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Non-Religious On The Rise In England And Wales As Christianity Declines


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England has changed,and continues to change. Where I live many Pubs have shut,Social clubs are closing as well,not enough young members joining. Brits don't drink any more,and the ones that do tend to move abroad,where the booze is cheaper.

Many closed Pubs reopen as,Indian,chinees take aways or restaurants,and Tesco express supermarkets,or corner shop supermarkets.

The old England is certainly dieing out,discussion in public about this is Verbotten.

What on Earth are you wittering on about?

Discussion of the closure of pubs etc. is certainly not 'Verbotten!' Hardly a week goes by without an article in a newspaper or item on the radio or TV about this issue.

The reason why so many pubs are closing has nothing to do with immigration or religion; it is mainly due to the fact that people are buying cheap booze from supermarkets and drinking at home.

If you think Brits don't drink any more I suggest you visit the check out at any supermarket and see how many customers have cases of cheap booze in their trolleys, or visit any urban town centre on a Friday or Saturday night.

Drinking is not dying out in the UK; on the contrary, binge drinking and extreme drunkenness, particularly amongst the young, is a major problem in many areas.

As for Brits moving abroad because their local has closed; ridiculous!

Edited by 7by7
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Majic, you should research the census figures more thoroughly and look at all the figures, not just the ones that support your prejudice. Do so and you will see that the largest increase is in those who say they have no religion.

If the trends over the last 10 years continue then the UK will not become a Muslim society, it will become a secular one.

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This topic has been hijacked by apologists for the former labour government. sad.png


As the A1 English language requirement for spouses and the harder LitUK requirement for all ILR applicants (unless exempt due to age or learning disability) and the vast increases in family migration visa and leave to remain fees were all introduced by the last Labour government; this comment makes no sense at all.

Care to explain?

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Some members on Thai Visa think that they musn't be Hypocritical because we want our Spouses to join us,in the land of our Birthright, considering Thais in the UK are only a little more than 30,000,in residence permanently, and also they are Bhuddists, there is no chance of them (or intent) of them being the number one Religion

So immigrants you approve of are welcome; Muslims aren't. Gotcha.

And you say that isn't hypocritical.

Muslims 4.8% of the population of England and Wales, all others, including no religion, 95.2%.

It'll take many years for the Muslim population to even reach 10%, as previously shown; if it ever does.

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I live in Thailand partly because I couldn't get my wife a visa, even just to visit.

I find this surprising.

The new settlement rules introduced last July has made it harder for those who have been living outside the UK with their spouse, true. But not impossible.

Before that, provided you had somewhere to live and some means of support, settlement for a spouse was usually very straightforward.

As for visits; a family visit visa for a Thai spouse living in Thailand with their British spouse is extremely easy to obtain.

If you want advice on where you went wrong and how to get it right next time, this is not the place for it. But feel free to start a topic in the Visas and migration forum, or even PM me if you wish.

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Some members on Thai Visa think that they musn't be Hypocritical because we want our Spouses to join us,in the land of our Birthright, considering Thais in the UK are only a little more than 30,000,in residence permanently, and also they are Bhuddists, there is no chance of them (or intent) of them being the number one Religion

So immigrants you approve of are welcome; Muslims aren't. Gotcha.

And you say that isn't hypocritical.

Muslims 4.8% of the population of England and Wales, all others, including no religion, 95.2%.

It'll take many years for the Muslim population to even reach 10%, as previously shown; if it ever does.

I didn'

Some members on Thai Visa think that they musn't be Hypocritical because we want our Spouses to join us,in the land of our Birthright, considering Thais in the UK are only a little more than 30,000,in residence permanently, and also they are Bhuddists, there is no chance of them (or intent) of them being the number one Religion

So immigrants you approve of are welcome; Muslims aren't. Gotcha.

And you say that isn't hypocritical.

Muslims 4.8% of the population of England and Wales, all others, including no religion, 95.2%.

It'll take many years for the Muslim population to even reach 10%, as previously shown; if it ever does.

So immigrants you approve of are welcome; Muslims aren't. Gotcha.

I didn't say I approved or disapproved of anything,merely discussing facts and figures,and what may have an effect on declining Christianity.

