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Obama Sworn In For Second Term During Low-Key Ceremony


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Any comments on the other points and names?


thought so!

Why do I need to go on YouTube? I know who they are.

Currently none of them hold official positions in either the Republican Party or any federal or state elective office.

What's your point..except that you don't personally like their ideas?

Let me correct myself. I was incorrect when I said none of the names mentioned were currently holding office.

Michelle Bachmann is, indeed, a member of the House of Representatives representing Minnesota.

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America is certainly a very politically divided country.

But there is one thing I think all Americans CAN agree on.

There a faction of Americans that really, really, really does NOT like Obama.

And they are very vocal about it. <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/coffee1.gif" />

Anything like all those folks that really, really, really did NOT like George Bush?

Edit in: &nbsp;Just saw this article, which would be applicable to liking/disliking:


Obama's Fourth Year in Office Ties as Most Polarized Ever

by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- During his fourth year in office, an average of 86% of Democrats and 10% of Republicans approved of the job Barack Obama did as president. That 76-percentage-point gap ties George W. Bush&#39;s fourth year as the most polarized years in Gallup records.



Interestingly, five of the top ten years were when Bush was President.

Obama has four years in the top ten which means he is batting a thousand, so far.

Bill Clinton is in third place with one year.

Edited by chuckd
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You are dodging on everything, don't you?

Yes, they all hold currently no...whatever...

They have been and are still members of the Republican Party. They have been running for office as VP or Govenor or for seats in the senat etc.

But it's okay: again, your side cherry picks.

You only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see.

When anyone mentiones that Obama got Bin Laden,it was due to the excellent work the CIA did under Bush.

But when it comes to the deficit...please, don't mention the colossal deficit building under Bush with tax- cuts for the rich, 2 unjustified wars, secret prisons in Europe etc etc etc.!


So if it was wrong for Bush to runup a deficit, how is adding 5 trillion more right?

Anyway, if you don't think we take you seriously, maybe reconsider what you write in your posts.cheesy.gif

Wow...so we DO have something in common...because I do not take you seriously either!

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You are dodging on everything, don't you?

Yes, they all hold currently no...whatever...

They have been and are still members of the Republican Party. They have been running for office as VP or Govenor or for seats in the senat etc.

But it's okay: again, your side cherry picks.

You only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see.

When anyone mentiones that Obama got Bin Laden,it was due to the excellent work the CIA did under Bush.

But when it comes to the deficit...please, don't mention the colossal deficit building under Bush with tax- cuts for the rich, 2 unjustified wars, secret prisons in Europe etc etc etc.!


So if it was wrong for Bush to runup a deficit, how is adding 5 trillion more right?

Anyway, if you don't think we take you seriously, maybe reconsider what you write in your posts.cheesy.gif

Wow...so we DO have something in common...because I do not take you seriously either!

Could be why you haven't learned anything then, hard to argue with facts isn't it. Now again, how about the 5 trillion additional debt, how about that healthcare bill that they can't provide instruction for, and what about a signed budget from the Senate?

Edited by beechguy
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You are dodging on everything, don't you?

Yes, they all hold currently no...whatever...

They have been and are still members of the Republican Party. They have been running for office as VP or Govenor or for seats in the senat etc.

But it's okay: again, your side cherry picks.

You only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see.

When anyone mentiones that Obama got Bin Laden,it was due to the excellent work the CIA did under Bush.

But when it comes to the deficit...please, don't mention the colossal deficit building under Bush with tax- cuts for the rich, 2 unjustified wars, secret prisons in Europe etc etc etc.!


So if it was wrong for Bush to runup a deficit, how is adding 5 trillion more right?

Anyway, if you don't think we take you seriously, maybe reconsider what you write in your posts.cheesy.gif

Wow...so we DO have something in common...because I do not take you seriously either!

Could be why you haven't learned anything then, hard to argue with facts isn't it. Now again, how about the 5 trillion additional debt, how about that healthcare bill that they can't provide instruction for, and what about a signed budget from the Senate?

Didn't we just agree on not taking each other seriously?

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Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

Compare that to "W", whose main campaign issue in 2000 was how to spend the budget surpluses. Flash forward 8 years and he left the country in the worst economic state since The Great Depression, in 2 unnecessary wars and with the country's credibility in the toilet.

