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' Rich' Man Draws Online Ire For Attempted Hit-And-Run: Thailand


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Facebook page now offline

No it isnt

The Facebook page was offline to me.

A ''page currently not available'' message.

I opened Facebook under my account.

Clicked on the link...opens up.

We can see moro... I mean the guy

But you have to be signed-in Facebook before you click on the link.

Edited by Andre0720
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Facebook page now offline

No it isnt

The Facebook page was offline to me.

A ''page currently not available'' message.

I opened Facebook under my account.

Clicked on the link...opens up.

We can see moro... I mean the guy

I am still able to open it no problems - i am based in Bangkok.

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Here is the asshol_e


Now this is some good research. I am so glad this guy is going to get his minute of fame. Nice to see that business card. I am sure his employers are goint to be over the moon about having this out in the public domain.

One can only chuckle. Facebook has more power to name and shame people than the law of Thailand itself. hahahahahaha

Typical, facebook have closed it already, seems he might have a bit of cash.

To close that Facebook page Mr. Rich man would have to contact the owner of that page and " convince"

him / her to close it. Or convince Facebook itself that the photos were defamatory. That would certainly

get a laugh out of Facebook, that accident photos could be defamatory.....

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Sad and disgusting as it may be, he's probably right. If he's as rich and well connected as appears it will all vanish before our eyses. The Red Bull case has gone very quiet, the punishment handed out to the underage hiso killer crash driver last year was a joke and this guy will expect the same treatment. People at work will be frightened to mention it for fear of reprisals and the other driver will be bought off. Same same. This happens in many conuntries not just Thailand. One law for the rich, well connected and famous and one for everyone else.

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Sad and disgusting as it may be, he's probably right. If he's as rich and well connected as appears it will all vanish before our eyses. The Red Bull case has gone very quiet, the punishment handed out to the underage hiso killer crash driver last year was a joke and this guy will expect the same treatment. People at work will be frightened to mention it for fear of reprisals and the other driver will be bought off. Same same. This happens in many conuntries not just Thailand. One law for the rich, well connected and famous and one for everyone else.

Only too true. Just read in the Bangkok Post today about a lorry driver that hit and killed a cop.

He was arrested on the spot and charged with reckless driving and, I think manslaughter.

Edited by petedk
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Amazing what qualifies as viral news. A pompous loud mouth (likely drunk) gets hauled off by police after minor hit & run accident which reportedly he later took responsibility for.

That's is your best defensive shot ????? Nothing in the story suggests he was " hauled off" anywhere. More salient is the fact

he in essence told the police to piss off. " Responsibility" would have been a pay off to tamp down the bad publicity, from pressure

either by his rich family or Siam Commercial Bank. His actions at the scene have already spoken, flinging money around later changes nothing...

I suspect this guy is small potatoes compared to the Red Bull brat, will be curious to see if news comes out about

his family background.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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I would hazard a guess that all the farangs on TV living in Thailand who are calling him a <deleted> /other degrogatory terms and reposting his FB page have already been traced and will be getting their visa's pulled very soon...whistling.gif

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Amazing what qualifies as viral news. A pompous loud mouth (likely drunk) gets hauled off by police after minor hit & run accident which reportedly he later took responsibility for.

Amazing, that you fail to see the point. But you fail to see the point so often i think your pink goggles must be tinted so heavily you cant see a thing.

And what point is that? That a claimed rich man in Thailand didn't get away despite his threats and police still hauled his butt away? That it isn't a conspiracy that when not logged into Facebook you can't see some people's pages? That some people act stupidly, especially when drunk regardless of their claimed wealth? That when something is posted on Facebook we should all believe it as Gospel? That jumping on a bandwagon with people who like to get their panties in a bunch over minor things makes you feel good?

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Amazing what qualifies as viral news. A pompous loud mouth (likely drunk) gets hauled off by police after minor hit & run accident which reportedly he later took responsibility for.

Amazing, that you fail to see the point. But you fail to see the point so often i think your pink goggles must be tinted so heavily you cant see a thing.

And what point is that? That a claimed rich man in Thailand didn't get away despite his threats and police still hauled his butt away? That it isn't a conspiracy that when not logged into Facebook you can't see some people's pages? That some people act stupidly, especially when drunk regardless of their claimed wealth? That when something is posted on Facebook we should all believe it as Gospel? That jumping on a bandwagon with people who like to get their panties in a bunch over minor things makes you feel good?

Its the highlight of some peoples day, I mean why would you download a photo of a boy and then want to PM to other people....unless your that way that inclined..?

some real sad people on TV, who start wetting their panties with things like this...

Edited by Soutpeel
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The authorities might be onto Facebook already. I can't access it here in Egypt. The link comes up as 'currently unavailable'. Hopefully it went viral in the LOS.

saw him online just now.... looks a right geek too.... needs a slap

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The authorities might be onto Facebook already. I can't access it here in Egypt. The link comes up as 'currently unavailable'. Hopefully it went viral in the LOS.

saw him online just now.... looks a right geek too.... needs a slap

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And suppose you have full time job as a male model ?

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Amazing what qualifies as viral news. A pompous loud mouth (likely drunk) gets hauled off by police after minor hit & run accident which reportedly he later took responsibility for.

That's is your best defensive shot ????? Nothing in the story suggests he was " hauled off" anywhere. More salient is the fact

he in essence told the police to piss off. " Responsibility" would have been a pay off to tamp down the bad publicity, from pressure

either by his rich family or Siam Commercial Bank. His actions at the scene have already spoken, flinging money around later changes nothing...

I suspect this guy is small potatoes compared to the Red Bull brat, will be curious to see if news comes out about

his family background.

Read the news in the Bangkok Post ... the same person who reported all of this on Facebook stated he was hauled off by police but whatever makes you feel good to believe and gets those panties all in a bunch about what might have happened (but didn't) ,what could have happened (but didn't), and what might have happened (but you are clueless about) or what has or has not happened in the past in unrelated incidents. If it makes your boat float go right ahead and do like others and download those pictures onto your hard drive in case Thailand starts blocking Facebook to protect this man because ... well not really sure ... but pretty sure it will make you feel righteous and superior.

Edited by Nisa
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