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Thailand Militants Vow More Attacks On Teachers


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Thailand militants vow more attacks on teachers

BANGKOK, Dec 14, 2012 (AFP) - Thailand pledged Friday to tighten security for teachers in its restive south as a leaflet campaign threatened further violence against educators amid widespread school closures over safety fears.

Two teachers were shot dead on Tuesday in the latest in a spate of attacks on educators. Lessons have been halted at around 1,200 schools this week in the Muslim-majority south, where nine years of unrest have cost thousands of lives.

Education Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana told reporters that "officials must intensify security measures" for teachers, often targeted by militants who see the education system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture.

Leaflets threatening further violence against educators, timed to coincide with a visit to the region on Thursday by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, have also raised the stakes, said Phongthep.

"We have to seriously beef up security for teachers," he said, adding that authorities hoped increased safety measures for some 20,000 teachers in the region would enable schools to reopen on Monday.

The leaflets, which were not signed by any group, read "The war is not yet over, don't count the teachers' corpses yet", said Sanguan Intarak of the local teachers' association.

He said they were believed to have been distributed in Songkhla province, which borders the restive region, because security is lighter in the area.

Near daily attacks -- including shootings, bombings and even beheadings -- mean violence is a part of life for many in Thailand's southern provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala.

More than 5,300 people, both Buddhist and Muslim, have been killed since the unrest reignited in 2004, according to Deep South Watch which monitors the unrest.

The violence has left 157 educators dead and the United Nations this week said it had claimed the lives of more than 50 children.

Tuesday's violence saw a headmistress and teacher shot dead at a school in Pattani, while a separate attack at a teashop in Narathiwat left five dead, including a baby girl.

Last week in Narathiwat a 32-year-old teacher was killed by gunmen as she left school on Monday and another teacher was shot and wounded the following day.

In the latest attack in the region, Narathiwat police said six soldiers were wounded in a roadside bomb attack in the province early Friday.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-12-14

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Time the Thai police / military got a bit smarter and a lot tougher, they need to be more pro-active but of course that means using a bit of brain power and the heavies getting off their collective fat a_rses or stop standing around with their golf clubs in one hand and their d_ick in the other waiting for something to happen - seems the only time they can react is after the event.

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Time the Thai police / military got a bit smarter and a lot tougher, they need to be more pro-active but of course that means using a bit of brain power and the heavies getting off their collective fat a_rses or stop standing around with their golf clubs in one hand and their d_ick in the other waiting for something to happen - seems the only time they can react is after the event.

It starts with the current government getting serious. To date, they seem to have no interest in finding a fix.

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To treat Cancer, you have to start where it's originating...and work from there.

To treat Terrosism, you have to start at the training camps.....and work from there....

Send in the drones to find these camps.....or is that already in place?

Procrustination is costing lives.

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all I know is if stuff like this were to happen in the America, the National Guard if not the Army or marines would be there in a heartbeat to flush out and squash these senseless idiots in a heartbeat and put an end to these cowardly attacks once and for all...I just can't understand why Thailand remains in a state of denial as well as not taking an incling of action

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Sadly, the minute the Thai security forces actually do anything to these murderers, out will come TV's army of do-gooders and bleeding-hearts to cry foul. (After that, they will go back to somehow blaming Thaksin for the Troubles - along with every other problem in LOS!))

Are we having a bad day?

Here is a tip.

You can always go back and read what you post, and edit it. Not sure if you know that.

Have a great day.

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Education Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana told reporters that "officials must intensify security measures" for teachers, often targeted by militants who see the education system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture.

Officials should be a bit careful with 'intensified security measures'. Before they know it the DSI will get them up on a murder charge

Anyway, to be clear about this, I do not have much sympathy for terrorists shooting teachers

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Time the Thai police / military got a bit smarter and a lot tougher, they need to be more pro-active but of course that means using a bit of brain power and the heavies getting off their collective fat a_rses or stop standing around with their golf clubs in one hand and their d_ick in the other waiting for something to happen - seems the only time they can react is after the event.

