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Whats Your Budget In Phuket?


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Im a consumer and like the finer things so sue me.

Gas for 2 cars driven daily. 2 to 3k a day just there.

Food. 6k for 2 adults and 2 children. We eat out and that's what we enjoy as a family.

Kids I spend about 2000 a day various crap. From toys to a shirt to books.

If you factor in my home utilities and school fees I'm going through 600k a month.

So.. you are a tuk-tuk driver?

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old hansy ..how do u find time to stop and eat doing that many miles ? do u leave the car running while u eat ? i hope u have an amount for plastic surgery in the budget to reduce the size of the very large nose u are getting ....thumbsup.gif so tell us what hostel do u really live in ?

Wife's car uses a tank every 2 days. That's 1500 a tank @ 750 a day. 2000cc.

I use a tank a day easily. 6300cc engine does guzzle the gas. That's 2200 a day.

6000 baht for eating out with a family of 4 and 3 meals a day isn't expensive.

Mr H, what are the finer things in life????,to have the finer things in life everyday, become normality everyday, then the family expectations became more, it's unsustainable thinking that way, $200+ a day on food, incredible, you must be a taxi for 2-3k a day, $60-$80 a day on what you call crap, day in day out, you must have a house full of crap, your words not mine!!!!, i know guys here that live in a box, the bottom of living standards, yet spend 2-3k a night on drink, plus a girl, then the so called "she's helping her family" i only give her 20-30k a month, i always say "would you give a lady of the night back home $1000's, or your ex-misses, what did you used to give her", always the same "well it's different here", but Mr H if your disposable income allows such spending then good on you, i hope your family as they grow can again sustain such beliefs, or your going to be shelling out for a long time, i ask myself do i fell better with a health bank account and a comfortable life style or chasing the jones with nothing in the bank, oop's to others i am the Joneswhistling.gif

I guess you haven't got 2 boys in this modern world.

Kids needs and wants are completely different from when you were a kid or your kids were kids.

I want the best for my boys and giving them what they want and need makes me happy.

Oh yeah, the 30k pocket money gets sent up to issan for rice plows and vet bills for the buffalo.

I would like to hear you definitions of "wants" and "needs" and how you differentiate between the two. :) :)

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That's a huge budget per day over 200k per month, Personally I live on very little and have a great life!!

More you earn the more you spend.

Total B****cks, i've always found that excuse is that the person has no money management skills, i have what you would call big money, but my budget per day is nowhere near the figures that you guys are mentioning, and no before you's say it i have a great and better then average life here, how can someone day in day out spend 10-12k, even 3k would be a stretch for me, i must just be gin-e-oow, because i spend 100's of baht a day and some days nothing, i have several condo's, several bikes, cars, all the toys going through middle age, please can you give a breakdown of the 10-12k in a average day and what does he have saved in the bank or under the mattress for that "it'll never come" rainy day.coffee1.gif

Im a consumer and like the finer things so sue me.

Gas for 2 cars driven daily. 2 to 3k a day just there.

Food. 6k for 2 adults and 2 children. We eat out and that's what we enjoy as a family.

Kids I spend about 2000 a day various crap. From toys to a shirt to books.

If you factor in my home utilities and school fees I'm going through 600k a month.

so do you commute daily to bangkok or do you own 2 hummers?

i call twaddle

Edited by tinfoilhat
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Im a consumer and like the finer things so sue me.

Gas for 2 cars driven daily. 2 to 3k a day just there.

Food. 6k for 2 adults and 2 children. We eat out and that's what we enjoy as a family.

Kids I spend about 2000 a day various crap. From toys to a shirt to books.

If you factor in my home utilities and school fees I'm going through 600k a month.

So.. you are a tuk-tuk driver?


:) :) :) :) Nice one.