I'm not an Obama (or a Demican) fan, but thank God the Republicrats didn't get back in. Filthiest, most dishonest campaign in my 50+ years.

Edited by impulse
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Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

Compare that to "W", whose main campaign issue in 2000 was how to spend the budget surpluses. Flash forward 8 years and he left the country in the worst economic state since The Great Depression, in 2 unnecessary wars and with the country's credibility in the toilet.

I'm not an Obama (or a Demican) fan, but thank God the Republicrats didn't get back in. Filthiest, most dishonest campaign in my 50+ years.

Not conceding your points about Bush, but let's look at the current situation.

The country is in worse economic state than when Obama took office, we are still in two wars and the country's credibility is still in the toilet.

In addition the Middle East is in flames, North Korea now has nukes and delivery systems, the Iranians are narrowing in on their own nuke, the US credit rating has been downgraded for the first time ever, there are more people on food stamps than ever, the percent of labor force actually working is at historic lows and there are some 23 million unemployed or underemployed persons in the US, a new high.

Care to point out the improvements carried out by the Obama camp?

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Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

Compare that to "W", whose main campaign issue in 2000 was how to spend the budget surpluses. Flash forward 8 years and he left the country in the worst economic state since The Great Depression, in 2 unnecessary wars and with the country's credibility in the toilet.

In Sept 2008 the economy crashed.

In Nov 2008 Obama was elected.

In Jan 2009 Obama was sworn in as POTUS.

By mid-2009 to early 2010 the US economy was growing at over 3% per quarter for 3 consecutive.

Then Obama policies started to take effect and growth tanked to almost 0%.

By the end of 2012 growth finally came in around 3%.

Thanks to Obama, we wasted at least two years - and millions of jobs - in what has been the worst economic recovery in history.

Earlier this week, instead of "swearing in Obama" they should have held an event for "swearing at Obama" - then at least there would have been record attendance and it would have been worth watching.

Edited by koheesti
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Once Bush was done with the country, some of the largest companies were essentially bankrupt. They were no longer paying taxes. Hundreds of thousands of people were unemployed. They were no longer paying taxes. Even more were underemployed and paying minimal taxes.

Now why do you think the deficit went up?

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Once Bush was done with the country, some of the largest companies were essentially bankrupt. They were no longer paying taxes. Hundreds of thousands of people were unemployed. They were no longer paying taxes. Even more were underemployed and paying minimal taxes.

Now why do you think the deficit went up?

Because while tax revenues have decreased as you have pointed out, federal spending has risen sharply.


The chart is actually from 1981-2012.

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And federal spending increased because of things like, more people becoming eligible for food stamps, for medical assistance, more people retiring early and collecting social security. High unemployment benefits etc.

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Congratulations to our FABULOUS and ICONIC Hawaiian-American president! We really dodged a bullet with that Romney character, who didn't even have the civility to show up at our presidents inauguration (an American tradition for the LOSER to do so). Yes he needs a second term. As they say: It Gets Better.

The MAJORITY of Americans support our fine President Obama and if some foreigners ask, is that the best we can do, we'd say, are you tripping, he's the best we have done in decades! I could understand asking that silly question about W. Bush when even his own brother Jeb is clearly much better and even his Mom and Pop thought so too!

Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

Stock market above 3,800. Corporate America with historically string balance sheets. EPS for multiple large caps coming in this morning ahead of estimated earnings. Housing market picking back up. Gas prices down. Looks much better than the way Bush left us. Not sure what you guys in SE Asia are whining about regarding the US economy except that you aren't here to benefit from it.

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Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

Compare that to "W", whose main campaign issue in 2000 was how to spend the budget surpluses. Flash forward 8 years and he left the country in the worst economic state since The Great Depression, in 2 unnecessary wars and with the country's credibility in the toilet.

In Sept 2008 the economy crashed.

In Nov 2008 Obama was elected.

In Jan 2009 Obama was sworn in as POTUS.

By mid-2009 to early 2010 the US economy was growing at over 3% per quarter for 3 consecutive.

Then Obama policies started to take effect and growth tanked to almost 0%.

