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Creepy Farang In My Gf's Condo......


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To the OP: My suggestion is you approach the guy and talk to him directly and quite firmly but not disrespectfully. Explain to him that is your girlfriend and she has expressed she is not interested in him and feels uncomfortable with the approaches. If he does not back down or leave her alone after this conversation it is indeed time to encourage her to move to another building because the guy does not have any boundaries or respect which could spell bigger trouble than either of you want....

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Most young Farang are not jealous of Old men who have to, or chose to. go to 3rd world countries to find a girlfriend ......

These old farang you speak of are here for the food and the culture.

Well a visit to McD followed by some quality time at 7-11 should take care of those needs. :rolleyes:

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I'm interested in the concept of.........

Starting off a very serious OP with the cheeky emoticon.

theblether detects troll.

Just sayin'

Oh God! First I have some bigamous bozo making wierd posts, now you're saying I'm trolling???

I put a smiley in the first line to try to show that I was not boasting about her, but just making a light-hearted observation. It seems that there are others in thaivisa who like to boast about the beauty and/or number of their conquests....even going so far as to post pictures of some thai girl (or parts thereof) that they may (or may not) know.

I hope that you have not opened the floodgates, theblether, or you might just have washed a whole load of septic, sceptic, trolls out from under their hidey-holes. I have gained quite an insight into the posters in this thread and have enjoyed and am grateful for their contributions. Please try to behave yourself. wink.png <<<<<< FYI Smiley to show I am not being confrontational

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Most Thai girls don't talk to guys they aren't interested in.

If she was talking to him, it was a 'go' sign.

I did not know that.

A girl spoke to me this mornin....I must go and jump her now.

Maybe he just got the statement wrong in his post.. Because something like this does apply in Thailand, but it's clearly not just politely answering a question or having a brief conversation.

What really tells it, of course, is if she touches you in *any* way. (Brief hand on your knee, arm, shoulder, back, anywhere.)

When that happens you know the only remaining variables are time, place, and blood alcohol content.

What if she grabs your crotch ?

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I'm interested in the concept of.........

Starting off a very serious OP with the cheeky emoticon.

theblether detects troll.

Just sayin'

Oh God! First I have some bigamous bozo making wierd posts, now you're saying I'm trolling???

I put a smiley in the first line to try to show that I was not boasting about her, but just making a light-hearted observation. It seems that there are others in thaivisa who like to boast about the beauty and/or number of their conquests....even going so far as to post pictures of some thai girl (or parts thereof) that they may (or may not) know.

I hope that you have not opened the floodgates, theblether, or you might just have washed a whole load of septic, sceptic, trolls out from under their hidey-holes. I have gained quite an insight into the posters in this thread and have enjoyed and am grateful for their contributions. Please try to behave yourself. wink.png <<<<<< FYI Smiley to show I am not being confrontational

I believe you.

Where we live there is a weird Italian old guy that keeps eyeing up my wife in the supermarket.

Mind you, it is in the sausage and salami section every time and she loves her sausage.

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Most Thai girls don't talk to guys they aren't interested in.

If she was talking to him, it was a 'go' sign.

I did not know that.

A girl spoke to me this mornin....I must go and jump her now.

Maybe he just got the statement wrong in his post.. Because something like this does apply in Thailand, but it's clearly not just politely answering a question or having a brief conversation.

What really tells it, of course, is if she touches you in *any* way. (Brief hand on your knee, arm, shoulder, back, anywhere.)

When that happens you know the only remaining variables are time, place, and blood alcohol content.

What if she grabs your crotch ?

That qualifies too. ;)

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