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Sukampol Confident In Decision Over Abhisit Row


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Re-read your post. "he had no interest in being part of the army......."


and i don't think he did have any interest in it... you should read more carefully, not me.

i've already posted this, because i pretty much accept what is written here by a person who obviously prefers abhisit to thaksin any day of the week.

have a read of it:


it does seem to make a bit too much sense doesn't it?

Actually, it sounds like somebody's opinion. Now I have to wonder whether having "interest" in being in the army is relevant to the fact that he was.

Personally, I had no interest in a different army, except that I was part of it.

wonder away mick, wonder away.


actually do you not think what is written sounds quite plausible, possibly even the truth of what happened?

what do you think about what's written there, i mean particulars and not just about whether it's an opinion or not, i mean particulars about the individual statements?

I think the particulars are at least lacking if not complete fantasy. There is no mention of a student deferment which has been reported elsewhere, and a claim that he faked a Sor Dor 43 when other reports have indicated an incorrect date on a replacement document.

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This is just a joke like everything else this govt does. How can the defence minister possibly state that he is correct if he has ignored the militaries own ruling on this matter, obviously it is not what he wanted so he has gone over their heads and declared himself god, this govt is just one big joke doing big leaders commands, they wouldnt know the truth if it bit them on the bum.

Another lackey to the Shinawatra clan. This will all end badly for him when he (in the same way as Tarit) is found to have overstepped his authority

A military ruling over a military backed PM in office. Please think before you type

What military ruling?

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I think the particulars are at least lacking if not complete fantasy. There is no mention of a student deferment which has been reported elsewhere, and a claim that he faked a Sor Dor 43 when other reports have indicated an incorrect date on a replacement document.

as i understand it with these "sor dor's", a sor dor 43 is to prove you've shown up for conscription in the first place.

a sor dor 9 is where the age falsifying comes into play, for him to have been eligible to teach he would have had to have been a certain age (or served a certain number of years?) plus he would have had to have an original sor dor 43 document for this to be a valid placement.

i think the young hi-so kid did his best to avoid serving in the army and make it as short as possible.

does that make him a monster? nope, not to me.

just think logically about it is all i ask of people.

it doesn't make him a monster...just deceitful and hypocritical of what he portrays himself of standing for.

Edited by nurofiend
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