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Affair With A Thai Girl

Vince Tan

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I thought it would nice just to share my experience of being with a Thai girl I met in my country and would appreciate whatever comments in order to understand the whole situation better.

Lets call her Amy. She's a Thai, aged 25. When I first met her, she was working in a pub in my homeland. Basically, she was serving me my drinks and sat with me for a while. We chatted, drink and exchanged numbers. Few days later, I called her out for lunch and she agreed. We were meeting about 3 to 4 times a week and grew closer. At times when she is not well, I would bring her medicines and cared for her to some extent.

A month later, its time for her to return to Thailand. We kept in touch by calls and texting. I encouraged her to continue with her studies in uni and will pay for her fees. Besides, I told her I will send some funds to her monthly for her expenses and whatnot. I am doing this because of liking for her and wish to help her out.

Back in Thailand, she lives on her own in an apartment. She has a baby boy where she schooled him in some international school. During her younger years, she had a boyfriend for some years and that's how the baby came about. And as usual, she claimed that Thai guys like to "butterfly" as in looking for new girls.

And now that she's all alone by herself and has to fend everything on her own including bringing up the child. From our conversation, apparently she had a rich boyfriend who took care of everything and gives her a monthly allowance of 50000-70000 THB all this years and she seems to be living well with him. Whether she is lying or not I will never know and not interested to know. I am just taking everything at face value.

As she is going to start her uni soon, I obediently sent her 30000THB every month. Not inclusive of uni fees. This is to cover her rental, child care, and general expenses. Coming towards the third month, I was about to be doing the same until she complains that 30000THB is insufficient for her. When I heard this, I was flabbergasted. I couldn't comprehend that a student would require so much monies to sustain her life. I did tell her to spend wisely and learn to save. But according to her, she says Thais love spending money and buy whatever they wish and does not save much. Besides, she also mentioned that she need to gives money to her parents even though they are still working. And she expects me to foot everything.

We had some quarelling and I finally decided not to send her anymore funds.For I do not want to be taken for a ride anymore. Moreover, I can't see what she does in Thailand.

All these have come to a past, I am not bitter at all. For I did this out of love for someone and whatever money spent is no issue to me.

But I am curious, did she take me for a ride ? Or is this the norm for Thai girls ? That man should shoulder those resposibilities ? However, when I came to Thailand to see her, she actually wanted me to meet her parents. Sort of confused.

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The important sentence, in your statement:

"I finally decided not to send her anymore funds"

A bit late, but better late, than never.

One more thing: the 50-70k she 'got', that was a 'warm up'. A lot of people pay, like they got told, how much others pay.

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I've such a feeking that she studies at Nana University.

The university, at the plaza?

Possible. Does the OP have a telephone number?coffee1.gif

A friend of mine is supervisor for some of the students in the area.

Edited by noob7
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You were sending about $1000 USD a month and it was insufficient? You made the right choice (took you a while). As a consolation to you it is very possible that you were not the only person that lacked good sense and has been sending money to this girl. I am sure she is doing just fine. As other posters have stated an average Thai should be able to get along on much less than 30,000 Baht a month, in fact I know several expats that live on much less than that every month and they are doing OK.

Think of this as an expensive lesson and move on.

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30,000 Thai baht, as others have mentioned, is a huge amount, in my personal opinion.

I was with a gal in the Sukhumvit area...She ordered a slice of watermelon and looked at me to pay the paltry 20 baht tab. I refused.

We continued on our way after she paid herself...

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Way too much. most Thai's live on less than 10,000 Baht per month. Glad to see you have come to your senses.

Yes my friend you are being taken for a ride. The more you give the more she will spend. Time to run for the hills

What absolute nonsense. Plenty of Thais earn decent salaries.


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Way too much. most Thai's live on less than 10,000 Baht per month. Glad to see you have come to your senses.

Yes my friend you are being taken for a ride. The more you give the more she will spend. Time to run for the hills

What absolute nonsense. Plenty of Thais earn decent salaries.


It is not absolute nonsense.

