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What Are The Benefits Of Having A Sexy Young Thai Wife/gf?

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I like the good sex everyday @ the drop of a hat,my G.F. is quiet, easy going, enjoys the time we spend together, we share the same likes of good thai/isaan foods, travelling thru-out thailand/ laos,I just wish we could spend more time together instead of 2 holiday periods a year.

regards S.S.biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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Do i wake up next to my sexy g/f every morning...NO, we have single beds...best of both worlds....So nice to have a partner that you can pick up with one hand...young and sexy ,,,,U bet..


Are you daft? Why would someone even ask this question. The advantage of having a sexy young Thai wife/GF is that she is young and sexy. My 16 year old son could answer that one.

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Generally, their feet are smaller.

This means they can stand closer to the sink and not make such a mess of the kitchen......................wink.png


No benefits. Every husband or boyfriend of a sexy woman no matter the race will eventually discover that beauty goes ........

I'm expecting to be dead of old age (or exhaustion) well before that time.

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From a female's point of view I can see the attraction that men must enjoy, but how much is based in reality? How often do married couples actually have sex each week and how long does each session it last? ....

You've not been in bed with a young Thai girl yet, have you?

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No benefits. Every husband or boyfriend of a sexy woman no matter the race will eventually discover that beauty goes ........

I'm expecting to be dead of old age (or exhaustion) well before that time.

I'm almost there now and it's only page two.

You've not been in bed with a young Thai girl yet, have you?

Probably not the best question to ask someone.

What Are The Benefits Of Having A Sexy Young Thai Wife/gf?

I had one just last night, and I didn't notice any significant benefits. :(


"all men age"

...... so do sexy young Thai girlfriends.

Now there a question, there are a few Thai men that have 2 or more wives, so they can just marry someone younger.........

Most non Thais here appear to change the model every few years for something younger...... often wondered can a non Thai have more than 1x wife here ? I mean at the same time..?


Dont you mean to ask if it is socially acceptable for a farang to have more wifes at the same time? If so then first ask if a Thai man can getaway with this. I know he can!

So then you want to know how he does this?


Dont you mean to ask if it is socially acceptable for a farang to have more wifes at the same time? If so then first ask if a Thai man can getaway with this. I know he can!

So then you want to know how he does this?

English guy out my way is on his 3rd Thai wife, many years ago he had a English wife, he cane here 27 years ago with a German wife, sadly she died... as I know him well for years did ask him this question a few years ago, he said NO, as farang must have papers to say they are free to marry........... dont believe a lot he says....

2 houses down from me, nice Thai lady now early 30's married a Bank Manager, had 2 girls with him aged now 9 and 11... His 1st wife is fine and visits from time to time, the oldest son from that wife is 1 year younger than wife 2, He married again last year, she is 19, also visits wife 2 sometimes.. Husband spends 1 night max 2 here with wife 2 per month, but visits 3 or 4 times a week....

Others well most appear to spend same amount of time with both wives... get confusing here meet the wife, funny sure that was not last months wife,

Just wondered 100% if it was legal for a farang to be legally married to more than one wife at the same time. ?


Dont you mean to ask if it is socially acceptable for a farang to have more wifes at the same time? If so then first ask if a Thai man can getaway with this. I know he can!

So then you want to know how he does this?

English guy out my way is on his 3rd Thai wife, many years ago he had a English wife, he cane here 27 years ago with a German wife, sadly she died... as I know him well for years did ask him this question a few years ago, he said NO, as farang must have papers to say they are free to marry........... dont believe a lot he says....

2 houses down from me, nice Thai lady now early 30's married a Bank Manager, had 2 girls with him aged now 9 and 11... His 1st wife is fine and visits from time to time, the oldest son from that wife is 1 year younger than wife 2, He married again last year, she is 19, also visits wife 2 sometimes.. Husband spends 1 night max 2 here with wife 2 per month, but visits 3 or 4 times a week....

Others well most appear to spend same amount of time with both wives... get confusing here meet the wife, funny sure that was not last months wife,

Just wondered 100% if it was legal for a farang to be legally married to more than one wife at the same time. ?

Good answer! I owe a good answer. The 'capacity to marry form' is checked and verified by the embassy and is required to marry a Thai woman at the local amphur. I suppose if you dont register your marriage in farangland while you are married in Thailand you can get another up to date 'capacity to marry form'. And subsequently marry your 2nd wife at a different amphur. Taking into account new amphur doesnt verify your current Thai marital status.

But this would be very sick to try out..


Good answer! I owe a good answer. The 'capacity to marry form' is checked and verified by the embassy and is required to marry a Thai woman at the local amphur. I suppose if you dont register your marriage in farangland while you are married in Thailand you can get another up to date 'capacity to marry form'. And subsequently marry your 2nd wife at a different amphur. Taking into account new amphur doesnt verify your current Thai marital status.

