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Tea Money Taken At Kap Choeng Immigration Office

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So you and a few others think because it was only 100b it was a waste of time, So do I have to wait until it goes up 3,100B like quoted in Samui?

Another reply suggesting that next time the officer will remember me and make things difficult for me.

Maybe so, but it is equally as likely if I said nothing then the next time he remembers me and thinks ok he not say nothing before now II go for 2,500B or more.

Where does it stop?

Complaining (in a calm way) just might bring corruption down a fraction of percent, not complaing and putting up with stuff like this will only make things worse.

I appreciate that I/we will never win the wa,r but if we all stand tall just a little bit sometimes, then it just might help.

As I have said before it is my money to give away if I feel like doing so, not for others to take it.

Also my post was also meant to be informative to those that have to use the same immigration office. But this could next be found in another office as the staff do move about.

What has Samui got to do with your OP? You chose to make a stand and make a office flunky lose face. All for 100 baht. Big deal. Will you bring the correct change next year or continue to tilt at windmills?

Your post indeed is informative and is appreciated. In the same way that another member pointed out NOT having this problem at the same office. I posted that I waived the 100 baht change when asked in another office only for someone else to say his change was returned without question at that same office. All very informative but absolutely not an exclusive expose of rampant corruption is it?.... someone will come along shortly with that twaddle about 'evil' and 'good men doing nothing'. Put it this way, if I had made the folly of living in Samui and faced with their open extortion, I would be up in arms. However, I don't and unless you are about to move there, then it's a moot point.

For every single farang with 100 baht's worth of issues over Thailand's ingrained and officially condoned graft by government staff, there's hundreds of thousands of Thai's that are forking out millions DAILY just for some office flunky's to turn a blind eye, expedite a procedure or just do their job. Let the Thai's sort it out, if they care to.

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'Tea Money'..... far too nice a term for systematical extortion, bribery and theft by government employees. We're not Thais and don't have to sugar coat it.

Title should be 'Theft by Immigration official at Kap Choeng Immigration'.

Let's make it more general:

'Theft by Immigration officials.'

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I guess we are tighter minded up here in Chiang Mai. I hand over exactly 1,900 Baht because that's the fee.

That is correct.

At Chiang Mai Immigration, visa applicants are supposed to hand over the correct amounts of fees, as Immigration are not obliged to give change.

One solution is to hand over the exact fees and if asked for more, only need to say; sorry, this is all the money I have on me.

This is what I now do following the extension of stay before last at Maptaput where the IO initially "conveniently" forgot to hand me the 100 THB change for the 2,000 THB payment I had made. Fortunately this was subsequently given to me without any ado following words from wifey.

The OP may wish to consider getting his own back over the Kap Choeng "crooks" this time next year through an exact payment of the required fee solely in 25-satang coins.......

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'Tea Money'..... far too nice a term for systematical extortion, bribery and theft by government employees. We're not Thais and don't have to sugar coat it.

Title should be 'Theft by Immigration official at Kap Choeng Immigration'.

Let's make it more general:

'Theft by Immigration officials.'

'Blatant Theft of your money by Thai Immigration Officials'?

'Blatant Theft of your money by Royal Thai Immigration Officials'?

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In Jomtien immigration there is a Thai official whom regurlarly takes 'tips' for special service. For example I went for my visa extention last week and there was a queue. Has I was waiting he would cut in and bring Thai wife with her farang husband and tell the extention official to look after these people ahead of the queue. I made me angry at the injustice of it all. But Thailand is that way...one service for the rich and another for the unfortunates who did not make it!

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The price for good service? No it is not, it is the price for actually doing their job and not screwing with you. The public servants receive a decent wage, job security, have a good pension plus freebies on flights, power etc. So you are paying extortion so you can get a smile and not be messed ariound, not sure how one views that in a positive light. The burearcracy are parasites that use the power the government gives them to extort money from both us and expecially the Thais, they are a leech on the working population, and contribute nothing what so ever to society or the ecomomy.

Pay it for convenience if you wish but please don't try and put a positive spin on institutional extortion.

Really? local governmet counter staff get "free flights" and a "decent salary"?

Yeh, really? How much do they make?

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At Jomtien Immigration they ask if I want "express service" on my non-immigrant-O marriage visa. For this I don't have to stand in line, they guarantee my paperwork is good (requirements change annually) and generally everything is smooth. The "express service" fee is of course paid in a plain envelope to the processor.

This "fee" has been going up every year, it started at 6000 baht and 6 years later it is up to 10000 baht. I thought it was normal. The only way I can avoid it is to apply for my visa so early even they can see no reason to rush it (usually 45 days or more before it expires).

