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Alleged Swedish Killer Of Kiwi Now On The Run: Bar Fight In Pattaya


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Is he actually on the run? Is anyone actually actively looking for him in Sweden? I think the headline is a bit misleading .. Sounds like he was handed his passport by the police, released and simply booked and caught a flight home... now he's in Sweden unless someone fights for extradition I sincerely doubt anyone is actively seeking him in Sweden as he's not been charged with anything there.

The jurisdiction of the Thai police ends in Thailand, so an active arrest warrant in Thailand when the Thai police know full well he's in Sweden is useless. If this isn't a blatant case of police/ court corruption in Thailand I don't know what is. Since when were murderers granted leave to travel home to spend Xmas with their family?

both countries are members of Interpol so a Red Notice is applicable but I doubt the thai police will bother unless somebody pays them

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It is probably less black and white than the article says. Never mind the fact that bail is jumped in any country that differentiate in their justice system between the haves who can afford bail and the haves not who can't.

If he is in Sweden they are not going to return him for the fact that a suspect cannot be returned from Europe when there is a substantial chance that he treated poorly and that a capital punishment is in play in Thailand. Sweden will put him on trial. The fact that the British sent a person back is weird unless that person got a deal from the court. He could have appealed to the courts in strassbourg. There is no way they allow anyone back.

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Par for the course in this Third World country.

You can build all the shopping malls you like, it's still rotten at the core.

What is rotten to the core is a dirty old miserable drunk who without knowledge or understanding unjustly attack other people's character for personal gratification. As a matter of fact they do not need to be dirty old and miserable- Just rotten.
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Is he actually on the run? Is anyone actually actively looking for him in Sweden? I think the headline is a bit misleading .. Sounds like he was handed his passport by the police, released and simply booked and caught a flight home... now he's in Sweden unless someone fights for extradition I sincerely doubt anyone is actively seeking him in Sweden as he's not been charged with anything there.

The jurisdiction of the Thai police ends in Thailand, so an active arrest warrant in Thailand when the Thai police know full well he's in Sweden is useless. If this isn't a blatant case of police/ court corruption in Thailand I don't know what is. Since when were murderers granted leave to travel home to spend Xmas with their family?

Sound post! Seems some cases just flitter away. The Lee Aldhouse extradition has proved that Thailand can pursue extradition when it wants to. The cases seem to be similar - dispute leads to violence in which farang stabs and kills another farang. Why is one who ran away pursued and extradited whilst the other appears to be let go? Hmmm - think most people could make an accurate guess.

And the Julian Assange debarcle proves that the Swedes can pursue extradition when it suits them...and Assange hasn't even been charged with anything!...What a bloody joke and this guy cold bloodedly stabs a person to death from behind in full view in a Pattaya street and his own Government does absolutely nothing when he scampers back there looking for sympathy and protection...If anyone from the Swedish consul/embassy is reading this..YOU ARE JUST AS MUCH TO BLAME AS HE IS AND THE THAI AUTHORITIES..YOUR MORALS ARE LOWER THAN A SNAKES BALLS!..

What are you ranting about? The Thai authorities have to request extradition - it's up to the NZ government to pressure them to do so

Edited by simple1
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This is a legal scandal. A confessed murderer just pay money and can get out. The people who signed the discharge papers, have aided and abetted the escape. In other countries that is a crime. Grant bail for confessed murderer without an urgent reason. May there should be some fat brown envelopes have been passed under the table? A disgrace to the society.

Edited by tomacht8
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Sigh... so many typical TV knee jerk bash Thailand responses. Do you forget that Thailand just successfully extradited a Lee Aldhouse from Britain to face charges for the stabbing of an American? Justice shouldn't be written off just yet.http://http://www.te...der-charge.html

Wake up mate, this is not "knee jerk reactions" but simply ALL FACTS. And yes they did extradite Aldhouse, and congratulations to the Brit government for doing it rather than hide their violent criminal Aldhouse.

Actually, you have NO FACTS whatsoever, just an account by some internet news outfit that extends to a few hundred words with exactly zero input from anyone or any organization involved in the affair.

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I think it is more an incompetency and lazyness case. For new year most Thais were drunk or sleeping, including the Immigration and Police.

The guy just booked a plane and fly away without anyone noticing it because they were too drunk and tired after drinking to check anything.

He got lucky... now if the police do not want to loose the face they need to fix it which could happen. They can issue a warrant and Interpol will catch him wherever he is. Might take some years tho.

