nd alcohol free week.,and this is a challenge, as booze is such a part of life, one way or another. I used to write but have often been too hung over since my return to Thailand to do anything very creative.. Now at long last, I'm getting back into it. Also driving without drinking is a big bonus. I speak passable Thai, but I agree with you that it will be very difficult to get much proficiency at your age - but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try, and you're absolutely correct about the Thais appreciating any efforts to speak their language. Good luck. :D:D
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Mobi-- congratulations on that second week! Isn't it great waking up without a hangover? :o

Thanks for that - how did you know I hadn't succumbed? Today is day 19. Last night I entertained a friend at home (the wife cooked some gorgeous Thai food) and I plied him with a carafe of white wine from my extensive stock.. He had 3 glasses and stopped. If it had been me, there's no way I would have stopped at 3 glasses - 3 bottles more like - so I realised that I am truly an alcoholic. Feel fine, always hungry, but try to control it. Sitting at this PC writing a load of rubbish seems to help. :D

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Strange: the OP says he doesn't drink (apparently he's been through AA and is still sober), and we spend half this thread talking about drinking.

I live at the beach and either swim, walk in the sand, or sit on the terrace with my expat friends and neighbors. Old friends from Chiang Mai and Bangkok come to visit for days on end. I have sex, I eat the food I like, I wrote a two-volume novel, I taught school for two years full time, I ride my bike, I spend too much time on several internet forums, I go to town, and I have finally, after almost eight years, learned how to do nothing. Nothing. Or, to stretch my time, and pace myself.

You can play most of your favorite sports. My neighbor golfs three times a week. You can watch the telly, or read books. You can scan the internet for info and opinions. You can meet friends in places that don't require you to have 8 drinks in order to join in.

Good luck, tc.

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I have sex, . . . <snip>

Oh, thanks for reminding me, PeaceBlondie. Almost forgot to add that to my daily weekly monthly activity list! Duh.gif

What an ommission,, here we are living in LOS and none of us are talking bout Sex in retirement.

I stlll LOVE SEX....... I just don't think about it as often as I used to :D

My younger Mates don't talk about much else..... Still it's part of my life, but I suppose it is probably my age that stops me from feeling so horny... but on a positive note I did NOT have a drink yesterday, for me thats a good start, and that would not have happened if I had not been reading some of the comments posted here and the positive p'm's I got.

Thanks guys :D

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That's rich, ample rich - I mention almost twenty activities, and when I very briefly include "I have sex," we get all excited. Well, good. I suppose it might not excite me when I'm 85 or 95.

Meanwhile.....where's the emoticon for having sex? Well, we needn't be graphic; perhaps this one will do: :o

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Somewhat taken aback by your post PB. Not "All Get Excited" it was only ME that mentioned it, so please don't tar the rest of the contributors to this thread with the same brush, to say I am surprissed at your comments is an understatement!

Perhaps you did not mean it to come over the way I read it.?

We all have sex (I am sure MOST of us do) it was just that all the way through this topic it has not been mentioned, you did mention it and I thought "yeah and of course thats important"

However whats MORE important to many of us is to curtail our drinking habits so that we can enjoy Sex to the full.

Chicken and Egg if you see my point PB



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Okay, it isn't all of us; I'm sorry to have said 'we all get excited' maybe it should have read, 'some people get all excited,' or that one item of 29 gets singled out.

No, we don't all have sex. I don't have the figures handy, but in the late 50's, the average man has about three intercourses per month, on average (it may be far less). Some folks who are far younger are celibate for years. Anyway, there's a whole lot more to life than just that. Did I mention sleeping, drinking non-alcoholic beverages, watching sunrises and sunsets and the moon, tending the garden, writing to relatives?

I should have known that a FEW among us would single out those three words, or that one three letter word. And I was trying to be discreet, just throwing it in among the long list of other things. Didn't want to leave it completely out, though. :o

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Now that the subject's been raised ( I did refer to it somewhat euphemistically on my first posting to this thread - well you know what a bunch of shy retiring guys us older English are), my wife , who is considerably younger than I, is forever amazed at my strong libido (horny- ness). This is despite boozing, diabetes and a whole host of drugs which are alleged to affect these matters adversely. Strangely, since I stopped drinking - now entering my 3rd week - my libido seems to have dropped off a bit. Probably temporary - I hope. The wife probably hopes it's permanent! Don't let this put you off your abstinence TP, I'm sure it'll work the other way for you. I'm really weird. Had a full check up this morning. My liver is in good shape after only 3 weeks. Previously it had always showed up as a bit dodgy - too many of the wrong enzymes etc. So that encourages me to carry on.

