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Sadly, "tit" (This Is Thailand)

Diesel St John

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The fire happened last month on Sukhumvit, Soi 12 in Bangkok and was broadcasted on the local Thai news and everything (including the assault) has been documented by police which is available to the public for all those who want to "out me" on Thai Visa ...F.Y.I, the manager is NOT Thai, he is an Indian.

Also, I want to thank people for all their comments....It seems that most people here share the same idea of "No one cares" or are lighting the torches and shaking their pitchforks as they tout that it is a fictional story. Maybe I could arrange a time where the posters can come by my apartment, see the damage and then physially "beat a dog when he/she is down".

*By the way, I am not a writer, I just needed to vent. And to all those who are wondering how I am posting after my electricity has been shut off; I am using a neighbor's computer in their apartment.

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There are a few spelling mistakes as well as grammar. You should check your work after writing it.

This is my only advice.

Plus I don't really care for cats.

Did you mean to say 'there are a few spelling mistakes and grammatical errors'. Make sure you're on the money when you're trying to be smart.

check your work before posting, who cares as long as you can read it <deleted>.

nothing more pathetic on this planet then people who check peoples posts for errors.

I agree but you're quoting the wrong person.

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*By the way, I am not a writer, I just needed to vent. And to all those who are wondering how I am posting after my electricity has been shut off; I am using a neighbor's computer in their apartment.

Thanks for taking the time to tell us your story; I assume the OP doesn't keep a circle of close friends whom she can vent her frustration to and get some feedback from.

I have to say, it really angered me that you went back into the building... So in fact you are very lucky:

1) you went back to get the cat... Although you're sick now, you're both alive.

2) your family didn't foolishly follow you back in and so kept themselves away from more danger and from more unnecessary medical bills and long term health issues.

3) you do not own the property so your past and future earnings are not at risk or trapped.

Did you protect your family with contents insurance? Or health insurance? Or keep the money saved in case of an emergency?

Do you have friends and family in your homeland who can sponsor your costs to move into another condo?

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IF this is true:

- what you did after the fire ("Furious at him, I chased him down and demanded to speak with the owner") made him loose face, so now he wants to get rid of you...

- what you did during the fire was just absolutely stupid being a mother with a disabled child, running back into a burning building to rescue a cat (in the 7th floor that is...) => don't blame anybody for your body harm.

disabled child?

did we read the same op?

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*By the way, I am not a writer, I just needed to vent. And to all those who are wondering how I am posting after my electricity has been shut off; I am using a neighbor's computer in their apartment.

Thanks for taking the time to tell us your story; I assume the OP doesn't keep a circle of close friends whom she can vent her frustration to and get some feedback from.

I have to say, it really angered me that you went back into the building... So in fact you are very lucky:

1) you went back to get the cat... Although you're sick now, you're both alive.

2) your family didn't foolishly follow you back in and so kept themselves away from more danger and from more unnecessary medical bills and long term health issues.

3) you do not own the property so your past and future earnings are not at risk or trapped.

Did you protect your family with contents insurance? Or health insurance? Or keep the money saved in case of an emergency?

Do you have friends and family in your homeland who can sponsor your costs to move into another condo?

To make this very clear....I never went back into the building because I never left! My children and husband were all safe and I had several escape options so being lucky was not a factor To adress all the other questions in one simple answer...I never once asked for anyone's help or even advice in this post...All I wanted to do was vent (no, I do not have friends) and I certainly did not think that my post would provide so much amusement for everyone. But after all, it is human nature to thrive on the misfortunes of others to make ourselves feel better.

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I am glad you and your family survived the fire, I hope you recover quickly. I have had cats as pets before and I do enjoy having them around, but I would not easily risk my life to save one in an apartment fire, having navy fire training and knowing how fast fire can spread, it is simply not a risk I would take. Good on you for being caring enough to rescue stray cats and care for them, but please consider the risks before endangering your life if you ever find yourself in a similar situation in the future.

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IF this is true:

- what you did after the fire ("Furious at him, I chased him down and demanded to speak with the owner") made him loose face, so now he wants to get rid of you...

- what you did during the fire was just absolutely stupid being a mother with a disabled child, running back into a burning building to rescue a cat (in the 7th floor that is...) => don't blame anybody for your body harm.

disabled child?

did we read the same op?

Quote from the OP: "as my daughter (who has a debilitating disease)"

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Op, I had to read this a couple of times for it to actually sink in, first off thinking you were a troll then, then just a complete selfish idiot for your actions.. Running back into a fire to rescue your pets was pathetic. I served in the London Fire Brigade for 15 before being medically discharged on a knee injury and on a number occasions we had to rescue individuals like yourselves after they'd collapsed with smoke inhalation after reenacting a scene from the film Towering Inferno. How about having a thought for the blokes in the Bangkok Fire Service, who have got the hands full putting the job out and don't need you getting in their way and running around like a headless chicken looking for Tiddles, the minute you collapse or go missing inside the job takes on a whole different ball game and men have to risk there lives to get you out..

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It's very difficult to realise what to do when you are in a panic but the op says the children helped resue the cats. Obviously an animal lover but surely the kids would be the number one priority. I would be interested to know if the op would react in the same way again, now knowing the severity of the situation?.

