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Visa Application Problem

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A have a situation, I live in India since 3 years now (but belong to another country). I did apply for a Thai Visa to the embassy, and I received this return in my application form : "YOU NEED TO APPLY TO THE THAI EMBASSY NEAR TO YOUR COUNTRY OF PERMANENT RESIDENT". So, if i understand, they didn't consider and treat my application. But I haven't received any refusal or granted response for my application.

I did call the embassy to explain that i'm a permanent resident in India, so the Thai embassy where I did apply is the the nearest i can find; they said that they don't treat application of passports holder of my home country in their embassy, the consul has decided i think. But 2 months ago, some of my friends did apply in the same embassy and the visa were grant without any problem.

I have a meeting that we will organize with partners the next year, that's why i decided to visit the country first.

Now, I just don't know what to do? is there any way to deal with that? with my passport, i cannot get visa on arrival. Also, in my home country, there is no Thai embassy or representative. I've already paid hotel and air tickets, and i'm pretty sure the refund procedure will take a long moment.

I think it's just weird that they didn't mention that they do not treat applications of passports holder of my home country (no one from my home country has received visas from them, they said), but they still collect money for the visa application. This is just a SCAM i think.

So, is there any email or contact number of their Ministry of foreign affairs to report that SCAM situation? because, for me it's just a scam to get money and to say, you cannot do your work, and never mention it before to avoid people.

Any advice would be welcomed.


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Was this a tourist visa?

If it helps, you can get a Visa on arrival in Laos and Cambodia (http://en.wikipedia...._Congo_citizens). Not sure if getting a tourist visa would be easier in either of these locations for you but if it does then you can use your existing airline ticket and book a cheap flight to one of these countries.

Sounds like the person you spoke to at the embassy may just not know how to deal with this or your friends got lucky and dealt with somebody who didn't know how to deal with it but responded by approving the visa.

Edit: Here is a link with contact information (email, phone, fax and address) for the Congolese Consulate in Bangkok ... http://www.embassypages.com/missions/embassy15723/

Hopefully you can get some better answers here but if not, they should be able to give you straight answers. Good Luck and let us know how it works out.

Edited by Nisa
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Contact your Consulate in Thailand (contact information on link above) - most likely you apply at a Thai Embassy Consulate in the area of your country (which is true for most locations in Africa). He should know the specific location to apply and can accept your complaint (but application fee is clearly not refundable and always stated as such).

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Taken directly from the Thailand Embassy in India web site:

4. Nationals of certain countries are required to apply for a visa only at the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate-General in the applicant's country of residence, or at the Royal Thai Embassy which has jurisdiction over his or her country of residence. Travellers are advised to enquire about authorised office for visa issuance at any Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate-General before departure. Contact details and locations of Royal Thai Embassies and Royal Thai Consulates-General are available at www.mfa.go.th/web/10.php.

My guess is that Nigeria likely provides visa service for your nationality and there contact details are as below if you wish to email or call them (but believe contact with your Consulate in Thailand best first choice):


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The above info on website states country of residence. If OP has permanent residence status in India he should be able to apply for a visa there.

He should contact the embassy consular section directly. It is possible VFS staff incorrectly rejected his application.

Link to webpage posted: http://www.thaiemb.org.in/en/services/visa.php

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Contact your Consulate in Thailand (contact information on link above) - most likely you apply at a Thai Embassy Consulate in the area of your country (which is true for most locations in Africa). He should know the specific location to apply and can accept your complaint (but application fee is clearly not refundable and always stated as such).

In Europe Nigerians t must always apply straight to the UK Thai Embassy .......wherever they stay in EU for a aplication Thai visa.....

., lucky for theOP his English is perfect ,( considering the DRC has French as general language ) so he can explain his case good

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Taken directly from the Thailand Embassy in India web site:

4. Nationals of certain countries are required to apply for a visa only at the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate-General in the applicant's country of residence, or at the Royal Thai Embassy which has jurisdiction over his or her country of residence. Travellers are advised to enquire about authorised office for visa issuance at any Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate-General before departure. Contact details and locations of Royal Thai Embassies and Royal Thai Consulates-General are available at www.mfa.go.th/web/10.php.

My guess is that Nigeria likely provides visa service for your nationality and there contact details are as below if you wish to email or call them (but believe contact with your Consulate in Thailand best first choice):


You're probably right, but it's clearly written "COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE", unless they write "Home Country", i think the texts are clears...

