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China Punishes Tibetans In Self-Immolation Cases


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Tibetan activists hold a protest in Brussels in response to a wave of self-immolations by Tibetans opposed to Chinese rule on Sept. 20. (Photo: Reuters)

Tibetan activists hold a protest in Brussels in response to a wave of self-immolations by Tibetans opposed to Chinese rule on Sept. 20. (Photo: Reuters)

BEIJING — Chinese courts convicted eight Tibetans over accusations they incited others to self-immolate in the first such prosecutions to become publicly known, showing Beijing’s resolve to stamp out the protests by criminalizing both the protesters and their supporters.

The convictions on Thursday, reported by the official Xinhua news agency, also appear aimed at shoring up Beijing’s claims that such protests against Chinese rule are instigated by outsiders with ulterior motives, rather than being homegrown demonstrations.

About 100 Tibetan monks, nuns and lay people have set themselves on fire since 2009, usually after calling for religious freedom and the return of their exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.

A court in Aba Prefecture in the southwestern province of Sichuan sentenced Lorang Konchok, 40, to death with a two-year reprieve and gave his nephew Lorang Tsering, 31, a 10-year prison sentence for their roles in encouraging eight people to self-immolate last year, three of whom died from their burns, Xinhua said.

Both were charged with murder.

Suspended death sentences are usually commuted to life in prison. Calls to the court rang unanswered Thursday.

In a separate report, Xinhua said a county court in Gannan Prefecture in Gansu Province sentenced six ethnic Tibetans to between three and 12 years in prison for their roles in the self-immolation of a local resident in October.

Four of them were convicted of murder after they obstructed police efforts to retrieve the body of a self-immolator, who was still alive when police put out flames but died without receiving timely medical treatment, Xinhua said. The other two were found guilty of public disturbance for causing chaos at the scene, Xinhua said.

Authorities initially responded to the self-immolations by flooding Tibetan areas with security forces to seal them off and prevent information from getting out. With those efforts doing little to stop or slow the protests, Beijing now appears to be seeking to weaken sympathy for them by portraying them as misguided and criminal.

At a regular daily briefing Thursday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the Lorangs “pushed innocent people onto the road of self-immolations and the road of no return†to further what the government says is the Dalai Lama’s goal to split Tibet from China.

“We hope through the sentencing of these cases, the international community will be able to clearly see the evil and malicious methods used by the Dalai clique in the self-immolations and condemn their crimes,†Hong said.

The Tibetan government-in-exile, the Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamsala, India, has repeatedly appealed to Tibetans not to self-immolate, but it also says the message of the protesters cannot be ignored. It has criticized Beijing for imposing more draconian measures instead of addressing the grievances of Tibetans.

China says Tibet has always been part of its territory, but many Tibetans say the Himalayan region was virtually independent for centuries until Chinese troops invaded in the 1950s.

Xinhua said Lorang Konchok met with one self-immolator the day before he set himself on fire. It said he recorded the man’s personal information, took his photos and promised to spread word of his self-immolation overseas while conveying his last words to his family.

Xinhua said five other people goaded by the pair to self-immolate did not do so, either because they changed their minds or because police intervened.

Earlier this month, Xinhua reported that police in Qinghai province arrested a Tibetan monk who attempted to self-immolate last November and another Tibetan man who allegedly encouraged him. The men were arrested on charges of jeopardizing public safety and murder.

Source: Irrawaddy.org
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For a country that places so much concern over 'saving face' - it sure is losing a lot of face on the Tibet issue. Go ahead, ask me how I would do it better, but be prepared for a 75 page bashing of China. The nicest thing I can say about China's policy in Tibet, is it's better than the gulags under Stalin.

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