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Which Is Better...thai Price Tag Vs British Quality?


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Thai price vs. British quality? Hmmm...you mean like Thai engineering vs. British engineering? I heard that the Thai automotive industry is winning the war with the English automotive industry. I wish someone would start a thread about that. thumbsup.gif

So did they design and engineer all these cars they are making?

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Ok - I've scratched my head to think of some quality products from Britain.

It's true we are not a powerhouse manufacturer these days - although we have many things to be proud of.

We produce some beautiful luxury cars - as mentioned previously, but on a small scale.

I've found 2 areas where we are still world leaders - very current and steeped in history at the same time.

Also very cool - for a change smile.png

Most of the Marshall range is not made in the UK, it is made in China/India and Vietnam.


That's strange as my friend who works at the factory in MK seems to be kept busy.


It's true the low end tranny/VS stuff may have been farmed out ( MA, MG and Haze )

I'm sure they still produce the Brown sound valve beauties exclusively in the UK.


I suppose you'll tell me Talisker is made in Sumatra next thumbsup.gif

Edited by chonabot
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There are thousands of quality manufacturers in the UK, Mulberry, Burberry. Barbour in the fashion section alone, Hunter wellies, Rolls Royce with their vast production of non automotive goods, pharmaceutical companies, British Aerospace, the list goes on and on.....only the strong survived.

Here's a wee test.......


I get itchy on this subject as I am involved in a business creation project at the moment.......I find that one of the biggest obstacles for companies to get their ideas across is a misplaced defeatism on the part of many people that they pitch too. Some people seem to think that there's nothing being made in the UK and that we cannot beat the Chinese. Garbage.

I was asking a genuine question when I asked when was the last time someone bought a poor quality item manufactured in the UK, if anyone could answer that then I wouldn't object, the only way to get better is to take customer criticism on the chin and do better next time.

Up to this point no one has came up with a current example of shoddy British workmanship........if I could be bothered ( maybe I should do it ) I could compile a list of companies that manufacture in the UK that would stagger you. In my opinion, the notion that the UK is beaten is wrong, the notion that we're going down the drain is wrong, and the notion that our manufacturing sector is finished is laughably wrong.

I can guarantee you that the airport departure lounges are full of British businessmen heading off to overseas markets, and many of our businesses are turning in stunning results. I reckon Scottish alcohol exports alone will soon overtake our oil exports in value, I reckon Scottish farmed salmon exports will sail over the £ Billion mark soon as well. I base that on the fact that the Chinese have signed a deal that will see exports there grow massively....that's on top of an existing export market of £205 million. Check this link out.....


It's already the largest aquaculture producer in the EU.......there are loads of stories like this bubbling under in the UK, I made a point about mentioning Hunter Wellies as a prime example of a company that nearly died as a result of a lack of product development, that underwent some dramatic changes in management and soared away.

It's not all doom and gloom.

ps......My pal owns a company that manufactures vodka in the Highlands, it's called Valt.


It's a triple distilled single malt Vodka, it's fantastic and!!.........he is now exporting it to Ukraine. Selling vodka to the Russians....amazing eh?

Edited by theblether
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God this turned into a flag waving topic, i thought it was all about quality v.s crap, how wrong i was seems some people love waving their flag. Truth be told British quality is not renowned at all, German quality yes, Japanese too... British .. not really. But even the countries renowned for their don't all make good quality. For me this was more a topic about quality in general and how it was hard to get here (or spot).

There are some good UK products like Delkim (for fishing) but that does not justify labelling all UK products as good. Why all the flag waving, and then condemning Thais in topics saying they are brainwashed for saying Thailand is the best place on earth. You guys all left your home country and like it here. Surely if your home country was that great quality and such you would have stayed ?

Its not where its produced, its about quality control and good design, usually at an extra price and yes if i use the product a lot or i safety is involved i feel paying a higher price is justified wherever the product is made.

I would love it if there were some magazines like someone from OZ mentioned that did testing, back in Holland we had those too great to read and select your purchase on.

