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Thailand Dangerous-bbc News Last Night


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A piece on BBC news last night accusing the Foreign Office of not declaring Thailand a potentially dangerous place to visit.According to a leaked document they did not want to damage the post tsunami tourism trade. Article stated 9 Brits killed in Thailand last year, interviewed travel agent who said he wouldn't want his daughter to go there as dangerous for women, especially those travelling on their own. What do you lot think, is Thailand getting dangerous?

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A piece on BBC news last night accusing the Foreign Office of not declaring Thailand a potentially dangerous place to visit.According to a leaked document they did not want to damage the post tsunami tourism trade. Article stated 9 Brits killed in Thailand last year, interviewed travel agent who said he wouldn't want his daughter to go there as dangerous for women, especially those travelling on their own. What do you lot think, is Thailand getting dangerous?

For those who have blinders on - this of course applies to anywhere in the world. :o

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The bit that the Beeb thought was newsworthy was because in an email obtained under the Freedom of Information Act a Diplomat said it should put the fact that 9 Brits have been murdered in Thailand sionce august 2004 further down the FCO warning so as not to damage Thailand economy ie Tourism.

There was no emphasis on Thailand being dangerous or not and any comparison made - the point of the peace was to show how the economic interest of Thailand was placed above what should be told to UK citizens.

The info was part of the warning but it was to be placed further down the body of the articvle instead of the top so the impact of the info was less.

Of course they trotted out some small office TA for a vox pop but that was just filler.

On another thread someone said "How does this compare with Spain"

In regard to the 9 murders in that period - I would be interested in those figure as pure numbers then as ratio of visitors just out of pure interest

Off the top of my head I would guess Thailand looks worse at this time but I also beleive the period from August 2004 is an abberation (I hope it is) and not an upward trend.

I may be completely wrong but i think more Brits are murdered in the USA each year in total numbers - I might have dreamt that one though as I have no reference

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The number of deaths in Thailand among farang each year is not the subject of any meaningful statistical reference. This alone given the numbers involved is a disgrace ignored by the diplomatic corps who remain supine in the spirit of their wretched self serving traditions. If it were not for several notable journalists the situation would be even more lamentable.

An awful lot of people die here in circumstances which are not investigated properly and only serve as epitaphs for successive diplomats anxious to pad their pensions and educate their brats at tax payers' expense.

There is no imperative likely to force the Thai to address this issue except for that corps which singularly fails to protect its citizens by not informing them of the dangers present in the kingdom of Thailand, a country riven with casual violence, reckless stupidity and an indifference to life.

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My, my, my, what an utterly scandalous bit of news! One person would like to minimize the importance of a fact, possibly out of good intentions, while another believes every UK citizen needs to be aware of it. And so a most sinister coverup has been exposed.

One person's opinion versus another's. One person's significance versus another's. One person's fear versus another's lack of fear. One person's idea of what should be versus another's. Is this such a big deal that it needs to be newsworthy? Mountains out of molehills over a difference of opinion, IMHO.

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A piece on BBC news last night accusing the Foreign Office of not declaring Thailand a potentially dangerous place to visit.According to a leaked document they did not want to damage the post tsunami tourism trade. Article stated 9 Brits killed in Thailand last year, interviewed travel agent who said he wouldn't want his daughter to go there as dangerous for women, especially those travelling on their own. What do you lot think, is Thailand getting dangerous?

And i wonder how many Foreign nationals were killed in the U.K last year? :o

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A piece on BBC news last night accusing the Foreign Office of not declaring Thailand a potentially dangerous place to visit.According to a leaked document they did not want to damage the post tsunami tourism trade. Article stated 9 Brits killed in Thailand last year, interviewed travel agent who said he wouldn't want his daughter to go there as dangerous for women, especially those travelling on their own. What do you lot think, is Thailand getting dangerous?

And i wonder how many Foreign nationals were killed in the U.K last year? :o

I was thinking in a similar way Daleyboy. How dangerous is Great Britain for British women? How many Btitish people are killed in Great Britain? The same line of thinking can be applied anywhere.

WHile it's a tragedy that 9 Brits were killed, it sounds like the BBC was focused on a single issue and added a bit of sensationalism for good measure making Thailand sound worse than it is. Same sort of thing happens when television programs focus on AIDS in Thailand. Viewers are left with the idea that all Thais have AIDS. It's not to slight such problems, but when a single issue is focused on, it can create a misleading impression.

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A piece on BBC news last night accusing the Foreign Office of not declaring Thailand a potentially dangerous place to visit.According to a leaked document they did not want to damage the post tsunami tourism trade. Article stated 9 Brits killed in Thailand last year, interviewed travel agent who said he wouldn't want his daughter to go there as dangerous for women, especially those travelling on their own. What do you lot think, is Thailand getting dangerous?

And i wonder how many Foreign nationals were killed in the U.K last year? :o

I was thinking in a similar way Daleyboy. How dangerous is Great Britain for British women? How many Btitish people are killed in Great Britain? The same line of thinking can be applied anywhere.

