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Why The Architecture Of Every Thai City Looks Same?


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Is there any reason why in Thailand every city's building architecture of every city look same style?

Same balkony, same house doors same colors , and showers everywhere!

I travel to around 15 country's in my life, and see the exactly same building style only in Thailand and in Mexico!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Yes, that is indeed the case. A lot of the architectural plans come from a standard government source (easy to get building approval) and thus end up looking the same. Not sure if that's a contributing factor of course.

It's also true for government buildings; police stations, post offices, hospitals, district office buildings and even bank buildings look the same from Mae Sai all the way down to Betong.

Fortunately though, for private buildings this does seem to be changing in many places, slowly.

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I've noticed exactly the same thing. There was a topic in the Chiang Mai forum about how sleazy Loi Kroh road looked, but I can't tell any difference between Loi Kroh and any other street in any other city in Thailand I've visited.

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When most buildings on a street are shophouses it is a little difficult to introduce individuality and probably a tad too expensive.

Whilst the achitecture is more interesting, if you can find old shophouses in Singapore you will find the same thing.

Moo Baans are the same too, can get kinda depressing.

South Korean street all look the same also, the architecture there is really terrible. No taste, not points of interest infact nothing that points to the places being of Korean heritage. A little sloped roof, or some other kind of twist to buildings would make places look a but nicer, but really when your life is filled trying to make a living who cares how the place looks?

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I would say also every key hole, in the bathrooms are same, if you have one key you can open it all, across the country!

You may be kidding but recently I was looking for a cable lock.

Went into Home pro & saw some that looked great.

But the way they were coiled you couldn't test the lock as the key was zip tied at the top of the coil.

so on a lark I tried a key from another one & yes it opened & so did the other 5 or so I tried :)

As to the OP mention of towns looking the same,

I always joke with my wife on our long drives that if you have seen one town you have seen them all here.

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Thailand is like Scooby Doo. They run past a plant pot, a wardrobe and a picture over and over again. Thailand is a little different in it has town houses, car showrooms and supermarkets lather, rinse repeat every 50km or whenever/ wherever the next town is.

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Maybe this would explain why I'm always getting lost thumbsup.gif

Now ain't THAT the truth. cheesy.gif

When I first arrived in Chiang Mai a friend drove me around in a car. But, he never took the same route twice because of all the one way roads. As anyone knows who has been in Chiang Mai, there is an inner moat with traffic going one way on one side and the opposite direction on the other side. It works very well with a few crossings to change direction. But, in a car you often have to travel more than one kilometer just to reach a point less than 50 meters away. Walking is often quicker. Until you start to recognize certain landmarks it is easy to get totally lost.

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Probably built for cheapness, given that they will probably be knocked down in 2 or 3 decades (or less) to make way for something else.

However Upmarket Houses,certainly do have style and originality. And Farangs in particular are doing a good job of improving the housing stock,with their Dream Houses.

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You can add to that why is every Thai town from minute to metropolis an inferno of noise and concrete? Why hasn't any Thai thought about planting some threes?

They do , but very rarely, and then it's slap bang in the middle of the pavement/sidewalk.

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Check out our bad a$$ new auditorium. A little architectural eye candy for ya - http://www.op.mahido...auditorium.html (Opening Dec. 2013!)
Thats sweet! Like futuristic Thai lanna style. Whats the build cost?

By the time its finished, 1.5 billion baht

Sorry but 1.5million baht? thats way to cheap are you sure? not 15 or 150 million baht?

Our house cost just over a million baht to build and its nowhere that big!

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To the op, I think its because Thailands a small country. Its not big enough to have big differences in building styles. Here in Australia theres not that much difference really and we could fit alot of Thailands in our country.

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Check out our bad a$$ new auditorium. A little architectural eye candy for ya - http://www.op.mahido...auditorium.html (Opening Dec. 2013!)
Thats sweet! Like futuristic Thai lanna style. Whats the build cost?

By the time its finished, 1.5 billion baht

Sorry but 1.5million baht? thats way to cheap are you sure? not 15 or 150 million baht?

Our house cost just over a million baht to build and its nowhere that big!

It's 1.5 billion Baht.

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Check out our bad a$$ new auditorium. A little architectural eye candy for ya - http://www.op.mahido...auditorium.html (Opening Dec. 2013!)
Thats sweet! Like futuristic Thai lanna style. Whats the build cost?

By the time its finished, 1.5 billion baht

Sorry but 1.5million baht? thats way to cheap are you sure? not 15 or 150 million baht?

Our house cost just over a million baht to build and its nowhere that big!


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