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Typical Patt's bar fight bullshit. I hope the perp

is caught & dealt with expeditiously. However...

I feel truly sorry for the victim's dog.

don't worry about the dog. the owner[or manager] of the triangle bar in pattaya has adopted the dog and it is in good hands

Thanks for that info sexy man....Good to read that.

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Par for the course in this Third World country.

You can build all the shopping malls you like, it's still rotten at the core.

What is rotten to the core is a dirty old miserable drunk who without knowledge or understanding unjustly attack other people's character for personal gratification. As a matter of fact they do not need to be dirty old and miserable- Just rotten.

Not sure what you mean here, the guy wasn't old.
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Is he actually on the run? Is anyone actually actively looking for him in Sweden? I think the headline is a bit misleading .. Sounds like he was handed his passport by the police, released and simply booked and caught a flight home... now he's in Sweden unless someone fights for extradition I sincerely doubt anyone is actively seeking him in Sweden as he's not been charged with anything there.

The jurisdiction of the Thai police ends in Thailand, so an active arrest warrant in Thailand when the Thai police know full well he's in Sweden is useless. If this isn't a blatant case of police/ court corruption in Thailand I don't know what is. Since when were murderers granted leave to travel home to spend Xmas with their family?

Sound post! Seems some cases just flitter away. The Lee Aldhouse extradition has proved that Thailand can pursue extradition when it wants to. The cases seem to be similar - dispute leads to violence in which farang stabs and kills another farang. Why is one who ran away pursued and extradited whilst the other appears to be let go? Hmmm - think most people could make an accurate guess.

And the Julian Assange debarcle proves that the Swedes can pursue extradition when it suits them...and Assange hasn't even been charged with anything!...What a bloody joke and this guy cold bloodedly stabs a person to death from behind in full view in a Pattaya street and his own Government does absolutely nothing when he scampers back there looking for sympathy and protection...If anyone from the Swedish consul/embassy is reading this..YOU ARE JUST AS MUCH TO BLAME AS HE IS AND THE THAI AUTHORITIES..YOUR MORALS ARE LOWER THAN A SNAKES BALLS!..

What are you ranting about? The Thai authorities have to request extradition - it's up to the NZ government to pressure them to do so

Not sure rant is the correct term. The reality is a crime was committed on Thai soil, and the murder has now fled. The nationality of the murder should have no bearing whatsoever on this case. The citizens and the government of the murdered person can certainly express outrage, but in the long run, if Thailand actually had rule of law, and they wished to save face at this point, they would aggressively pursue extradition in this case. EXACTLY the same as the Aldhouse case.

But you are right about one thing. Unless New Zealand starts screaming bloody murder, this case will go the way of all other cases like this, the gentle quiet Thai style fade away......

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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@eyeswideopen: re your post #105 What I was saying is that the Swedish authorities will not deport one of their citizens, do not know of any country that would. As you say it's incumbent on Thai law enforcement to request extradition.

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@eyeswideopen: re your post #105 What I was saying is that the Swedish authorities will not deport one of their citizens, do not know of any country that would. As you say it's incumbent on Thai law enforcement to request extradition.

Yes you are correct, Thailand must request extradition. Would be interesting if Sweden got proactive, grabbed the guy in Sweden, sent him back to Thailand accompanied by a policeman, and dropped him off at the Pattaya police station.....whistling.gif

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Did anyone really think that this wouldnt happen ? He had money - bye bye.

Besides the police are too busy solving real crimes such as turning left at a set of lights........which incidentally you could do for the last 10 years.

Has the law changed? I am curious?

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Did anyone really think that this wouldnt happen ? He had money - bye bye.

Besides the police are too busy solving real crimes such as turning left at a set of lights........which incidentally you could do for the last 10 years.

Has the law changed? I am curious?

The BIB nabbed me in Pattaya for that last month. Along with 20 other people ....... It is legal to turn left with a red light UNLESS there is a sign saying you cannot. The sign of course is small, set back from the corner, and in Thai and fractured English. They managed to piss off a whole lot of tourists on rental bikes. and I have not seen them do it again.

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@eyeswideopen: re your post #105 What I was saying is that the Swedish authorities will not deport one of their citizens, do not know of any country that would. As you say it's incumbent on Thai law enforcement to request extradition.

