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Jimmy Savile Abused 500 Children: Report


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Savile abused 500 children: report

LONDON: -- JIMMY Savile sexually assaulted children as young as 10 during nearly four decades of activity as a paedophile that took place in a string of institutions, including numerous hospitals, prisons and the BBC, the official inquiry by London’s Metropolitan Polic and Britain’s National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children will say today.

The 30-page report, Giving Victims a Voice, will describe how the celebrity abused up to 500 children and young people, and may have raped more than 30.

We want this to mark a cultural shift so that if a child speaks out against someone, we take what they are saying seriously.

Of the allegations made so far, police have gathered sufficient evidence to record 200 sexually-related crimes by Savile across the country, committed using the power of his personality and fame to dupe a huge number of institutions – including, it is understood, at least one hospice – into giving him access to vulnerable people.

The number of institutions identified in the inquiry raises the spectre of a systemic failure that spread into every corner of British society.

Detectives and child protection experts working on the inquiry into Savile hope the report will mark a line in the sand – a cultural shift in attitudes between today and 30 years ago, when a blind eye was turned to such activity with children and young people and victims were not listened to.

Trevor Sterling, a lawyer who represents 45 of Savile’s victims, said: ‘‘They really want this report to be a cultural shift. But it still remains to be seen. [more...]

Full story: http://www.smh.com.a...0111-2cjyt.html

-- The Sydney Morning Herald 2013-01-11


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Well, Suradit69, you sure did get your knickers in a twist over this! I could say that using Jimmy Saville as a means to laud Thai morality is perverse, to say the least, but I will instead say that if this had happened in Thailand it would never have made the news, but would have been covered up and swept under the carpet like so much else.

Good grief, man, a drunken, coke-snorting son of a hi-so slaughters an on-duty policeman and walks away scott free after the family chucks some loose change (to them!) at the bereaved. Now start to pontificate over the superior morality of Thais.

This, of course, could never happen in the West ... right? After all, money and power are mere concepts in a Western court. No Westerner could ever (WOULD ever) use their position, or their wealth, to try to mitigate a serious offense. Sure?

Incidentally, I read nothing in Suradit69's post that suggested they were attempting to promote the superiority of Thai moral values. Perhaps you could put away your prejudices and read the post again. Show us where it actually says (or even strongly suggests) that Thai moral values are superior.


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What a pathetic, sick man and what a sick cover-up.

As for @dressedingreen and @suradit69: Thai- problems will be criticized and apologists ("This doesn't only happen in Thailand!") should not be accepted. But the other way around doesn't help either!

This is a sicking case and it is disgusting, ALL BY ITSELF!

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The thread is in the World News. It is about a British entertainer. It is not Thai related and I think we can stop trying to derail the topic by some Thai comparison. The rest of the forum is pretty much all Thai-related.

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The thread is in the World News. It is about a British entertainer. It is not Thai related and I think we can stop trying to derail the topic by some Thai comparison. The rest of the forum is pretty much all Thai-related.

I was going to ask whom this Jimmy Saville is, and now I know. As a Global moderator you are probably right as (comparing) is off topic. With that said it was refreshing to read Suradit69 and dressedingreen comments. Nuff said. Thanks for the great moderating!

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David Icke spoke many years ago in His books about people in prominent positions and many much higher than sa vile (even his name is an anagram of 'evil as') being involved in this evil, sickening perversity. But hey! He was a nutter right? Appearing on the Wogan show in a purple shell suit, proclaiming to be The Son of God. What He actually said was, He's a Son of God the same as all of Us. My main point is however, that People new of it back then but as Others have pointed out on here, too many turned a blind eye, and poor Dvid being ridiculed left right and centre didn't stand a chance. The fact that so many can get away with this, just goes to show how the masses have become totally brain washed by the utter bull-shit broadcast by the bbc cnn etc etc which spews out of Satans One Eyed Propaganda Machine on a regular as clock work basis. sick.gif

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Savile abused 500 children. The real problem seems to be that probably 500 law-abiding churchgoer knew about it over the years and kept mum in fear of losing their funds!

and still do...this problem hasn't gone away....the paedophiles have just moved to Asia....Gary Glitter being amongst the most prominent to date

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Of the allegations made so far, police have gathered sufficient evidence to record 200 sexually-related crimes by Savile across the country, committed using the power of his personality and fame to dupe a huge number of institutions – including, it is understood, at least one hospice – into giving him access to vulnerable people.

The number of institutions identified in the inquiry raises the spectre of a systemic failure that spread into every corner of British society.

Of course if this had happened in Thailand we'd have 4 or 5 pages of comments about police corruption, the societal class divide, the low standards of the general population, the indifference of parents as well as those charged with protecting children ...

... but since it happened amongst the "chosen fair-skinned people," such a discussion would probably be declared "off topic."

As sickening as this is, the smug racial/national superiority constantly promoted by the supposed righteous farang posters on TV who seem to think they are innately more civilized and law-abiding than the people in Thailand is truly nauseating.