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It's great reading about these people with so much money, having so much money is not wrong or a bad thing, if you have 600k per month to spend it makes you wonder what occupation he is in or has he very wealthy parents or did he make his money in his home country, I wish I had that much money each month, I am not jealous as I live here comfortably on 40k per month, the gf has a job so I give her nothing, I have a car( not used much, I have 3 bikes( 125cc used everyday, gf's bike she pays for, other bike not used much, rent house etc, don't frequent girlie bars and choose not to pay more than 60bht for a beer, life is good but you could always do with more!!

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Rent. 150k

House is 70k a month in upkeep 2 staff, bills, electric etc.

School fees are 50k a month (2 kids)

Wife gets 30k personal money.

Gas. 70 to 90k

Going out including dining. 120k

Other misc crap and it adds up.

Why do you think I'm not saving for a rainy day?

I live within my means.

The home & school expenses - OK. Tanking up on gas at least once each day - really. Up to you what you want to send up north - after all they need to equal your lifestyle. I'm happy to you that you have that sort of life style - may it last forever.

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I would like to hear you definitions of "wants" and "needs" and how you differentiate between the two. :) :)

If you need to know, Yes i spoil them.

Oldest one go karts just about everyday and has his own kart. He wants to be the best so i support that. Happy?

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old hansy ..how do u find time to stop and eat doing that many miles ? do u leave the car running while u eat ? i hope u have an amount for plastic surgery in the budget to reduce the size of the very large nose u are getting ....thumbsup.gif so tell us what hostel do u really live in ?

Wife's car uses a tank every 2 days. That's 1500 a tank @ 750 a day. 2000cc.

I use a tank a day easily. 6300cc engine does guzzle the gas. That's 2200 a day.

6000 baht for eating out with a family of 4 and 3 meals a day isn't expensive.

Mr H, what are the finer things in life????,to have the finer things in life everyday, become normality everyday, then the family expectations became more, it's unsustainable thinking that way, $200+ a day on food, incredible, you must be a taxi for 2-3k a day, $60-$80 a day on what you call crap, day in day out, you must have a house full of crap, your words not mine!!!!, i know guys here that live in a box, the bottom of living standards, yet spend 2-3k a night on drink, plus a girl, then the so called "she's helping her family" i only give her 20-30k a month, i always say "would you give a lady of the night back home $1000's, or your ex-misses, what did you used to give her", always the same "well it's different here", but Mr H if your disposable income allows such spending then good on you, i hope your family as they grow can again sustain such beliefs, or your going to be shelling out for a long time, i ask myself do i fell better with a health bank account and a comfortable life style or chasing the jones with nothing in the bank, oop's to others i am the Joneswhistling.gif

I guess you haven't got 2 boys in this modern world.

Kids needs and wants are completely different from when you were a kid or your kids were kids.

I want the best for my boys and giving them what they want and need makes me happy.

Oh yeah, the 30k pocket money gets sent up to issan for rice plows and vet bills for the buffalo.

Please Mr H, don't take this the wrong way, but thats exactly the attitude thats making kids and the world such a mess, of coarse we all want the best for our kids unless why bring them into the world, but to me and now the shrinks of the world, it's now proven it's doing them more harm in the long term, kids expectations in life now are so high, no respect for money, indiscipline is out the window, they are the me, me, me generation, but this is now spilling into there relationship years, when the financial crises really gets a grip, as it will, we've just seen the tip of that iceberg, how do the mummy's and daddy's sit little johnny down as he's asking for his new ipad and 1phone5 and say "No", this how silly it gets, a friend was buying a new house, beautiful, outstanding, as a family they went to view it, his 4 year old said "don't like, no where for dolls", so they didn't buy, so at that i bought a pizza later to prove a point, the 4 year old said "don't like" how fickle is this i said "dolly likes"yes you've guessed she ate it, ask that girl now who is a teen and even she says crazy.
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Rent. 150k

House is 70k a month in upkeep 2 staff, bills, electric etc.

School fees are 50k a month (2 kids)

Wife gets 30k personal money.

Gas. 70 to 90k

Going out including dining. 120k

Other misc crap and it adds up.

Why do you think I'm not saving for a rainy day?

