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Australia Goes Purple As Temperature Goes Off The Charts


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Wildfires raging across Australia

"Off the charts" is a phrase that gets thrown around liberally when it comes to temperature. But in the case of Australia's current heat wave and raging wildfires, temperatures are literally higher than the government's charts were designed to go. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has had to introduce a new color -- deep purple -- to account for the record-breaking heat.

The bureau's interactive weather forecasting chart previously capped at 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit.) The model now goes all the way to 54 degrees (129 degrees F), higher than Australia's all-time record temperature of 50.7 degrees (123 degrees F) from 1960.

"The scale has just been increased today and I would anticipate it is because the forecast coming from the bureau's model is showing temperatures in excess of 50 degrees," David Jones, head of the bureau's monitoring and prediction unit, told Australian newspaper The Age.

The scorching heat over central Australia has yet to cross the 50 degree barrier, but Dr. Jones believes it is only a matter of time.

"The air mass over the inland is still heating up -- it hasn't peaked," he told The Age.

Monday saw the highest average temperatures ever recorded in the country at 104.59 degrees Fahrenheit. Six of the twenty hottest days ever recorded in Australia have been in 2013, with that number expected to rise.

"The heat over central Australia is not going to go anywhere," Dr. Jones said.

-- CBS News 2013-01-09

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Instead of global warming call it climate change. Australia has a carbon footprint per capita even higher than the US according to 2009 figures.

The way I see it is that they called it global warming until the numbers made fools of them and then they changed it to climate change to CYA.

Reminds me of the famous quote by J. P. Morgan when asked what the stock market will do and he said "fluctuate."

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Sorry but you cannot deny Global Warming.

The only issue is whether it is part of a natural cycle or if man is creating/exacerbating it.

The temperature rise is not under dispute. Nor is the rise in CO2 levels. They can be measured.


Edited by Chicog
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And for timescales longer than a week or so, we find from the UK:

Global warming at a standstill, new Met Office figures show

The Met Office has downgraded its forecast for global warming to suggest that by 2017 temperatures will have remained about the same for two decades.


Weather is not climate.

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Sorry but you cannot deny Global Warming.

The only issue is whether it is part of a natural cycle or if man is creating/exacerbating it.

The temperature rise is not under dispute. Nor is the rise in CO2 levels. They can be measured.


The US and Canada are both huge land masses. Before firefighting, when lightning started a fire it burned until the Fall rains came. Much of this land is timbered.

When the pioneers in wagon trains in the US and Canada ventured Westward, they had no problem driving wagons through the forests because regular fires kept the ground cleared of brush. Today you can't walk through those same places along such as The Oregon Trail because firefighting has allowed brush to grow and choke off passage. See the Blue Mountains in Eastern Oregon along the Oregon Trail.

I have seen the smoke that even a normal "bad" but well-fought forest fire can generate. I can only imagine what it was like when lightning strikes around the world started fires and no one intervened.

Even in the area where I live we get several lightning caused forest fires each summer. Usually they are quickly extinguished.

I can only imagine the haze that must have hung over North America 200 years ago for all of the summer months. I can only imagine that it must have circled the globe. I can't speak for what happened in other countries with large land bases at the same time.

The carbon footprint must have been enormous. Has anyone heard of the Yellowstone Park fire which in the end was seen to be good for the animals and the forest? It was cleansing and renewing and the ash is a fertilizer. Dang, it put a haze over much of the US and into Canada and part of it circled the globe.

The Yellowstone fires of 1988

Why am I asked to believe that the air was cleaner 200 years ago? Why am I asked to believe when there is no proof? Why am I asked to believe that the earth is warmer today than it was just 200 years ago when no measurements were taken? Why am I asked to believe that man is causing more now than nature did 200 years ago?

Please don't give me 20 or 30 or even 50 years of man's finite opinion, when this globe has been turning for so long we can't even conceive of the time.

Man is one arrogant fkr. If he can't see it, it doesn't exist. Only what he sees in his short lifetime is reality.

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She'll be right mate. The Aussie summers are not what they use to be. When I was growing up there where countless hot summer days for swimming now it seems you only get around 18 decent days each summer. 40 one day then mid 20's for the next week, a couple of days in low to mid 30's then back to a week of mid 20's.

