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23 Million Foreign Tourist Arrivals In Thailand In 2013


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Where are they all going then? it certainly aint Krabi/Ao Nang/Koh Lanta.

The continued increase in passengers at Krabi airport and their adding a second terminal to double the the passenger capacity of the airport must be due to people getting on the wrong planes. I'm guessing once they get there (by accident) they decide to stay for a spell since when I was there a few weeks ago most of the resorts I checked were fully booked on Koh Lanta.

Edit: I suspect in 2012 Krabi airport will near double the passenger traffic numbers from 2008.

2008 --- 650,000 passengers

2009 --- 679.000 passengers

2010 ---- 837,000 passengers

2011 ---- 989,000 passengers


I live in Krabi and use the airport at least 20 times annually , mainly to Bkk and then often another "statistical " point to point flight to Ubon or other domestic airports , .I normally use Thai Air Asia ....slogan "now everyone can fly " . Ticket prices often even cheaper than the bus to Bangkok and the flights are usually much more than 50 % represented by Thai nationals on business or family visits .

My point being that, just because air passenger numbers may increase , it doesn't necessarily follow that these pax are filling up the resorts and hotel rooms. Krabi feels much quieter this December than last year , but , of course , the views of people directly involved , cannot be considered when opposed by the weight of the mighty wikipedia !>

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lemoncake - In all seriousness, I do hope you the best in your business' but at some point you are going to need to adjust your views to become aware of the facts, such as the fact that your business problems are not a result of a decrease in foreign visitors because the reality is just the opposite is true. As well, occupancy rates across Thailand are up even though there has been a big increase in number of new hotel rooms available and built. If I were you, I would focus on and lean more about the changing makeup of tourists that are resulting in such a boom and adjust your business' accordingly if possible,

So are all the shops that are closing on Koh phangan and resort owners that i know that are scratching their heads apart from European holiday spurges also bad business people Nisa? There are 12 months in a year,it would be very difficult even for the likes of the old Richard Branson's out there to run business's on peak holiday spasms alone.

I have been living here 9 years and if you still want to stuff stats up peoples noses and try and tell me that tourism is booming i suggest you come down here and take a look at what's really going on.

I can tell you i live on a beach that has approx 150 bungalows on it and in May and June this year the resort of my friends had at times 3 occupied out of 28,a maximum of 10 occupied during that period.

After a busy July August ( Not as busy as year before) Sept October was back to the same 5-10 rooms. Before you now tell me my Thai friend owner needs to improve his business skills he has already achieved his MBA. The other resort owners were in the same situation with as low 10-15 occupied out of the 150!!

As we speak it currently has 5 rooms occupied but is fully booked from 26th-3rd Dec( If the weather holds out). Oh yeah that will be peak holiday times...Then it will be scratch heads time again and here my friend say "Where is everybody" and then ask my opinion. I am a retired business man at the age of 35 before you ask.

You seem to bring up a lot of facts on Thailand statistics,do you for one moment want to stop criticizing the way Lemoncake runs their business,take off your rose tinted glasses, and broaden you searches to what is going on in the Global crisis!

Edited by kohphangan
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You mean this is a slow tourist season in Thailand? 555biggrin.png There must be more people living in Thailand that post on Thai Visa other than myself. Some one tell this person what is going on.

ohhhh kelly kelly kelly ,in resort towns like Pattaya, people living in the country are not enough to fill all the bars, restaurants and hotels.

Its beyond ridicolous having debates with people who are not in business and rely SOLELY on what they read in the papers.

While no doubt they will come back with how they run huge businesses, speak thai etc etc etc, the posts speak for itself.

Last year was a bad high season, only this year its even worse, the numbers are not up, but down, irrespective of thai agency says or another agency relying on data provided by thai agency.

I read back through your posts, "I do not own all hotels in Pattaya, nor do i own all restaurants, bars and other retails outlets. Hotels are empty, restaurants are empty, bars are empty there are no people."

I don't know what you do or where you do it. I would assume you are an investor as opposed to a hands on operator and are getting your information second hand.

