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Want To Bring Mother-In-Law To Usa - Recommendation Cost And Time Needed

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We are proud parents of a 6 month child. Our Mom in Isaan has a Thai Passport and I would like to bring her back with us as my wife and boy have dual citizenship. She would be of great help to us and I one day dreamed that my dear Mother in Law would one day cook and care for her Grandson in our home in Santa Monica, California.

Whom has went thru the process, who do you recommend handling the legal end for us in Bangkok, cost and time before she will be issued her Visa.

Once we do the legal work we will travel back this summer to hopefully return with her on Thai Airways.

She can stay for 90 days correct? We would like your feedback and recommendations of this process.

I would also like to buy her travel insurance in the event she becomes ill!

Most greatly appreciated

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On a visitors visa she can stay six months. B2. It's a crap shoot for her. She has every reason to stay for years with the new child. If she is working age, that's a problem as well.

She's not migrating so your wife can't sponsor her.

Just put the papers in and hope for best. Land in her name, vehicle...?

Edited by bangkokburning
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On a visitors visa she can stay six months. B2. It's a crap shoot for her. She has every reason to stay for years with the new child. If she is working age, that's a problem as well.

She's not migrating so your wife can't sponsor her.

Just put the papers in and hope for best. Land in her name, vehicle...?

On a visitors visa she can stay as long as the CBP office at the port of entry says she can stay. May be 6 months, may be 30 days. It's up to them. They will stamp her I-94 with the date she is required to leave the U.S.

They can even deny entry if they feel like it. Of course this is rare. A visa merely gives you the oppurtunity to try and enter the U.S.

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4 years ago my Mother and I took my Yiye to London to live permanently.

The paperwork was ridiculous! We did a lot of research and completed loads of forms for the British Embassy in Bangkok. In the end we just couldn't get it right (we only had a window of 10days to get it arranged with them before we needed to fly back to the UK). So we hired the services of the legal team that are situated just outside the Embassy. It cost about £2000. They where great though and saved so much headache. It took them 2 days and she is now on a visa to live in the UK as long as she wishes.

Apart from the normal paperwork that confirms that you can support her costs of living and your relationships, you may need the family in Thailand to confirm that they allow you to take her out of Thailand as we had to do.

Good luck.

Edited by Poo Ying FeFe
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Unless your mother in law has a job here and/or other strong reasons to return to Thailand she has little chance of getting a visitors visa.

If your wife has US citizenship she could apply for residency (green card) for her which would be a similar process to what you probably did to get your wife's residency. But it will take a lot longer to get.

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