Unfortunately compared to ALL other conflicts world wide,where the military and police learn to adapt new tactics and measures the Thai military and police haven`t learned a thing about counterinsurgency.They are still employing the easy tactics like roadblocks,visible(and vulnerable) patrols and randoms house searches.

The ones who are made to suffer because of the USELESS angry.png Thai politicians and military brass are the people in the South of all religions who want peace,but will probably not get it in a long time yet.As it is now the conflict only encourages the fanatics and cowards in the so called "insurgency" !!!!

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Education Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana told reporters that "officials must intensify security measures" for teachers, often targeted by militants who see the education system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture.

Officials should be a bit careful with 'intensified security measures'. Before they know it the DSI will get them up on a murder charge

Anyway, to be clear about this, I do not have much sympathy for terrorists shooting teachers

Is this a typo, or are you being provocative?

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Education Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana told reporters that "officials must intensify security measures" for teachers, often targeted by militants who see the education system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture.

Officials should be a bit careful with 'intensified security measures'. Before they know it the DSI will get them up on a murder charge

Anyway, to be clear about this, I do not have much sympathy for terrorists shooting teachers

Is this a typo, or are you being provocative?

Terribly sorry, old chap, no offence meant. Just a way of phrasing. wai.gif

I guess I should have written "I do not have sympathy"

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If they have not got the balls or the ability for military intervention why does this fat cat Government not simply put some serious money on the heads of the leadership of these groups. Cut off the head and the snake will die.When you think of the cost of their current operations which achieves bugger all they could throw a few billion Baht at the problem.

These so called insurgents would not feel so bloody comfortable if there was a 50 million Baht price tag on them in this country where the Baht is far more important than cause or filial piety. Furthermore define their acts of vilonce as Treason and as such there will be no day in public court simply summary execution. That will give them a sleepless night or two.

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Education Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana told reporters that "officials must intensify security measures" for teachers, often targeted by militants who see the education system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture.

Officials should be a bit careful with 'intensified security measures'. Before they know it the DSI will get them up on a murder charge

Anyway, to be clear about this, I do not have much sympathy for terrorists shooting teachers

Is this a typo, or are you being provocative?

Terribly sorry, old chap, no offence meant. Just a way of phrasing. wai.gif

I guess I should have written "I do not have sympathy"

or re-written as " ........for the terrorists who are shooting teachers"

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all I know is if stuff like this were to happen in the America, the National Guard if not the Army or marines would be there in a heartbeat to flush out and squash these senseless idiots in a heartbeat and put an end to these cowardly attacks once and for all...I just can't understand why Thailand remains in a state of denial as well as not taking an incling of action

Thats exactly what Israel does and everyone cries foul, why are these people not calling the southern attackers freedom fighters like they call hamas scum?

Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

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If they have not got the balls or the ability for military intervention why does this fat cat Government not simply put some serious money on the heads of the leadership of these groups. Cut off the head and the snake will die.When you think of the cost of their current operations which achieves bugger all they could throw a few billion Baht at the problem.

These so called insurgents would not feel so bloody comfortable if there was a 50 million Baht price tag on them in this country where the Baht is far more important than cause or filial piety. Furthermore define their acts of vilonce as Treason and as such there will be no day in public court simply summary execution. That will give them a sleepless night or two.

The MP´s was not selected on competens, but on connection with the Shinawatras.
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I think Chalerm said they didn't have the troops, money or resources to deal with the south. Well you can't really let that complete and utter BS slide. They have the troops, it is just that most of them are based in major population centres to make sure they can enact a coup when required, mind you many of the officers seem to be involved in corruption and wealth building rather than actual military duties...Money, if they could have given up the kickbacks from the Chinese on the HS Rail project, tablets and other infrastructure gold digging?

