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European Diplomats Satisfied With Thailand's Human Trafficking Solutions


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You know what else would get those big toes and business interests puffed up, and the military as well? Placing a ban on all seafood to the U.S. and cutting of all those billions of baht in military aid every year until the govt actually tries whole heatedly to make some progress. I bet you some shit would happen then, and rite quick.

Lets not forget about all those women and children that are being snatched up everyday to work in the sex industry. There is no children safe against human trafficking, including those in Europe and members that are reading this thread. Keep that in mind before considering this file should be closed.

I hear you, but Thailand is absolutely unprepared or able to sort this one out right now. As an example, the sea food business has some companies who import legally labour, who are the big ones, and subcontract some work out to other companies who don't. It won't be long before traficking comes up in a discussion in the US about protecting the shrimpers or general sea food business say, stop imports from Thailand because of traficking.

Companies have tried their best in China to enforce some kind of CSR programs, and occasionally they get caught out in the media, and there is a kerfuffle.

Something like the seafood business in Thailand with reportedly forced migrant labour even on the trawlers will take an enormous effort for the Thai's to sort out. From the boats, to the factories, to the packers, to the warehouses, to the port, there are millions of hands in the process, and to clean them all up will take a very very long time. There are some companies out there who run themselves properly and pay properly and attempt to control the supply chain, but for every one of them there are 10, who don't give a dam_n.

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No direct comment from the Europeans of course.

No need when the Cousin Foreign Minister speaks for them.


It's truly amazing that the diplomats would reach this conclusion without first consulting the Thai Visa resident barstool panel of experts.

From your bar stool, did you hear what the diplomats actually said or the conclusions they reached?


Edited by Buchholz
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I understand this will not be solved overnight. but the fact of the matter is Thailand is not improving in fact has been getting worse, they were on tier 2 for about 8 years and then downgraded to the tier 2 watch list where they have remained for the last 3 years, I would think if there was any sort of will by any of those Thai governments there would have been steady improvement.

So "its gonna take time" thing seems to be getting close to over, wouldnt you think? As I stated before many countries have been upgraded (29 in 2012) and have shown that will to improve and have been rewarded for that improvement in the way of increased foreign aid.

As for American fisheries, the fight has begun this with Thai imports of of sea food. I can hardly blame them, at the moment I think 75% of all shrimp, sardines and several other varieties of fish consumed in America is imported, and a big % of that comes from Thailand. If Thailand can catch, process, package and ship seafood to America cheaper than domestically caught sea food, I can only say Thailand has an unfair advantage, and that advantage comes from these trafficked slaves working for very little to no wages. IMHO.

Edited by dcutman
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If I were to have a real intrest in what the dipolmats from Europe thought, I believe I would ask them directly. This second hand information being passed to the reporters by indivudals who say, "I heard, they told me, they told my brother in law, I think the intent was, etc" is what most of us think of as gossip.

When we look at the translation boon dogles made by translators, the lack of knowledge of English of most of those in Thailand public office, the lies they have been caught at, why would this article even be published. Sorry, its the Foreign Ministers, alloted time to get his face and nonsense, in the public eye.

The old time parents had a punishment for youngsters for lieing, use bad language, etc, they washed their mouth out with soap. It may not be an accepted solution by the so called 'professionals of today' but, it seemed to work at the time.

As I remeber it, WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHY? now it is how the hell???????

Good post.....clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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I understand this will not be solved overnight. but the fact of the matter is Thailand is not improving in fact has been getting worse, they were on tier 2 for about 8 years and then downgraded to the tier 2 watch list where they have remained for the last 3 years, I would think if there was any sort of will by any of those Thai governments there would have been steady improvement.

So "its gonna take time" thing seems to be getting close to over, wouldnt you think? As I stated before many countries have been upgraded (29 in 2012) and have shown that will to improve and have been rewarded for that improvement in the way of increased foreign aid.

As for American fisheries, the fight has begun this with Thai imports of of sea food. I can hardly blame them, at the moment I think 75% of all shrimp consumed in America is imported, and a big % of that comes from Thailand. If Thailand can catch, process, package and ship seafood to America cheaper than domestically caught sea food, I can only say Thailand has an unfair advantage, and that advantage comes from these trafficked slaves working for very little to no wages. IMHO.

Well, when you are on an official watchlist from the State department, why would anyone counter that arguement? Thailand has got itself into a very sticky position through repeated inaction. Som nam naa, unfortunately.

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I understand this will not be solved overnight. but the fact of the matter is Thailand is not improving in fact has been getting worse, they were on tier 2 for about 8 years and then downgraded to the tier 2 watch list where they have remained for the last 3 years, I would think if there was any sort of will by any of those Thai governments there would have been steady improvement.

So "its gonna take time" thing seems to be getting close to over, wouldnt you think? As I stated before many countries have been upgraded (29 in 2012) and have shown that will to improve and have been rewarded for that improvement in the way of increased foreign aid.

As for American fisheries, the fight has begun this with Thai imports of of sea food. I can hardly blame them, at the moment I think 75% of all shrimp consumed in America is imported, and a big % of that comes from Thailand. If Thailand can catch, process, package and ship seafood to America cheaper than domestically caught sea food, I can only say Thailand has an unfair advantage, and that advantage comes from these trafficked slaves working for very little to no wages. IMHO.

Well, when you are on an official watchlist from the State department, why would anyone counter that arguement? Thailand has got itself into a very sticky position through repeated inaction. Som nam naa, unfortunately.

It is extremely unfortunate, as many of us call Thailand our home now, and what ever our conversations are on TVF, want the country we live in, to prosper. But I will be the first one to defend the U.S. when the govt and many on TVF are crying foul if/when they make the tier 3 list. Witch is a good possibility come this June when the 2013 list comes out. http://www.undercurrentnews.com/2012/11/13/thai-shrimp-business-one-foot-in-grave-other-on-banana-peel-on-labor-issue/#.UPebH2crnYE Edited by dcutman
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October last year I had to come back to Germany. In my favourit restaurant I ate seafood and salads. Delicious. I asked the Maitre de Cuisine where the seafood comes from.

Vietnam. Thai seafood is banned in EU.Too much chemicals.

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No direct comment from the Europeans of course.

Why should a bunch of EU Politicians care? They were in Thailand for a free holiday at taxpayers expense... Placemen.... Failed national politicians on retirement.... Free loaders... Running a corrupt organisation-EU...Largely undemocratic. They almost in same league as Thai politicians

If this is too subtle, you should understand that there are many EU citizens not too happy with the antics of the EU behemoth.

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No direct comment from the Europeans of course.

Why should a bunch of EU Politicians care? They were in Thailand for a free holiday at taxpayers expense... Placemen.... Failed national politicians on retirement.... Free loaders... Running a corrupt organisation-EU...Largely undemocratic. They almost in same league as Thai politicians

If this is too subtle, you should understand that there are many EU citizens not too happy with the antics of the EU behemoth.

In the other paper the reading was not as rosy as in the Nations. One of the diplomats, didnt say from what country, didnt really believe the dog and pony show and nice shiny factory the govt presented/arranged.
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