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Tubing Still Active In Vang Vieng (Laos)?


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Admins - Apologies if this is the wrong place to post!

I am planning on taking my GF away over the New Year for some tubing up in Vang Vieng however I have read a lot of reports around September/October this year saying the Laos government has cracked down and closed all the river bars.

Has anyone been recently (since that time) or know anyone who has?

Don't want to travel 15 odd hours to find out I should have gone somewhere else!

Thanks for your advice!

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Seems Google is full of answers to your question, try it some time.

Thanks, I checked that link already but it is an opinion piece on whether the Tubing should be closed or not...have also read some others saying that it is closed and others that it isn't...was hoping for some first hand experience from someone who has been recently just to make sure.

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24 bars were closed prior to ASEM a few months ago.

If you wish to get high and try your luck tubing down the river chances are those days are over.

An expat couple with kids was there last week-end and had a good time, found VV was very beautiful and could recognize the closed establishments along the river.

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24 bars were closed prior to ASEM a few months ago.

If you wish to get high and try your luck tubing down the river chances are those days are over.

An expat couple with kids was there last week-end and had a good time, found VV was very beautiful and could recognize the closed establishments along the river.

Thanks a lot for the advice, I appreciate it. Wasn't really looking to get high but a few drinks with the party atmosphere would have been good, although I was last there about 6 years ago and I guess it has all changed and is now pretty much over.

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Funny, me and the wife also hoing to Lao end of Dec. Looking for exact opposite experience. Tubing was worst thing to ever come to Lao. Will be happy to get rid of that entire element, especially the Israelis.

Funny what a lovely place it was on my visits in 95, 97 even visit Lao year in 2000. Then the scrum arrived. Make no mistake, real riff raff. The guy in the article likens it to movie the Beach. Pretty dam_n close. Bunch of drunken, doped up children

Last decade I only used it as a stopping point between cities. Was impossible to get proper Laotian food. Even noodles a chore.

Ive heard the other side of yhe street is more quiet and local. We will sleep there thanks. You can have your tubes.

Im sure your new Thai gf will be enthralled with it all...whistling.gif

Edited by bangkokburning
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24 bars were closed prior to ASEM a few months ago.

If you wish to get high and try your luck tubing down the river chances are those days are over.

An expat couple with kids was there last week-end and had a good time, found VV was very beautiful and could recognize the closed establishments along the river.

Thanks a lot for the advice, I appreciate it. Wasn't really looking to get high but a few drinks with the party atmosphere would have been good, although I was last there about 6 years ago and I guess it has all changed and is now pretty much over.

I also did vv about 6 years ago, I think was just a short lived scene that became part of the kaosan trail, Was ok to spend a couple of days there for me,

I also did the tubing thing but i found the idea of dragging you out the river to bars with a bamboo a little too much...it happened around every cornerw00t.gif

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Like so many places VV tubing was ruined as the tubing experience seems to have been replaced by the lets hang out in the bars and get shxtfaced and see how loud and obnoxious we can be experience. I would bet that the river song is still a beautiful river to ride a tube down. It was a very nice adventure that without all the bar stops only took a couple of hours.. I don't understand why the closing of the bars had to mean the end of tubing down the river? There are thousands of places around the world that offer tubing down rivers without the bars. I suspect it will be back sans bars as it did provide VV with something that a lot of tourists enjoyed. VV is a small town in a gorgeous scenic spot.

I'm still trying to figure out why so many people seemed to think the best thing in VV was to sit in the various bars/restaurants watching reruns of Friends for days on end. Frankly i would rather sit on the riverside and look at a gorgeous sunset over the mountains but "up to you".

Glad I got to see VV many years ago. Different syle etc but Luang Prabang also seems to be changing too quickly and sure doesn't seem to have the charm of ten years ago as it has been "discovered".

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Pomchop - could not agree more.

Honestly, dont even want to go back with wife. Its long finished. Drunk children in VV, latte sipping hipsters in LP.

Trip is quick, her 2nd time to LP. Get her shots and go! Walk the old city, waterfall, muong noi, stop in vv (transit). The more I have been thinking abt it more its a waste of money - but its the wifes trip.

Sadly, East Asia is way done. You really have to dream up adventures and travel way off the beaten track fir anytbing authentic.

Yeah, grubby, smelly Israelis sitting in crappy restaurants smoking shitty weed and eating khao phat watching Friends. They joined a minivan I booked down to VTE it was pure hell. A classic story I will never forget.

Edited by bangkokburning
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Hey sebscala - hope you are in good health / spirits.

In relation to a rather sad attitude, that is contributing to the way we have been taught to interact on a Global scale - I would say the following...