I live within my means.

The home & school expenses - OK. Tanking up on gas at least once each day - really. Up to you what you want to send up north - after all they need to equal your lifestyle. I'm happy to you that you have that sort of life style - may it last forever.

I answered this.

Wife uses a tank every 2 days @ 1500 baht a tank. So 750 baht a day. Her car is 2000cc.

My car uses a tank per day if im running from Kata noi to town and then the kids to PIA and pick them up. Im lucky to get 230 kilometres from a gas guzzling 6300cc engine sitting in traffic. It drinks 95 V Power like it evaporates and its 2200 to 2300 a tank depending on price.

I dont need to come on here and lie. I thought it was a decent topic but i understand money either angers people or they envy it. Weird.

Edited by hansgruber
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If your children know you have a lot of money then I think that can be a problem, you have to teach your children to be able to accept the word no! My 2 boys never asked for anything, my gf's daughter asks for little things like a book, or a packet of crisps, she knows I am not wealthy but I give her what I can, she is a very happy girl!!

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Rent. 150k

House is 70k a month in upkeep 2 staff, bills, electric etc.

School fees are 50k a month (2 kids)

Wife gets 30k personal money.

Gas. 70 to 90k

Going out including dining. 120k

Other misc crap and it adds up.

Why do you think I'm not saving for a rainy day?

I live within my means.

The home & school expenses - OK. Tanking up on gas at least once each day - really. Up to you what you want to send up north - after all they need to equal your lifestyle. I'm happy to you that you have that sort of life style - may it last forever.

I answered this.

Wife uses a tank every 2 days @ 1500 baht a tank. So 750 baht a day. Her car is 2000cc.

My car uses a tank per day if im running from Kata noi to town and then the kids to PIA and pick them up. Im lucky to get 230 kilometres from a gas guzzling 6300cc engine sitting in traffic. It drinks 95 V Power like it evaporates and its 2200 to 2300 a tank depending on price.

I dont need to come on here and lie. I thought it was a decent topic but i understand money either angers people or they envy it. Weird.

Why would you be surprised that money angers people or makes people envious? as far as I can see you are not boasting, you have answered the op's question, money will always make some people who have not got a lot jealous or envious that's life!!

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What I'd like to know is how your school fees at PIA are only 50k per month. I have 4 kids there and it costs me the best part of 200,000 per month.

Overall I'd say our monthly budget (including schooling) would work out around 400,000+ per month.

Edited by Colonel_Mustard
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What I'd like to know is how your school fees at PIA are only 50k per month. I have 4 kids there and it costs me the best part of 200,000 per month.

Maybe you misunderstood my reply but it was quickly written without all details.

Its 50k x 2 so 100k a month so you're not getting ripped off. ^_^

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Rent. 150k

House is 70k a month in upkeep 2 staff, bills, electric etc.

School fees are 50k a month (2 kids)

Wife gets 30k personal money.

Gas. 70 to 90k

Going out including dining. 120k

Other misc crap and it adds up.

Why do you think I'm not saving for a rainy day?

I live within my means.

The home & school expenses - OK. Tanking up on gas at least once each day - really. Up to you what you want to send up north - after all they need to equal your lifestyle. I'm happy to you that you have that sort of life style - may it last forever.

I answered this.

Wife uses a tank every 2 days @ 1500 baht a tank. So 750 baht a day. Her car is 2000cc.

My car uses a tank per day if im running from Kata noi to town and then the kids to PIA and pick them up. Im lucky to get 230 kilometres from a gas guzzling 6300cc engine sitting in traffic. It drinks 95 V Power like it evaporates and its 2200 to 2300 a tank depending on price.

I dont need to come on here and lie. I thought it was a decent topic but i understand money either angers people or they envy it. Weird.

LIK well said, i'm just struggling to get my head around these figures, can i ask a personnel question Mr H, where does your income come from, if work, what work, if investments, what investments, please post a picture of the house, for 150k a month i'd like to see that, even list the eating places, your wife lives on more then me, long may it last Mr H, $250,000 a year on living, Wow!!!!, what job or investments pay that out?????
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Rent. 150k

House is 70k a month in upkeep 2 staff, bills, electric etc.