I figured that was normal business here in Thailand. I don't really care about the money and it always speeds up the process.

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I strongly agree with poorsucker,

I paid mine every year for 7,000 baht under table in samui.

And i know the bill is only 1,900 baht.

But they hv to share it until to the Head of the southern immigration offfice in hatyai.

So many roadblocks to pay, before you can passsssssss through

This is amazing thailand.

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Wonder how much the officers have to should *ahem* donate during the interview process to get those postings. rolleyes.gif

And there's people wondering why hundreds of Royal Thai Police applicants were caught paying 300,000b (about 3 years of their starting salary) just to pass the entrance exam.

It absolutely isn't a society that's rotten to the core though. Absolutely not.

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The only way I can avoid it is to apply for my visa so early even they can see no reason to rush it (usually 45 days or more before it expires).

That particular option is, unfortunately, not available for those of us who use other immigration offices, where the 30-day rule applies.

Better start saving up those 25-satang coins for my next extension then. 7,600 of the little perishers should do just fine smile.png

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No it is not Theft

"When it came for time to pay, the officer said 2,000B. I said nothing at first wondering if it had gone up from the 1,900 but thinking to myself I just watched someone else do their visa and handed over 1,900B to another officer. When he gave me a receipt for 1,900B"

its ok 100 Bt no problem

Yes, if it is only around half the day's minimum wage for that area it isn't theft. Only if it's a lot. :rolleyes:

Wonder how many hours the labourers in the building sites nearby have to sweat and toll for, for the money the officer stole from the OP.

Do people really believe that dishonesty and theft is not dishonesty and theft in the amounts are small to them? :huh:

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One of the more efficient and friendly ladies working the desks at Udon Immigration habitually asks people handing over 2000 baht for the 1900 baht service if they want the change. Some of the punters (on another forum) call it a rip-off, others, like myself, consider it small change for good service (and good repeat service). I haven't been here too long and wear rose-coloured glasses, neither am I a Thai apologist. I would suggest that if one already knows that the cost is 1900 baht and doesn't want to appear to condone minor graft, then make the effort and bring the exact change. Those that come on a horse, want to change the way things are done here, don't mind making a noise and embarrassing their partners, please carry on.

Sent from the edge of the moobahn with an Asus eePad Transformer TF201 thingumabob.

"...come in on a horse." Nutso!!! We are not talking about someone trying to extricate themselves from an infraction. You are implying that someone who resents being held-up, robbed, extorted for pete's sake is taking a high and mighty attitude. BS!!!
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Where does it stop?

As you can see some posters are paying 10k in some parts of the Land of Smiles.

So it won't.

Give an inch, take a mile. TAT's should be slogan. Perhaps the OP can expect for it to have risen from 100b to 1000b when he goes next year, as most people were just handing it over.

No wonder so many Thais consider us to be thick stupid.

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The basis of the OP is the assumption of the official to take the 100 baht change without asking. Outside the arguments about condoning and feeding Thai corruption, I agree that this officials action is just plain ignorant.

Regarding those in Samui, Jomtien and elsewhere paying exorbitant 'express' fees on the (mis)understanding that this is normal, I further agree that these applicants actions are also just plain ignorant.

Knowing that that the fee is 1900 baht and offering 2000 baht in the hope that the official will try to misappropriate the change and hence initiate some dialog where change is returned and 'face' is lost is also just plain ignorant.

Paying the exact amount is very smart and quite a lot easier (even to type about!)

Paying the exact amount in 25 satang coins... Can you let me know the date and time as I would like a ringside seat.

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Lao Tseu said, very long time ago, 'Let the people be, it evolves on its own'.

And I have now no energy to help the Thai people evolve.

Lao Tseu might have been right.

I used to be charged 200 bahts in Phuket town for my 90 days reporting. The immigration officer would just slip the money in his shirt pocket, no hiding there. In the last 2 years, this practice has stopped.

Appears that there is a fear in some offices (quite recent as it is) to ask for tea money.

Same for tea money for police services.

But then maybe some of you people might have been instrumental in instilling this fear related to tea money, as Lao Tseu predicted.

But I just followed his advice

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For all my huffing and puffing about it, I was stopped for going over an overpass on my motorbike (signed no bikes). They wouldn't accept my 200b cash and I actually had to go all the way to the police station and pay 400.

I was livid. :D

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Your post number 59 here:

'Tea Money'..... far too nice a term for systematical extortion, bribery and theft by government employees. We're not Thais and don't have to sugar coat it.

Title should be 'Theft by Immigration official at Kap Choeng Immigration'.

But on your post number 78, you appear unhappy that tea money would not be accepted.

Is there something that I am missing.