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England has changed,and continues to change. Where I live many Pubs have shut,Social clubs are closing as well,not enough young members joining. Brits don't drink any more,and the ones that do tend to move abroad,where the booze is cheaper.

Many closed Pubs reopen as,Indian,chinees take aways or restaurants,and Tesco express supermarkets,or corner shop supermarkets.

The old England is certainly dieing out,discussion in public about this is Verbotten.

So you're complaining about the fact that British youth doesn't drink as much as they used to? You're also complaining about the fact that the pubs that they used to drink in are being turned into viable businesses rather than being allowed to moulder as derelict buildings? Precisely what are you complaining about?

I am telling You how it is. I cannot complain,it would be impossible for Me to complain. WHY : I do not go into Pubs. I do not belong to any Working man's clubs. I no longer drink,when I did I bought cheap booze from supermarkets and drank at home. The only young binge drinkers I see are in the Tabloids and media (cheap shot journalism.) Most young people I know are sober,they do not make headlines.

The mouldy and derelect closed pubs in My area are the buildings that the council will not give planning permission to alter their use.Hence the listed buildings are set on fire,again and again.

I am part of this new landscape. Now for a cup of green tea.

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Majic, you should research the census figures more thoroughly and look at all the figures, not just the ones that support your prejudice. Do so and you will see that the largest increase is in those who say they have no religion.

If the trends over the last 10 years continue then the UK will not become a Muslim society, it will become a secular one.

Well I did research the Census figures,and I still came up with the same facts and figures that: 1,383,000 came into the UK in 10 years,of another religeon,that may effect Christianity being relegated to a second place Religeon,which traditionally has for many Centuries been of the Christian faith!

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Majic, you should research the census figures more thoroughly and look at all the figures, not just the ones that support your prejudice. Do so and you will see that the largest increase is in those who say they have no religion.

If the trends over the last 10 years continue then the UK will not become a Muslim society, it will become a secular one.

Well I did research the Census figures,and I still came up with the same facts and figures that: 1,383,000 came into the UK in 10 years,of another religeon,that may effect Christianity being relegated to a second place Religeon,which traditionally has for many Centuries been of the Christian faith!

Saying they all came into the UK is wrong; they are not all immigrants. I suppose you could say that figure did enter England and Wales, but a substantial proportion of them entered via their mother's birth canal!

You have ignored all the other figures; mainly the large increase in those who say they have no religion; but I suppose that doesn't fit your prejudice so your ignoring it.

As said, if the trends of the last 10 years continue then it will take at least 30 years for the Muslim population to reach 10% of the population.

Again as already said, if the trend over the last 10 years continues then the UK, or at least England and Wales, is far more likely to become a secular country than a Muslim one.

Christianity supplanted the religions that were prevalent in these islands before it, it looks as though Atheism may very well supplant Christianity here.

But Islam? That would take a major shift in the demographics of the UK, one that is extremely unlikely.

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I think it is inevitable. One day (maybe not so soon, but in the not-too-distant future), humanity will witness the decline in ALL religions; and it will be a great development. Religion (especially organised religion), along with nationalism, has caused the biggest harm to humanity throughout the ages.

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Christianity might be on the decline so rapidly because UK is the home of the most outspoken and convincing anti-theists, Richard Dawkins is only one of them. It's also the place of a media empire that thoroughly enjoys to attack religion, the BBC. Few dare that, and the private corporations shut up on this issue because they have to be on the money trail. The excellent documentaries of the BBC on just everything are also a source of real knowledge all over the world. If one of you works for the BBC, many thanks for the outstanding job you do.

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England has changed,and continues to change. Where I live many Pubs have shut,Social clubs are closing as well,not enough young members joining. Brits don't drink any more,and the ones that do tend to move abroad,where the booze is cheaper.

Many closed Pubs reopen as,Indian,chinees take aways or restaurants,and Tesco express supermarkets,or corner shop supermarkets.

The old England is certainly dieing out,discussion in public about this is Verbotten.

What they speak German too?

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England has changed,and continues to change. Where I live many Pubs have shut,Social clubs are closing as well,not enough young members joining. Brits don't drink any more,and the ones that do tend to move abroad,where the booze is cheaper.