I certainly would not try and give you any information. You posted on another thread, " Thailand does not have a shortage of labor or skilled people, Thailand lacks work ethics and basic understanding of the meaning of the word work, along with lack of responsibility and accountability." With an attitude like that I certainly hope you are not actually managing a business in Thailand.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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lemoncake - In all seriousness, I do hope you the best in your business' but at some point you are going to need to adjust your views to become aware of the facts, such as the fact that your business problems are not a result of a decrease in foreign visitors because the reality is just the opposite is true. As well, occupancy rates across Thailand are up even though there has been a big increase in number of new hotel rooms available and built. If I were you, I would focus on and lean more about the changing makeup of tourists that are resulting in such a boom and adjust your business' accordingly if possible,

So are all the shops that are closing on Koh phangan and resort owners that i know that are scratching their heads apart from European holiday spurges also bad business people Nisa? There are 12 months in a year,it would be very difficult even for the likes of the old Richard Branson's out there to run business's on peak holiday spasms alone.

I have been living here 9 years and if you still want to stuff stats up peoples noses and try and tell me that tourism is booming i suggest you come down here and take a look at what's really going on.

I can tell you i live on a beach that has approx 150 bungalows on it and in May and June this year the resort of my friends had at times 3 occupied out of 28,a maximum of 10 occupied during that period.

After a busy July August ( Not as busy as year before) Sept October was back to the same 5-10 rooms. Before you now tell me my Thai friend owner needs to improve his business skills he has already achieved his MBA. The other resort owners were in the same situation with as low 10-15 occupied out of the 150!!

As we speak it currently has 5 rooms occupied but is fully booked from 26th-3rd Dec( If the weather holds out). Oh yeah that will be peak holiday times...Then it will be scratch heads time again and here my friend say "Where is everybody" and then ask my opinion. I am a retired business man at the age of 35 before you ask.

You seem to bring up a lot of facts on Thailand statistics,do you for one moment want to stop criticizing the way Lemoncake runs their business,take off your rose tinted glasses, and broaden you searches to what is going on in the Global crisis!

I would think the opposite. Unless you can effect what is happening around the globe why even think about it. Concentrate on the customers you do have. Good hotel consultants are not a dime a dozen. I could tell you how to ........ but not for free.smile.png

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You mean this is a slow tourist season in Thailand? 555biggrin.png There must be more people living in Thailand that post on Thai Visa other than myself. Some one tell this person what is going on.

ohhhh kelly kelly kelly ,in resort towns like Pattaya, people living in the country are not enough to fill all the bars, restaurants and hotels.

Its beyond ridicolous having debates with people who are not in business and rely SOLELY on what they read in the papers.

While no doubt they will come back with how they run huge businesses, speak thai etc etc etc, the posts speak for itself.

Last year was a bad high season, only this year its even worse, the numbers are not up, but down, irrespective of thai agency says or another agency relying on data provided by thai agency.

I read back through your posts, "I do not own all hotels in Pattaya, nor do i own all restaurants, bars and other retails outlets. Hotels are empty, restaurants are empty, bars are empty there are no people."

I don't know what you do or where you do it. I would assume you are an investor as opposed to a hands on operator and are getting your information second hand.

I certainly would not try and give you any information. You posted on another thread, " Thailand does not have a shortage of labor or skilled people, Thailand lacks work ethics and basic understanding of the meaning of the word work, along with lack of responsibility and accountability." With an attitude like that I certainly hope you are not actually managing a business in Thailand.

you would be wrong, i am hands on operator, working 7 days 16 hour days and i would suggest you get a job or a business to know what its like to manage a business in Thailand and what Thai labor is like before you start to teach me or express your opinion on what it should and could be likethumbsup.gif

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lemoncake - In all seriousness, I do hope you the best in your business' but at some point you are going to need to adjust your views to become aware of the facts, such as the fact that your business problems are not a result of a decrease in foreign visitors because the reality is just the opposite is true. As well, occupancy rates across Thailand are up even though there has been a big increase in number of new hotel rooms available and built. If I were you, I would focus on and lean more about the changing makeup of tourists that are resulting in such a boom and adjust your business' accordingly if possible,

So are all the shops that are closing on Koh phangan and resort owners that i know that are scratching their heads apart from European holiday spurges also bad business people Nisa? There are 12 months in a year,it would be very difficult even for the likes of the old Richard Branson's out there to run business's on peak holiday spasms alone.

I have been living here 9 years and if you still want to stuff stats up peoples noses and try and tell me that tourism is booming i suggest you come down here and take a look at what's really going on.

I can tell you i live on a beach that has approx 150 bungalows on it and in May and June this year the resort of my friends had at times 3 occupied out of 28,a maximum of 10 occupied during that period.

After a busy July August ( Not as busy as year before) Sept October was back to the same 5-10 rooms. Before you now tell me my Thai friend owner needs to improve his business skills he has already achieved his MBA. The other resort owners were in the same situation with as low 10-15 occupied out of the 150!!