Dont know any country that would? I can think of 3 that would and have; USA. Canada ang Grt britian-_-

Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

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@eyeswideopen: re your post #105 What I was saying is that the Swedish authorities will not deport one of their citizens, do not know of any country that would. As you say it's incumbent on Thai law enforcement to request extradition.

Dont know any country that would? I can think of 3 that would and have; USA. Canada ang Grt britian-_-

Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

Revoked their citizenship or extradited? if revoked would that not have to go to the equivalent of the Supreme Court?

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@eyeswideopen: re your post #105 What I was saying is that the Swedish authorities will not deport one of their citizens, do not know of any country that would. As you say it's incumbent on Thai law enforcement to request extradition.

Dont know any country that would? I can think of 3 that would and have; USA. Canada ang Grt britian-_-

Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

Revoked their citizenship or extradited? if revoked would that not have to go to the equivalent of the Supreme Court?

Extradited, not revoked citizenship. Theres the Lee Aldhouse (GB), there was a businessman in Canada that was on the run for many years, eventually extradited, and one from the US I vaguely remember.

Not common, but for high profile cases it does happen. Like someone else said, it depends how much the govt.whines about it etc. and how much soft power they have.

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Alleged Swedish murderer flees Thailand

The accused Swedish killer of a New Zealand man stabbed to death in Pattaya following an argument over a dog has fled Thailand. In August 2012, police arrested 40-year-old Swede Andreas Ringvall and charged him with the murder of Robert Hollick, 43, who was stabbed with a knife three times in his neck and back during a bar fight in Pattaya.

New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry confirmed to Mr Hollick's mother, Anne Hollick, on 8 January 2013 that Ringvall was missing after he skipped a scheduled court appearance in November 2012. "I was a little angry that they should treat, not me, but New Zealand this way as though we were so insignificant they could do this without informing the New Zealand Government or whoever they're supposed to inform," Mrs. Hollick said.

Greg Pitt, managing partner at Thailand law firm Mackenzie Smith, told Stuff.co.nz that it would be highly unusual for someone accused of murder to be granted permission to leave Thailand. "I think perhaps a brown paper envelope [filled with cash] would have been passed in some way, which is not uncommon,” he said. "He probably had enough cash - and it has to be cash - to get him out of this."



ScandAsia - Jan. 11, 2012


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Weird, a friend of mine is involved in a court case, libel to be exact so far from murder yet he is not even allowed to go on a visa run and needs docs from the court which allows local immigration to extend his 90 days to another 90 days.

Maybe your friend forgot to pass over a brown envelope... that's why he's not allowed to leave...

What a coincidence....

Alleged Swedish murderer flees Thailand

Greg Pitt, managing partner at Thailand law firm Mackenzie Smith, told Stuff.co.nz that it would be highly unusual for someone accused of murder to be granted permission to leave Thailand. "I think perhaps a brown paper envelope [filled with cash] would have been passed in some way, which is not uncommon,” he said. "He probably had enough cash - and it has to be cash - to get him out of this."

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Alleged Swedish murderer flees Thailand

The accused Swedish killer of a New Zealand man stabbed to death in Pattaya following an argument over a dog has fled Thailand. In August 2012, police arrested 40-year-old Swede Andreas Ringvall and charged him with the murder of Robert Hollick, 43, who was stabbed with a knife three times in his neck and back during a bar fight in Pattaya.

New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry confirmed to Mr Hollick's mother, Anne Hollick, on 8 January 2013 that Ringvall was missing after he skipped a scheduled court appearance in November 2012. "I was a little angry that they should treat, not me, but New Zealand this way as though we were so insignificant they could do this without informing the New Zealand Government or whoever they're supposed to inform," Mrs. Hollick said.

Greg Pitt, managing partner at Thailand law firm Mackenzie Smith, told Stuff.co.nz that it would be highly unusual for someone accused of murder to be granted permission to leave Thailand. "I think perhaps a brown paper envelope [filled with cash] would have been passed in some way, which is not uncommon,” he said. "He probably had enough cash - and it has to be cash - to get him out of this."



ScandAsia - Jan. 11, 2012


Does he still have a work permit to practice law after this comment?
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Alleged Swedish murderer flees Thailand

The accused Swedish killer of a New Zealand man stabbed to death in Pattaya following an argument over a dog has fled Thailand. In August 2012, police arrested 40-year-old Swede Andreas Ringvall and charged him with the murder of Robert Hollick, 43, who was stabbed with a knife three times in his neck and back during a bar fight in Pattaya.

