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North Korea Fires Long-Range Rocket Carrying Satellite


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North Korea fires long-range rocket carrying satellite < br />

2012-12-12 08:19:12 GMT+7 (ICT)

PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA (BNO NEWS) -- North Korea on Wednesday morning launched a long-range rocket said to be carrying a weather satellite, but condemned by foreign governments as a long-range missile test which violates UN resolutions, South Korean and Japanese officials said.

The long-range Unha-3 rocket carrying the Kwangmyongsong-3 (Bright Star-3) weather satellite was launched from the Sohae Satellite Launching Station in Cholsan county of North Pyongan province, which is located in the western region of North Korea near the Yellow Sea. It launched between 9:49 a.m. and 9:51 a.m. local time, according to the South Korean and Japanese governments.

The North Korean government previously announced its intention to launch the satellite between December 10 and December 22, prompting condemnation from the international community. South Korea described the plan as a "grave provocation" and a test of a long-range missile in disguise, while U.S. and British officials called on North Korea to abandon the plan.

In April, North Korea unsuccessfully attempted to place another Kwangmyongsong-3 weather satellite into orbit, causing debris to land in the Yellow Sea. The Korean Committee for Space Technology on December 1 said the country's scientists and technicians have since improved the reliability and precision of the rocket, but unspecified technical problems nearly delayed Wednesday's launch.

"Scientists and technicians of the DPRK analyzed the mistakes that were made during the previous April launch and deepened the work of improving the reliability and precision of the satellite and carrier rocket, thereby rounding off the preparations for launch," a committee spokesman said on December 1 , referring to North Korea by its official name.

The spokesman said a safe flight path has been chosen to avoid any potential debris from affecting other countries in the region. But Japanese Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto nonetheless ordered his forces to take "all necessary measures", including the deployment of interceptor missiles.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-12-12

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UPDATE 2 -- N. Korea says rocket put weather satellite into orbit

2012-12-12 11:26:37 GMT+7 (ICT)

PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA (BNO NEWS) -- North Korea on Wednesday said it successfully launched a long-range Unha-3 rocket and placed a Kwangmyongsong-3 (Bright Star-3) weather satellite into orbit, prompting condemnation from other countries which have described it as a long-range missile test in disguise.

The long-range Unha-3 rocket carrying the Bright Star-3 weather satellite was launched at approximately 9:50 a.m. local time from the Sohae Satellite Launching Station in Cholsan county of North Pyongan province, which is located in the western region of North Korea near the Yellow Sea.

A brief statement from the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) confirmed the rocket launch and said the weather satellite had successfully entered its preset orbit. Playing celebratory songs, state television announced the news more than two hours after the launch during a special report.

Officials at the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), which is tasked to prevent air attacks against North America, confirmed that American missile warning systems detected and tracked the missile on a southerly azimuth. It said the missile or the resultant debris was at no time a threat to North America.

"Initial indications are that the first stage fell into the Yellow Sea. The second stage was assessed to fall into the Philippine Sea. Initial indications are that the missile deployed an object that appeared to achieve orbit," a NORAD spokesperson said in a statement, confirming North Korea's claims.

The launch drew immediate condemnation from nearby countries, including in South Korea where Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan said the rocket launch would leave North Korea more isolated. A spokesman for the Japanese government also condemned the launch, calling it a "provocative and unacceptable act."

In Britain, Foreign Secretary William Hague said Wednesday's launch was a "clear violation" of United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolutions 1718 and 1874 as it involved ballistic missile technology. "This provocative act will increase tensions in the region. I deplore the fact that the DPRK has chosen to prioritize this launch over improving the livelihood of its people," Hague said, referring to North Korea by its official name.

North Korea is banned from conducting missile and nuclear-related tests under UN Security Council sanctions which were imposed after the country carried out nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009.

Hague added that Britain will consult partners at the UN Security Council on its response and summon North Korea's Ambassador to the United Kingdom. "It is essential that the DPRK refrain from further provocative action and take constructive steps towards denuclearization and lasting peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula," he said.

Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, meanwhile, said the rocket launch demonstrates North Korea's "willful defiance" of its international obligations. "The regime in Pyongyang is a grave threat to the security and stability of the region and beyond. The rogue regime has once again shown total disregard for its people by choosing to fund military and nuclear programs while the basic needs of the North Korean people go unmet," he said.