As we speak it currently has 5 rooms occupied but is fully booked from 26th-3rd Dec( If the weather holds out). Oh yeah that will be peak holiday times...Then it will be scratch heads time again and here my friend say "Where is everybody" and then ask my opinion. I am a retired business man at the age of 35 before you ask.

You seem to bring up a lot of facts on Thailand statistics,do you for one moment want to stop criticizing the way Lemoncake runs their business,take off your rose tinted glasses, and broaden you searches to what is going on in the Global crisis!

I would think the opposite. Unless you can effect what is happening around the globe why even think about it. Concentrate on the customers you do have. Good hotel consultants are not a dime a dozen. I could tell you how to ........ but not for free.smile.png

hate to be rude, if you were to give advice it would be talking out of your arse.

not much one can do when there are no customers, yes one can remodel the business but that would require additional funds and to have additional funds one needs to have customers. Its the ABC of simple business model.

Unless of course NOW you are claiming to be a "Good hotel consultants" in which case i am prepared to pay you any price you name, however if your advice fails you agree to give me back double the amount, plus all the money i invested in making the changes

Are you happy to put your money where your mouth is?

The whole wide world and multi million dollar business going broke and here we have a TV member, a business genius who knows how to turn everything around without the customers.rolleyes.gif

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You mean this is a slow tourist season in Thailand? 555biggrin.png There must be more people living in Thailand that post on Thai Visa other than myself. Some one tell this person what is going on.

ohhhh kelly kelly kelly ,in resort towns like Pattaya, people living in the country are not enough to fill all the bars, restaurants and hotels.

Its beyond ridicolous having debates with people who are not in business and rely SOLELY on what they read in the papers.

While no doubt they will come back with how they run huge businesses, speak thai etc etc etc, the posts speak for itself.

Last year was a bad high season, only this year its even worse, the numbers are not up, but down, irrespective of thai agency says or another agency relying on data provided by thai agency.

I read back through your posts, "I do not own all hotels in Pattaya, nor do i own all restaurants, bars and other retails outlets. Hotels are empty, restaurants are empty, bars are empty there are no people."

I don't know what you do or where you do it. I would assume you are an investor as opposed to a hands on operator and are getting your information second hand.

I certainly would not try and give you any information. You posted on another thread, " Thailand does not have a shortage of labor or skilled people, Thailand lacks work ethics and basic understanding of the meaning of the word work, along with lack of responsibility and accountability." With an attitude like that I certainly hope you are not actually managing a business in Thailand.

you would be wrong, i am hands on operator, working 7 days 16 hour days and i would suggest you get a job or a business to know what its like to manage a business in Thailand and what Thai labor is like before you start to teach me or express your opinion on what it should and could be likethumbsup.gif

I managed a very successful business in Thailand with over 200 employees in 1968smile.png . But like I said I would not try and give you any information.

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I managed a very successful business in Thailand with over 200 employees in 1968smile.png . But like I said I would not try and give you any information.

welcome to 21st centurythumbsup.gif

Mark Twain was also VERY successful but turned bankrupt in 1894

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I managed a very successful business in Thailand with over 200 employees in 1968smile.png . But like I said I would not try and give you any information.

welcome to 21st centurythumbsup.gif

Mark Twain was also VERY successful but turned bankrupt in 1894

Yup you are right I'm an old timer. I was the protege of Kemmons Wilson. I learned a lot from the man. But you probably know a lot more. I certainly would not begin to tell you about tourism. After Holiday Inns I worked for Hilton. But that was a long time ago. I am sure you are better equipped and experienced to handle the modern market. Before I was 30 I ran the 5th most profitable Holiday Inn in the World. You know how? I'm sure you do.....smile.png

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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I managed a very successful business in Thailand with over 200 employees in 1968smile.png . But like I said I would not try and give you any information.

welcome to 21st centurythumbsup.gif

Mark Twain was also VERY successful but turned bankrupt in 1894

Yup you are right I'm an old timer. I was the protege of Kemmons Wilson. I learned a lot from the man. But you probably know a lot more. I certainly would not begin to tell you about tourism. After Holiday Inns I worked for Hilton. But that was a long time ago. I am sure you are better equipped and experienced to handle the modern market. Before I was 30 I ran the 5th most profitable Holiday Inn in the World. You know how? I'm sure you do.....smile.png

Really and i though Hilton just came to Thailand a few years ago and great to hear you ran 5th most profitable Holiday Inn in the world 40 odd years ago, would you like to know what i did at 21?