New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry confirmed to Mr Hollick's mother, Anne Hollick, on 8 January 2013 that Ringvall was missing after he skipped a scheduled court appearance in November 2012. "I was a little angry that they should treat, not me, but New Zealand this way as though we were so insignificant they could do this without informing the New Zealand Government or whoever they're supposed to inform," Mrs. Hollick said.

Greg Pitt, managing partner at Thailand law firm Mackenzie Smith, told Stuff.co.nz that it would be highly unusual for someone accused of murder to be granted permission to leave Thailand. "I think perhaps a brown paper envelope [filled with cash] would have been passed in some way, which is not uncommon,” he said. "He probably had enough cash - and it has to be cash - to get him out of this."



ScandAsia - Jan. 11, 2012


Does he still have a work permit to practice law after this comment?

He's the Managing Partner, foreigners are not permitted to practice law in Thailand.

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Alleged Swedish murderer flees Thailand

The accused Swedish killer of a New Zealand man stabbed to death in Pattaya following an argument over a dog has fled Thailand. In August 2012, police arrested 40-year-old Swede Andreas Ringvall and charged him with the murder of Robert Hollick, 43, who was stabbed with a knife three times in his neck and back during a bar fight in Pattaya.

New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry confirmed to Mr Hollick's mother, Anne Hollick, on 8 January 2013 that Ringvall was missing after he skipped a scheduled court appearance in November 2012. "I was a little angry that they should treat, not me, but New Zealand this way as though we were so insignificant they could do this without informing the New Zealand Government or whoever they're supposed to inform," Mrs. Hollick said.

Greg Pitt, managing partner at Thailand law firm Mackenzie Smith, told Stuff.co.nz that it would be highly unusual for someone accused of murder to be granted permission to leave Thailand. "I think perhaps a brown paper envelope [filled with cash] would have been passed in some way, which is not uncommon,” he said. "He probably had enough cash - and it has to be cash - to get him out of this."



ScandAsia - Jan. 11, 2012


Does he still have a work permit to practice law after this comment?

He's the Managing Partner, foreigners are not permitted to practice law in Thailand.

another example of discrimination

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Alleged Swedish murderer flees Thailand

The accused Swedish killer of a New Zealand man stabbed to death in Pattaya following an argument over a dog has fled Thailand. In August 2012, police arrested 40-year-old Swede Andreas Ringvall and charged him with the murder of Robert Hollick, 43, who was stabbed with a knife three times in his neck and back during a bar fight in Pattaya.

New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry confirmed to Mr Hollick's mother, Anne Hollick, on 8 January 2013 that Ringvall was missing after he skipped a scheduled court appearance in November 2012. "I was a little angry that they should treat, not me, but New Zealand this way as though we were so insignificant they could do this without informing the New Zealand Government or whoever they're supposed to inform," Mrs. Hollick said.

Greg Pitt, managing partner at Thailand law firm Mackenzie Smith, told Stuff.co.nz that it would be highly unusual for someone accused of murder to be granted permission to leave Thailand. "I think perhaps a brown paper envelope [filled with cash] would have been passed in some way, which is not uncommon,” he said. "He probably had enough cash - and it has to be cash - to get him out of this."



ScandAsia - Jan. 11, 2012


Does he still have a work permit to practice law after this comment?

He's the Managing Partner, foreigners are not permitted to practice law in Thailand.

Why, is it because they won't play by the rules of the Thai judicial system and accept the paper bags for a streamlined process? Do they think that the law applies to all regardless of social status and race? Can't have this as the Thai opponents may have to work on a case or two. Maybe it is an unfair advantage for a farang lawyer to represent a farang. Use a court appointed Thai lawyer and get a quick conviction.
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@eyeswideopen: re your post #105 What I was saying is that the Swedish authorities will not deport one of their citizens, do not know of any country that would. As you say it's incumbent on Thai law enforcement to request extradition.

Yes you are correct, Thailand must request extradition. Would be interesting if Sweden got proactive, grabbed the guy in Sweden, sent him back to Thailand accompanied by a policeman, and dropped him off at the Pattaya police station.....whistling.gif

Anecdotally only, it appears Sweden likes to dump its problems elsewhere. 2 separate Swedes have told me that they are drug addicts and can collect a

Swedish pension as long as they stay out of Sweden. Could be BS.

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