By the end of 2012 growth finally came in around 3%.

Thanks to Obama, we wasted at least two years - and millions of jobs - in what has been the worst economic recovery in history.

Earlier this week, instead of "swearing in Obama" they should have held an event for "swearing at Obama" - then at least there would have been record attendance and it would have been worth watching.

I guess you know better than all of the financial experts and gurus I have been listening to this morning on Squak Box. Your statements also reveal ignorance about the largest drag on our economy and what it tookto fix it, CMO crisis which the banks are just now recovering from. Most brilliant economic minds questioned whether it was even possible to dig out of this problem in 2008 because no one even had an idea how much money it would take to fill in the black hole abyss losses, to shore up banking reserves, and to keep SM, FM, and Ginnie Mae liquid due to the bs guarantees to induce China investments to artificial inflate Bush era numbers and make a select fee very wealthy billionaires.

Public has no concept how bad banking industry and mortgage industry was in 2008 and what it tookto bail them out. TARP money was less than 5% and only a quick fix to keep 5 largest banks from imploding and being shut down.

Ben Beenacke, the Fed and Obama's financial gurus are heroes and pretty much did the impossible. Haha, most people apparently are clueless as to purpose if QE1, 2 and 3. Your belly aching is either extreme ingratitude or just ignorance of what was wrong and what it took to correct the problem.

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Romney snubs Obama at the inauguration and manages to find the time to go to D.C. to honor HIMSELF a few days later.

Are we surprised?


Mitt Romney ... is scheduled to be in Washington on Friday for a reception in honor of him and his wife, Ann.
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Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

Compare that to "W", whose main campaign issue in 2000 was how to spend the budget surpluses. Flash forward 8 years and he left the country in the worst economic state since The Great Depression, in 2 unnecessary wars and with the country's credibility in the toilet.

In Sept 2008 the economy crashed.

In Nov 2008 Obama was elected.

In Jan 2009 Obama was sworn in as POTUS.

By mid-2009 to early 2010 the US economy was growing at over 3% per quarter for 3 consecutive.

Then Obama policies started to take effect and growth tanked to almost 0%.

By the end of 2012 growth finally came in around 3%.

Thanks to Obama, we wasted at least two years - and millions of jobs - in what has been the worst economic recovery in history.

Earlier this week, instead of "swearing in Obama" they should have held an event for "swearing at Obama" - then at least there would have been record attendance and it would have been worth watching.

I guess you know better than all of the financial experts and gurus I have been listening to this morning on Squak Box. Your statements also reveal ignorance about the largest drag on our economy and what it tookto fix it, CMO crisis which the banks are just now recovering from. Most brilliant economic minds questioned whether it was even possible to dig out of this problem in 2008 because no one even had an idea how much money it would take to fill in the black hole abyss losses, to shore up banking reserves, and to keep SM, FM, and Ginnie Mae liquid due to the bs guarantees to induce China investments to artificial inflate Bush era numbers and make a select fee very wealthy billionaires.

Public has no concept how bad banking industry and mortgage industry was in 2008 and what it tookto bail them out. TARP money was less than 5% and only a quick fix to keep 5 largest banks from imploding and being shut down.

Ben Beenacke, the Fed and Obama's financial gurus are heroes and pretty much did the impossible. Haha, most people apparently are clueless as to purpose if QE1, 2 and 3. Your belly aching is either extreme ingratitude or just ignorance of what was wrong and what it took to correct the problem.

In the context of this thread then, are you blaming the Bush administration for the CMO crisis?

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Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

Compare that to "W", whose main campaign issue in 2000 was how to spend the budget surpluses. Flash forward 8 years and he left the country in the worst economic state since The Great Depression, in 2 unnecessary wars and with the country's credibility in the toilet.

In Sept 2008 the economy crashed.

In Nov 2008 Obama was elected.

In Jan 2009 Obama was sworn in as POTUS.

By mid-2009 to early 2010 the US economy was growing at over 3% per quarter for 3 consecutive.

Then Obama policies started to take effect and growth tanked to almost 0%.

By the end of 2012 growth finally came in around 3%.

Thanks to Obama, we wasted at least two years - and millions of jobs - in what has been the worst economic recovery in history.