WHile it's a tragedy that 9 Brits were killed, it sounds like the BBC was focused on a single issue and added a bit of sensationalism for good measure making Thailand sound worse than it is. Same sort of thing happens when television programs focus on AIDS in Thailand. Viewers are left with the idea that all Thais have AIDS. It's not to slight such problems, but when a single issue is focused on, it can create a misleading impression.

Indeed so, i also wonder what % that is of the total number of British tourists visting Thailand.

It seems a shame that such a great institution as the BBC feels the need to sensationalize(spelling) stories in order to win ratings wars. It appears as though the integrity of the BBC has gone by the way side to keep up with the competion i.e CNN

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A piece on BBC news last night accusing the Foreign Office of not declaring Thailand a potentially dangerous place to visit.According to a leaked document they did not want to damage the post tsunami tourism trade. Article stated 9 Brits killed in Thailand last year, interviewed travel agent who said he wouldn't want his daughter to go there as dangerous for women, especially those travelling on their own. What do you lot think, is Thailand getting dangerous?

And i wonder how many Foreign nationals were killed in the U.K last year? :o

I was thinking in a similar way Daleyboy. How dangerous is Great Britain for British women? How many Btitish people are killed in Great Britain? The same line of thinking can be applied anywhere.

WHile it's a tragedy that 9 Brits were killed, it sounds like the BBC was focused on a single issue and added a bit of sensationalism for good measure making Thailand sound worse than it is. Same sort of thing happens when television programs focus on AIDS in Thailand. Viewers are left with the idea that all Thais have AIDS. It's not to slight such problems, but when a single issue is focused on, it can create a misleading impression.

Indeed so, i also wonder what % that is of the total number of British tourists visting Thailand.

It seems a shame that such a great institution as the BBC feels the need to sensationalize(spelling) stories in order to win ratings wars. It appears as though the integrity of the BBC has gone by the way side to keep up with the competion i.e CNN

Reality check please.The BBC did not sensationalise the story to win a ratings war.It's a rather silly tradition to grind out this line when the BBC comes out with a story we disagree with.My take is that Thailand is generally a safe place for foreigners but bear in mind most of us residents are street smart and know how to behave.For tourists it's still safe but obviously single girls should exercise discretion and good judgement.Motor car accidents are easily the biggest danger.The BBC doesn't always get it right but I would say its integrity definitely in place.How would we feel if no BBC?

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Reality check please.The BBC did not sensationalise the story to win a ratings war.It's a rather silly tradition to grind out this line when the BBC comes out with a story we disagree with.My take is that Thailand is generally a safe place for foreigners but bear in mind most of us residents are street smart and know how to behave.For tourists it's still safe but obviously single girls should exercise discretion and good judgement.Motor car accidents are easily the biggest danger.The BBC doesn't always get it right but I would say its integrity definitely in place.How would we feel if no BBC?

If all of the news stations and papers were to disappear I wouldn't consider that a great loss. :oDuck.gif

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A piece on BBC news last night accusing the Foreign Office of not declaring Thailand a potentially dangerous place to visit.According to a leaked document they did not want to damage the post tsunami tourism trade. Article stated 9 Brits killed in Thailand last year, interviewed travel agent who said he wouldn't want his daughter to go there as dangerous for women, especially those travelling on their own. What do you lot think, is Thailand getting dangerous?

When my mum heard I was going to Thailand she said" How can you go to such a place? Funny coloured people hiding behind corners, ready to hit you on the head and steal all your money"

I said " No Mum. You're thinking of Ramsgate"

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A piece on BBC news last night accusing the Foreign Office of not declaring Thailand a potentially dangerous place to visit.According to a leaked document they did not want to damage the post tsunami tourism trade. Article stated 9 Brits killed in Thailand last year, interviewed travel agent who said he wouldn't want his daughter to go there as dangerous for women, especially those travelling on their own. What do you lot think, is Thailand getting dangerous?

And i wonder how many Foreign nationals were killed in the U.K last year? :o

I was thinking in a similar way Daleyboy. How dangerous is Great Britain for British women? How many Btitish people are killed in Great Britain? The same line of thinking can be applied anywhere.

WHile it's a tragedy that 9 Brits were killed, it sounds like the BBC was focused on a single issue and added a bit of sensationalism for good measure making Thailand sound worse than it is. Same sort of thing happens when television programs focus on AIDS in Thailand. Viewers are left with the idea that all Thais have AIDS. It's not to slight such problems, but when a single issue is focused on, it can create a misleading impression.

Indeed so, i also wonder what % that is of the total number of British tourists visting Thailand.