But do not get me wrong, if I can get a better service by adding some bahts to it, I will do it. Not sure about my reaction if it would be 3,100 bahts though,

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One of the more efficient and friendly ladies working the desks at Udon Immigration habitually asks people handing over 2000 baht for the 1900 baht service if they want the change. Some of the punters (on another forum) call it a rip-off, others, like myself, consider it small change for good service (and good repeat service). I haven't been here too long and wear rose-coloured glasses, neither am I a Thai apologist. I would suggest that if one already knows that the cost is 1900 baht and doesn't want to appear to condone minor graft, then make the effort and bring the exact change. Those that come on a horse, want to change the way things are done here, don't mind making a noise and embarrassing their partners, please carry on.

Sent from the edge of the moobahn with an Asus eePad Transformer TF201 thingumabob.

As the Thai immigration officers are actually part of Royal Thai Police Force one would not expect this sort of blatant action. Basically theft, and if I had done same then would have looked at a stiff penalty. If he had asked for a tip then that is different and though I would hav,e thought it a cheek for asking would have said keep the change or if as you stated is done at another office asked if you wanted the change, then I would have said 'No, keep it' I agree it is a small price to pay for a good service. But the money is mine to give not for him to take. Rose coloured glasses are ok but sometime one has to make a stand because if not it will not be 100B but multiples of that amount next time such as 5,000B as quoted by another forum member.

As suggested by 'Poorsucker' next time I will attach an envelope to the paperwork marked 'Visa Fee 1,900B' and would suggest others do the same.

Meanwhile are you suggesting that when one is quoted a price for service or goods you should then pay more but be happy you are given a receipt for the quoted price?

As the Thai Immigration officers are actually part of the Royal Thai Police Force, one would not expect this sort of blatent action. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Just got ere then ?

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One of the more efficient and friendly ladies working the desks at Udon Immigration habitually asks people handing over 2000 baht for the 1900 baht service if they want the change. Some of the punters (on another forum) call it a rip-off, others, like myself, consider it small change for good service (and good repeat service). I haven't been here too long and wear rose-coloured glasses, neither am I a Thai apologist. I would suggest that if one already knows that the cost is 1900 baht and doesn't want to appear to condone minor graft, then make the effort and bring the exact change. Those that come on a horse, want to change the way things are done here, don't mind making a noise and embarrassing their partners, please carry on. Sent from the edge of the moobahn with an Asus eePad Transformer TF201 thingumabob.
The OP may have stood up for his rights just for the principle, but remember that the staff at Immigration have long memories. If you believe that all the hassle is worth it for 100 baht, then go and get em, lay it on the line and ride em high, cowboy.
Oh come on....100 bht!! Whats that, $2,50 or something? You're not living in England now you know. Think yourself lucky Thailand doesn't have the same visa laws as your country. Think of the extra money as "VIP service charge".
I like the corruption aspect it adds more fun to mundane tasks,I mean would you honestly rather be able to deal with immigration say online at home with the click of ones mouse as opposed to taking the odd day trip now and again to prove your ilk.

You four people are what have been called enablers. Enablers are people who let slide things which should be corrected on the spot, like a child's tantrum in public, or a police bribe.

Because of your immoral and infantile attitude, the rest of us end up paying and doing more.

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Well done for noticing my point...

Though perhaps not understanding it.


And you would not care to enlighten me.....


Systematic Government Officer corruption is absolutely despicable. Totally abhorrent. When it is against us and costs us money.

When it favours and saves us money though... yes Sir officer, that will do nicely thank you very much. whistling.gif

Like me, I doubt the most vocal of protesters declines the offer of 200b on the spot in favour of having to travel to the police station to pay 400b when caught violating (or not) the traffic laws.

Edited by cbrer
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Systematic Government Officer corruption is absolutely despicable. Totally abhorrent. When it is against us.

When it favours us though and saves us money... whistling.gif

Well, thanks.

But corruption does not possess a specific vector as I understand it.

Sometimes on our side,,,and sometimes not.

I accept it the way it is. (Preferably on my side, as it was in one instance anyway)

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Ill never risk not getting my yearly Extension for a 100 baht note... you would be kicking yourself and feel so bad if you didnt get a visa and all for 100 baht...Its no different to paying a 200 baht fine to the corrupt police that stop you in your car.. yes its wrong but 100 baht for either a life in Thailand or back where you where born.. you choose

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Perhaps you could pay some tea money to a member in order to show you how to use the quote function.

Ok, who should I send the tea money to?

I used only one quote in this new topic.

Then my quota was already reached.

So I post in a different method. My apologies.

Perhaps a Mod got annoyed at me b4. Quite understandably, as you would think.

But certainly not on this topic, as I just make sure my posts are as gentlemanly as yours.

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