Yes, listen to all this helpful advice on this forum, delivered without any agenda other than purest altruism - don't go anywhere on the Planet - it's all fuc_ked, man - would you believe, there are people of all different beliefs, colours, ethnic origins, gender all ruining everywhere by enjoying themselves, and trying to find a sense of freedom and happiness, to make sense of a realm of impermanence we're all brought into without our consent, and trying to transcend the insidious capitalist doctrine we're all force fed, and consequently subjugated by in every sense - that would nurture our inherent bias towards our fellow man.

The World's doomed - it's full of Honkies, Asians, Niggers, Queers, Jews, Commies, wanke_rs, T.V. forum members - the list is endless.

You can choose to listen to others - the slaves with the beaming smile, authenticated by their marginalisation of others - others that would not fit into their rather confined World of answers - or, you can go look and find for yourself, and find your own truth, matey.

Adventure is waiting for you everywhere you would chose to go, if you're mindset is conducive to welcome it, and your nature would encourage it - along with a broad spectrum of other sensory experiences and delights, for your pleasure. It really does lie in your own hands. I think if you would be more of a narrow minded demographic - quick to point a finger at others and their ways for the state of a geographical location, after we ourselves have been there - before having the presence of mind and maturity to point it inwards, towards self - then I would believe you would be setting yourself up for a fall, and a rather limited range of expectancy from life and the human condition.

Everyone is entitled to their own psychological rationale, even those who would choose, and find enjoyment from watching re-runs of friends, but I would encourage anyone to make use of their often distracted from natural gifts of freewill and unconditional love to lend towards a cognitive that would encourage tolerance and acceptance towards their fellow travellers, thus contributing to harmonious cohabitation of our Earth. We're all in this together - we're all in the same boat, The World belongs to everyone, and is not owned by anyone.

I have travelled extensively throughout my life, and you get back the energy you put out, nomatter where you are. Adventure is something to dream of - not to be planned - it is to be freely taken away by, and grabbed with an open heart and mind, that would let you find yourself immersed in the middle of it everyday, just for the want of stopping and thinking a little - honestly. Preconception is a dangerous thing.

I have been to Vang Vieng twice - once tubing, and once not. I had a wonderful time there both times, because that's what I went to have. I can speak Laos quite fluently, and had no trouble finding Laos food to eat there - in fact, that's all I ate. What do you think the indigenous people there eat ?

I had a great time both tubing, and walking along the river banks between one bar and another - all I saw were many people enjoying themselves and getting wild - and what's wrong with that ? I think I was perhaps one of the oldest people there, and perhaps because of my last remaining vestiges of inherent conditioning, initially inhibited by that fact - but I found no element of being judged by anyone else - all the people I met were very welcoming, open and friendly. In no time atall, I got blatted, and was truly enjoying myself and dancing semi naked with people of many Nationalities, for many days in a row - at the river during the day, and in town at night. Everyone was connected by music and dance, and love. I saw no trouble in the first week that I was there - only goodness and friendliness, from the locals and the tourists, regardless of how drunk / stoned they were / I was - the vibe for me was reminiscent of Goa, twenty odd Years ago.

I had a great time at the river raves, as I did going up in a hot air baloon, hiring a bike and driving around, aswell as going off walking for many clicks everyday, and taking in the breathtaking scenery, aswell as immersing myself in the local's perspective. I did perhaps find the place was teetering on the edge of over developement, from a concrete point of view - but it was still a very nice place to be, and still has a lot of mileage, I reckon - certainly in terms of the quality of the people there. I got the feeling it was more like a community that had been deliberately placed where it was, as a place for people to go and enjoy themselves freely - and let loose. As I believe - much of the monies raised by the river, and tubing - apart from providing a livelyhood to many of the local people there, actually went towards funding education, in what is a very poor Country, that relies on quite a great deal of funding.

So yes, back on topic - the river raves got shut down - partly due to quite a few tourists drowning there in a short space of time, and subsequent pressure applied by their home Countries. When my time comes, I would rather go out loving and partying than shrivelled up like a bitter, cloistered old alakefic <deleted> smelling of piss, and trying to force their fetid opinions on another. You can still go and find a party there if you would wish for one. I went after the raves had closed, and still had a great time. If you're after more of a wild scene - get on the beaten track and put your ear to the ground - these scenes move elsewhere - people (in general) always want to enjoy themselves whilst they're here in this physical, in whatever way they want to - and just because someone doesn't agree with the way they do it, doesn't mean it's not the right way, it's just another way. What's right for us, is what's right for us. Si pan don is pretty cool.

Get yourself out, and I would wish you to have a great time / trip, wherever you may wish to go - and don't listen to / have your judgement swayed by the haters (unless you want to, of course - your choice). We would all have to be young once - we are still a young species - maybe we will end that way if we can't change our selfishness, and the ridiculous way we would subjectively judge ourselves against another.. We are all Human.

