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Pedigree Animals


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Does your average Thai see the value in them? When in town visiting our local pet shop, we have seen long hair cats for sale at a few hundred baht. My wife asks "What do they do? You can get a cat for free." Then the other evening we were up at friends, they have a Seal Point kitten. He was all over me like a rash, probably smelled my owners on me 555. I mentioned a good Seal Point can fetch good money in the West. Again odd looks and questions of why. My wife even said. "There is a lot living at the school." So like I asked, does your average Thai see any value in a pedigree animal?

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Some do, some don't. There ain't no such thing as "the average Thai".

I think it's much the same thing as farangs. If they feel there is some prestige in owning a pedigree beast, they get one. They do, at least, have a fairly good idea of how it will behave. If they're like me, live in the countryside, and prefer something a bit tougher (a good proportion of pedigree animals in Thailand are inbred, especially of course the less common breeds), they go for a crossbreed.

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I don't know about average Thais, but middle class Thais definitely go for them. On my moobaan there are dozens of dogs and, apart from my ex-street dog, all appear to be pedigree: Pomeranians, Siberian Huskies, Labradors for the most part. When I'm walking my dog and someone talks to me, usually the first thing they ask is what kind of dog mine is. When I explain he's a street dog, they seem taken aback and usually say something like "he must be a Ridgeback" (not that he looks anything like one).

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when it comes to gai shon, it very much matters. also for those long eared cows. the thing is, is that pedigreed animals like cats and dogs are only valued by peopel that place value on pedigrees , like a prestige thing. therefore , upper middle class and wealthier people will onw 'useless' dogs or cats taht have pedigrees as opposed to 'useful' mix breed village dog hunting types or yard cats taht dont cost money. thais equate pedigree animals with vet bills etc... its usually not for the genetic makeup of the breed either but ownership and pride...

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Unfortunately vets are a problem in Ranong. He only opens for a few hours on an evening, so an emergency can be quite distressful. As we have discovered 3 or 4 times over the last 10 years. If we didn't have 3 moggies already, I might go for 1 of those seal points at the school.

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