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Bring Peace To Deep South, Thai Govt Told


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Bring peace to deep South, govt told

The Nation


156 deaths is enough, staff reps

NARATHIWAT: -- Confederation of Narathiwat Teachers president Sanguan Intarak has urged the government to exert an all-out effort to bring peace to the far South to reduce the loss of teachers, boost teachers' morale, and improve the education of students there.

"Although we cannot see how we can achieve peace, the government must prevent the situation from escalating and put a stop to the loss of teachers at 156. As a teacher with ideology, I will not escape anywhere,'' he said.

His remarks coincided with Teachers' Day today.

Rorsueli Arwaekaji, a teacher at Ban Ka So, in Yala's Bannang Sata district, said what he wanted most from the government was peace.

"Students are adversely affected because teachers feel threatened. The government must seriously attend to this problem,'' he said.

School director Armeen Karndee said the lack of teachers' safety was the major problem that must be solved if the government wants to see the country develop.

Sukhumaporn Kittiwongsakul, a teacher at Ban Tao Poon school in Yala, said that although she had been a teacher there for over 20 years and lived in fear, she was determined to continue her job there as she has bonded with her students and locals.

Yanika Nuisupap, a teacher at the same school, said she thought of asking for a transfer out of the restive area but she felt concern about the future of her students.

Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Pongthep Thepkanchana said on his last inspection to the region, he had sought cooperation from security agencies to step up protection for teachers depending on situations and teachers were happy with that.

He said most teachers insisted on continuing teaching in risky areas but some in remote areas had been moved out temporarily. Some teacher volunteers such as new graduates have been stationed at schools short of teachers.

Meanwhile, Dusit poll released the results yesterday of a survey that showed that teachers want politicians to forgive each other.

Asked what teachers think of Thai politics, 44 per cent said it was boring as politicians only quarrel, 35 per cent said they fought for power and corruption, while 20 per cent said politicians lack a moral conscience.

Asked what they want from the government, 40 per cent said policies that are truly beneficial to students, while 31 per cent wanted policies that improve the quality of life for grassroots people, and 28 per cent wanted policies that allow more public participation.


-- The Nation 2013-01-16

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Targeting teachers to keep the population ignorant is part of the extremist Islamist mind set and all about control. The ongoing threat of terrorism also part of they psyche. The respective Thai Govt's continue to prove they have no solution to the issue thus the solution must really come from the Muslim community itself as no Buddhist will have a chance for implementing any form of peace issue. If Islam continues to claim it is such a peaceful religion then prove it by controlling the factions who continually disprove this claim.

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Asked what teachers think of Thai politics, 44 per cent said it was boring as politicians only quarrel, 35 per cent said they fought for power and corruption, while 20 per cent said politicians lack a moral conscience

In other words, 99% of the people think politicians are boring, corrupt, and lack a moral conscience

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Asked what teachers think of Thai politics, 44 per cent said it was boring as politicians only quarrel, 35 per cent said they fought for power and corruption, while 20 per cent said politicians lack a moral conscience

In other words, 99% of the people think politicians are boring, corrupt, and lack a moral conscience

Pretty accurate report card.
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Asked what teachers think of Thai politics, 44 per cent said it was boring as politicians only quarrel, 35 per cent said they fought for power and corruption, while 20 per cent said politicians lack a moral conscience

In other words, 99% of the people think politicians are boring, corrupt, and lack a moral conscience

Unfortunately we are not allowed to say what we think of teachers but your statement summarized quite well my personal opinion.

With maybe incompetent instead of corrupt but that's open to debate ...

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Carpet bombing.

Win their hearts and minds by handing out chiclets, pens and soap.

Napalm and defoliants can be used as well.

Too bad General McNamara has died, because I bet he'd have this war won in no time.

Can you explain why it's OK to use the military against citizens from the South, but not those from the North?

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Targeting teachers to keep the population ignorant is part of the extremist Islamist mind set and all about control. The ongoing threat of terrorism also part of they psyche. The respective Thai Govt's continue to prove they have no solution to the issue thus the solution must really come from the Muslim community itself as no Buddhist will have a chance for implementing any form of peace issue. If Islam continues to claim it is such a peaceful religion then prove it by controlling the factions who continually disprove this claim.

I agree in part with your statement, however:

1. Muslims, while making up MOST of the population, do not make up the entire population, and are only one party to the conflict. No conflict is ever resolved until:

- One of the warring parties are weakened to the point in which they can no longer fight, and choose either to be enslaved or merge and become part of the winning side. Examples of this echo through time, particularly in conquests of southern Europe (Spain, which was once Muslim) and China (with the Mongols).

