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Handing In Documentation

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Just to let you know, as it may be useful for some people. I went to the British Embassy with my Wife to hand in her settlement visa application.

We had one large lever-arch folder with plastic inserts, so everything was seperate and indexed. I didn't photocopy anything, except my wifes passport and mine. Everything was original with translations if required. I signed the copies of my passport before Yhok took them in, but I provided my original so they could take a look if they wanted.

We got to the embassy at about 5.45am, there were approx 10 people on front of us at that time. The weight was long and hot, and there are thousands of Mozzies so go prepared. They opened at 7.30 sharp, it was then a matter or waiting. About 10-15 minutes later my wife comes out to inform me that we forgot to photocopy the TB certificate, but they informed her that there was a shop across the road and they gave her a slip to let her jump back to the front of the queue on her return. Once back in they took the copies of passport, TB cert and the application form. They asked if she wished to leave the folder or take it with her, we of course opted to leave it for them to look at. She then payed the new fee (18,200) and got a letter stating they would contact her in 7 - 10 days.

She was back out by 8.45. Job done, just have to wait now for the interview date :-(

Hope this helps


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I was not aware that anything had to be photocopied :o

Why did you have to get the TB certificate photocopied? Is this really nessecary?

The only thing that will be photocopied with our application is my passport and birth certificate. I will keep hold of the originals.

Is there anything else that needs to be photocopied that I'm not aware of?


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Yes, I can confirm that the TB cert must be copied, along with ID card and passoprt. We put all originals and copys together in with the application but they gave us the originals back. I too was a bit dumbfounded but you just gotta do as they ask.

We submitted our info in a smart A4 binder with plastic sleeves containing the contents and an index at the front. It all came back as neat as it was presented. It obvoiusly paid off, visa granted after a short interview consisting of 4 very simple questions.

I remember seeing a couple in the que that morning holding a handfull of dogeared papers together. Come on, this is serious business we are talking about, if you were an ECO and had these 2 extremes presented to you what would your thoughts on each application be? Im not saying that presentation wins the battle but if first impressions count then this one occasion that you want it to.

Oh yes, remember the insect repelant... unfortunately I forgot !!

The hotel across the road must make a fortune in copying, everyone was being sent out to copy the TB cert (along with other info), I only had a 1000 and promised to go back and pay. Oops, I forgot that too, if anyone is in the area please could they give the kind lady the 35baht I owe her and I will send you a cheque.... honest!!

Good luck with your application.

Edited by falangaman
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Cheers falangaman,

Where does it say that the TB certificate needs to be photocopied? Not that I don't believe you, just that I thought I knew everything inside out now.

What else needs to be photocopied?

I hope there is nothing else other than photo copies that I am not aware of :o

As far as I know this is what is required when handing in the application for spouse visa:

Application form

Fee (as bankers cheque)

Missis passport

Missis birth certificate

My birth certificate

My passport

Letter from me

Proof of accomodation

Wage slips


Proff of contact / phone records / emails

Anything else?


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It doesnt say anywhere that the TB cert has to be copied but believe me it does. The TB cert is a relatively new addition to the process so its probably just not been updated in the embassy requirements yet. EVERYBODY was being sent across the road to copy this cert.

The only things that we copied for fiancee visa were

Both passports (all pages)

Mrs ID card

Both birth certificates

Mrs family book

TB cert

The originals were also submitted but these were returned the same day of the initial application.

The rest we submitted as originals

Bank statements

Letter of my employment

Contract of my employment

Phone statements

Pay slips

Details of accomodation/mortgage/tennancy agreement

Note that these were kept until after the interview though.

Then there were also prints of emails, western union receipts, phone card receipts, etc etc We also included a whole load of of flight boarding passes, receipts from hotels and places we had been together, photos and basically anything that we could show to prove that we had been anywhere together.

And of course there was the application fee and a letter from me to offer my support/sponsorship.

I took my partner away the weekend outside of Thailand. I am convinced that this was a fantastic move on my part. Not only had she been out of Thailand, she returned!!

Yes, the application fee has to be in the form of a bankers cheque, this costs 25baht to arrange and takes about 10 mins in any bank.

Good luck with it all.

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Cheers falangaman,

Thanks for the info. I think we have got everything near enough ready now. I will present it like you said, in a A4 ring binder with plastic sheets. I'll make sure it's all tip top.

Don't worry about that 35thb, I'll get my missus to pay it for ya :o



ps, when you say "family book" is that the Tabian Baan book?

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Not sure of the Thai name for it but it was a long thin dark blue book a bit like a passport that opened up in landscape. It had details of all her familys birthdays, names, addresses and inside leg measurements by all accounts!

My Mrs just called it her "family book"


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... I'm not saying that presentation wins the battle but if first impressions count then this one occasion that you want it to...

I'd add that a good first impression includes a few more elements besides a well organized document package,

Dress well and smile, it's a winning combination. :o

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We submitted our info in a smart A4 binder with plastic sleeves containing the contents and an index at the front. It all came back as neat as it was presented.

Curious.. at the Australian Embassy they don't seem to let in any plastic folders or things like that. At least in my experience we had to leave those things at the gate. Maybe a staff member was attacked with a plastic file at some point. :D I assume when you submit stuff thru the VFS they allow it thru those channels. They would be in deep poo-poos otherwise, since we had 3 VFS satchels of documents and things in plastic folders, albums etc! :o

I would love to see their internal filing system for partner visas, it must be a big room with a box for each app! There's no way they could have filing cabinets, unless it's one drawer per couple! :D

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I believe they require the copies as they keep the application form, passport copies and tb copy as seperate for the application. We were then asked if we wanted to leave the folder with all the documentation, originals etc. If not I pressume you just take it along to the interview, but I would have thought its in your own best interest to leave it there as it will enable them to look at it and maybe offer a short interview.