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I managed a very successful business in Thailand with over 200 employees in 1968smile.png . But like I said I would not try and give you any information.

welcome to 21st centurythumbsup.gif

Mark Twain was also VERY successful but turned bankrupt in 1894

Yup you are right I'm an old timer. I was the protege of Kemmons Wilson. I learned a lot from the man. But you probably know a lot more. I certainly would not begin to tell you about tourism. After Holiday Inns I worked for Hilton. But that was a long time ago. I am sure you are better equipped and experienced to handle the modern market. Before I was 30 I ran the 5th most profitable Holiday Inn in the World. You know how? I'm sure you do.....smile.png

Really and i though Hilton just came to Thailand a few years ago and great to hear you ran 5th most profitable Holiday Inn in the world 40 odd years ago, would you like to know what i did at 21?

I am not sure, if I admire or pitty you, to stand up to these two patronizing bullies....

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hate to be rude, if you were to give advice it would be talking out of your arse.

not much one can do when there are no customers, yes one can remodel the business but that would require additional funds and to have additional funds one needs to have customers. Its the ABC of simple business model.

Unless of course NOW you are claiming to be a "Good hotel consultants" in which case i am prepared to pay you any price you name, however if your advice fails you agree to give me back double the amount, plus all the money i invested in making the changes

Are you happy to put your money where your mouth is?

The whole wide world and multi million dollar business going broke and here we have a TV member, a business genius who knows how to turn everything around without the customers.rolleyes.gif

Your business attitude us one that is almost a guarantee for failure ... "not much one can do when there are no customers" ????? The first thing you need to do is realize there are an abundance of customers and that the outlook continues to be incredibly strong from investors both international and local who are pouring money into building new hotels to support the current and future demand. Your know it all attitude and refusal to believe that Thailand is a top destination for foreign visitors that is seeing big increases is certainly a major factor preventing you from addressing your business failures. Maybe if you offer a quality product then you should use the same logic and fairness you expect of others and promote your place as a place where folks can stay for free if not satisfied. Having a business fail is not uncommon and most business people experience this but the ones who later become successful learn from "their" mistakes and your mistake clearly is not understanding the market and specifically that tourism is not on a decline but actually on a great incline.You business failure may have to do with increased competition or different make up of tourists or a number of other facts but one thing without a doubt it doesn't have to do with is a decrease in foreign visitors to Thailand because there is no reasonable person who cares to examine facts who would believes this to be the case.

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hate to be rude, if you were to give advice it would be talking out of your arse.

not much one can do when there are no customers, yes one can remodel the business but that would require additional funds and to have additional funds one needs to have customers. Its the ABC of simple business model.

Unless of course NOW you are claiming to be a "Good hotel consultants" in which case i am prepared to pay you any price you name, however if your advice fails you agree to give me back double the amount, plus all the money i invested in making the changes

Are you happy to put your money where your mouth is?

The whole wide world and multi million dollar business going broke and here we have a TV member, a business genius who knows how to turn everything around without the customers.rolleyes.gif

Your business attitude us one that is almost a guarantee for failure ... "not much one can do when there are no customers" ????? The first thing you need to do is realize there are an abundance of customers and that the outlook continues to be incredibly strong from investors both international and local who are pouring money into building new hotels to support the current and future demand. Your know it all attitude and refusal to believe that Thailand is a top destination for foreign visitors that is seeing big increases is certainly a major factor preventing you from addressing your business failures. Maybe if you offer a quality product then you should use the same logic and fairness you expect of others and promote your place as a place where folks can stay for free if not satisfied. Having a business fail is not uncommon and most business people experience this but the ones who later become successful learn from "their" mistakes and your mistake clearly is not understanding the market and specifically that tourism is not on a decline but actually on a great incline.You business failure may have to do with increased competition or different make up of tourists or a number of other facts but one thing without a doubt it doesn't have to do with is a decrease in foreign visitors to Thailand because there is no reasonable person who cares to examine facts who would believes this to be the case.

lol, Nisa please go back to posting useless links. you really do not have a clue what you talking about and i have already proven that for you, ONLY you seem to fail to understand that

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I am not sure, if I admire or pitty you, to stand up to these two patronizing bullies....

better you admire me, because i am beginning to pity myselftongue.png , we have a business genius and useless links man with advice on how to run business only he/she never ran a hotel in Thailand, from memory Nisa was a restaurant manager back in US according to his posts from a while back, though his/her profession may have changed over time on TV

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Just a few of the folks involved in the conspiracy to fool everyone into believing foreign visitors to Thailand continues to rise substantially and not in the decline .... TAT, Thai Immigration, Thai Airports, Thai Airlines, Foreign Airlines, Foreign Airports, Foreign Governments agencies reporting the number of citizens who go to Thailand, Tourism organizations both domestic and foreign, Major hotels both domestic and foreign, domestic and foreign investors pouring money into tourism related developments, foreign and domestic construction companies building in Thailand to support the tourism growth.

