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Thailand To Be Hub Of Alternative Energy Production In Asia

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I don't see where waste encased in concrete, then dropped into the mariana trench or a similiar trench of that depth would endanger anyone. Maybe the giant squids might mutate :o But deep deep sea disposal shouldn't be much of a problem. Man feeds not on anything that lives at that depth. Isn't there a higher rate of background radioactivity at that depth anyhow due the production (deposit) of heavy elements at vents in the depths.

That's exactly it - you don't see how! No one saw how cane toads would ravage Australia when introduced or CO2 cause massive climate change. Don't try it unless your bloody well 100% positive. Nuclear waste has got some full on consequences - not something to just experiment with. Have you ever heard of biomagnification? A process where a chemical or toxin magnifies up the food chain. We may not eat out of that depth but something sure does - and the question is - do we eat that?

I go back to the higher level of background radiation found at these depths and what effect does it have on what lives there now. We all live with background radiation, and some die of it. Thats why radon levels are checked in homes. ( at least I had mine tested)What level would be emitted from concrete blocks vs what is found there naturally?

I still don't buy into the global warming caused by man, as temperatures on the planet have varied widely in the last millenium. Greenland was green and now its ice. If carbons caused by the burning of wood and coal caused the cooling, why aren't the petrol carbons causing even greater cooling. I go back to scientists in the late sixties telling us a new ice age was coming, er same scientists telling us the opposite now. The sun is hotter, global warming is occurring, by 1 degree over the past one hundred years. The ice shelf is breaking up in antartica at about the same rate its building up there thru snow deposition. we've always had breakup of sea ice. remember the Titanic, it found an iceberg.

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I go back to the higher level of background radiation found at these depths and what effect does it have on what lives there now. We all live with background radiation, and some die of it. Thats why radon levels are checked in homes. ( at least I had mine tested)What level would be emitted from concrete blocks vs what is found there naturally?

I still don't buy into the global warming caused by man, as temperatures on the planet have varied widely in the last millenium. Greenland was green and now its ice. If carbons caused by the burning of wood and coal caused the cooling, why aren't the petrol carbons causing even greater cooling. I go back to scientists in the late sixties telling us a new ice age was coming, er same scientists telling us the opposite now. The sun is hotter, global warming is occurring, by 1 degree over the past one hundred years. The ice shelf is breaking up in antartica at about the same rate its building up there thru snow deposition. we've always had breakup of sea ice. remember the Titanic, it found an iceberg.

Dude are you trolling? Come on... how can you still not see it. Check this page out for a collection of evidence.


Most governments admit it's happening (that's not the problem) the problem is them doing anything about it - they are too self-serving. They are in power for a short time and dead almost sooner. Even if global warming is a myth (yeah right!!!), surely polluting the world as much as we do can't be overlooked. How blissful is ignorance really?

On the topic of peopel actually using green energy this guy has an interesting piece on the 4/40 gap. 40% of people want to use green stuff but only 4% do.



Dude are you trolling? Come on... how can you still not see it. Check this page out for a collection of evidence.


Most governments admit it's happening (that's not the problem) the problem is them doing anything about it - they are too self-serving. They are in power for a short time and dead almost sooner. Even if global warming is a myth (yeah right!!!), surely polluting the world as much as we do can't be overlooked. How blissful is ignorance really?

On the topic of peopel actually using green energy this guy has an interesting piece on the 4/40 gap. 40% of people want to use green stuff but only 4% do.


Now I never mentioned pollution as not being real water soils and air are being polluted. But as for it being the source for global warming naw I don't buy it. Going to a BBC website isn't going to change my mind. I've a book authored by a French scientist, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie " Times of Feast, Times Oo Famine" A history of climate changes for the last 1000 years.

As you know a number of factors go into the wine making process, the chief of these being the growth orf grapes.

The French it can be said, like their wine, its a taste and economic thing to them. They keep marvelous records on crop yields taste class of grapes etc Although they weren't using thermometers a thousand years back, what you recieved as a crop was totally in proportion to the weather, and what came with it basically rain, snow etc.

The point of above paragraph was to illustrate that a crude way to devine what occurred was an anylysis of these records as a part of her data.( Interesting way to gain research data, hanging around a winery)

What she summarized was weather occurs, it goes up in cycles it goes down in cycles. She is a dedicated climatologist, this isn't a book you write for profit.

Many scientist held the earth was flat, man couldn't fly ect it doesn't serve one well to always follow the crowd.

And I do resent being called a troll because I defer in viewpoint as you would being called a lemming by going with a crowd.

We've data to analyze what occurred before records or man. In the american west theres an area where they analyze soil deposition caused by ice dams. They're trying to figure out the cycle of these dams formation. They are formed when temperature falls for an extended period of time and then melts as it warms up. This isn't an ice age occurrance but simply a weather pattern, unknown causes.

I also resent your stating that I said global warming isn't happening. I never said that. I said I don't believe it mans fault, as the suns output of radiation has increased. Man cannot affect the sun, no matter how many large cars or factories he has, or in some folks ego.


So are being closed minded by not going to the BBC website and checking out piles of contradicting evidence?

What's your real motivation for not believing global warming isn't caused by us? One book surely isn't enough evidence. Are you per chance American and own a large SUV and a coal factory (that is tongue in cheek and not really aimed at you - no need to take offence).

So are being closed minded by not going to the BBC website and checking out piles of contradicting evidence?

What's your real motivation for not believing global warming isn't caused by us? One book surely isn't enough evidence. Are you per chance American and own a large SUV and a coal factory (that is tongue in cheek and not really aimed at you - no need to take offence).


I didn't say I didn't go to the BBC site, just going there wasn't going to change my mind.

Historical evidence shows that the climate has always changed, heck the continents have changed. The one constant of life is change. I'm not getting into a chicken little frame of mind about global warming, theres just too much recent geologic evidence to follow the crowd. And once again I mention the suns increased output

Tp listen to enviormentalists that are leading the charge, certainly leads me to wonder how hypocritical are these people. Example Audobon Society pumps oil off its land in louisiana, another maybe WWF asked to drill on its land in Texas a few years back. Oh sure they're doing it to raise funds to do more for the enviorment, so that makes it ok


All you naysayers continue to irritate me. Nuclear power is clean and safe. That aside there are many alternative energy schemes in the works. I guess the Brazilians are smarter than the US government for sure. The US government paid for multi million dollar studies to discredit Methanol. They came to the conclusion that it cost more to produce that it yielded. If that is the case why is automotive alcohol fuel used in Brazil at less than half the cost of oil? Someone forgot to tell them that they couldn't do that!

There is wind power, solar power, geo thermal power and many that we are still not aware of. Harnessing the tides would be a great idea. Oil has been too cheap to make the effort to replace it. How about producing alcohol from cellulose? It is happening right now. In a few years it will be competitively priced. For those who don't know a Canadian company is now producing alcohol from wheat straw. We should be supporting these alternative energy companies instead of saying it WON'T work! The day will come when we can tell the Arabs to eat their oil. That will be a VERY happy day for me.

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