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Why No Visa From Uk Embassy?

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Before it's closed, perhaps Thai3, instead of calling everyone here racists for disbelieving obvious trolls pretending to be Thai, will actually answer questions put to him before by several posters.

Why does his 'wife' feel the need to use proxies to hide her identity? What has she got to hide?

If she is employed by this expert lawyer who can sort out visas; why hasn't she asked him for advice? Saying that it's because "Lawyer can only sort out problems for hotel employees." is pathetic. If he or she knows so much why can he or she not give advice to one of his employees?

As he is a known troll who has posted in various forums in the past with multiple identities, why should anyone believe him now?

I doubt if he will answer, at least not for a few days while he tries to think of something.

Finally, Peter kindly stop sending me these childish PMs.

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As the Doc alluded to, I think this one has run its course. Before I close it, I just want to let it be known that I'm not doing so for reasons of censorship, dislike of posters' contributions, etc., but because it's turning into a flame fest.



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