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Just a few of the folks involved in the conspiracy to fool everyone into believing foreign visitors to Thailand continues to rise substantially and not in the decline .... TAT, Thai Immigration, Thai Airports, Thai Airlines, Foreign Airlines, Foreign Airports, Foreign Governments agencies reporting the number of citizens who go to Thailand, Tourism organizations both domestic and foreign, Major hotels both domestic and foreign, domestic and foreign investors pouring money into tourism related developments, foreign and domestic construction companies building in Thailand to support the tourism growth.

You just do not know when you quit do you?rolleyes.gif

Just few hours ago Thai Airways posted that they expected profit of 700million , which is way off short from predicted, not to mention losses last year. a number of foreign airlines cut off the routes and decreased the number of flight.

Now, why do not you follow your suit and post a few links to hotels pouring money into tourism developments ?not money into remodeling trying to stay afloat but money into expansion

Also do enlighten me what does construction have to do with tourism?

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I am not sure, if I admire or pitty you, to stand up to these two patronizing bullies....

better you admire me, because i am beginning to pity myselftongue.png , we have a business genius and useless links man with advice on how to run business only he/she never ran a hotel in Thailand, from memory Nisa was a restaurant manager back in US according to his posts from a while back, though his/her profession may have changed over time on TV

Is there not one thing you have any knowledge about? Restaurant manager??? My experience with restaurants is eating in them. Bottom line is whatever makes your boat float and if you want to believe your business is failing because tourism in Thailand is drying up then more power to you. A number of us have tried to give you obvious advice and reality check and although we may be be current or former successful business owners, none of this info requires owning a business or even having a business degree. It simply involves not blaming your business failures on a lack of tourism or international visitors when the "indisputable facts" are that the number of international visitors is and continues to trend up and has for a long time ... all of this is fairly easily to verify but it seems apparent you have no wish to do any of this and are determined to accept your loss of customers is beyond your control and are the fault of Thailand's lack of ability to attract visitors. So be it and this is your decision.

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I am not sure, if I admire or pitty you, to stand up to these two patronizing bullies....

better you admire me, because i am beginning to pity myselftongue.png , we have a business genius and useless links man with advice on how to run business only he/she never ran a hotel in Thailand, from memory Nisa was a restaurant manager back in US according to his posts from a while back, though his/her profession may have changed over time on TV

Is there not one thing you have any knowledge about? Restaurant manager??? My experience with restaurants is eating in them. Bottom line is whatever makes your boat float and if you want to believe your business is failing because tourism in Thailand is drying up then more power to you. A number of us have tried to give you obvious advice and reality check and although we may be be current or former successful business owners, none of this info requires owning a business or even having a business degree. It simply involves not blaming your business failures on a lack of tourism or international visitors when the "indisputable facts" are that the number of international visitors is and continues to trend up and has for a long time ... all of this is fairly easily to verify but it seems apparent you have no wish to do any of this and are determined to accept your loss of customers is beyond your control and are the fault of Thailand's lack of ability to attract visitors. So be it and this is your decision.

a number of us?cheesy.gif

"indisputable facts" cheesy.gif

Now you are simply trolling

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Just a few of the folks involved in the conspiracy to fool everyone into believing foreign visitors to Thailand continues to rise substantially and not in the decline .... TAT, Thai Immigration, Thai Airports, Thai Airlines, Foreign Airlines, Foreign Airports, Foreign Governments agencies reporting the number of citizens who go to Thailand, Tourism organizations both domestic and foreign, Major hotels both domestic and foreign, domestic and foreign investors pouring money into tourism related developments, foreign and domestic construction companies building in Thailand to support the tourism growth.

You just do not know when you quit do you?rolleyes.gif

Just few hours ago Thai Airways posted that they expected profit of 700million , which is way off short from predicted, not to mention losses last year. a number of foreign airlines cut off the routes and decreased the number of flight.