In New Zealand, Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully also urged North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons and missile programs and focus its resources on improving the lives of its people, and engage constructively with the international community. There was no immediate comment from the U.S. government.

It is North Korea's fifth attempt at a long-range rocket launch since 1998, and Wednesday's launch appeared to be its most successful one yet as all three stages of the rocket performed as planned. But it is certain to raise tensions in the region amidst concern the technology could one day deliver a nuclear warhead capable of hitting targets as far away as the continental U.S.

The first attempt at a long-range rocket launch happened in August 1998 when North Korea launched an Unha-1 rocket carrying the Kwangmyŏngsŏng-1 (Bright Star-1) satellite, but it failed during the final stage. Other failed attempts took place in 1996, 2009 and in April of this year.

The launch attempt earlier this year also took place at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station in North Pyongan province, but it failed about a minute after take-off and caused debris to land in the Yellow Sea. North Korea announced Wednesday's new attempt on December 1 and said its technicians had improved the reliability and precision of the rocket.

"Scientists and technicians of the DPRK analyzed the mistakes that were made during the previous April launch and deepened the work of improving the reliability and precision of the satellite and carrier rocket, thereby rounding off the preparations for launch," a spokesman for the Korean Committee for Space Technology said on December 1.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-12-12

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Got balls for sure they have, they know the score, the USA has its hands full, unlilely to attack or do something about it, so Korea continues to try to make a name for itself desperate to become a world super power, you l notice they were a little quiet when the USA was free. recently they stated on open TV that they now had missiles caperble of reaching the USA shore, in a round about way I would say that was a threat. Theres an old saying, a man who lives by the sword shall die by it.

This is well worth a debate and so for those willing to listen i will begin. During the 2nd world war when properbly the greatest evil of all time to date tried to take over the world, I should thank God there was an America, when America stood alone against communism in Vietnam, a stratigic stronghold that could have tipped the scales of power against the free world unleashing God knows what upon us, when the British prime minister of the day Wilson himself far left refused the USA any help dispite their pleading I thank God there was an America, during cold war years it was America s power who prevented Russia from burying the west as they said openly they would do on more than one occasion. This aside tyrants like Hussain who were brought to book who incidently killed thousands in towns who opposed him with nerve gas, who if he hadn t been got would have sheltered every terrorist including Mr Laden on earth and Iraq would have become a terrorist stronghold, man on the moon a great leap for mankind, medicines and disease control, the list goes on and on, and who am I, ? Not American, just a greatful Brit, and what has this tin pot little nation contributed to anything.? Why should we be armed to the teeth and not these dumps, because we are worthy of it and know how to use it and more importantly when to use it, in short we av a small brain, put every general in Korea together and allow a debate and you ve got a recipe for hell cos they got little to no brains at all and thats why these little enemy nations become dangerous when they have or develop nuclear bombs. Its comparable to somebody winning the lottery who s always been poor, 5 years on they are as poor as they were before winning the lottery because they have no idea how to handle wealth, its a similar thing, allow Korea and Iran to get nukes and lite the blue touch paper or not, you can be sure they will want to try a new toy and they are far from qualified to have them for that reason.

Dunno what the ans is, if the USA and the rest of the worlds powerful nations announced they were scapping all ballistic weapons, it would certainly make these places wonder why they were developing them, PERHAPS, and maybe not. do you really want to take your chances with a place like Korea?, or maybe Iran who openly say that christianity must be wiped out, is that a threat do you think,? come come now.

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The West can do nothing against North Korea except sanctions. And, I am against sanctions; it's the general population that's suffering when sanctions occur.

I personally see no problem or threat in this rocket launch.

Edited by JemJem
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N.Korea either has a death wish. Or some sort of Saddam Hussein type of plan for population decrease. Actually, I think the reason it's doing this is they know being the incessent bad boy, they're going to get attention and hand-outs from the US and others. Either that, or it's to compensate for having little wee wees.