I agree that plenty of Thais do earn more, but the vast majority of the Thai workforce earn 10,000 Baht/month or less

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Thai university fees are usually in the order or 50-100kbht per year.

Most students manage to live on 4-5kbht a month.

Payap University in CM charges 100kbht per year (for many courses) + another 80kbht for full board in it's International student accom., all found.

If you really wanted to help the girl, you might want to consider paying the University direct.

The outstretched hand always wants more, never put money in it, except for a direct transaction.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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As soon as you give money they consider you a complete fool and lose any respect that they may previously have had for you.

Give an inch, take a mile is also in their DNA.

This is the typical small-minded racist view of your average Western sex-pat that views Thailand through the lense of the various red light districts that they inhabit. It's an embarrasment. What a loser.

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Did you ever ask to see a transcript of her exam results.

I help out a young Laos student on condition he sends me a copy of his results each semester.

Are you sure she really did use the money for fees.

I agree 30K baht is a hell of a lot for a student.

Sent from my GT-N7100

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As soon as you give money they consider you a complete fool and lose any respect that they may previously have had for you.

Give an inch, take a mile is also in their DNA.

This is the typical small-minded racist view of your average Western sex-pat that views Thailand through the lense of the various red light districts that they inhabit. It's an embarrasment. What a loser.

Oh look, a judgemental holier-than-thou on the internet. Amazing. :D

Nope. Don't inhabit any red-light district. Haven't even bothered going to a bar for a pint in a few years. :(

Congrats though. Being angry and completely wrong in your second post is quite an achievement. Let's hope it's a sign of things to come from you.

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Did you ever ask to see a transcript of her exam results.

I help out a young Laos student on condition he sends me a copy of his results each semester.

Are you sure she really did use the money for fees.

I agree 30K baht is a hell of a lot for a student.

Sent from my GT-N7100

I don't ask her to show anything. Just trusted her and wish to see her get thru her studies. Anyway, since she didn't appreciate it or perhaps took advantage of my generiousity, its her loss. Not mine. All this has come to a past. And truth be told, the money I spent on her was the profit and dividends I earned from the stock market.

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Given she was willing to demand more money to the point of getting cut off completely, I'd guess she already has other revenue streams. Most girls wouldn't throw away 30,000 baht/mo in assistance if she really needed it.

Sent from my PC36100 using Thaivisa Connect App

I would assume so and did thought of it. But lately, I heard she is now working to support herself. Not that I cared anymore.

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You were sending about $1000 USD a month and it was insufficient? You made the right choice (took you a while). As a consolation to you it is very possible that you were not the only person that lacked good sense and has been sending money to this girl. I am sure she is doing just fine. As other posters have stated an average Thai should be able to get along on much less than 30,000 Baht a month, in fact I know several expats that live on much less than that every month and they are doing OK.

Think of this as an expensive lesson and move on.

In my homeland, with that money, one can live pretty ok. Probably owning a small little apartment and a car. Or I could probably use the money to buy myself a 5 series.5555

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Given she was willing to demand more money to the point of getting cut off completely, I'd guess she already has other revenue streams. Most girls wouldn't throw away 30,000 baht/mo in assistance if she really needed it.

Sent from my PC36100 using Thaivisa Connect App

I would assume so and did thought of it. But lately, I heard she is now working to support herself. Not that I cared anymore.

ummm, eh, how did you hear about it?

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Given she was willing to demand more money to the point of getting cut off completely, I'd guess she already has other revenue streams. Most girls wouldn't throw away 30,000 baht/mo in assistance if she really needed it.

Sent from my PC36100 using Thaivisa Connect App

I would assume so and did thought of it. But lately, I heard she is now working to support herself. Not that I cared anymore.

ummm, eh, how did you hear about it?

When everything stops, I did text her to ask about somethings. Then she told me she is now working in somewhere. And that was end of the conversation.

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My friend....it is a fling, it is a great short time, get over it.....move on.

If you are a wise man, you would know that there is more to life than a nice little bit of pussy.........one cannot eat all day, even a little pussy gets boring after 7 servings.

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