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The bear pit was missing when I logged on this afternoon. What happened? I miss the enlightened posts, amicable exchange of ideas and the overwhelming flow of love and good will emanating to and from all forum members. I know all good things come to an end, but the bear pit's demise was rather sudden.

Guest IT Manager

At the bottom of the forum topics under communities.

Guest IT Manager
It is so nice to be appreciated! :D

Perhaps its' alphabeticacal :o

...but the bear pit's demise was rather sudden.

Have no fear, it's still here.

The one or other bear might be licking some paws, but I hear the snarling in the background :o

Guest IT Manager

It's funny, one of our members mentioned the difficulty today of scrolling to a true bottom.

Not sure what he meant of course.


I've scrolled up, down, sideways and every which way, but no sign of that darn bearpit at true bottom or elsewhere. Perhaps there's a false bottom, you're not revealing IT? The bears are getting restless and the chains are starting to fray..............

Tou must be logged on in order to reach the Bear Pit forum!

Members only area!

I was logged on yesterday George, or at least thought I was - how else could I post a question? Still, mai pen rai, found the Bear Pit today but was almost scared off by the bilious anti-Ozzie sentiment emanating from certain quarters. Still, those guys from down-under are quite able to look after themselves, even if they did lose the Rugby World cup to a mere bunch of poms. :D Not so sure about the vocal little minority, who dare to pour petrol on the embers of their own sorry demise into has been neo-colonialists. :o

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