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Sink Holes In Bangkok Are Nothing Compared To Chinas Ones .. Eeekksss!


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Looks like my little sink holes up here in Chiang Mai are very minor compared to this ... OMG!! what a horrible way to end your days on top of having to worry about floods, hurricanes, earthquakes etc... Now we have to worry about just randomly been engulfed into a bottomless Pit of Hell at any given time of the day ...

But on the positive side, the comments in the above link site are hilarious to some extent ... However you have to yet log in / create an account blah blah blah if you want to respond to any of them and I personally don't have the patience or want to do so ,,, ! But just reading other people's comments is good enough for me in this case !

Edited by annabel
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Or you could just choose not to worry about something, that in all likelihood, is not going to affect you.

Anyway, sinkholes in Bangkok I've heard of, but in Chiang Mai? Where have they occurred?

As I said othing of that magnitude but yes here in Saraphi on my very own property

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The only sinkholes I'm worried about is adjacent to the Chiang Mai Municipal Offices area and the likes

exactly.. how about building some better infrastructure like sidewalks and bike lanes with tax money. The way the traffic and pedestrian/bicycle situation is going the quality of life in CM is going to be increasingly unattractive and unsafe.... I guess though its hard to get hit by a vehicle if traffic is gridlocked.

Where are the tax revenues from all this growth going? Now is the time to build infrastructure when labor is cheap and available. Once countries develop then its much more expensive and difficult to build good infrastructures.

Not really complaining because I accept and can work around the incompetence and corruption. Just a head scratcher.

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