Now, why do not you follow your suit and post a few links to hotels pouring money into tourism developments ?not money into remodeling trying to stay afloat but money into expansion

Also do enlighten me what does construction have to do with tourism?

It is great to see you do believe some things written by Thais even if it is just to help feed a non-reality based doom and gloom position. Do you really not understand how a business operates in terms of revenue versus profit or in this case what would be relevant is number of passengers declining or increasing?

Operating Results for October 2012 The THAI Board of Directors acknowledged the Company’s good operating performance for October 2012, with an increase in passengers carried from 1.58 million in September 2012 to 1.71 million in October 2012 or an increase of 8.2% and an increase from the same period last year of 11.0 percent.

Thai Airways Passenger totals

2012 - - 15,229,000 (Jan. thru Sep.)

2011 - - 18,398,000 (entire year )

Even if you were to ignore the fact the high season is missing for 2012 and just used an average it is very clear the number of passengers will be substantially more this year than previous years.

December 14, 2012 . .
Asian carriers up Bangkok flights
Edited by Nisa
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Just a few of the folks involved in the conspiracy to fool everyone into believing foreign visitors to Thailand continues to rise substantially and not in the decline .... TAT, Thai Immigration, Thai Airports, Thai Airlines, Foreign Airlines, Foreign Airports, Foreign Governments agencies reporting the number of citizens who go to Thailand, Tourism organizations both domestic and foreign, Major hotels both domestic and foreign, domestic and foreign investors pouring money into tourism related developments, foreign and domestic construction companies building in Thailand to support the tourism growth.

You just do not know when you quit do you?rolleyes.gif

Just few hours ago Thai Airways posted that they expected profit of 700million , which is way off short from predicted, not to mention losses last year. a number of foreign airlines cut off the routes and decreased the number of flight.

Now, why do not you follow your suit and post a few links to hotels pouring money into tourism developments ?not money into remodeling trying to stay afloat but money into expansion

Also do enlighten me what does construction have to do with tourism?

It is great to see you do believe some things written by Thais even if it is just to help feed an non-reality based doom and gloom position. Do you really not understand how a business operates in terms of revenue versus profit or in this case what would be relevant is number of passengers declining or increasing?

Operating Results for October 2012 The THAI Board of Directors acknowledged the Company’s good operating performance for October 2012, with an increase in passengers carried from 1.58 million in September 2012 to 1.71 million in October 2012 or an increase of 8.2% and an increase from the same period last year of 11.0 percent.

Thai Airways International expects to report net profit of Bt700 million this year, which is below its previous projections.

However, the national carrier is satisfied with its result at a time of uncertain outlook for the aviation industry.


SAS dismantles route to Bangkok


THAI axes non-stop to US

from a website which can not be quoted



Edited by lemoncake
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Just a few of the folks involved in the conspiracy to fool everyone into believing foreign visitors to Thailand continues to rise substantially and not in the decline .... TAT, Thai Immigration, Thai Airports, Thai Airlines, Foreign Airlines, Foreign Airports, Foreign Governments agencies reporting the number of citizens who go to Thailand, Tourism organizations both domestic and foreign, Major hotels both domestic and foreign, domestic and foreign investors pouring money into tourism related developments, foreign and domestic construction companies building in Thailand to support the tourism growth.

You just do not know when you quit do you?rolleyes.gif

Just few hours ago Thai Airways posted that they expected profit of 700million , which is way off short from predicted, not to mention losses last year. a number of foreign airlines cut off the routes and decreased the number of flight.

Now, why do not you follow your suit and post a few links to hotels pouring money into tourism developments ?not money into remodeling trying to stay afloat but money into expansion

Also do enlighten me what does construction have to do with tourism?

It is great to see you do believe some things written by Thais even if it is just to help feed an non-reality based doom and gloom position. Do you really not understand how a business operates in terms of revenue versus profit or in this case what would be relevant is number of passengers declining or increasing?

Operating Results for October 2012 The THAI Board of Directors acknowledged the Company’s good operating performance for October 2012, with an increase in passengers carried from 1.58 million in September 2012 to 1.71 million in October 2012 or an increase of 8.2% and an increase from the same period last year of 11.0 percent.

Thai Airways International expects to report net profit of Bt700 million this year, which is below its previous projections.

However, the national carrier is satisfied with its result at a time of uncertain outlook for the aviation industry.


