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Pinto Bean - High Source Of Protein. How To Cook Them?


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Make sure to soak. Overnight is better. Pour off the water and boil in fresh water until cooked. During the boiling process, if you see a foamy scum form on the surface you will want to skim it off. Doing so makes the beans less "gassy" and easier to digest. Afterwards, you can roast the beans, bake them with bacon or pork belly, or whatever your pleasure. Enjoy! :)

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Also one of the best antioxidant sources next to the little red bean and a good source of protein. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen_radical_absorbance_capacity

Also known as a musical fruit because the more you eat the more you toot, the more you toot, the better you feel, so eat beans with every meal! or some variation of that... its good for your heart so cut a ...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beans,_Beans,_the_Musical_Fruit

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My daughter, who is a helluva cook, taught me that you should soak them overnight, yes, but then discard that water, and use new water to cook them. This keeps the fart factor way, way down, and does not diminish nutrition. It works. If you don't believe me, try it each way and see how you feel after 5-6 hours of each!

Also when cooking them I also use bullion, and various flavorings. Do it right, they taste great.

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