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Ok - I've scratched my head to think of some quality products from Britain.

It's true we are not a powerhouse manufacturer these days - although we have many things to be proud of.

We produce some beautiful luxury cars - as mentioned previously, but on a small scale.

I've found 2 areas where we are still world leaders - very current and steeped in history at the same time.

Also very cool - for a change smile.png

Most of the Marshall range is not made in the UK, it is made in China/India and Vietnam.


That's strange as my friend who works at the factory in MK seems to be kept busy.


It's true the low end tranny/VS stuff may have been farmed out ( MA, MG and Haze )

I'm sure they still produce the Brown sound valve beauties exclusively in the UK.


I suppose you'll tell me Talisker is made in Sumatra next thumbsup.gif

Notice where I said "Most".

As for Talisker is Scotland classed as ;part of Britain?

Edited by Spoonman
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As expected, this has turned into a Brit bashing thread.

It's what's expected of Thaivisa these days smile.png

Well we put on a pretty good show at the 2012 Olympics, even managed to get 3rd place in the medal haul.

Our Universities, Sports league, Literature and music stand up to the best in the world.

We may live off our history somewhat, but what history we have and that can never be denied.

I think our language is a quality product - it creates countless jobs worldwide - simply because millions of other people from different nationalities are

demanding to speak English.

They are not wanting to learn English because it's cool or a fashionable language - they need it to compete with other countries in industry.

We are a big and easy target for those of you that want to feel good about your country, if you're outside Europe and speak English,

well we probably had a lot to do with your culture as well smile.png


Please continue to bash and feel free to use our language - until you create a better one smile.png

As expected, this has turned into a Brit bashing thread.

It's what's expected of Thaivisa these days smile.png

Well we put on a pretty good show at the 2012 Olympics, even managed to get 3rd place in the medal haul.

Our Universities, Sports league, Literature and music stand up to the best in the world.

We may live off our history somewhat, but what history we have and that can never be denied.

I think our language is a quality product - it creates countless jobs worldwide - simply because millions of other people from different nationalities are

demanding to speak English.

They are not wanting to learn English because it's cool or a fashionable language - they need it to compete with other countries in industry.

We are a big and easy target for those of you that want to feel good about your country, if you're outside Europe and speak English,

well we probably had a lot to do with your culture as well smile.png


Please continue to bash and feel free to use our language - until you create a better one smile.png

Hear !! Hear !!!

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Notice where I said "Most".

As for Talisker is Scotland classed as ;part of Britain?

Yes, Scotland is part of Britain

Ok cool, was not sure. maybe thread title should be changed from british to Great Britain.

Yes, maybe you are right. It is generally accepted that Britain is shortened term for Great Britain though.

Mind you our Scottish friends may well argue about that :)

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Not a brit ashing thread but a flag waving one. The Brits were just lucky with their language, if it was not English it would have been an other language. Wow big accomplishment.

Brits are not renowned for their quality the Germans (the guys who almost conquered the world in recent history because of their superior quality in design) and the Japanese. Those two are the ones who deliver great quality. The Brits, never been famous for it as far as i know.

I am not looking down on the Brits at all, i just look at what is quality and if its made in the UK so be it if its made in Thaland so be it. I just prefer quality over crap if it justifies the extra cost.

As for the decline in producing stuff, (Netherlands / UK / ect) its because the people living there wanted cheaper goods so factories went to places with cheap labour. Its our own fault, nobody but yourself and myself to blame for that one.

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What nationality do you want your heart surgeon to be?

Wouldnt matter in that situation. My uncle required immediate heart bypass. Trust me, he wasnt thinking what nationality is the surgeon.
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Not a brit ashing thread but a flag waving one. The Brits were just lucky with their language, if it was not English it would have been an other language. Wow big accomplishment.

Brits are not renowned for their quality the Germans (the guys who almost conquered the world in recent history because of their superior quality in design) and the Japanese. Those two are the ones who deliver great quality. The Brits, never been famous for it as far as i know.