Bad people, corrupt police, unjustified privilege are not unique to any race or any nation, something that should be considered by the pompous cabal who come out in droves whenever something happens in Thailand, before getting their knickers in a knot about the standards of behavior in their adopted country of residence.

Detectives and child protection experts working on the inquiry into Savile hope the report will mark a line in the sand – a cultural shift in attitudes between today and 30 years ago ...

Good luck with that in a society that prefers to turn a blind eye to its own endemic corruption.

I totally agree!

There is a belief that all things bad occur due to a non-adherence to middle class Western values. The fact that these acts were carried out by a well known and trusted personality more than adequately shows that Westerners defer to figures of authority in much the same way as those of other cultures. The only difference is they chew with their mouths closed while contemplating the imperfection of 'the other'. In Western culture, imperfection has become gold plated and institutionalized.

In reference to peadophilia specifically, the roots of the problem run much deeper than most cultures care to admit. Those who look to the dark ages in search of suitably barbaric punishments with which to assuage their immature rage at the perpetrators of child sex offences should check out their own imperfections first. Child sex offences are no different to any other sexual deviation from what we laughingly refer to as 'normal'. These are inclinations that need to be understood and planned for. And the most important aspect of planning is the education of children, without alarming them, to understand the potential for adult manipulation. Let's also remember that a high percentage of child abuse takes place in the home, by a parent or relative. Tracking 'them' down and castrating them, as is often the inferred clarion call in here, will continue to be as effective as it was (in its time) at stamping out homosexuality in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It drove homosexual practices underground where they flourished until such time as they became more acceptable. Ultimately, age is less important than maturity. And how many 'culturally superior' western males are in S E Asia because they consider many Asian females to be childlike and manipulable?

It has been alluded to on many occasions by many writers. So I infer nothing new when I suggest that the human condition is both enigmatic and unreasonable. The gloss of civilization is thin indeed. We continue to see what we want to see, which is often at odds with what actually is. Those who knew Jimmy Saville would have known all was not as it appeared. Some may actually have known the truth behind the myth. But the myth remained more palatable.

DIG (a westerner)

Just like catholic priests

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David Icke spoke many years ago in His books about people in prominent positions and many much higher than sa vile (even his name is an anagram of 'evil as') being involved in this evil, sickening perversity. But hey! He was a nutter right? Appearing on the Wogan show in a purple shell suit, proclaiming to be The Son of God. What He actually said was, He's a Son of God the same as all of Us. My main point is however, that People new of it back then but as Others have pointed out on here, too many turned a blind eye, and poor Dvid being ridiculed left right and centre didn't stand a chance. The fact that so many can get away with this, just goes to show how the masses have become totally brain washed by the utter bull-shit broadcast by the bbc cnn etc etc which spews out of Satans One Eyed Propaganda Machine on a regular as clock work basis. sick.gif

I could be missing something in your post..."poor david being ridiculed left right and centre".........please explain!!!

By the way there is no God or Satan...it's all fairy tales to control the ignorant and uneducated of the world

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As noted above as I was typing Davis Icke was a UK sport correspondent who suddenly started to advise everyone that, amongst other things the world global elite [e.g. Presidents PM's etc.] were in fact shape shifting lizard like aliens [iIRC from another dimension, so not religious in the standard ideology]. Oddly he's not viewed as a authoritative source of information.

Savile was [he's now dead] a popular host with programmes on the BBC [Pop music shows, providing children with special events or "fixes", such meet the PM, visit an oil platform and so on]. He was at his height of fame [and offending] according to the report in the 60's and 70s. However anyone reading Blood in the Wire [90's] couldn't help but align the protagonist with him and looking back it is clear he really did hide in plain sight. He also used his undoubted skill as a fund raiser and publicity specialist to raise many millions of pounds for charity [though he did go broke either] which to one degree or another gave him some creditability as a "good, but a little odd, man'.

So the media of the time, the social environment, different legal evidential standards [as the saying goes The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.] and one where targeting those already at the margins, in hospitals, where he worked as a volunteer, in children's homes and so on was obscenely successful.

In closing I note with a shudder that his youngest victim is said to be an 8 year old boy.


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The premise here is that the funds used [@450,000 GBP thus far] will ensure that lessons are learnt from what clearly was a series of missed opportunities to catch Savile. Equally the title of the report "Giving Victims a Voice" is an indication of intent. The report is drafted by both the Metropolitan Police and the National Society fro the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Allowing for the inaccuracies in the Op I do suggest that reading the full report is worthwhile and illuminating of those dark corners we all wish didn't exist.


I trust that the linking to the report will not be adjudged in breach of forum rules in this circumstance.


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David Icke spoke many years ago in His books about people in prominent positions and many much higher than sa vile (even his name is an anagram of 'evil as') being involved in this evil, sickening perversity. But hey! He was a nutter right? Appearing on the Wogan show in a purple shell suit, proclaiming to be The Son of God. What He actually said was, He's a Son of God the same as all of Us. My main point is however, that People new of it back then but as Others have pointed out on here, too many turned a blind eye, and poor Dvid being ridiculed left right and centre didn't stand a chance. The fact that so many can get away with this, just goes to show how the masses have become totally brain washed by the utter bull-shit broadcast by the bbc cnn etc etc which spews out of Satans One Eyed Propaganda Machine on a regular as clock work basis. sick.gif

Years ago there were rumours about Jimmy Savile (and that they were covered up) but such was his 'do-gooder' status that to mention it was tantamount to criticising Mother Teresa.