I think your theory concerning incessant attention seeking resulting in foreign aid deserves some investigation. Your alternative theory may be hard to quantify seeing as such information would be difficult to obtain, however that said small man syndrome may be a factor as due to malnutrition the North Koreans are shorter than the South Koreans.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Maybe junior got some trouble on the home front. Hard to believe all the top brass, inner circle guys give him the same support as they gave his dad. Same goes for neighbors and rivals - got a rep to protect. Nothing like defying the world to show you're in charge.

Curious as to why the Japanese government thought they had a shot at intercepting the missile, and what was the point of making that statement.

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Good luck N.Korea.

Stuff the UN and other control freaks.

Its OK for them to be armed to the teeth but not you.

Got balls for sure

I am with you. They are not after world domination unlike some, just the right to persue the future their way and are prepared to stand their ground in order to do so.

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Count me in. In particular after my exposure to this rubbish

... I should thank God there was an America, when America stood alone against communism in Vietnam, a stratigic stronghold that could have tipped the scales of power against the free world unleashing God knows what upon us, when the British prime minister of the day Wilson himself far left refused the USA any help dispite their pleading I thank God there was an America...

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I am with you. They are not after world domination unlike some, just the right to persue the future their way and are prepared to stand their ground in order to do so.

True, they aren't after world domination - just domination of the Korean Penninsula.

So you believe they have the right to threaten their neighbors (South Korea and Japan)?

Because that is what they are doing.

So You believe the North Korean government has the right to toss political opponents in prison - for a minimum sentance of 3 GENERATIONS?

Because that's what they are doing.

So you belive the North Korean Government should attack with artillery and kill South Koreans citizens on South Korean soil?

Because that's what they do.

So you belive that the leadership of The North Korean Government should be controled by one family?

Because that's what they do.

The north Korean government acts like a mafia and every year strong-armsJapan and South Korea for rice and money - saying they will "play nice and peaceful" as long as they get their bribes.

Just because you are ANTI-USA doesn't mean you should be PRO-EVIL PRO-DICTATORSHIP.

Unless of course, that's what YOU DO.

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We need better intel...

Obama's Asia team caught off guard, partying when rocket launched

The Obama administration's Asia team was caught so off guard by North Korea's Dec. 11 rocket launch, several of them actually had to put down their drinks and suddenly leave a holiday party being held in honor of the Japanese emperor's birthday.

Just minutes before the launch news became known, several officials were overheard remarking how nice it was that North Korea was apparently delaying the launch, giving U.S. North Korea watchers hope that their holiday festivities would not be interrupted.

"Nobody in the U.S. government thought this would happen when it did," said one top Asia expert who attended the party.

Edited by koheesti
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Got balls for sure they have, they know the score, the USA has its hands full, unlilely to attack or do something about it, so Korea continues to try to make a name for itself desperate to become a world super power, you l notice they were a little quiet when the USA was free. recently they stated on open TV that they now had missiles caperble of reaching the USA shore, in a round about way I would say that was a threat. Theres an old saying, a man who lives by the sword shall die by it.

This is well worth a debate and so for those willing to listen i will begin. During the 2nd world war when properbly the greatest evil of all time to date tried to take over the world, I should thank God there was an America, when America stood alone against communism in Vietnam, a stratigic stronghold that could have tipped the scales of power against the free world unleashing God knows what upon us, when the British prime minister of the day Wilson himself far left refused the USA any help dispite their pleading I thank God there was an America, during cold war years it was America s power who prevented Russia from burying the west as they said openly they would do on more than one occasion. This aside tyrants like Hussain who were brought to book who incidently killed thousands in towns who opposed him with nerve gas, who if he hadn t been got would have sheltered every terrorist including Mr Laden on earth and Iraq would have become a terrorist stronghold, man on the moon a great leap for mankind, medicines and disease control, the list goes on and on, and who am I, ? Not American, just a greatful Brit, and what has this tin pot little nation contributed to anything.? Why should we be armed to the teeth and not these dumps, because we are worthy of it and know how to use it and more importantly when to use it, in short we av a small brain, put every general in Korea together and allow a debate and you ve got a recipe for hell cos they got little to no brains at all and thats why these little enemy nations become dangerous when they have or develop nuclear bombs. Its comparable to somebody winning the lottery who s always been poor, 5 years on they are as poor as they were before winning the lottery because they have no idea how to handle wealth, its a similar thing, allow Korea and Iran to get nukes and lite the blue touch paper or not, you can be sure they will want to try a new toy and they are far from qualified to have them for that reason.