These gutless Muslim sociopaths are flourishing due to a security vacuum, one apparently designed to make money for the stakeholders there. This truly is a society with deep and malignant problems that can be traced to the top of government, regardless which mob are stealing from the Treasury.

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Now that these murdering cowards have officially stated that, perhaps thenTeachers should not work until it can be clearly established that their safety is guaranteed.

Really, it's the duty of the government to protect its citizens, and its employees. They (the teachers) should all stand up and be counted and say, we will return to our work when we feel safe to do so. It would force more action and less talk. The nurses have recently shown a bit of ticker and done that, and may even get some positive results.

At the moment it's all bullsh*t words like, beef up security, implement security tighten this, fix that yada yada.

After all, even in Thailand, surely a person in a legitimate form of employ, should be afforded whatever protection and steps are necessary to ensure their safety to carry out their duties..............perhaps not.

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Now that these murdering cowards have officially stated that, perhaps thenTeachers should not work until it can be clearly established that their safety is guaranteed.

Really, it's the duty of the government to protect its citizens, and its employees. They (the teachers) should all stand up and be counted and say, we will return to our work when we feel safe to do so. It would force more action and less talk. The nurses have recently shown a bit of ticker and done that, and may even get some positive results.

At the moment it's all bullsh*t words like, beef up security, implement security tighten this, fix that yada yada.

After all, even in Thailand, surely a person in a legitimate form of employ, should be afforded whatever protection and steps are necessary to ensure their safety to carry out their duties..............perhaps not.

Agreed, no protection no work, easy as that -- but this is Thailand, and you well know that mai pben rai, unfortunately plays a big roll in every-ones decisions -- and don't think that for one minute the powers that be don't play this little game to their benefit.

Teachers - just walk off the job, your life is more important than being railroaded by the government to dance to their tune. I am sure that the thinking population of the south would agree with you, they must also be getting fed-up with the unrest, killings and the continual bullsh1t coming from Bkk and the likes of Chalerm.

The problems in the south don't have any direct impact on myself, but I certainly feel for and people living there, what ever religion / god / prophet they follow - they are all people with families, friends etc who are bearing the brunt of these gut-less terrorists running riot and unchecked over this area.

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I just don't 'get' that. Why target teachers?

soft targets who probably won't fire back, it is also supposed to causes problems for the government, except the current government couldn't give a rats a_rse about the killings other than sending pussie Chalerm (mum I'm scared to go) done south to make a bit more useless noise.

One cure would be to base all politicians in the south for a minimum 6 month posting to see first hand what the problem is -- hahahahahah - can you just imagine the cries from the polies.

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I just don't 'get' that. Why target teachers?

Muslim extremists don't usually agree with educating girls which is probably happening. They don't like non muslim education in general particularly if it's percieved to be of a western style. Teachers are an easy target. They also accuse the schools of promoting Budhism which may or may not be true. It wouldn't hurt to make sure religious teaching covers knowledge and respect for religions and non religious people rather than promoting just one.

Probably won't make much difference as these people just want an excuse for their violence.

Edited by kimamey
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I just don't 'get' that. Why target teachers?

Because in these sick sociopathic muslim nuts' heads, the teachers are the agents of an education system spreading non-muslim-nut-ideas which their ideas are apparently not strong enough to withstand on their own merit.

It's time to declare the Deep South a war zone. It's time to go in and beat some serious @ss. Some of you of course will reflexively post "Well that attitude is what gave us the Tak Bai massacre and what has made things so bad!"

Well guess what: the cat's out of the bag. It's been 8 years and it's not gotten any better despite all the efforts of the Thai gov't to reverse the ill-will, not least of all royal initiatives to help develop the deep south.

For these <deleted>, whose delusions are just like bin laden's, offers of peace/negotiation are perceived as weakness and only caress their deluded egos. Time to put them 6 feet under, time to tell the locals they have to start crossing and turning in the fnckers making the problems or run for the hills cuz the place'll just become a flat-out war zone.

"No more half-measures, Walter."

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