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Did You Go To The Oasis Gig Last Night?


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Went to the gig last and must say it was good. Though i have seen Oasis a few times and have seen them better. But i must say it was pretty good. Franz Ferdinand were great and Ian Brown Ok. But the main reason for this post was to complain about the Thai organisation of the event. Firstly you had to buy vouchers for alcohol. Ok not a big thing. But i didnt get to the gig till just after 7pm. My mate rang me at 6pm and said they have ran out of beer. <deleted>. 6PM? Ok i said no worries i can drink whisky. It was sponsered by 100 Pipers. So we decided to go and get some vouchers just before 8pm. We get our vouchesr. Not over priced.240 baht for 4 drinks and 1 free. Nice one. Now considering that we hadnt drank before. 4or 5 drinks dont last long. So we sent my mate to get some more vouchers. He came back empty handed. Sorry! They said stop selling vouchers at 8pm. Eh?? The bar is open to 11pm. But no more vouchers. <deleted>. Anyway i go and speak to the staff. Many pissed off farang and Thais are queuing up for vouchers. So i jump the queue and ask the staff in Thai whats happening and why. Sorry they say. Police!!.So they have run out of beer and now wont sell whisky. The event finishes at midnight. So anyway we ended up paying the staff at the bar. Why didnt they just do this to start with? No idea!! If this is their first attempt at a decent size gig they failed on that score. But apart from that it was good. Sorry rant over. I'm sure that there was many TV members at the gig who would agree with me. I know that spit the dog was there as i know him and met him there with his mate. But on a lighter note. My friends boyfriend plays with Placebo so i got guest passes for today FREE! :o

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It's strange that even though they weren't officially selling alcohol at the festival, I still managed to end up totally rat-arsed.

I've no idea why they stopped selling whisky coupons at 8pm when the bar remained open until 11pm. :D:o

I ended up buying Leo from the Thais over the security fence. You had to buy 4 at a time for 200 baht. The Thai seller would throw 4 beers over the 2 barriers and then I had to throw him 200 Baht.

As for the concert overall I enjoyed it. The atmosphere was a bit flat at times as many of the Thais in the audience stood motionless and didn't appear to be familiar with the lyrics of Oasis.

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It's strange that even though they weren't officially selling alcohol at the festival, I still managed to end up totally rat-arsed.

I've no idea why they stopped selling whisky coupons at 8pm when the bar remained open until 11pm. :D:o

I ended up buying Leo from the Thais over the security fence. You had to buy 4 at a time for 200 baht. The Thai seller would throw 4 beers over the 2 barriers and then I had to throw him 200 Baht.

As for the concert overall I enjoyed it. The atmosphere was a bit flat at times as many of the Thais in the audience stood motionless and didn't appear to be familiar with the lyrics of Oasis.

Very true. Especailly about the rat arsed bit. Me too! :D

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I ended up buying Leo from the Thais over the security fence. You had to buy 4 at a time for 200 baht. The Thai seller would throw 4 beers over the 2 barriers and then I had to throw him 200 Baht.

You coulda just climbed over it, no body said anything to me when I scaled it with a bucket containing 50 beers :o

Also it looked to me like 100's if not 1000's of people got in for free, anyone could climb over the outside perimiter fence with no questions asked. Then once you had been into the priced areas they stamped your hand but never took yer ticket off ya. If you left that area you could re-enter with yer stamp and then someone else could get in with your ticket.

I lent some random girl my ticket for all of 10 minutes, and it looked like 10 of em got in using it :D The staff knew what was going on but didnt give a <deleted>.

Fookin good gig tho :D

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I wasn't boozing there - was on the water all night - but I had a great time! First time watching Oasis live and now truely understand what people mean when they say they are the best live band ever.

You could tell there were going to be problems with the booze from the start - only one tap for the beer, and who drinks whiskey at a concert??

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Im still tryin to get my head round Oasis and Ian Brown in BKK - ive got a bizarre mental image of the gallaghers and King Monkey gettin out of a tuk-tuk in Patpong!!!

Was there an aftershow party? Anyone go?

Three words (mentioned by Ian Brown repeatedly throughout his session) - "Kob koon kap" :o

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Went yesterday and had a great day. We had guest passes but these were priced for the 2000 baht section. We did go in there but my mates were in the 3000 section. So me and the missus tried our luck and got in there no worries. The stamp they give you was red. So a little bit off smudged lipstick, Wayhay we were in. I must say that the band Maximo Park were ######ing rocking. Also i was quite happy drinking whisky than beer. Less toilet trips. Seeing as the toilets were so far away anyway. Used the lake more than the toilets. :o Had a great time apart from my rant regarding the booze. Nice one! Hope they have something similar soon.

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Oasis played very well as usual but there is NO question that Ian ruled the day on Saturday. It it weren't for talent like Ian in Manchester Oasis wouldn't be who they are today. Full stop. Liam paid tribute to Ian (as he should).

I understand that the Gallagers are F'n rock stars with F'n atitudes but they have F'n boring personalities. If they want to have punk-like attitudes then follow it up with something important to say. (Take a lesson from Jonny "rotten", He's an arse to the core but at least you can respect his intelligence) The Gallagers can't even speak a sentence. I saw them 6 months ago in Tokyo and it was the same thing. Not a word other than the great music. Maybe Ian didn't get the pronunciation right but at least he F'n tried! The long hair, head-banger-looking keyboard player from Oasis wied at least. I love Oasis, don't get me wrong but they were upstaged by Ian in Bangkok and upstaged by NIN in Tokyo.

As for drinking... The party was in the parking lot. Who organizes a full day of festival (noon opening time?? music starts at 18:30? <deleted>) without massive beer sales! Imagine the missed revenue for the dopes! It was a pain in the arse but I enjoyed jumping the barriers for Leo.

Stereophonics canceled! I bought 2 days of tickets based on seeing them Sunday. I was so pissed at the organization of the festival and the lack of Stereophonics that I didn't even bother to return on Sunday.

Lastly, the barrier system is crap. if I was a Gallager I would have revolted against that idea upon sight.

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