Dunno what the ans is, if the USA and the rest of the worlds powerful nations announced they were scapping all ballistic weapons, it would certainly make these places wonder why they were developing them, PERHAPS, and maybe not. do you really want to take your chances with a place like Korea?, or maybe Iran who openly say that christianity must be wiped out, is that a threat do you think,? come come now.

You must not get out much. North Korea already has Nukes and they also possess one of the highest average IQ's in our world.

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We need better intel...

Obama's Asia team caught off guard, partying when rocket launched

The Obama administration's Asia team was caught so off guard by North Korea's Dec. 11 rocket launch, several of them actually had to put down their drinks and suddenly leave a holiday party being held in honor of the Japanese emperor's birthday.

Just minutes before the launch news became known, several officials were overheard remarking how nice it was that North Korea was apparently delaying the launch, giving U.S. North Korea watchers hope that their holiday festivities would not be interrupted.

"Nobody in the U.S. government thought this would happen when it did," said one top Asia expert who attended the party.

Ah, i was wondering how long it would take you to hold Obama responsible for a rocket launch in North Korea. "Several officials were overheard remarking etc etc". Laughable. Obama won the election and is still President. Get over it!

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We need better intel...

Obama's Asia team caught off guard, partying when rocket launched

The Obama administration's Asia team was caught so off guard by North Korea's Dec. 11 rocket launch, several of them actually had to put down their drinks and suddenly leave a holiday party being held in honor of the Japanese emperor's birthday.

Just minutes before the launch news became known, several officials were overheard remarking how nice it was that North Korea was apparently delaying the launch, giving U.S. North Korea watchers hope that their holiday festivities would not be interrupted.

"Nobody in the U.S. government thought this would happen when it did," said one top Asia expert who attended the party.

Ah, i was wondering how long it would take you to hold Obama responsible for a rocket launch in North Korea. "Several officials were overheard remarking etc etc". Laughable. Obama won the election and is still President. Get over it!

That article has nothing to do with the election. If you bothered to read it you might know that. Yes, Obama won, he is president. When Bush was president there was no ban on mentioning the "Bush Admin" and there is no ban in force here now either...is there? The article has to do with our current admin's (hence the use of "Obama's" in the article title) Asian experts having no clue that NK was going to launch a missile when they did. It would be nice if they were more on top of current events in their area of expertise.

Edited by koheesti
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There were probably people who were in the rest room when the missile was fired. I bet, however, the military and the people who were charged with watching their every move knew the moment it was fired. these are the people whose job is to inform the people who are doing other things.

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There were probably people who were in the rest room when the missile was fired. I bet, however, the military and the people who were charged with watching their every move knew the moment it was fired. these are the people whose job is to inform the people who are doing other things.

In the restroom? This is not about that exact moment the missile left the launch pad, is it? These "experts" of ours thought there would be no launch, that it had been successfully delayed until maybe next month after the holidays. Well, you and others can defend them, but they were embarrassed all the same I'm sure.

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...oh god, i think there's another scandal brewing here. I'm sure there's all sorts of highly placed confidential sources confirming that bureaucrats were probably drunk and having sex on the tables while this rocket went up. Or something like that will appear on World Nut Daily, and then be quoted by all the right-wing media, and we'll have to have investigations and hearings and....oh god, will it never stop?

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Good luck N.Korea.

Stuff the UN and other control freaks.

Its OK for them to be armed to the teeth but not you.

Got balls for sure

I fully endorse your support for this small nation which includes some exceptionally talented and bright people. Not being an American citizen I was fortunate to obtain a visa to visit North Korea a few years ago. The skills of some of the young people are formidable and I found them to be very nice and courteous. It is interesting to listen to the “ other side of the story “ so to speak rather than the one-sided version which is usually fed to us through the Western media. I also find it interesting that this is yet another country where it's impossible for citizens from a small country in the Middle East with the name beginning with “ I “ to even get a visa to enter North Korea. Yes I would say they are certainly standing up for their own rights and that they have balls!

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