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A Train Journey To Forget


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Maybe I just happened to have bad luck that day but a train journey of mine from Hua Hin to Bangkok a few weeks ago was one to forget. First, it was announced (and announced too late actually) that there would be a delay of one hour at Hua Hin, Then, that new time came and there was no sight of the train and there was an announcement of a further delay of another hour. Finally, the train came but it was very very slow all the way to Bangkok. Overall, from the moment I arrived at the Hua Hin Station, up to the moment I arrived in my apartment in Bangkok, about 8 hours elapsed. Crazy ! If I had taken the van, it would have taken me about 2 and a half hours, I think. So, maybe, I should blame myself :)

Just curious....has any one of you had a similar bad experience regarding a train trip from Hua Hin (or somewhere else along the Southern Line) to Bangkok recently ?

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Caught the slow train, originating LangSuan destination Thonburi, 16 January. Well, I only had to do Saphli (two local stops north of Chumphon) to BangSaphanYai, ~ 90km, 17B for farang. After a big night de-cerebrating a friend's 60th, walked for two hours to get to the station on time for scheduled departure 0718. Train eventually arrived ~ 0930, easy slow run to BSPYai to get to 7/11 for hair-of-the-dog ie. well after 1100.

Only 2hr late - no problem, where I come from in farang-land trains regularly run 3hr late. There is often a conciliatory announcement: 'The crew of this train is not responsible for the delay'.

I reckon LOS train services pretty good - (very) affordable, no alcohol/food bans, no need for aircon or heating. AA

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Two hours late is pretty late.....never experienced a train that late in Thailand before. You must be lucky.

And if you think you'll actually get to BKK from Hua Hin in one of those death vans in 2.5 hours, you're dreaming. After they jam as many people as inhumanly possible into the van, they'll make their wait to Cha-am where you'll wait for them to jam someone else in. Then when you're think....ok time to go, he'll get onto the highway, do a u-turn and go 10 Km in the opposite direction to find an natural gas station. Then another 5 Km to find a turn around back to BKK. Ok.... on to the big city we go.... nope, pee/food break at some road side restaurant where they get a kickback. Finally after another 30 minutes waiting you're on the road where you're pretty sure you're going to die by slamming into the back of a slow moving truck as the driver weaves on and off the shoulder passing cars just to hit BKK traffic and stop dead. After another hour, if all goes well you're arriving at a packed Victory Monument where you can work you way home.

Just saying... train might be "slower" (I've found it about the same on average from HH to BKK) but it's a hell of a lot more relaxing and you get there alive.

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Last year two friends experienced serious delays on the Bangkok-Chiang Mai-Bangkok line - both trips taking close to 18 hours.

If the SRT cannot do better than this on a run-of-the-mill rail system, one wonders how on earth they will be able to operate the high speed train in 2017?


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Two hours late is pretty late.....never experienced a train that late in Thailand before. You must be lucky.

And if you think you'll actually get to BKK from Hua Hin in one of those death vans in 2.5 hours, you're dreaming. After they jam as many people as inhumanly possible into the van, they'll make their wait to Cha-am where you'll wait for them to jam someone else in. Then when you're think....ok time to go, he'll get onto the highway, do a u-turn and go 10 Km in the opposite direction to find an natural gas station. Then another 5 Km to find a turn around back to BKK. Ok.... on to the big city we go.... nope, pee/food break at some road side restaurant where they get a kickback. Finally after another 30 minutes waiting you're on the road where you're pretty sure you're going to die by slamming into the back of a slow moving truck as the driver weaves on and off the shoulder passing cars just to hit BKK traffic and stop dead. After another hour, if all goes well you're arriving at a packed Victory Monument where you can work you way home.

Just saying... train might be "slower" (I've found it about the same on average from HH to BKK) but it's a hell of a lot more relaxing and you get there alive.

Well, safety factor was the reason I had decided to take the train, rather than the van smile.png

I guess you are right. I think, if I to to Hua Hin again, I will again take the train both ways and hope that I won't have an experience similar to the one I wrote in my first post above smile.png

Edited by JemJem
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Yes, Fast Express to Buriram, late arriving, late departing. Frequent stops whilst people get off the line, more stops whilst cars get off the line at level crossings.

The positive thing is we got there and at no time did I feel concerned for my safety due to speed :-)

As usual you have to emreace the Thai relaxed attitude to train travel.

I'm very interested to see how the high speed service will develop.

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Last year we did 23hrs from BKK to Hat Yai smile.png

I thought it was great... Comfy bed, good service and lots of local snacks at all the little stops..

If we were in a hurry then a flight wouldn't have been much more cost but then we weren't in a hurry !!!

I love the train in Thailand. I hope they never upgrade to somme horrid Superfast service thing.

A train trip for me is an event in itself which I plan with aplomb!

How sad am I...?

Not sad. Great that's it's something you enjoy.thumbsup.gif

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There is but the bus stops at the Southern Bus Terminal which is a ballache as there is a real taxi mafia there.

They will let you off near Saphan Pinklao sometimes though unless you've got bags in the hold.

I always ask to be let off across the street from the Southern Bus Terminal (Sai Dtai).

That way you can get a taxi traveling in the right direction towards BKK.

Taxi mafia at the station only exits stage left from the station adding as much as 50 baht to the trip, as it is all one way for along ways.

Or grab a taxi at the sai petrol station. Not at that taxi que.

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Last year two friends experienced serious delays on the Bangkok-Chiang Mai-Bangkok line - both trips taking close to 18 hours.

If the SRT cannot do better than this on a run-of-the-mill rail system, one wonders how on earth they will be able to operate the high speed train in 2017?


Last April , just on the first night of Songhan it took a bit over 24 hours from Chiang Mai to Humpy railway staion in BKK. . Hit a pick-up who thought it would be good to park on the train line at a level crossing . Never found out if it was a fatality which would have been sad indeed . Must have been a bit of damage to the train as it limped along but what the heck. Met some really nice fellow passengers both Thai & falung and we shared food and good times and good stories.

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As Thais say, accompanied with the requisite roll of the eyes, "Rot Fai Thai".

FWIW, there is a "train tracking" feature at railway.co.th which does allow you to see the status of trains, maybe not a bad idea to check this to get a feel for what to expect?

I once saw a train which was 780 minutes late!


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In my experience, is there ever a train ride worth remembering ?

Whoa! Many! Ones I've done: Trans Siberian, Copper Canyon, Glacier Express, Genoa-Pisa, Cusco-Machu Picchu, Coast Starlight (Seattle to San Diego), and a few others.

Ones I want to do:


The Canadian

The Indian Pacific (Australia) or the Ghan



Douro Portugal

Whew...so many more...

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Last year two friends experienced serious delays on the Bangkok-Chiang Mai-Bangkok line - both trips taking close to 18 hours.

If the SRT cannot do better than this on a run-of-the-mill rail system, one wonders how on earth they will be able to operate the high speed train in 2017?


Same same but 17 hour.

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Will always remember my train trip to Surat Thani on my honeymoon 31 years ago. Had to leave the country as my visa was running out so decided to honeymoon in Koh Samui,then go to Penang for a week and get another visa,back to Puket for a week then back to Bangkok.

Rolled up to Hualamphong, only to discover it was school holidays and the only tickets we could get were 3rd class,so spent 13 odd hours on a hard wooden seat,with people sleeping under my seat and all down the ailse. Made getting to the toilet at the end of the carrige a fun experience.

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