David Icke on the other hand went fishing years ago!

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Of the allegations made so far, police have gathered sufficient evidence to record 200 sexually-related crimes by Savile across the country, committed using the power of his personality and fame to dupe a huge number of institutions – including, it is understood, at least one hospice – into giving him access to vulnerable people.

The number of institutions identified in the inquiry raises the spectre of a systemic failure that spread into every corner of British society.

Of course if this had happened in Thailand we'd have 4 or 5 pages of comments about police corruption, the societal class divide, the low standards of the general population, the indifference of parents as well as those charged with protecting children ...

... but since it happened amongst the "chosen fair-skinned people," such a discussion would probably be declared "off topic."

As sickening as this is, the smug racial/national superiority constantly promoted by the supposed righteous farang posters on TV who seem to think they are innately more civilized and law-abiding than the people in Thailand is truly nauseating.

Bad people, corrupt police, unjustified privilege are not unique to any race or any nation, something that should be considered by the pompous cabal who come out in droves whenever something happens in Thailand, before getting their knickers in a knot about the standards of behavior in their adopted country of residence.

Detectives and child protection experts working on the inquiry into Savile hope the report will mark a line in the sand – a cultural shift in attitudes between today and 30 years ago ...

Good luck with that in a society that prefers to turn a blind eye to its own endemic corruption.

Really, I think you miss the point of most postings by Farang. I regularly post negative comments about my own country and countrymen. The primary difference between Thai society and Foreigners society is that we continue to develop. Thai society continues to do everything exactly as they did it 100 years ago.

I would give you examples but I am bored do so,.

Suffice it to say there was a huge outcry when it was revealed that priests were molesting children. But that was a wider problem, and the Catholic church paid compensation to the children (that wasn't enough in my opinion, but I don't think they bribed anyone). In the case of this Brit it is one individual and he has been caught and investigated. I'm not sure how you can expect TV members to complain about corruption in this case. Did the institutions this man duped know he was molesting children and then take bribes from him to let him keep doing it? Doesn't sound like it, sounds like they were just stupid. There's the difference, stupid as opposed to corrupt.

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500 accusers looking for compensation,

Is how the story should read.

Just to make sure, I understand your comment: are criticizing them for wanting a compensation for their sufferings? Or are you merely stating a fact?

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500 accusers looking for compensation,

Is how the story should read.

Just to make sure, I understand your comment: are criticizing them for wanting a compensation for their sufferings? Or are you merely stating a fact?

The fact is according to uk msn, is that some are chasing compensation. They are lashing out in all directions at who will be sued. The BBC, the NHS, Savile's Estate, and various charities that were linked to him. Most just want closure and an acceptance of the validity of their accounts.

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  • 2 months later...

Don't know how true this is, got it in an email from a mate in England today.

In developing allegations, Rolf Harris has been arrested by Scotland Yard detectives in London on suspicion of sexual offences.

He was detained by investigators involved in Operation Yewtree – which is investigating the Jimmy Savile child sex abuse scandal.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said he was bailed to a date in May, pending further inquiries.

It is believed the arrest of the 82-year-old is not unswervingly related to Savile’s acts but other suspected sexual offences that had come to light during the overall investigation.

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What a waste of police funds

what will they do?

Charge him with offences posthumously,.

What a farce.

They could charge the people who helped with the cover up.

You'll be lucky! This has been covered up for decades, and the cover up goes right to the top of British society. Check out 'Elm guesthouse, Barnes'. Thankfully some of the better quality British press have finally grown a pair and are investigating this massive scandal. There are some squeaky bums at the moment amongst the great and good.

On another note, 'Two Little Boys -- Discuss'!

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What a waste of police funds

what will they do?

Charge him with offences posthumously,.

What a farce.

They could charge the people who helped with the cover up.

You'll be lucky! This has been covered up for decades, and the cover up goes right to the top of British society. Check out 'Elm guesthouse, Barnes'. Thankfully some of the better quality British press have finally grown a pair and are investigating this massive scandal. There are some squeaky bums at the moment amongst the great and good.

On another note, 'Two Little Boys -- Discuss'!

You mean the birthday boy - 83 today.

There are some bars, some grey walls, a toilet and a big black man. Can you guess what it is yet Rolf?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't know how true this is, got it in an email from a mate in England today.

In developing allegations, Rolf Harris has been arrested by Scotland Yard detectives in London on suspicion of sexual offences.

He was detained by investigators involved in Operation Yewtree – which is investigating the Jimmy Savile child sex abuse scandal.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said he was bailed to a date in May, pending further inquiries.

It is believed the arrest of the 82-year-old is not unswervingly related to Savile’s acts but other suspected sexual offences that had come to light during the overall investigation.

BBC says his name has just been officially realeased

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