It reminds me of when people drown in swollen rivers trying to rescue their dog, only for the dog to climb out further down stream.

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The Beatles send it best ...

Paper back writer (paperback writer)

Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?

It took me years to write, will you take a look?

It's based on a novel by a man named Lear

And I need a job, so I want to be a paperback writer,

A three post troll, needs to vent,

1. Peruse daily news clippings, choose topic for short story, a fire will do nicely,

2. Throw in some heroics, saving cats good,

3. Needs more punch, add sick kid,

4. Need villain, make slum-lord Indian,

5. Need catchy graphic for avatar, submit,


Sukhumvit, Soi 12 near the Ramada Hotel

Care to meet me and take a tour of my apartment, meet the sick kid, or the rescued cats; and oh yeah, did I mention that I also have two rescued dogs?

Or do you prefer to hide behind your anonymity? Or perhaps you are you afraid of meeting someone on a crowded street? You can bring along a friend if that would make you feel safer. I will even pm you my mobile number.

Just think, you can be the hero of Thai Visa for being the first one to actually meet and oust a so called "Troll".

I am making this easy on you; don't disappoint everyone here.

And "yes" I am "Diesel St. John"

Edited by BigJohnson
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The Beatles send it best ...

Paper back writer (paperback writer)

Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?

It took me years to write, will you take a look?

It's based on a novel by a man named Lear

And I need a job, so I want to be a paperback writer,

A three post troll, needs to vent,

1. Peruse daily news clippings, choose topic for short story, a fire will do nicely,

2. Throw in some heroics, saving cats good,

3. Needs more punch, add sick kid,

4. Need villain, make slum-lord Indian,

5. Need catchy graphic for avatar, submit,


Sukhumvit, Soi 12 near the Ramada Hotel

Care to meet me and take a tour of my apartment, meet the sick kid, or the rescued cats; and oh yeah, did I mention that I also have two rescued dogs?

Or do you prefer to hide behind your anonymity? Or perhaps you are you afraid of meeting someone on a crowded street? You can bring along a friend if that would make you feel safer. I will even pm you my mobile number.

Just think, you can be the hero of Thai Visa for being the first one to actually meet and oust a so called "Troll".

I am making this easy on you; don't disappoint everyone here.

And "yes" I am "Diesel St. John"

I would love to if I was in country,

The fact remains you are finding little sympathy let alone credibility in your dramatic, albeit entertaining story.

Please continue as you have me hooked, I wish to hear more on this saga,

Not one but two rescued dogs, hapless soi dogs I assume.

Post pics of cats, dogs, burned out apartment and quell all doubts,

then the love and sympathy shall flow forth.


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The Beatles send it best ...

Paper back writer (paperback writer)

Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?

It took me years to write, will you take a look?

It's based on a novel by a man named Lear

And I need a job, so I want to be a paperback writer,

A three post troll, needs to vent,

1. Peruse daily news clippings, choose topic for short story, a fire will do nicely,

2. Throw in some heroics, saving cats good,

3. Needs more punch, add sick kid,

4. Need villain, make slum-lord Indian,

5. Need catchy graphic for avatar, submit,


Sukhumvit, Soi 12 near the Ramada Hotel

Care to meet me and take a tour of my apartment, meet the sick kid, or the rescued cats; and oh yeah, did I mention that I also have two rescued dogs?

Or do you prefer to hide behind your anonymity? Or perhaps you are you afraid of meeting someone on a crowded street? You can bring along a friend if that would make you feel safer. I will even pm you my mobile number.

Just think, you can be the hero of Thai Visa for being the first one to actually meet and oust a so called "Troll".

I am making this easy on you; don't disappoint everyone here.

And "yes" I am "Diesel St. John"

I would love to if I was in country,

The fact remains you are finding little sympathy let alone credibility in your dramatic, albeit entertaining story.

Please continue as you have me hooked, I wish to hear more on this saga,

Not one but two rescued dogs, hapless soi dogs I assume.

Post pics of cats, dogs, burned out apartment and quell all doubts,

then the love and sympathy shall flow forth.


I must be psychic, because I had a feeling that you would say that your were not in Bangkok or out of the country - and here I was, so excited to meet the man behind the snake.

Well, since the Cobra can't slither his way over to oust me; do I have any other gentlemen or ladies willing to take me up on my offer? C'mon guys, it is your duty to your fellow Thai Visa-ites to bring me to jutice so that I can be made an example of.

As for pictures that have been requested; how will you know it is really me if someone does not meet me in person? Why not come on over and take your own pictures?

Any takers?

If someone doesn't take me up on my invitation it could to lead to doubt that I am actually telling the truth about something so insanely impossible and we can't have that can we? By the way, if you think my story here is inconceivable; it is nothing compared to what I have been through in the past.

Well, the gaunlet has been thrown and now I will just have to wait and see if anyone is brave enough to pick it up. I am available anytime...feel free to pm me or I am sure Cobra wouldn't mind if you asked him for my mobile number that I sent him.

p.s. Only one of the dogs I have was a rescued dog from SCAD that I adopted; the other was given to me by someoone who couldn't take her back with them to Australia.

Edited by Diesel St John
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