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Will my fiancée have to point it out to the Embassy that we require a specific interview date, or will they know this from reading my letter when she hands in the application?

Will they read my letter when the application is handed in, or nearer to the time of the interview?


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Will my fiancée have to point it out to the Embassy that we require a specific interview date, or will they know this from reading my letter when she hands in the application?

Will they read my letter when the application is handed in, or nearer to the time of the interview?



I am not sure if you can request specific interview dates, but I wouldn't have thought it would hurt for her to mention when she would like one. The standard wait according to the letter they give you when you leave is 10-14 weeks. If your lucky you will get a short interview. I don't think they read anything when you had it in, just have a quick glance at the information. If you leave the folder with them I pressume they take a look at it within the 5-10 days before they inform you of your interview date, so they can decide if you require a long interview or a short one.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong.


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We presented all the documentation for my Gf's UK visit visa neatly in a folder with plastic pages to hold the papers individually,When the paperwork was inspected by a clerk before submission to the ECO she was told to remove all the paperwork from the holder and submit it loose!!! She also had to go to the back of the queue because obviously it took a couple of minutes to remove all the paperwork from the folders,Another case of inconsistancy at the embassy ???

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When an applicant hands in the application it is given a cursory once over by a clerk to see if the fee, TB certificate etc. is there. Sometime within the next few days it is looked at more thoroughly by an ECO who decides if an interview is required or not.

If all the supporting documents are submitted with the application and if those documents satisfy the ECO so that s/he is minded to grant the visa then the applicant will be called in for a short interview. Therefore it is better, if at all possible, to include all the evidence with the initial application. A short interview is not guaranteed if you do, but definitely wont happen if you don't.

If you want an interview on a certain date, e.g. after the marriage, then include a covering letter requesting this. As Scouse says, if this date is after the end of the current 'queue' then they will give you an appointment on that date, if not then as soon as possible after that date.

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We had one large lever-arch folder with plastic inserts, so everything was seperate and indexed.
We submitted our info in a smart A4 binder with plastic sleeves containing the contents and an index at the front.

I remember seeing a couple in the que that morning holding a handfull of dogeared papers together. Come on, this is serious business we are talking about, if you were an ECO and had these 2 extremes presented to you what would your thoughts on each application be? Im not saying that presentation wins the battle but if first impressions count then this one occasion that you want it to.

We submitted our info in a smart A4 binder with plastic sleeves containing the contents and an index at the front. It all came back as neat as it was presented.

Curious.. at the Australian Embassy they don't seem to let in any plastic folders or things like that. At least in my experience we had to leave those things at the gate. Maybe a staff member was attacked with a plastic file at some point. :D I assume when you submit stuff thru the VFS they allow it thru those channels. They would be in deep poo-poos otherwise, since we had 3 VFS satchels of documents and things in plastic folders, albums etc! :o

Interesting about the presentation of the documents! I know many people go to extremes to have everything set out perfectly in indexed plastic sleeves.

I'm in the process of getting my info together for our visa app and was going to do the same.

I have a good friend who worked for the Canadian and Chinese immigration for some time, he has advised me that the worst thing I can do is set it all out in a folder full of plastic sleeves. The staff CAN'T STAND this. Its much more time consuming for them. He told me the first thing they did with these applications was to take everything out and throw all the sleeves and folders in the bin, or, they put the folder to one side and worked on a more convenient folder.

This seemingly irrelevent issue could mean another month on the waiting pile for some.

Now I realise that he was talking about Canada and China, but you know Thailand.......everything is about presentation!

I'm playing it safe. I'll be handing my stuff in in neatly clipped together bundles, No folders or sleeves.

Edited by DavieA
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Interesting about the presentation of the documents! I know many people go to extremes to have everything set out perfectly in indexed plastic sleeves.

I'm in the process of getting my info together for our visa app and was going to do the same.

I have a good friend who worked for the Canadian and Chinese immigration for some time, he has advised me that the worst thing I can do is set it all out in a folder full of plastic sleeves. The staff CAN'T STAND this. Its much more time consuming for them. He told me the first thing they did with these applications was to take everything out and throw all the sleeves and folders in the bin, or, they put the folder to one side and worked on a more convenient folder.

This seemingly irrelevent issue could mean another month on the waiting pile for some.

Now I realise that he was talking about Canada and China, but you know Thailand.......everything is about presentation!

I'm playing it safe. I'll be handing my stuff in in neatly clipped together bundles, No folders or sleeves.

For our spouse visa app we just paper-clipped related documents together, and put everything in a big plastic folder, no separate folder and sleeves. I bet it's alot worse to give them a big pile of unsorted and mixed up documents tho! :o

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Well Well Well

Just thought I would let you all know, we got the visa, no interview at all, can't believe it at the moment.

My wife phoned the embassy to let them know of a change of number and asked the status of the application. Turns out they sent a letter out the beginning of the week to let us know the decition, they didn't phone us, not sure why.

We can pick it up anytime.

Time to get on with the rest of lives and prepare to return to the UK :-D

Thanks to all on this forum and good luck to those still waiting.



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