I am not looking down on the Brits at all, i just look at what is quality and if its made in the UK so be it if its made in Thaland so be it. I just prefer quality over crap if it justifies the extra cost.

As for the decline in producing stuff, (Netherlands / UK / ect) its because the people living there wanted cheaper goods so factories went to places with cheap labour. Its our own fault, nobody but yourself and myself to blame for that one.

And when the Allies were on their knees financially at the end of WWII which two countries were swamped with American money to re-build? Countries like UK did not finish repaying the financial debt to the USA until the last decade. Yes the German and Japanese engineering marvels were built on US Dollars. Uncle Sam deliberately wanted to keep the UK on its knees and there are many of the older UK generations who will not forgive or forget this.

Edited by RabC
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What nationality do you want your heart surgeon to be?

I could not care less as long as he is good at his job, im sure guys like theblether want a scottish one.

I can understand that. The great majority of surgeon's drive Toyota or Honda.smile.png

cutting edge technology :)

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What nationality do you want your heart surgeon to be?

four years ago i had open heart surgery. the choice was between a famous hospital in Bangkok and the Munich "Herzzentrum". Mrs issued the order "Germany!" and i obeyed. after the procedure we had a chat with the rather famous German surgeon in which we touched the subject "Phyathai Hospital BKK" who told us (addressing the Mrs) "a couple of years ago we visited this hospital with an international delegation. i can assure you that they would have done as good a job as we do in Munich. but then you wouldn't have been to able to boast that your husband's surgery was carried out by me and my team." laugh.png

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Not a brit ashing thread but a flag waving one. The Brits were just lucky with their language, if it was not English it would have been an other language. Wow big accomplishment.

Brits are not renowned for their quality the Germans (the guys who almost conquered the world in recent history because of their superior quality in design) and the Japanese. Those two are the ones who deliver great quality. The Brits, never been famous for it as far as i know.

I am not looking down on the Brits at all, i just look at what is quality and if its made in the UK so be it if its made in Thaland so be it. I just prefer quality over crap if it justifies the extra cost.

As for the decline in producing stuff, (Netherlands / UK / ect) its because the people living there wanted cheaper goods so factories went to places with cheap labour. Its our own fault, nobody but yourself and myself to blame for that one.

And when the Allies were on their knees financially at the end of WWII which two countries were swamped with American money to re-build? Countries like UK did not finish repaying the financial debt to the USA until the last decade. Yes the German and Japanese engineering marvels were built on US Dollars. Uncle Sam deliberately wanted to keep the UK on its knees and there are many of the older UK generations who will not forgive or forget this.

no amount of money can buy engineering marvels or ingenuity of brains.

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Not a brit ashing thread but a flag waving one. The Brits were just lucky with their language, if it was not English it would have been an other language. Wow big accomplishment.

Brits are not renowned for their quality the Germans (the guys who almost conquered the world in recent history because of their superior quality in design) and the Japanese. Those two are the ones who deliver great quality. The Brits, never been famous for it as far as i know.

I am not looking down on the Brits at all, i just look at what is quality and if its made in the UK so be it if its made in Thaland so be it. I just prefer quality over crap if it justifies the extra cost.

As for the decline in producing stuff, (Netherlands / UK / ect) its because the people living there wanted cheaper goods so factories went to places with cheap labour. Its our own fault, nobody but yourself and myself to blame for that one.

And when the Allies were on their knees financially at the end of WWII which two countries were swamped with American money to re-build? Countries like UK did not finish repaying the financial debt to the USA until the last decade. Yes the German and Japanese engineering marvels were built on US Dollars. Uncle Sam deliberately wanted to keep the UK on its knees and there are many of the older UK generations who will not forgive or forget this.

The tanks and airplanes of the Germans were superior before U$ money. So the engineers and quality was there already. But i did not post this to get into a pissing match about what country is better or such.

I really don't care, i buy quality where ever it is made, i prefer to buy something good depending on the price difference and usage of course. I just posted this because of all the flag waving i saw. I always thought the USA was good at waving his flag but seems the UK does the same. I am happy i was not brought up that nationalistic, it only causes problems.

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