When it comes to bushfires and floods in Australia, well that is just part of the culture. Bushfires, floods, cyclones, crocodiles, box jellyfish, deadly spiders and snakes hey that is what makes Australia such a wonderful country. Land, sea or the air, there is something that can kill everyone.

Many years ago before man arrived in Australia most of central Australia was inland sea, today it is desert the seas evaporated, evidence that global warming was much more of a concern in days gone past.

Edited by chooka
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Instead of global warming call it climate change. Australia has a carbon footprint per capita even higher than the US according to 2009 figures.

Ever thought the per capita carbon foot print was due to the number of bush fires over a very large land mass weighed against a relatively low population.

What nonsense, I would only expect that sort of crap out of Julia Gillard!

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The climate alarmists have gone beyond desperate into risibly idiotic.

DHAKA, Bangladesh, Jan. 9 (UPI) -- Bangladesh has recorded its lowest temperatures in nearly 60 years, an unexpected result of global warming, scientists said.

The severe cold wave sweeping through normally tropical Bangladesh brought normal life and businesses to a near standstill, officials said.

Experts are blaming the cold temperatures on more intense cold fronts resulting from global warming melting polar ice.

"Extreme events are on the rise throughout the world and they will continue to increase further due to global warming," said Aninun Nishat, an environment specialist. "We're part of the world. So, we're also feeling here the pinch of the global warming."

High temperatures are claimed to be a result of global warming, and now low temperatures are claimed to be a result of global warming, according to these charlatans.

How much lower will these 'scientists', 'experts' and 'specialists' (read: activists) stoop to keep their gravy train running or have they finally hit bottom?

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The climate alarmists have gone beyond desperate into risibly idiotic.

DHAKA, Bangladesh, Jan. 9 (UPI) -- Bangladesh has recorded its lowest temperatures in nearly 60 years, an unexpected result of global warming, scientists said.

The severe cold wave sweeping through normally tropical Bangladesh brought normal life and businesses to a near standstill, officials said.

Experts are blaming the cold temperatures on more intense cold fronts resulting from global warming melting polar ice.

"Extreme events are on the rise throughout the world and they will continue to increase further due to global warming," said Aninun Nishat, an environment specialist. "We're part of the world. So, we're also feeling here the pinch of the global warming."

High temperatures are claimed to be a result of global warming, and now low temperatures are claimed to be a result of global warming, according to these charlatans.

How much lower will these 'scientists', 'experts' and 'specialists' (read: activists) stoop to keep their gravy train running or have they finally hit bottom?

Study weather patterns and climatology and you may understand. Global warming could actually throw Europe in a deep freeze and it's easy to understand how if you make an effort to understand.

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Global warming could actually throw Europe in a deep freeze

Yeah, yeah, I saw The Day After Tomorrow as well; but that was Hollywood science fiction, not a documentary. And rather bad science fiction, at that.

The keepers of the 'global warming' faith have been telling us for 20 years to expect destructive heat waves, droughts, lack of snow and the spread of disease.

Now it's started raining, they tell us to expect floods from global warming. And now we get record low temperatures and more snow, they tell us that's global warming as well. Like all cheap hustlers, they change their story as soon as a new fact comes to light.

Their attributing of single weather events to a pattern of global warming has about the same sense as me saying: "I saw a car with registration number KR 1189 on the way in to work today, what are the chances of that?"

'Climate science' has little to do with the climate, and even less to do with science.

And because the general public have a better nose for total BS than the elitists bargained for, they're simply not listening to these silly fables any more.

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Some very hot days doesn't prove global warming. It's the comparative averages which indicate it, and the averages around the world, since 2000 compared with averages for the 20th century are showing very strongly for global-scale warming. Along with swift and severe warming trends, there are other fluctuations: heavier storms of longer duration, which bring greater incidence of floods. There may even be some anomolies and fluctuations in the mix, as weather is not an exact science - such as mentioned above with a slight brief cooling in one or two areas. However, the overall trend, backed by scientific data, and agreed upon by nearly all scientists, is a warming trend. Most scientists also agree that man-made activities are a strong factor - though to what extent is being debated. Regardless of what extent CO2 emissions are screwing with climate, it's good for many reasons to emit less of the stuff. Just one giant city, Bangkok, is being hit with a double whammy: Pollution is very bad, and seas are rising. Near future will bode ill for Bangkokians, more than just some angry rowdies commandeering the place with petrol soaked tires.