School fees are 50k a month (2 kids)

Wife gets 30k personal money.

Gas. 70 to 90k

Going out including dining. 120k

Other misc crap and it adds up.

Why do you think I'm not saving for a rainy day?

I live within my means.

The home & school expenses - OK. Tanking up on gas at least once each day - really. Up to you what you want to send up north - after all they need to equal your lifestyle. I'm happy to you that you have that sort of life style - may it last forever.

I answered this.

Wife uses a tank every 2 days @ 1500 baht a tank. So 750 baht a day. Her car is 2000cc.

My car uses a tank per day if im running from Kata noi to town and then the kids to PIA and pick them up. Im lucky to get 230 kilometres from a gas guzzling 6300cc engine sitting in traffic. It drinks 95 V Power like it evaporates and its 2200 to 2300 a tank depending on price.

I dont need to come on here and lie. I thought it was a decent topic but i understand money either angers people or they envy it. Weird.

LIK well said, i'm just struggling to get my head around these figures, can i ask a personnel question Mr H, where does your income come from, if work, what work, if investments, what investments, please post a picture of the house, for 150k a month i'd like to see that, even list the eating places, your wife lives on more then me, long may it last Mr H, $250,000 a year on living, Wow!!!!, what job or investments pay that out?????

This is my business and not for a public forum. Privacy please.

The thread is about spending in Phuket, not financial services.

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What I'd like to know is how your school fees at PIA are only 50k per month. I have 4 kids there and it costs me the best part of 200,000 per month.

Maybe you misunderstood my reply but it was quickly written without all details.

Its 50k x 2 so 100k a month so you're not getting ripped off. happy.png

That's a shame. I was hoping I could negotiate for some lower fees wink.png

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I would like to hear you definitions of "wants" and "needs" and how you differentiate between the two. smile.pngsmile.png

If you need to know, Yes i spoil them.

Oldest one go karts just about everyday and has his own kart. He wants to be the best so i support that. Happy?

Do you think that has an effect on their psychology????

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big believer in "you can't take it with you" but do question the benefit of spoiling developing minds so much.

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Good that HG is happy with what he's doing, and my thoughts are that people aren't 'angry' at his own expenditures, only somewhat astonished at the perceived waste.

Must admit, what caught my eye was the fuel expenditure (2/3000 baht/day - 2 and 6.3 litre engines). They must be some expensive cars, in fact only some high end AMG type Mercs etc, and no mention of car finance expenditure in the budget, so they must have been bought for cash. Odd someone chooses to spend so much on cars, but rents their home?

1 of the 2 staff for the home certainly isn't a cook judging by the restaurant bills, and again they must be pretty high end restaurants to rack up those check bins daily. To be honest, and I like eating out as much if not more than the next man, I'd get plain bored eating in such places 2 or 3 times every day.

Just saying like.

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I would like to hear you definitions of "wants" and "needs" and how you differentiate between the two. smile.pngsmile.png

If you need to know, Yes i spoil them.

Oldest one go karts just about everyday and has his own kart. He wants to be the best so i support that. Happy?

Do you think that has an effect on their psychology????

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big believer in "you can't take it with you" but do question the benefit of spoiling developing minds so much.

Not really, they are well balanced kids that are taught right from wrong.

They dont watch much tv,only with me at night, its either homework or out go karting or swimming if they arent at school.

He wants to take up shooting pistols soon but i doubt mom will ok that.

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I would like to hear you definitions of "wants" and "needs" and how you differentiate between the two. smile.pngsmile.png

If you need to know, Yes i spoil them.

Oldest one go karts just about everyday and has his own kart. He wants to be the best so i support that. Happy?

Do you think that has an effect on their psychology????

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big believer in "you can't take it with you" but do question the benefit of spoiling developing minds so much.