* The flow of troops will be endless, it provides three functions: to train troops in live fire/ambush situations for a potential conflict against any of its' neighbors, to protect Thai face by ensuring land is not lost to any aggressor, and to protect the innocent lives which are affected in the area. It is debatable the effect that the presence of troops in the south provides on each of these to various degrees. The Military is providing a peace keeping role, and not actively fighting an insurgency, but providing a reactionary Military response, killing radicals after they have committed acts of aggression.

- All parties come together, reach an agreement, and have strong enough leaders and systems in place for all parties in which control can be kept to prevent major flare ups to breach the agreement.

* The three southern states have four factions fighting for control, two of which are allied. These being, Central and Southern Thai Buddhists, The Thai government itself, Muslim separatist/anti-Thai Government groups, and drug traffickers. At this stage, it is my opinion that at least the government, Buddhist population, and Muslim population must come together in agreement. The drug traffickers should not be included in any talks, and if true Muslims are strong enough, should be able to work with the army to shut down the trafficking activity of weapons and drugs backwards and forwards over the border. The question is how to replace the money which the drug trade currently provides to the economy to the south.

As it stands, until the Thai government decides to cede the south to the Muslims, the Muslims decide to side with the government in a joint cause to remove the scourge of smuggling and drug trafficking along the border, or the Military takes an all out offensive, searching entire villages for weapons and burning villages in which weapons are found (a terrible thought to do this to any human), the insurgency will continue, the beheadings will continue, and the shooting of innocents, teachers, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters will continue.

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Carpet bombing.

Win their hearts and minds by handing out chiclets, pens and soap.

Napalm and defoliants can be used as well.

Too bad General McNamara has died, because I bet he'd have this war won in no time.

Can you explain why it's OK to use the military against citizens from the South, but not those from the North?

Maybe because they don't support YL or the Reds, isn't the south mainly Democrat supporters?

Its either that or Double Standards...

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Carpet bombing.

Win their hearts and minds by handing out chiclets, pens and soap.

Napalm and defoliants can be used as well.

Too bad General McNamara has died, because I bet he'd have this war won in no time.

McNamara was not a general was secretary of defense and president of world bank, guess thats why he was so hung up on body counts. Rot in hell

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Targeting teachers to keep the population ignorant is part of the extremist Islamist mind set and all about control. The ongoing threat of terrorism also part of they psyche. The respective Thai Govt's continue to prove they have no solution to the issue thus the solution must really come from the Muslim community itself as no Buddhist will have a chance for implementing any form of peace issue. If Islam continues to claim it is such a peaceful religion then prove it by controlling the factions who continually disprove this claim.

Teachers are a soft target, but effective if your aim is to get those with any interest in bringing up their families within Thai society. In essence this tactic amounts to ethnic cleansing, not that any Muslims who have any aspirations to a normal 21st century lifestyle would approve either, but who is going to risk resisting if it means a bullet in the head?

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Asked what teachers think of Thai politics, 44 per cent said it was boring as politicians only quarrel, 35 per cent said they fought for power and corruption, while 20 per cent said politicians lack a moral conscience

In other words, 99% of the people think politicians are boring, corrupt, and lack a moral conscience

Not if those answers came via multiple questions which would seem to be the case. The first is an 'interest' answer, the second a 'reason' answer while the third is an 'ethical' answer. I can't imagine the make up a question which has at least 3 answer types.

The only way to solve this facet of the problems in the south is education but it is education that is causing the problem. The religion of constantly being offended wants to send their children to school but only on the understanding that the children don't learn anything. Given the state of education in Thailand I think the concern of them learning pretty much anything of practical value is unfounded.

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Targeting teachers to keep the population ignorant is part of the extremist Islamist mind set and all about control. The ongoing threat of terrorism also part of they psyche. The respective Thai Govt's continue to prove they have no solution to the issue thus the solution must really come from the Muslim community itself as no Buddhist will have a chance for implementing any form of peace issue. If Islam continues to claim it is such a peaceful religion then prove it by controlling the factions who continually disprove this claim.

I agree in part with your statement, however:

1. Muslims, while making up MOST of the population, do not make up the entire population, and are only one party to the conflict. No conflict is ever resolved until:

- One of the warring parties are weakened to the point in which they can no longer fight, and choose either to be enslaved or merge and become part of the winning side. Examples of this echo through time, particularly in conquests of southern Europe (Spain, which was once Muslim) and China (with the Mongols).