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Taken directly from the Thailand Embassy in India web site:

4. Nationals of certain countries are required to apply for a visa only at the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate-General in the applicant's country of residence, or at the Royal Thai Embassy which has jurisdiction over his or her country of residence. Travellers are advised to enquire about authorised office for visa issuance at any Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate-General before departure. Contact details and locations of Royal Thai Embassies and Royal Thai Consulates-General are available at www.mfa.go.th/web/10.php.

My guess is that Nigeria likely provides visa service for your nationality and there contact details are as below if you wish to email or call them (but believe contact with your Consulate in Thailand best first choice):


You're probably right, but it's clearly written "COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE", unless they write "Home Country", i think the texts are clears...

Also, It's not a problem to not take application for certain nationals, but the problem is, why to accept application fee and all documents if the application cannot be treated. The simple solution should be when someone comes: "Not YOU, not your country", then the person will go back. Not to accept money, then to say such things... To find another Embassy or representative is not really a big deal, but this is totally a SCAM..

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Taken directly from the Thailand Embassy in India web site:

4. Nationals of certain countries are required to apply for a visa only at the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate-General in the applicant's country of residence, or at the Royal Thai Embassy which has jurisdiction over his or her country of residence. Travellers are advised to enquire about authorised office for visa issuance at any Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate-General before departure. Contact details and locations of Royal Thai Embassies and Royal Thai Consulates-General are available at www.mfa.go.th/web/10.php.

My guess is that Nigeria likely provides visa service for your nationality and there contact details are as below if you wish to email or call them (but believe contact with your Consulate in Thailand best first choice):


You're probably right, but it's clearly written "COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE", unless they write "Home Country", i think the texts are clears...

Also, It's not a problem to not take application for certain nationals, but the problem is, why to accept application fee and all documents if the application cannot be treated. The simple solution should be when someone comes: "Not YOU, not your country", then the person will go back. Not to accept money, then to say such things... To find another Embassy or representative is not really a big deal, but this is totally a SCAM..

But that way, they wouldn't earn (get your) money!rolleyes.gif

Edited by noob7
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Below is the published list of residents the Brisbane Consulate is authorized to issue visas - am not sure Embassy in India has more discretion or not but Congo is not on this list.

The Consulate is allowed to issue a visa to the following 17 nationals that have a Permanent Residence in Australia.

Thursday, 07 April 2011 02:45

1. Syria

2. Iraq

3. Palestinian

4. Iran

5. Sudan

6. Algeria

7. Libya

8. Yemen

9. Egypt

10. Afghanistan

11. Nigeria

12. Nepal

13. India

14. Pakistan

15. Sri Lanka

16. Lebanon

17. Bangladesh

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Places like Nigeria and the DRC are the source of many rogues. vagabondes, thieves. fraudsters, drug dealers, pimps and thugs.

Many countries place restictions on visa applicants from these and other African nations. It can be almost impossible for individuals to secure legitamate visas from anywhere outside their own countries where extensive enquiry is made before a visa is issued.

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Places like Nigeria and the DRC are the source of many rogues. vagabondes, thieves. fraudsters, drug dealers, pimps and thugs.

Many countries place restictions on visa applicants from these and other African nations. It can be almost impossible for individuals to secure legitamate visas from anywhere outside their own countries where extensive enquiry is made before a visa is issued.

This is not a problem about granting a visa or not. It's up to the embassy, based to their own laws. But here, we're talking about "RECEIVING AN APPLICATION". It's really simple, if you do not receive application for some countries, you should notify that. Not accepting someone to submit an application and pay the fee, then to say, "We do not treat application for passport holder for this country". This is just a scam, a steal...

And about visa, in my passport, I have many visa from different countries. i should attend a conference in Bangkok in March, but decided to visit first to see how things working there!!

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From the Thai Embassy India

"4. Nationals of certain countries are required to apply for a visa only at the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate-General in the applicant's country of residence, or at the Royal Thai Embassy which has jurisdiction over his or her country of residence. Travellers are advised to enquire about authorised office for visa issuance at any Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate-General before departure. Contact details and locations of Royal Thai Embassies and Royal Thai Consulates-General are available at www.mfa.go.th/web/10.php"

If you had gone to the Embassey/Consulate in person or made an enquiry you would have been told (at no cost) that a visa for a DRC passportholder has to be obtained in Africa!

No scam!

Edited by jrtmedic
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From the Thai Embassy India

"4. Nationals of certain countries are required to apply for a visa only at the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate-General in the applicant's country of residence, or at the Royal Thai Embassy which has jurisdiction over his or her country of residence. Travellers are advised to enquire about authorised office for visa issuance at any Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate-General before departure. Contact details and locations of Royal Thai Embassies and Royal Thai Consulates-General are available at www.mfa.go.th/web/10.php"

If you had gone to the Embassey/Consulate in person or made an enquiry you would have been told (at no cost) that a visa for a DRC passportholder has to be obtained in Africa!