Many closed Pubs reopen as,Indian,chinees take aways or restaurants,and Tesco express supermarkets,or corner shop supermarkets.

The old England is certainly dieing out,discussion in public about this is Verbotten.

What they speak German too?

But obviously not very well if they cannot even spell "verboten" correctly!!

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Some members on Thai Visa think that they musn't be Hypocritical because we want our Spouses to join us,in the land of our Birthright, considering Thais in the UK are only a little more than 30,000,in residence permanently, and also they are Bhuddists, there is no chance of them (or intent) of them being the number one Religion

So immigrants you approve of are welcome; Muslims aren't. Gotcha.

And you say that isn't hypocritical.

Muslims 4.8% of the population of England and Wales, all others, including no religion, 95.2%.

It'll take many years for the Muslim population to even reach 10%, as previously shown; if it ever does.

Personally, I would prefer it if muslim immigrants were disproportionately few. Or that the muslim immigrants were mainly of groups that were persecuted by mainstream islam. It won't take that long for them to reach 10% considering their higher birth rate and conversions in addition to immigration. Maybe a generation.

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Some members on Thai Visa think that they musn't be Hypocritical because we want our Spouses to join us,in the land of our Birthright, considering Thais in the UK are only a little more than 30,000,in residence permanently, and also they are Bhuddists, there is no chance of them (or intent) of them being the number one Religion

So immigrants you approve of are welcome; Muslims aren't. Gotcha.

And you say that isn't hypocritical.

Muslims 4.8% of the population of England and Wales, all others, including no religion, 95.2%.

It'll take many years for the Muslim population to even reach 10%, as previously shown; if it ever does.

Personally, I would prefer it if muslim immigrants were disproportionately few. Or that the muslim immigrants were mainly of groups that were persecuted by mainstream islam. It won't take that long for them to reach 10% considering their higher birth rate and conversions in addition to immigration. Maybe a generation.

IMHO I would not be at all suprised to see 10% in the next Decade!

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Some members on Thai Visa think that they musn't be Hypocritical because we want our Spouses to join us,in the land of our Birthright, considering Thais in the UK are only a little more than 30,000,in residence permanently, and also they are Bhuddists, there is no chance of them (or intent) of them being the number one Religion

So immigrants you approve of are welcome; Muslims aren't. Gotcha.

And you say that isn't hypocritical.

Muslims 4.8% of the population of England and Wales, all others, including no religion, 95.2%.

It'll take many years for the Muslim population to even reach 10%, as previously shown; if it ever does.

Personally, I would prefer it if muslim immigrants were disproportionately few. Or that the muslim immigrants were mainly of groups that were persecuted by mainstream islam. It won't take that long for them to reach 10% considering their higher birth rate and conversions in addition to immigration. Maybe a generation.

IMHO I would not be at all suprised to see 10% in the next Decade!

Have we stumbled on a meeting of the BNP (sad bunch of "British" racist thugs masquerading as a political party)?

Before you post such drivel try looking at the numbers and if you cannot work out that the UK is becoming increasingly secular at a spectacular rate, and that no religious group will ever be more than a small minority (including your favourite muslim variety), you need to do some basic maths revision....


Fertility rates for almost every group, in almost every country of the world (including those who have the cheek to send their children to "white" village schools in Dewsbury) are trending downward. Which probably nails a fair few racist conspiracy theories...shame.

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@ Folium

The next Decade should clarify whether the figures are right or wrong! in the meantime playing the "Race Card" and being offensive was uncalled for. People have a right to send their children to a school of their choice wherever the Education Authorities allows.

Edited by MAJIC
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@ Folium

The next Decade should clarify whether the figures are right or wrong! in the meantime playing the "Race Card" and being offensive was uncalled for. People have a right to send their children to a school of there choice where ever the Education Authorities allows.

FWIW, it's worth the teachers advised the parents to send there kids outside the area.Those other schools even arrange transport..

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@ Folium

The next Decade should clarify whether the figures are right or wrong! in the meantime playing the "Race Card" and being offensive was uncalled for. People have a right to send their children to a school of their choice wherever the Education Authorities allows.

I agree about the race card. Brining the BNP into it is just an insult.

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