* The flow of troops will be endless, it provides three functions: to train troops in live fire/ambush situations for a potential conflict against any of its' neighbors, to protect Thai face by ensuring land is not lost to any aggressor, and to protect the innocent lives which are affected in the area. It is debatable the effect that the presence of troops in the south provides on each of these to various degrees. The Military is providing a peace keeping role, and not actively fighting an insurgency, but providing a reactionary Military response, killing radicals after they have committed acts of aggression.

- All parties come together, reach an agreement, and have strong enough leaders and systems in place for all parties in which control can be kept to prevent major flare ups to breach the agreement.

* The three southern states have four factions fighting for control, two of which are allied. These being, Central and Southern Thai Buddhists, The Thai government itself, Muslim separatist/anti-Thai Government groups, and drug traffickers. At this stage, it is my opinion that at least the government, Buddhist population, and Muslim population must come together in agreement. The drug traffickers should not be included in any talks, and if true Muslims are strong enough, should be able to work with the army to shut down the trafficking activity of weapons and drugs backwards and forwards over the border. The question is how to replace the money which the drug trade currently provides to the economy to the south.

As it stands, until the Thai government decides to cede the south to the Muslims, the Muslims decide to side with the government in a joint cause to remove the scourge of smuggling and drug trafficking along the border, or the Military takes an all out offensive, searching entire villages for weapons and burning villages in which weapons are found (a terrible thought to do this to any human), the insurgency will continue, the beheadings will continue, and the shooting of innocents, teachers, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters will continue.

There are many arguments for both however, the eye for an eye mindset from both sides, will never let this get to the table. Having a military presence aggravates the situation yet is necessary to prevent further outbreaks. The resident factions of illogical aggression from both sides will continue to kill and maim innocents but the main point of the article reflects teachers and this is a blatant target for Islamists (not necessarily Muslims). They do not wish to have anyone educated outside their book of beliefs. Therein lies the problem. Fanaticism never resolves any conflict of opinion or lifestyle and history continues to exemplify this.

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Strangely, extremists and terrorists are taking over...

Boats being hijacked by Somalians, over and over again.

Terrorists in Congo creating ongoing terror...

South of Thailand, non stop problems.

Just to name a few.

I am going back to my super heroes movies. At least they get the job done...

Long time ago, these problemn would have been solved...Nowadays, it has to be done the right way... But when?

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Asked what teachers think of Thai politics, 44 per cent said it was boring as politicians only quarrel, 35 per cent said they fought for power and corruption, while 20 per cent said politicians lack a moral conscience

In other words, 99% of the people think politicians are boring, corrupt, and lack a moral conscience

Your logic is at fault. 99% of the people think politicians are EITHER boring, corrupt or lack a moral conscience.

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Carpet bombing.

Win their hearts and minds by handing out chiclets, pens and soap.

Napalm and defoliants can be used as well.

Too bad General McNamara has died, because I bet he'd have this war won in no time.

McNamara was not a general was secretary of defense and president of world bank, guess thats why he was so hung up on body counts. Rot in hell

McNamara was Sec Def until he quit the job, not to run the Bank but because he became

very anti war. It was Gen. William Westmoreland who was so <deleted> hung up on body counts

just to please the Joint Chiefs Of Staff...and it was he that signed off on highly inflated body

counts and encouraged his junior officers to do the inflating. I know this personally; I was one

of the junior officers...just FYI.

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Carpet bombing.

Win their hearts and minds by handing out chiclets, pens and soap.

Napalm and defoliants can be used as well.

Too bad General McNamara has died, because I bet he'd have this war won in no time.

Can you explain why it's OK to use the military against citizens from the South, but not those from the North?

Good question.

Ask a red shirt they are experts at being two faced.

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snapback.pnggeriatrickid, on 2013-01-16 11:51:10, said:

Carpet bombing.

Win their hearts and minds by handing out chiclets, pens and soap.

Napalm and defoliants can be used as well.

Too bad General McNamara has died, because I bet he'd have this war won in no time.

snapback.pngOzMick, on 2013-01-16 12:52:16, said:

Can you explain why it's OK to use the military against citizens from the South, but not those from the North?

@OzMick:Puhleez! The geriatric kid was using irony, OK? I-R-O-N-Y, look it up. Remember, the US didn't win that war? Remember, universally recognized as one of the biggest screw-ups the US ever made? Perhaps you are not a student of history.

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