But this would be very sick to try out..

Most Thais only have village weddings, no limit on numbers there.

So for us 1 official Amphur marriage (for the VISA extention) + a village one (or two or three).

We embark on brave new adventures

The decision between Leo or Chang from the village shack store 60 kilometers outside some dustbowl provincial capital isn't quite on par with discovering the ruins of Machu Picchu. biggrin.png

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No benefits. Every husband or boyfriend of a sexy woman no matter the race will eventually discover that beauty goes ........

I'm expecting to be dead of old age (or exhaustion) well before that time.

I'm almost there now and it's only page two.

You've not been in bed with a young Thai girl yet, have you?

Probably not the best question to ask someone.

Not sure you understood the question was asked to a woman ?

None! she WILL fleece you! (well initially great sex, but she will take everything).

Only if you are stupid enough to let her ;-)

And many are, and many are buried because of it.


It is true that beauty is desirable, but in the long run it does not matter how beautiful she is if she has a personality of a bent The hard part is finding a woman that is attractive to you, but with a good heart. If she is not a good person to start with no amount of beauty will make the relationship worth it in the long run. Short term (or time) is a different story.

In the USA (and worldwide) there are two types of women.

1. High maintenance, meaning lots of makeup, the need for excessive jewelery, expensive cars, houses that are too large or too fancy. Material things are the reason she exists.

2. Low maintenance, meaning a natural beauty (very little makeup), sensible jewelery, practical vehicles, and a reasonable house to live in. Material things are not her reason for being, family is more important than money

In Thailand and the USA low maintenance (and attractive) is hard to find, but if you keep your eyes open to what is going on around you it is possible to find

I have been married to a very attractive (low maintenance) Thai woman for twenty years. I am a very lucky man.

I get tired of a lot of the posts on TV talking about how such and such Thai girl took so much money from a farang and left him broke and sad. I blame the farang for not being smart enough to figure out what is going on and make a reasonable (grown up) decision to move on if the woman is not a good one. You can find gold digging beautiful women in every country of this world, and you will also find stupid men that will spend every penny they have to be with them.

We are all grown ups, actions have consequences and stupidity should be punished.

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My TGF of 6+ years is 20 years my junior; I am 53 and she is 33. She is not the first lady you would notice in a room full of Thai lady sweeties, but she is loyal, and does her fair share, and does not constantly try and raid my wallet. She is attractive, but not the stereotypical "knockout".

My USD 0.02 on this matter, is take the time to get to know their values, priorities, etc. and see if they are reasonably compatible with your's. And most importantly, establish and enforce your boundries early on in the relationship, especially when it comes to money.

Otherwise, if all you're interested in is have a piece of eye candy on your arm, you can kiss your wallet and self-respect down the toilet.

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It is true that beauty is desirable, but in the long run it does not matter how beautiful she is if she has a personality of a bent The hard part is finding a woman that is attractive to you, but with a good heart. If she is not a good person to start with no amount of beauty will make the relationship worth it in the long run. Short term (or time) is a different story.

In the USA (and worldwide) there are two types of women.

1. High maintenance, meaning lots of makeup, the need for excessive jewelery, expensive cars, houses that are too large or too fancy. Material things are the reason she exists.

2. Low maintenance, meaning a natural beauty (very little makeup), sensible jewelery, practical vehicles, and a reasonable house to live in. Material things are not her reason for being, family is more important than money

In Thailand and the USA low maintenance (and attractive) is hard to find, but if you keep your eyes open to what is going on around you it is possible to find

I have been married to a very attractive (low maintenance) Thai woman for twenty years. I am a very lucky man.

I get tired of a lot of the posts on TV talking about how such and such Thai girl took so much money from a farang and left him broke and sad. I blame the farang for not being smart enough to figure out what is going on and make a reasonable (grown up) decision to move on if the woman is not a good one. You can find gold digging beautiful women in every country of this world, and you will also find stupid men that will spend every penny they have to be with them.

We are all grown ups, actions have consequences and stupidity should be punished.

Very well said...and, if you find yourself with a high-maintenance type, the sooner you show them the door, the better off you will be. I had such a high-maintenance type back in the States before I moved to Asia 10 years ago. I waited too long to kick her to the curb, but I did eventually wake up, move on and learn from it. So when I was first in Asia and met all sorts of drop dead younger girls, my "high maintenance golddigger" radar was fully operational, and I have been able to avoid those sort of women successfully, save a lot of money and preserve my boundries and self-respect.

None! she WILL fleece you! (well initially great sex, but she will take everything).

But at least she may do it with aplomb.

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