SAS dismantles route to Bangkok


THAI axes non-stop to US

from a website which can not be quoted



Really guy ... I thought you were a business man. Did you read any of these articles or look at their dates?

Your Thai airways link has already been addressed to show you they will have a substantial increase in passengers this year and that profit is derived from income versus expenses and not based solely on passengers (example: buying new planes is an expense)

First link states it is only talk and is a flight from Copenhagen which states they are having a hard time competing with other airlines. As has been told to you repeatedly here, the make up of foreign visitors is changing dramatically and Asians make up the overwhelming number of visitors now as their number have increased HUGELY while some European countries have decreased or not seen much improvement.

As for the 2nd and 3rd link - why not read the story from 2008 as the non-stop to NY was generally full and other flights being cancelled are outbound flights.

Despite having almost full capacity for the New York route which started in May, 2005, the airline said it would lose about 120 million baht a year (about US$3.55 million) as the Airbus A340-500s with 275 seats need more than 210,000 litres of fuel for the 13,000km journey .... Thai AirAsia had cancelled its weekly flight
Xiamen, China due to lack of passengers, reduced daily flights
Yangon to four a week but still plans to fly to Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China in the next few months.

Again - here is a link just from this month ...

Asian carriers up Bangkok flights .

Use some common sense .. you can't see the increase in number of flights and passengers to BKK that has been seen over the years if their is some trend for airlines to be lacking passengers.

Edited by Nisa
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lemoncake - enough is enough as this is just getting silly. Clearly you are not going to believe the number of foreign visitors are increasing let alone not in a state of huge decline causing business failures all around, including yours. I too am not going to ignore all the data and facts to believe tourism has dropped significantly in Thailand let alone has not been trending up for a very long time. So, really no point in going on about all these side issues of data that don't mean a lot taken individually even if they do point to these entities experiencing growth due to increased travelers ... the facts are out there and not hard to find as well as data from numerous sources to back the numbers up.

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lemoncake - enough is enough as this is just getting silly. Clearly you are not going to believe the number of foreign visitors are increasing let alone not in a state of huge decline causing business failures all around, including yours. I too am not going to ignore all the data and facts to believe tourism has dropped significantly in Thailand let alone has not been trending up for a very long time. So, really no point in going on about all these side issues of data that don't mean a lot taken individually even if they do point to these entities experiencing growth due to increased travelers ... the facts are out there and not hard to find as well as data from numerous sources to back the numbers up.

I see, so when I show you "links" and "stats" which you do not like, it becomes irrelevant but your never ending drivel based on your imagination is spot on?

When you get some real experience and get back in touch with reality we can talk, until then please stop trolling and posting nonsense.

I myself along with a few others are pretty bored of it by now

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I managed a very successful business in Thailand with over 200 employees in 1968smile.png . But like I said I would not try and give you any information.

welcome to 21st centurythumbsup.gif

Mark Twain was also VERY successful but turned bankrupt in 1894

Yup you are right I'm an old timer. I was the protege of Kemmons Wilson. I learned a lot from the man. But you probably know a lot more. I certainly would not begin to tell you about tourism. After Holiday Inns I worked for Hilton. But that was a long time ago. I am sure you are better equipped and experienced to handle the modern market. Before I was 30 I ran the 5th most profitable Holiday Inn in the World. You know how? I'm sure you do.....smile.png

Really and i though Hilton just came to Thailand a few years ago and great to hear you ran 5th most profitable Holiday Inn in the world 40 odd years ago, would you like to know what i did at 21?

I don't think I mentioned where I worked for Holiday Inns or Hilton. But I do know what you did at 21 had nothing to do with the hospitality industry or tourism.smile.png

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cmk you've jumped at lemoncake thinking he was about to say he worked in the tourism/hospitality industry at 21. Suckered in!!

I've concluded that there are only two people posting on this thread who know what they are talking about, chiangmaikelly (3272 posts), and Nisa (5601 posts). Would all others please abstain from posting because your posts are irrelevant.

It's regrettable that there are trolls on the internet who have little/nothing else to do but present contrary opinions to EVERYTHING. They would attract a degree of credibility if they occasionally posted a contrary opinion, or even a constructive opinion, but incessantly arguing with ANY opinion with which they don't agree is tedious.

Perhaps cmk and Nisa are one and the same? Married? Nah, a marriage with two like them wouldn't last five minutes.

Let me say in conclusion that government departments falsify figures, and use creative accounting, constantly. In Australia a person needs to work only a couple of days a month to be considered fully employed, crime figures are adjusted down to take account of reduced police figures, and on it goes. Blind naivety is not a good quality.

