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Thailand Can Be A Deadly Destination For Australian Tourists


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Thailand is a "deadly" destination for any farang. The risk is ultra high, the security non existent, and the concern for welfare is non existent as well. Stay away. Buyer beware!

Pretty much all of your posts bash Thais or Thailand in one form or another and yet you are not even living here. What happened? Ex bg wife cheated you of all your money?

All of them smile.png

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There is a well advertised exposay on Thais murdering tourist with methanol this week on Aussie TV.

As well as..........


Doing It for Themselves

We soar into the skies with the world's first ladyboy airline, PC Air, the latest venture from Peter Chan, Thailand's eccentric answer to Richard Branson.

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Here in Chiang mai the tourist are their own worst threat. Lets see walking 2 and 3 abreast into on coming traffic, not crossing at the crosswalk only 20 meters away. Today while setting at my local cafe 2 falang women with 2 kids almost killed the oldest, as one crossed the road without her son about 6 or 7 dashed across the road in front of a pickup. The driver was able to stop without hitting the kid. Why do I say they nearly killed the kid, neither woman was properly monitoring the child in a area of high traffic. I see these idiots all the time here I do not think they would walk this way back home but while on holiday in Thailand I can be as stupid as I like to be. The other one is the farang with new bandage on calf, knee, elbow, and hands heheh the reply when I ask them what happen, motorbike crash. But I already knew this from the location of bandages.

Edited by moe666
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The FCO also claims Thailand is the most dangerous destination for Britons, as do the insurance companies. The Swedish government announced Thailand to be the most dangerous destination for Swedes also.

The articles have been posted numerous times, so I'm not going to bother digging them up again.

Thailand is a country of smoke and mirrors, built on a big illusion, so it is no surprise that the less astute of us fall for the illusion.

Some even buy into the whole package lock, stock and barrel, living in absolute denial despite clear evidence to the contrary.

I'm happy living here but also quite content with the reality of the place that I live in.


I think A person should do a little research on the sources. Saying Thailand is more dangerous than Somalia is a whole lot wrong.

If they were talking about the southern three provinces I might give them a bit of credit but they are not they are talking about all of Thailand.

I live here year round and have no fear what so ever. I know I am safer than I was back in Canada or the States.

Maybe these warnings are put out so as no one looks at them.

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IMHO most of these deaths will have some common factors - alcohol, testosterone and motorcycles combined with a lack of riding skills and knowledge of Thai "traffic rules".

On Samui, the number of tourists killing/maiming themselves on bikes is horrendous, and AFAIK no official statistics are published (don't want to scare the tourists, do we.)

The current trend to twist-and-go bikes (encourage those with no experience) with smaller diameter wheels (reduced gyroscopic stability, more frequent tyre punctures) and particularly those with "combi brake" (both levers activate front brake) will only make the numbers worse.

What you say is so true it deserves more than an I like. Why do tourists come to Thailand who have no experience on motor bikes rush out to rent one and think they can handle them in Thai traffic. Of course they are going to have accidents. In Thailand it is not if it is when. And that is for people who are familiar with the Thai style of driving.

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I think A person should do a little research on the sources. Saying Thailand is more dangerous than Somalia is a whole lot wrong.

If they were talking about the southern three provinces I might give them a bit of credit but they are not they are talking about all of Thailand.

I live here year round and have no fear what so ever. I know I am safer than I was back in Canada or the States.

Maybe these warnings are put out so as no one looks at them.

Somalia isn't a tourist destination as far as I am aware.


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Japanese government today announcing concerns about the safety of the 1.2m Japanese visitors to Thailand, voicing concern about a particularly grisly tourist murder in 2007 that is still unsolved. Source: the other paper.

Slowly, surely, the cat is getting out of the bag and foreign governments are beginning to reveal what a lot of us already suspected.

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Why is this only about Aussies? The terminal rates for 'farang' need to be exposed - and that is a far more sinister figure of total expats passing on whilst 'in' Thailand.

There was speak of this on another thread where people did claim Thailand was the most dangerous destination for Aussies and of course some do not believe and post..where are the statistic?..please give me webpage? ect ect

im sure this kind of poster will soon be on this thread also rolleyes.gif

But to speak in simple terms: Australians are a danger to themself!! Surely they face the same risk as any other tourist, so this whole idea is nonsense

Many come here from a very strict nanny state and go crazy because beer is so cheap and laws are often bent.

After being under the conditions of Aus where you will probably be arrested to f4rt in a public, beer and cigarette at ridiculous price, its no wonder they cut loose and let off some steam..cannot blaim Thailand tho whistling.gif

You are talking absolute <deleted> mate you don't get arrested for farting in public ! Yes Beer and cigs may seem expensive if you are coming to Aus from a country that doesnt have a favourable exchange rate such as the UK but overall its a lot safer here than LOS and you dont have to pay tea money to the local constabulary every 50 mtrs !

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Why is this only about Aussies? The terminal rates for 'farang' need to be exposed - and that is a far more sinister figure of total expats passing on whilst 'in' Thailand.

There was speak of this on another thread where people did claim Thailand was the most dangerous destination for Aussies and of course some do not believe and post..where are the statistic?..please give me webpage? ect ect

im sure this kind of poster will soon be on this thread also rolleyes.gif

But to speak in simple terms: Australians are a danger to themself!! Surely they face the same risk as any other tourist, so this whole idea is nonsense

Many come here from a very strict nanny state and go crazy because beer is so cheap and laws are often bent.

After being under the conditions of Aus where you will probably be arrested to f4rt in a public, beer and cigarette at ridiculous price, its no wonder they cut loose and let off some steam..cannot blaim Thailand tho whistling.gif

You are talking absolute <deleted> mate you don't get arrested for farting in public ! Yes Beer and cigs may seem expensive if you are coming to Aus from a country that doesnt have a favourable exchange rate such as the UK but overall its a lot safer here than LOS and you dont have to pay tea money to the local constabulary every 50 mtrs !

Post was in reference to Aussies traveling to Thailand, not tourists visiting Oz.

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After reading all of this, I worry about my upcoming trip to Thailand in april. My Thai wife and I are in the states

now. She wants to tour the upper midwest of America and I want to go to our home in Thailand.

She wants to go to Chicago,Detriot and East St.louis. Would this be safer then Thailand. YA THINK !!!!!!!!!cheesy.gif

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