Good luck to you TP :o

I know it's a bit aoff thread, but its still relevant to retirement in Thailand. :D

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Why is BOOZE such a big issue for expats living in Thailand??? Most of the responses I've read ALWAYS mention BOOZE being a big part of their lives in Thailand, even to the point of severely damaging their bodies! Are their lives so very unfullfing that there is a pathological need for alcohol?

Don't get me wrong, I too like a tipple, but certainly not to the point of damaging myself! Any thoughts about this?.....

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That's rich, ample rich - I mention almost twenty activities, and when I very briefly include "I have sex," we get all excited. Well, good. I suppose it might not excite me when I'm 85 or 95.

Meanwhile.....where's the emoticon for having sex? Well, we needn't be graphic; perhaps this one will do: :o

I hope this is acceptable:


I guess sex wasn't on my mind since I obviously forgot to mention it in my first post. Goes to show you where my head is at (excuse the pun). But . . . I do think highly of sex and it is enjoyable and rewarding, especially when practised with someone you love and adore. In that way it is magical for me. Definitely something to include on your 'to-do list.'

Unfortunately, I may be in the same boat as Mobi D'Ark. While the wifey certainly gets horny herself I think she'd be perfectly happy with a once-a-month excursion into that type of adventure. Since she's the first and only Thai woman I've ever had a long lasting experience with I'm wondering if her attitude towards sex is unique to me or whether it's just another cultural aspect of Thai women?

Edited by Tippaporn
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That's rich, ample rich - I mention almost twenty activities, and when I very briefly include "I have sex," we get all excited. Well, good. I suppose it might not excite me when I'm 85 or 95.

Meanwhile.....where's the emoticon for having sex? Well, we needn't be graphic; perhaps this one will do: :o

I hope this is acceptable:


I guess sex wasn't on my mind since I obviously forgot to mention it in my first post. Goes to show you where my head is at (excuse the pun). But . . . I do think highly of sex and it is enjoyable and rewarding, especially when practised with someone you love and adore. In that way it is magical for me. Definitely something to include on your 'to-do list.'

Unfortunately, I may be in the same boat as Mobi D'Ark. While the wifey certainly gets horny herself I think she'd be perfectly happy with a once-a-month excursion into that type of adventure. Since she's the first and only Thai woman I've ever had a long lasting experience with I'm wondering if her attitude towards sex is unique to me or whether it's just another cultural aspect of Thai women?

Well now, I have a few views on this, but we are getting really off topic. Maybe a new topic should be started and we can share experiences??? :D Any volunteers? :D

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That's rich, ample rich - I mention almost twenty activities, and when I very briefly include "I have sex," we get all excited. Well, good. I suppose it might not excite me when I'm 85 or 95.

Meanwhile.....where's the emoticon for having sex? Well, we needn't be graphic; perhaps this one will do: :o

I hope this is acceptable:


I guess sex wasn't on my mind since I obviously forgot to mention it in my first post. Goes to show you where my head is at (excuse the pun). But . . . I do think highly of sex and it is enjoyable and rewarding, especially when practised with someone you love and adore. In that way it is magical for me. Definitely something to include on your 'to-do list.'

Unfortunately, I may be in the same boat as Mobi D'Ark. While the wifey certainly gets horny herself I think she'd be perfectly happy with a once-a-month excursion into that type of adventure. Since she's the first and only Thai woman I've ever had a long lasting experience with I'm wondering if her attitude towards sex is unique to me or whether it's just another cultural aspect of Thai women?

Well now, I have a few views on this, but we are getting really off topic. Maybe a new topic should be started and we can share experiences??? :D Any volunteers? :D

Sure thing, Moby D'Ark. Count me in! Which one, Thai sexual customs and/or expat vices? I'm in on both. :D

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