No scam!

Op claims to be a resident of India, thus per your info h should be allwed to apply in India.

Question is if the OP submitted proof that he is residing in India.

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Being "resident" in a country does not affect ones Nationality, Citizenship, Country of Origin or the colour of your passport!

The Thai government has determined that citizens of certain African countries can only apply for Thai visas in their country of origin. Seems simple and straightforward to me

A glance at the post of Lopbury3 would seem to indicate the Thai consul in Brisbane is limited to providing visas to citizens of some 17 countries. Being "resident" in Australia would not secure you the right to a Thai visa if your country of origin is not included on the list.

Maybe I am missing something?

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The Thai government has determined that citizens of certain African countries can only apply for Thai visas in their country of origin. Seems simple and straightforward to me

Not true. Here is Thai Embassy in Finland policy

The Royal Thai Embassy, Helsinki will accept visa applications only from holders of Finnish and Estonian passports, and from those who have residence permits in Finland.


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Being "resident" in a country does not affect ones Nationality, Citizenship, Country of Origin or the colour of your passport!

The Thai government has determined that citizens of certain African countries can only apply for Thai visas in their country of origin. Seems simple and straightforward to me

A glance at the post of Lopbury3 would seem to indicate the Thai consul in Brisbane is limited to providing visas to citizens of some 17 countries. Being "resident" in Australia would not secure you the right to a Thai visa if your country of origin is not included on the list.

Maybe I am missing something?

Nowhere do I say it does. Read again. Your country of residence is relevant, as that determines where you can apply.

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Hey guys, Thanks for all your advice and comments.

I've received a response from a Thai Consulate in Mumbai:


Dear Sir,

As the per the rules & regulations given to us by the Thai immigration there are certain countries which cannot apply for visa in Mumbai. Even if you have a POI card or permanent resident in India there are some rules which we have to follow. Firstly we need to send your documents to Thailand only if they approve it then we can issue the visa. This procedure will take approximately 30days. If you have the appropriate documents & want to go ahead and apply for the visa you can get your documents to the Royal Thai Consulate - General office in Mumbai.



I remember early in November, at least 4 of my friends (from Congo) apply for the visa in the same embassy, and the application has been treated without any problem or restriction.

What is unfortunate, they didn't inform people of such new restrictions before collection money for application fee. And as I said it before, this is totally a SCAM!! and it must be stopped.

Btw, I've requested a relocation of conference meeting to Malaysia or Singapore, hope it will be granted.

Once again, thank you!!!

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It is not a scam. When you filled out the application form you signed the following statement.

I hereby declare that I will not request any refund from

my paid visa fee even if my application has been declined.

Source: http://www.vfs-thailand.co.in/pdf/visa%20application%20form.pdf

It is truly your responsibility to insure that you qualify for the visa before applying.

But at most embassies and consulates if you apply in person they check your documents before you pay the fee and will not take it unless it can be approved.

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It is not a scam. When you filled out the application form you signed the following statement.

I hereby declare that I will not request any refund from

my paid visa fee even if my application has been declined.

Source: http://www.vfs-thail...cation form.pdf

It is truly your responsibility to insure that you qualify for the visa before applying.

But at most embassies and consulates if you apply in person they check your documents before you pay the fee and will not take it unless it can be approved.

Dear, did you even read what i wrote?

you said: "It is truly your responsibility to insure that you qualify for the visa before applying"

I think i know it. as I said, early in November, in the same embassy, 4 of my fellows did submit applications, and the applications has been treated, And before submitting my application, I've also asked the same question to the guy who's supposed to receive my documents. So, if someone told me that they do not accept anymore applications from citizen of my country, i think i would have preferred to not submit... it's pretty simple and clear!!

What we usually sign in the end of each application (for every country) is about visa to be issued or not!!!!

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His application wasn't declined, it wasn't even accepted for consideration. But they still took the money either knowing that it couldn't be accepted, in which case it does qualify as a scam or not knowing, in which case how could he be expected to know.

If the same thing happened to me, I would go in there and make a big noise.

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His application wasn't declined, it wasn't even accepted for consideration. But they still took the money either knowing that it couldn't be accepted, in which case it does qualify as a scam or not knowing, in which case how could he be expected to know.

If the same thing happened to me, I would go in there and make a big noise.

Good idea! You would rise the chance, not to get a visa for Thailand at all. Worldwide, perhaps

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