Earlier this week, instead of "swearing in Obama" they should have held an event for "swearing at Obama" - then at least there would have been record attendance and it would have been worth watching.

I guess you know better than all of the financial experts and gurus I have been listening to this morning on Squak Box. Your statements also reveal ignorance about the largest drag on our economy and what it tookto fix it, CMO crisis which the banks are just now recovering from. Most brilliant economic minds questioned whether it was even possible to dig out of this problem in 2008 because no one even had an idea how much money it would take to fill in the black hole abyss losses, to shore up banking reserves, and to keep SM, FM, and Ginnie Mae liquid due to the bs guarantees to induce China investments to artificial inflate Bush era numbers and make a select fee very wealthy billionaires.

Public has no concept how bad banking industry and mortgage industry was in 2008 and what it tookto bail them out. TARP money was less than 5% and only a quick fix to keep 5 largest banks from imploding and being shut down.

Ben Beenacke, the Fed and Obama's financial gurus are heroes and pretty much did the impossible. Haha, most people apparently are clueless as to purpose if QE1, 2 and 3. Your belly aching is either extreme ingratitude or just ignorance of what was wrong and what it took to correct the problem.

Except, you guys are pretty quick to leave out what Bill, Barney Frank, etc did before G.W. ever hit office. But, that's alright, we know how that game is played.

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Once Bush was done with the country, some of the largest companies were essentially bankrupt. They were no longer paying taxes. Hundreds of thousands of people were unemployed. They were no longer paying taxes. Even more were underemployed and paying minimal taxes.

Now why do you think the deficit went up?

Ask Bill Clinton, Barney Frank, etc.

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Typical right wing thinking. USA is a bubble that floats in space, no attachment to the rest of the world and a worldwide crisis.

No word about the auto- bailout, the bank- bailout, no thought about that policies started today might have a major effect when tomorrow comes...or next week.

No word about Bush turning a surplus into a deficit.

It's just useless!

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Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

Compare that to "W", whose main campaign issue in 2000 was how to spend the budget surpluses. Flash forward 8 years and he left the country in the worst economic state since The Great Depression, in 2 unnecessary wars and with the country's credibility in the toilet.

I'm not an Obama (or a Demican) fan, but thank God the Republicrats didn't get back in. Filthiest, most dishonest campaign in my 50+ years.

Interesting how your man has followed the same timetable W proposed for exiting Iraq and Afghanistan. "unnecessary wars"? That implies knowledge that you don't have (not that that ever stops a liberal), and condones the use of genocide and chemical weapons under the Sadam regime. Sadam himself admitted that he tried very hard to maintain the impression that he had nuclear weapons so as to imtimidate Iran. Sometimes good men have to take action against evil. And I think those wars were entered with congressional approval, so pinning it all on W is a little myopic.
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In Sept 2008 the economy crashed.

In Nov 2008 Obama was elected.

In Jan 2009 Obama was sworn in as POTUS.

By mid-2009 to early 2010 the US economy was growing at over 3% per quarter for 3 consecutive.

Then Obama policies started to take effect and growth tanked to almost 0%.

By the end of 2012 growth finally came in around 3%.

Thanks to Obama, we wasted at least two years - and millions of jobs - in what has been the worst economic recovery in history.

Conveniently forgetting that the last time the US economy was in such a bad state started in 1929 and the recovery took until WWII.

I think your first statement says it all.. In Sept 2008 the economy crashed. 100% Obama's fault...

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In Sept 2008 the economy crashed.

In Nov 2008 Obama was elected.

In Jan 2009 Obama was sworn in as POTUS.

By mid-2009 to early 2010 the US economy was growing at over 3% per quarter for 3 consecutive.

Then Obama policies started to take effect and growth tanked to almost 0%.

By the end of 2012 growth finally came in around 3%.

Thanks to Obama, we wasted at least two years - and millions of jobs - in what has been the worst economic recovery in history.

Conveniently forgetting that the last time the US economy was in such a bad state started in 1929 and the recovery took until WWII.

I think your first statement says it all.. In Sept 2008 the economy crashed. 100% Obama's fault...

There was a depression in 1929.

The Recession in 2008 was declared officially over in June 2009.


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