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' America's Most Wanted Deadbeat Dad' Arrested After Fleeing To Thailand


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'America's most wanted deadbeat dad' arrested after fleeing to Thailand to avoid $1.2m in child support payments


Caught: Robert Sand was arrested for failing to pay more than $1.2million in child support for his three children.

The man who earned the dubious honor of being the federal government's 'most wanted deadbeat dad' has finally been caught.

Robert Sand was arrested on Monday for failing to pay more than $1.2million in child support for his three children.

His troubles date back to 1996 when the first legal complaints were filed against him for not paying child support to either of his two ex wives, and he fled to Florida and later Thailand to avoid the payments.

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2FVFntkSy

--Daily Mail-- 2012-12-19


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If a man has taken care of his wife and let her stay home all those years and they get divorced for whatever reason, it is his legal responsibility to continue working to support her in her current life style and also his children who will likely be given custody to his wife. Failure to do so will result in a prison sentence.

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I had thought that Americans who defaulted on child maintenance had problems with passport renewals etc. I wonder about exactly which legal grounds he was arrested on over here? Passport irregularities maybe? Can't imagine an extradition treaty clause for deadbeat dads or there would be planeloads of worried men just now

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I had thought that Americans who defaulted on child maintenance had problems with passport renewals etc. I wonder about exactly which legal grounds he was arrested on over here? Passport irregularities maybe? Can't imagine an extradition treaty clause for deadbeat dads or there would be planeloads of worried men just now

He wasnt arrested in Thailand read the article
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If a man has taken care of his wife and let her stay home all those years and they get divorced for whatever reason, it is his legal responsibility to continue working to support her in her current life style and also his children who will likely be given custody to his wife. Failure to do so will result in a prison sentence.

Yeah once a freeloader always a freeloader
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Poor chap, how can anybody justify such large awards, I don't blame him a bit for not paying.

Couldn't the mothers just get a job like everyone else has to?

Did you see what Phil Collins paid out, not sure about kids but the figure. sick.gif

Phil Conners you say ?

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I had thought that Americans who defaulted on child maintenance had problems with passport renewals etc. I wonder about exactly which legal grounds he was arrested on over here? Passport irregularities maybe? Can't imagine an extradition treaty clause for deadbeat dads or there would be planeloads of worried men just now

He wasnt arrested in Thailand read the article

Maybe should have done but when I saw the daily mail mentioned, I just passed on

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If a man has taken care of his wife and let her stay home all those years and they get divorced for whatever reason, it is his legal responsibility to continue working to support her in her current life style and also his children who will likely be given custody to his wife. Failure to do so will result in a prison sentence.

Matter of opinion I'd say.

Children yes, but the wife.........

It really makes marriage a commitment for life.

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A life on the run from the article: While living in Thailand, he was arrested for possessing a false British passport. The final straw came when he tried to enter the Philippines with false identification, and the country extradited him to the U.S.

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1996-2012 is 16 years of unpaid child support for three kids Poor chap my foot, I feel sorry for this lowlife's kids - what a father to have been stuck with, he runs out on them and his responsiblities. Some people really should just not be allowed to have kids

It was too much to pay some taxes to George III, so why use a different standard here? Isn't freedom all about getting rid of responsibilities?

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1996-2012 is 16 years of unpaid child support for three kids Poor chap my foot, I feel sorry for this lowlife's kids - what a father to have been stuck with, he runs out on them and his responsiblities. Some people really should just not be allowed to have kids

It was too much to pay some taxes to George III, so why use a different standard here? Isn't freedom all about getting rid of responsibilities?

No, freedom comes with responsibilities. Difficult to explain to a child but sometimes worth the effort.

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A life on the run from the article: While living in Thailand, he was arrested for possessing a false British passport. The final straw came when he tried to enter the Philippines with false identification, and the country extradited him to the U.S.

The last paragraph was.

While living in Thailand, he was arrested for possessing a false British passport. The final straw came when he tried to enter the Philippines with false identification, and the country extradited him to the U.S.Sand was arrested when he landed in Los Angeles and will face trial in Long Island in the coming weeks.

Edited by metisdead
: Large font reset.
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He should look at the bright side. His kids should be 18 and no more child support owed.

Scumbag if you ask me. The amount may be higher than just a multiple of actual amount owed due to penalties, interests, attorneys' fees or just because he was a dirt ball and the Court stuck it to him.

Deon Sanders just got slapped for $ 10,500 a month in child support.

Who runs from their kids though?

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Alright I can see this is going to require some stepping on of toes. I would use the term gentlemen but I don't really think it applies here. You WILL drop the rabidly misogynistic crap here immediately. I do hope I am making myself very very clear.

But the system does seem to be very much to the advantage of women, no?

I mean, wife stays home with kids. They decide to get divorced. Now he must support both the wife and the child.

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A post denigrating both Thai men and western women has been removed. Any more posts like that will disappear without further notice. I'm sure there are forums out there where you can gripe about your marital misfortunes but Thaivisa isn't one of them.

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I wish the courts took into account who left who. It does seem unfair when the guy is working away to make money and the lady has sex with another man and leaves the farther and he gets slapped with a ginormous payment. In Australia it is possible to owe more in child support than your gross income sad.png All I mean is that the system is hopelessly one sided and doesn't work int he kids best interest in many cases. With the Australian system, I can see why some men say , Duck It and just give up and live int he low income sector.

Disclaimer: I am not effected by it at all, but I have seen some cases recently that makes my head shake.

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