Not really, they are well balanced kids that are taught right from wrong.

They dont watch much tv,only with me at night, its either homework or out go karting or swimming if they arent at school.

He wants to take up shooting pistols soon but i doubt mom will ok that.

It's important that every individual is happy with there lot, I am happy with a fraction of what you have, all is good, would not turn down a lottery win though!!

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Good that HG is happy with what he's doing, and my thoughts are that people aren't 'angry' at his own expenditures, only somewhat astonished at the perceived waste.

Must admit, what caught my eye was the fuel expenditure (2/3000 baht/day - 2 and 6.3 litre engines). They must be some expensive cars, in fact only some high end AMG type Mercs etc, and no mention of car finance expenditure in the budget, so they must have been bought for cash. Odd someone chooses to spend so much on cars, but rents their home?

1 of the 2 staff for the home certainly isn't a cook judging by the restaurant bills, and again they must be pretty high end restaurants to rack up those check bins daily. To be honest, and I like eating out as much if not more than the next man, I'd get plain bored eating in such places 2 or 3 times every day.

Just saying like.

You got the car in one. Paid half down and monthly instalments. Only 67k a month excluding insurance, service and tires etc.

I dont buy a home here by choice. I want to be free to pack up and move any day i feel like it. Move north closer to school is one of ideas for 2013. I can save on gas too.^_^ and the wife is closer to town and in turn she saves gas. Gas savings galore.

We eat everywhere. We do family sunday brunches at various hotels and that ends up 8 to 10k if the wife starts the wines.

Sams steak is another favorite.

If the family goes to fuji for sushi, its nearly 3k for 4 people for lunch.

If we do breakfast before school and work, its about 1000 baht for breakfast at sacs or bake. Adds up feeding 4 mouths.

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I guess I live really cheaply! I pay less than HG does a month for a year's rent! My car and motorbikes have been paid for years ago. I enjoy cooking at home, and I don't go to bars. I would guess we spend 60k at the most per month.

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Its hard to think anyone would believe the b/s posted on chat forums

We spend approx 50K baht a month on everyday living expenses, this does not include things i consider a one of purchase like

vehicle, house, TV, computer, holidays etc

It includes eating out at normal restaurants and all other expenses both my wife and myself have what we want when we want

and my wife is not on a budget

I no longer send money to any members of my wife's family, dead buffalo or not

and do not pay rent or drink in bars

Edited by petercallen
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Its hard to think anyone would believe the b/s posted on chat forums

We spend approx 50K baht a month on everyday living expenses, this does not include things i consider a one of purchase like

vehicle, house, TV, computer, holidays etc

It includes eating out at normal restaurants and all other expenses both my wife and myself have what we want when we want

and my wife is not on a budget

I no longer send money to any members of my wife's family, dead buffalo or not

and do not pay rent or drink in bars

Ahhhh, I think the idea is to send money to Issan while the buffalo is sick, Peter. It's a little bit late when it's dead. :) :)

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Its hard to think anyone would believe the b/s posted on chat forums

We spend approx 50K baht a month on everyday living expenses, this does not include things i consider a one of purchase like

vehicle, house, TV, computer, holidays etc

It includes eating out at normal restaurants and all other expenses both my wife and myself have what we want when we want

and my wife is not on a budget

I no longer send money to any members of my wife's family, dead buffalo or not

and do not pay rent or drink in bars

Ahhhh, I think the idea is to send money to Issan while the buffalo is sick, Peter. It's a little bit late when it's dead. smile.pngsmile.png

No its to buy a replacement buffalo

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Its hard to think anyone would believe the b/s posted on chat forums

We spend approx 50K baht a month on everyday living expenses, this does not include things i consider a one of purchase like

vehicle, house, TV, computer, holidays etc

It includes eating out at normal restaurants and all other expenses both my wife and myself have what we want when we want

and my wife is not on a budget

I no longer send money to any members of my wife's family, dead buffalo or not

and do not pay rent or drink in bars

Dont pay rent?
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