// Off topic nonsense quoted posts removed //

Edited by metisdead
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Regardless of what extent CO2 emissions are screwing with climate, it's good for many reasons to emit less of the stuff.

Disregarding, as you say, its possible effects on climate, what are some of those many other reasons for cutting CO2 emissions?

Edited by RickBradford
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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a very good lesson in how "global warming" catastrophes are sold to the gullible.

It is simply the wild PR success of an inaccurate prediction.


Notwithstanding the fact that the actual temperatures didn't even hit 50C, the world's compliant media went berserk.

The story was picked up by all and sundry like the (UK) Telegraph, New York Times, Scientific American, Google hosted news, News Yahoo, CBS news, Business Insider etc. Reuters made it sound like a living hell, “Australia’s record-breaking heatwave has sent temperatures soaring, melting road tar and setting off hundreds of wildfires – as well as searing new colors onto weather maps.”

The Guardian got so excited they incorrectly said it was unprecedented and read the colors wrongly as well, saying the forecast was for “over 52°C when the forecast was for 50°C. Atlantic Wire made a similar mistake: “See that deep purple in the middle of this acne-red weather report from Down Under? That right there represents 129.2° F or 54 °C — it’s a brand-new shade that the Australian bureau of meteorology was forced to add to its heat index because their country is, you know, kind of on fire.

The Economist got so excited they thought this heat wave would convert skeptics: "Some climate experts are convinced the 2013 heatwave will prove a turning-point in how Australians respond to warnings about human-induced climate change...."

An avalanche of massive BS; did any of these media outlets report the true figures after the event? Nah, of course not.

A textbook example of how the scare is perpetuated among the masses.

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Global warming could actually throw Europe in a deep freeze

Yeah, yeah, I saw The Day After Tomorrow as well; but that was Hollywood science fiction, not a documentary. And rather bad science fiction, at that.

The keepers of the 'global warming' faith have been telling us for 20 years to expect destructive heat waves, droughts, lack of snow and the spread of disease.

Now it's started raining, they tell us to expect floods from global warming. And now we get record low temperatures and more snow, they tell us that's global warming as well. Like all cheap hustlers, they change their story as soon as a new fact comes to light.

Their attributing of single weather events to a pattern of global warming has about the same sense as me saying: "I saw a car with registration number KR 1189 on the way in to work today, what are the chances of that?"

'Climate science' has little to do with the climate, and even less to do with science.

And because the general public have a better nose for total BS than the elitists bargained for, they're simply not listening to these silly fables any more.

That's all I needed to hear to understand you either lack objectivity or lack an understanding of the subject matter.

Oh, I have zero idea about what happened in the movie you mentioned. My statement was gleaned from studies and reports by very objective mets which I respect, Jeff Masters for one. My baby's god parents did go on the Gore expedition Jan of 2012. I actually did take a lot of that with a grain of salt, but there is considerable data and objective findings down in Anartica that are somewhat alarming.

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The climate alarmists have gone beyond desperate into risibly idiotic.

DHAKA, Bangladesh, Jan. 9 (UPI) -- Bangladesh has recorded its lowest temperatures in nearly 60 years, an unexpected result of global warming, scientists said.

The severe cold wave sweeping through normally tropical Bangladesh brought normal life and businesses to a near standstill, officials said.

Experts are blaming the cold temperatures on more intense cold fronts resulting from global warming melting polar ice.

"Extreme events are on the rise throughout the world and they will continue to increase further due to global warming," said Aninun Nishat, an environment specialist. "We're part of the world. So, we're also feeling here the pinch of the global warming."

High temperatures are claimed to be a result of global warming, and now low temperatures are claimed to be a result of global warming, according to these charlatans.

How much lower will these 'scientists', 'experts' and 'specialists' (read: activists) stoop to keep their gravy train running or have they finally hit bottom?

The scaremongering will carry on,as long as it takes to get their next grants and funding.When that dries up they hop onto another financial Bandwagon,now let me remember some:Polar Ice Cap melting,CFCs,Holes in Ozone layer,Carbon emissions, the need for wind farms to supplement energy(now they say its not worth the expense of spoiling our Countryside views) and let's not talk about all the warnings about what food is bad for our health,fact is living is bad for our health,hold on a minute I must switch off my mobile phone,apparently it's frying my brain.


Edited by MAJIC
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