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cmk you've jumped at lemoncake thinking he was about to say he worked in the tourism/hospitality industry at 21. Suckered in!!

I've concluded that there are only two people posting on this thread who know what they are talking about, chiangmaikelly (3272 posts), and Nisa (5601 posts). Would all others please abstain from posting because your posts are irrelevant.

It's regrettable that there are trolls on the internet who have little/nothing else to do but present contrary opinions to EVERYTHING. They would attract a degree of credibility if they occasionally posted a contrary opinion, or even a constructive opinion, but incessantly arguing with ANY opinion with which they don't agree is tedious.

Perhaps cmk and Nisa are one and the same? Married? Nah, a marriage with two like them wouldn't last five minutes.

Let me say in conclusion that government departments falsify figures, and use creative accounting, constantly. In Australia a person needs to work only a couple of days a month to be considered fully employed, crime figures are adjusted down to take account of reduced police figures, and on it goes. Blind naivety is not a good quality.

So who's using creative figures? In Oz to be considered fully employed it's 20 hours a week. If over 55 & want to claim Newstart payments have to undertake a minimum of 15 hours a week in a volunteer position e.g. life saving

Edited by simple1
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cmk you've jumped at lemoncake thinking he was about to say he worked in the tourism/hospitality industry at 21. Suckered in!! I've concluded that there are only two people posting on this thread who know what they are talking about, chiangmaikelly (3272 posts), and Nisa (5601 posts). Would all others please abstain from posting because your posts are irrelevant.It's regrettable that there are trolls on the internet who have little/nothing else to do but present contrary opinions to EVERYTHING. They would attract a degree of credibility if they occasionally posted a contrary opinion, or even a constructive opinion, but incessantly arguing with ANY opinion with which they don't agree is tedious.Perhaps cmk and Nisa are one and the same? Married? Nah, a marriage with two like them wouldn't last five minutes.Let me say in conclusion that government departments falsify figures, and use creative accounting, constantly. In Australia a person needs to work only a couple of days a month to be considered fully employed, crime figures are adjusted down to take account of reduced police figures, and on it goes. Blind naivety is not a good quality.
Heavens no. No way Lemon could have worked in the hospitality industry for anyone but himself and that unlikely at 21.smile.png You get the feel for people in the industry and he has never been there before.

Can you imagine if Nelson had concentrated on the negatives at Trafalgar. Any successful person has negatives but concentrates on the positives or makes positives out of negatives. Every year in Thailand a lot of restaurants and hotels and bars go broke and close. A lot more stay open. Go to the most successful place in town and watch what they are doing or sit in your own bar and moan about no business, no customers, everyone is going broke.smile.png

I owned a steak house in a small Texas town; no business. I went door to door asking people to come eat at my restaurant. I went to the local church and asked the minister to come eat at my place. He asked why should I eat at your restaurant instead of the one across the street? I told him because I cared enough about his business to come ask for it and I would take care of his business and I would give him cash for every one of his flock that he brought in to eat on Sunday.smile.png Ya, me and the minister prospered. I have never complained about business. I never told anyone business was anything but great. That's because I have been in the hospitality business all of my life. No one likes a complainer not in a bar or hotel or restaurant. I could have added 10 new customers working this thread if I wanted to. But then again..... what do I know.biggrin.png

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I don't think I mentioned where I worked for Holiday Inns or Hilton. But I do know what you did at 21 had nothing to do with the hospitality industry or tourism.smile.png

but on another thread you said you have been in Thailand for over 40 years and on this thread also said you ran successful business in 1968, hard to keep up with the lies huh?rolleyes.gif

I am glad you now also have a crystal ball to know what i did at 21, considering you have no idea how old i am nowblink.png

Keep on trollingthumbsup.gif

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I don't think I mentioned where I worked for Holiday Inns or Hilton. But I do know what you did at 21 had nothing to do with the hospitality industry or tourism.smile.png

but on another thread you said you have been in Thailand for over 40 years and on this thread also said you ran successful business in 1968, hard to keep up with the lies huh?rolleyes.gif

I am glad you now also have a crystal ball to know what i did at 21, considering you have no idea how old i am nowblink.png

Keep on trollingthumbsup.gif

No you read it wrong. I said I was first in Thailand 40 years ago. I worked for the US Army in Thailand 40 years ago. I managed a successful business for the US Army that employed Thais.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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