Peace and Love.

That put them in their place well doneclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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Funny, me and the wife also hoing to Lao end of Dec. Looking for exact opposite experience. Tubing was worst thing to ever come to Lao. Will be happy to get rid of that entire element, especially the Israelis. Funny what a lovely place it was on my visits in 95, 97 even visit Lao year in 2000. Then the scrum arrived. Make no mistake, real riff raff. The guy in the article likens it to movie the Beach. Pretty dam_n close. Bunch of drunken, doped up children Last decade I only used it as a stopping point between cities. Was impossible to get proper Laotian food. Even noodles a chore. Ive heard the other side of yhe street is more quiet and local. We will sleep there thanks. You can have your tubes. Im sure your new Thai gf will be enthralled with it all...whistling.gif

You say "Will be happy to get rid of that entire element, especially the Israelis."

I'm curious. How in heck are the Israelis getting singled out for the blame for this? I have a hard time believing that there were more Israeli's involved in "the scrum" than Europeans, North Americans, Australians, etc. ???unsure.png

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Sebscala - I would recommend 4000 islands (si pan don) in Laos to take your girlfriend. It is completely different to Vang Vien, no real party scene, but plenty of cool bars/restaurants to hang out in. A great place to take your girlfriend for a romantic trip. Albeit in very modest accommodation, but in truly magnificent surroundings. By day you will be kayaking, walking or biking around the islands, which is a very pleasant affair. Equally you will while away many an hour swinging in your hammocks just reading books. Chances are you will be staying on the riverside which is about as tranquil as tranquil gets. The sound of nature is a wonderful thing, interrupted only by the occasional boat chugging past. I can't wait to spend another week there, kicking back, relaxing without a care in the world.

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Funny, me and the wife also hoing to Lao end of Dec. Looking for exact opposite experience. Tubing was worst thing to ever come to Lao. Will be happy to get rid of that entire element, especially the Israelis. Funny what a lovely place it was on my visits in 95, 97 even visit Lao year in 2000. Then the scrum arrived. Make no mistake, real riff raff. The guy in the article likens it to movie the Beach. Pretty dam_n close. Bunch of drunken, doped up children Last decade I only used it as a stopping point between cities. Was impossible to get proper Laotian food. Even noodles a chore. Ive heard the other side of yhe street is more quiet and local. We will sleep there thanks. You can have your tubes. Im sure your new Thai gf will be enthralled with it all...whistling.gif

You say "Will be happy to get rid of that entire element, especially the Israelis."

I'm curious. How in heck are the Israelis getting singled out for the blame for this? I have a hard time believing that there were more Israeli's involved in "the scrum" than Europeans, North Americans, Australians, etc. ???unsure.png

They are not the only element sure, but I have had problems with them 2x while simply transiting thru VV. But who is singling, I stated especially the Israeli's.

The worst, bar none. 20 yrars in Asia, never met an Israeli who didn't cause me some hassle or annoyance, didn't try and mooch somethjng from me. Never.

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Hey sebscala - hope you are in good health / spirits.

In relation to a rather sad attitude, that is contributing to the way we have been taught to interact on a Global scale - I would say the following...


Yes, listen to all this helpful advice on this forum, delivered without any agenda other than purest altruism - don't go anywhere on the Planet - it's all fuc_ked, man - would you believe, there are people of all different beliefs, colours, ethnic origins, gender all ruining everywhere by enjoying themselves, and trying to find a sense of freedom and happiness, to make sense of a realm of impermanence we're all brought into without our consent, and trying to transcend the insidious capitalist doctrine we're all force fed, and consequently subjugated by in every sense - that would nurture our inherent bias towards our fellow man.

The World's doomed - it's full of Honkies, Asians, Niggers, Queers, Jews, Commies, wanke_rs, T.V. forum members - the list is endless.

You can choose to listen to others - the slaves with the beaming smile, authenticated by their marginalisation of others - others that would not fit into their rather confined World of answers - or, you can go look and find for yourself, and find your own truth, matey.

Adventure is waiting for you everywhere you would chose to go, if you're mindset is conducive to welcome it, and your nature would encourage it - along with a broad spectrum of other sensory experiences and delights, for your pleasure. It really does lie in your own hands. I think if you would be more of a narrow minded demographic - quick to point a finger at others and their ways for the state of a geographical location, after we ourselves have been there - before having the presence of mind and maturity to point it inwards, towards self - then I would believe you would be setting yourself up for a fall, and a rather limited range of expectancy from life and the human condition.

Everyone is entitled to their own psychological rationale, even those who would choose, and find enjoyment from watching re-runs of friends, but I would encourage anyone to make use of their often distracted from natural gifts of freewill and unconditional love to lend towards a cognitive that would encourage tolerance and acceptance towards their fellow travellers, thus contributing to harmonious cohabitation of our Earth. We're all in this together - we're all in the same boat, The World belongs to everyone, and is not owned by anyone.

