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Need Help With Kal Booking Website - Sort Of Urgent


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True isp

Could anyone check to see if they encounter than same madness as I have been experiencing with the KAL site in booking tickets.

Google Korean Airlines

Select Booking Online

Go to matrix that allows MULTI DESTINATION

Select (doesnt matter, its all broken...)



Any dates

Pax 2+

The thing just STALLS. This has been going on since last night. I had been using FF sucessfully, but IE is default. Tried IE, it has its own set of issues but it too stalls. Tried Chrome, it stalls.

Tried Dolphin, Chrome and FF on Nex7. All crap out. Dolphin never ran this well at all.

I do not have java on this machine, not running in FF.

Ran fine yesterday.

Buying tickets today, leaving for s Thai @ 1600hrs.


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This is really a mess. OK, so I installed Active X and used MSIE as required by KAL. No better off. As the box I am plugging dates and windows in looks sort of Java-ish, I dlld latest Java and reboot.

BTW I am using Ghostery and scriptblock. But everything OK yesterday and scripts are def allowed to run on KAL site.

Calling to BKK resv gets me clueless Indian call center.

Normally, just totally stalls. On rare occassion I get this:

GET /local/na/gp/eng/tp/bo/eng_tp_bo_ifr.jsp?SO_SITE_ALLOW_INFANT=FALSE&ENCT=1&FIELD_CHD_NUMBER=0&E_LOCATION_6=&E_LOCATION_5=&DIRECT_LOGIN=NO&E_LOCATION_4=&E_LOCATION_3=&E_LOCATION_2=BKK&E_LOCATION_1=SLC&TRIP_TYPE=M&B_ANY_TIME_6=TRUE&B_ANY_TIME_5=TRUE&B_ANY_TIME_4=TRUE&B_ANY_TIME_3=TRUE&B_ANY_TIME_2=TRUE&B_ANY_TIME_1=TRUE&SO_SITE_CLASS_OF_SERVICE=in+availability+page&[email protected]&B_LOCATION_6=&B_LOCATION_5=&EXTERNAL_ID=QEU&B_LOCATION_4=&B_LOCATION_3=&B_LOCATION_2=IAD&B_LOCATION_1=BKK&AIRLINE_6_1=&AIRLINE_5_1=&SO_GL=&AIRLINE_4_1=&EMBEDDED_TRANSACTION=AirComplexAvailability&AIRLINE_3_1=&SEARCH_PAGE=SD&B_DATE_6=NaN0000&SESSION_ID=&B_DATE_5=NaN0000&B_DATE_4=NaN0000&AIRLINE_2_1=ke&B_DATE_3=NaN0000&B_DATE_2=201310310000&B_DATE_1=201309130000&AIRLINE_1_1=ke&FIELD_ADT_NUMBER=2&v7ResURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwftc3.e-travel.com%2Fplnext%2FKEUSA%2FOverride.action&[email protected]&CABIN=E&SEVEN_DAY_SEARCH=TRUE&TRAVELLER_TYPE_9=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_8=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_7=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_6=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_5=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_4=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_3=&HAS_INFANT_9=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_2=ADT&HAS_INFANT_8=&TRAVELLER_TYPE_1=ADT&[email protected]&HAS_INFANT_7=&HAS_INFANT_6=&actionURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.koreanair.com%2Flocal%2Fna%2Fgp%2Feng%2Ftp%2Fbo%2Feng_tp_bo_ifr.jsp&HAS_INFANT_5=&SITE=CASGCASG&HAS_INFANT_4=&HAS_INFANT_3=&HAS_INFANT_2=&gweb_kal=rkddnjstlr&HAS_INFANT_1=&ARRANGE_BY=E&FIELD_INFANTS_NUMBER=0&LANGUAGE=GB&SO_SITE_MOD_PICK_ARPT=FALSE&ENC=30B6AD50A9F065149F935DBBC370F5D6191D64A922BC7B182FA1607D6852691DF0F369221B67CF612173F418B070AEF9795EBE7C6D33D31E2DF41A72422965CD97E36F86724C09CC58BB6691B8181CDD HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */* Accept-Language: en-US User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0) Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Host: www.koreanair.com Connection: Keep-Alive Cookie: _EXEN=16; JSESSIONID=ayHDaU-Eu0Z7; serverName=www.koreanair.com/; lateLoginPageName=/local/na/gp/eng/ft/mb/mp_signIn_guest.jsp;

Edited by bangkokburning
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Thanks I think I have a bigger problem. Just for giggles, I tried the site using my phone as a modem. IT WORKS!

I am on unsecured wifi. What I always do is set everything up and then enter the cc details over my phone/modem. NEVER WIFI!

I think someone trying something funny - redirect or ???

We do enter email, fb, etc https over this unsecure wifi though.

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You're shared wireless is most likely overloaded with too many connections. This is why the site doesn't work correctly. Not your machine / browser !

Works OK for me trying to book a mutli-trip, Firefox 18, latest Java installed but disabled in browser, on CAT telecom. Site is a bit crap I must admit.

Edited by RandomSand
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Thanks I think I have a bigger problem. Just for giggles, I tried the site using my phone as a modem. IT WORKS!

I am on unsecured wifi. What I always do is set everything up and then enter the cc details over my phone/modem. NEVER WIFI!

I think someone trying something funny - redirect or ???

We do enter email, fb, etc https over this unsecure wifi though.

Looking at your avatar, here is my suggestion:


2) go here , download combofix.

3) switch off the internet and your anti-virus program

4) right-click > start as administrator>combofix

5) wait...................................

6) download a decent anti-virus program ( avira, avg - there are lots of good and free ones out there)

7) microsoft security essentials is as good as a fish need a bicycle. © Guinness

But wait, the connection is anyway encrypted. ! You know, ssl is ssl, even on an unencrypted network.whistling.gif

You spend already two days and topics here, how about old-school ? call them on the phone and book. you know, this way pan-am has existed quite a bit.thumbsup.gif

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