It seems a shame that such a great institution as the BBC feels the need to sensationalize(spelling) stories in order to win ratings wars. It appears as though the integrity of the BBC has gone by the way side to keep up with the competion i.e CNN

From World Health Organization stats. The murder rate for foreigners in Thailand is about the same as staying in UK (stay away from Scotland :D ) Russia and the States far higher 30-50x, as most EU counties. Don't worry about murders, worry about traffic deaths :D

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A piece on BBC news last night accusing the Foreign Office of not declaring Thailand a potentially dangerous place to visit.According to a leaked document they did not want to damage the post tsunami tourism trade. Article stated 9 Brits killed in Thailand last year, interviewed travel agent who said he wouldn't want his daughter to go there as dangerous for women, especially those travelling on their own. What do you lot think, is Thailand getting dangerous?

This is good news. Hopefully the hoards of twits will stay home. This might even rub off on a few thousand Americans as well. :o

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If the communist news network and the bullshit broadcasting company would both disappear it wouldn't bother me any.

Only trust Fox. :o

Can we name any good alternatives?

Here's the original article:


Thai murder concerns played down

The Foreign Office played down its concerns about the threat of attacks on travellers to Thailand after Katherine Horton's murder, the BBC has learned.

After the killing of the 21-year-old Briton on Koh Samui on 1 January, officials considered revising advice.

But they decided not to mention her murder and others prominently on the FO website to "avoid disproportionate impact" - e-mails from staff reveal.

The FO later denied being influenced by "commercial considerations".

The office also said Britons' safety and accurate information were "paramount".

Katherine, 21, from Cardiff, was raped and murdered after she wandered off from friends to make a mobile phone call on the beach.

Two fishermen are appealing against a death sentence for rape and murder.

Increased crime

On the news of her death, intensive consultations began between British diplomats in Thailand and London over how to update the FO travel advice.

There was already concern over increased crime in the area - she was the ninth Briton to be murdered in Thailand in 18 months.

But the emails, obtained by the BBC under the Freedom of Information Act, show that officials decided against mentioning the murders at the top of the FO web page.

"The trouble with that is that it will effectively highlight the number of murders over the last year or more here, which in the current circumstances could have a disproportionate impact on Thailand's reputation and its legitimate commercial interests," the e-mail said.

Instead, the murders were mentioned lower down.

Speaking on Monday night, the Foreign Office stressed that nine murders represented only "a tiny percentage" of British visitors to Thailand.

"The personal safety of British nationals abroad is of paramount concern to the Foreign Office," it said in a statement.

"Foreign Office travel advice is not influenced by commercial considerations."

The "utmost importance" was attached to providing accurate information, it added.

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I dont really think Thailand is a dangerous place (apart from the roads in Samui :o ), but just recently I have had 5 friends burgled/stolen from, 4 who are living here and one couple who are long time visitors (passports, cards etc stolen)

I know this doesnt exactly mean danger as such, but it is a bit of an eye opener as it certainly seems you are hearing about these kinds of crimes alot more often.

And if this is to "experienced" expats, im sure there is a huge number of regular blinkered tourists being robbed, mugged and burgled every day.

It does start to make you think a little bit.

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If the communist news network and the bullshit broadcasting company would both disappear it wouldn't bother me any.

Only trust Fox. :o

If you don't hear/read about it, it isn't happening. No war in Iraq, No floods in 'The Big Easy" life is but a dream

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How would we feel if no BBC?

Off topic I know but the question has been asked - the BBC produces some great TV entertainment programmes but their importance as an international news service has been superceded. I wouldn't miss it for news service.

The BBC is a medium which, as we all know, means it is neither rare nor well done.

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Foreign Office has to deal with all these rapes and Thai police and British relatives, and it rarely comes to acceptable conclusions.

They have enough corpes to send back home as it is with traffic and drinking and sex and suicides. If Thailand gives them extra headache they are well within their rights to say so and declare it dangerous.

I don't see how BBC is at fault here.

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Perhaps a few posters on here might want to ask their Thai wife/girlfriend what she thinks of safety in Thailand and report back on the response?

I have to say that even Thai guys often seem to be in more danger than farang. I think farang are lucky if we often avoid more problems than get them being white as we are an unknown quanity to deal with.

There was a situation where I was with a Burmese mate and we I suggested we go and and play some snooker at the little snooker hall near where I live. He said that it was full of the wrong kind of people and best avoided, but I've always been simply ignored when playing in there as we both were that night.

I'm sure there's many a Thai mugger that didn't bother trying to rob the farang because he didn't speak english or something stupid like that. :o

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IMO Thailand is mostly unsafe in areas where drunken foriegners are. Usually they are the ones pished at the bar speaking two words in thai and have thai BG creeping around in the background.

The BBC were only highlighting that there is increase in deaths in thailand and higher that that in other countries., however I would like to see the stats on Spain or Greece?

Remember Thailand has so much alcohol abuse and psychos travelling for cheap booze and girls that it will have a backlash whatever happens, whether that be deaths or criminal activity on the whole! :o

Qouted by Donz -"Thailand is only dangerous when i get angry there." I rest my case lol

Edited by lopburiguy
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