I have travelled extensively throughout my life, and you get back the energy you put out, nomatter where you are. Adventure is something to dream of - not to be planned - it is to be freely taken away by, and grabbed with an open heart and mind, that would let you find yourself immersed in the middle of it everyday, just for the want of stopping and thinking a little - honestly. Preconception is a dangerous thing.

I have been to Vang Vieng twice - once tubing, and once not. I had a wonderful time there both times, because that's what I went to have. I can speak Laos quite fluently, and had no trouble finding Laos food to eat there - in fact, that's all I ate. What do you think the indigenous people there eat ?

I had a great time both tubing, and walking along the river banks between one bar and another - all I saw were many people enjoying themselves and getting wild - and what's wrong with that ? I think I was perhaps one of the oldest people there, and perhaps because of my last remaining vestiges of inherent conditioning, initially inhibited by that fact - but I found no element of being judged by anyone else - all the people I met were very welcoming, open and friendly. In no time atall, I got blatted, and was truly enjoying myself and dancing semi naked with people of many Nationalities, for many days in a row - at the river during the day, and in town at night. Everyone was connected by music and dance, and love. I saw no trouble in the first week that I was there - only goodness and friendliness, from the locals and the tourists, regardless of how drunk / stoned they were / I was - the vibe for me was reminiscent of Goa, twenty odd Years ago.

I had a great time at the river raves, as I did going up in a hot air baloon, hiring a bike and driving around, aswell as going off walking for many clicks everyday, and taking in the breathtaking scenery, aswell as immersing myself in the local's perspective. I did perhaps find the place was teetering on the edge of over developement, from a concrete point of view - but it was still a very nice place to be, and still has a lot of mileage, I reckon - certainly in terms of the quality of the people there. I got the feeling it was more like a community that had been deliberately placed where it was, as a place for people to go and enjoy themselves freely - and let loose. As I believe - much of the monies raised by the river, and tubing - apart from providing a livelyhood to many of the local people there, actually went towards funding education, in what is a very poor Country, that relies on quite a great deal of funding.

So yes, back on topic - the river raves got shut down - partly due to quite a few tourists drowning there in a short space of time, and subsequent pressure applied by their home Countries. When my time comes, I would rather go out loving and partying than shrivelled up like a bitter, cloistered old alakefic <deleted> smelling of piss, and trying to force their fetid opinions on another. You can still go and find a party there if you would wish for one. I went after the raves had closed, and still had a great time. If you're after more of a wild scene - get on the beaten track and put your ear to the ground - these scenes move elsewhere - people (in general) always want to enjoy themselves whilst they're here in this physical, in whatever way they want to - and just because someone doesn't agree with the way they do it, doesn't mean it's not the right way, it's just another way. What's right for us, is what's right for us. Si pan don is pretty cool.

Get yourself out, and I would wish you to have a great time / trip, wherever you may wish to go - and don't listen to / have your judgement swayed by the haters (unless you want to, of course - your choice). We would all have to be young once - we are still a young species - maybe we will end that way if we can't change our selfishness, and the ridiculous way we would subjectively judge ourselves against another.. We are all Human.

Peace and Love.

That put them in their place well doneclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

For starts, Im not bitter, nor oldish. I just have a certain sense that in visiting a poor third world country people should not behave like this. This post is wrong in so many ways. Somehow this loser thinks that the community benefits? Youd think if he speaks Laotian, he would understand these things. That village turned into pure mafia. The villagers got to wash the clothes. Dope.

Pretty naive, especially in light of the what VV had become and what full moon parties still remain. I mean the children so out of control that one was dying a month, about 25 a year and the country closed down a multi million dollar money spinner IN LAO! One of the poorest countries on the planet.

...."I speak Laos fluently" whistling.gif , moron cant spell the name of a country with THREE letters correctly - LAO (PDR). thumbsup.gif Perhaps Laotian?

There is now a whole class of riff raff who travel the world in search of places that allow them to drink and consume drugs. They have little interest in culture or much of anything beyond themselves.

Total, whining tripe. Oh please, let the children play...It's written as some sort of neo-thebeach manifesto. Just rubbish. Lao PDR has no obligation to help these sorry losers find their lost souls which ate eroding in a morass of capitalism and blah blah blah. Place eas more like Lord of the flies than Lord Jim. Useless wasters. I don't care what they do with their lives as long as they do not encroach upon mine.

They carry on like this in these poor countries because they cannot do so in their own. Coming out of their little crappy existences, they find a community of likeminded losers.

Now if you will excuse me, my banana pancake is burning.

Edited by bangkokburning
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