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“British” Indian Credit Card Scammers Arrested In Pattaya.

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One more time:

The topic is about 2 credit card scammers arrested in Pattaya not the immigration policies of other countries. Please stick to the topic. Thank you.

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Loads of indians in the UK, loads of indians in Puket loads of indians everywhere, these two just happen to have UK passports

so what, put them in the nick for a good while and DON"T deport them back to the UK ass holes rolleyes.gif


hope the BIB will not study the material too long, it might give them ideas for new opportunities

but good work anyway, 2 scums, probably part of a much bigger gang, off the streets, for now


It is hard for a topic like this to stay "on topic" These two Indian scum were undoubtedly on benefits in the UK,likewise their families,easy way to make money,more surely to follow these two.Detection must be stepped up a pace. Looking at the dumb faces of these two a street dog here in Pattaya would put the two to shame at attempts of cunning


Two criminally-minded guys got caught running a credit card scam. More interesting than their passports and ethnicity would be angles like, why Pattaya and not, say, Bali? Why SCB and not another bank? What weakness did they think they had identified that was specific to Thailand and to SCB that they were trying to exploit? Sadly, none of this line of enquiry was followed and all we have is a run of the mill story of crooks getting caught.

Meanwhile, I am fascinated by this cognitive dissonance of foreigners living in Thailand complaining about foreigners living in "their" country. There are two ways to resolve this dissonance: 1) avoid living in a foreign country; 2) accept foreigners living in "your" country. Hilariously, the option some posters here seem to have chosen, albeit inadvertently is this: continue to come off looking foolish.


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If they have legitimate British passports then they are, by definition, British. If they were born in Britain and it is their only nationality then you can't take their passports off them.

I must admit I thought I'd hit the Daily Mail website by mistake here.

Rubbish. coffee1.gif
  • Like 1

If they have legitimate British passports then they are, by definition, British. If they were born in Britain and it is their only nationality then you can't take their passports off them.

I must admit I thought I'd hit the Daily Mail website by mistake here.

Rubbish. coffee1.gif

So what's your definition of 'British' then? And how would you take the passport from someone who only has one nationality? I don't think the law would allow you to make them stateless.


If they have legitimate British passports then they are, by definition, British. If they were born in Britain and it is their only nationality then you can't take their passports off them.

I must admit I thought I'd hit the Daily Mail website by mistake here.

Rubbish. coffee1.gif

So what's your definition of 'British' then? And how would you take the passport from someone who only has one nationality? I don't think the law would allow you to make them stateless.

My English chum's ex foreign wife is not in any way ''British'' but has a British passport and is now claiming zillions of quid sitting watching tele in UK. coffee1.gif
  • Like 1

If they have legitimate British passports then they are, by definition, British. If they were born in Britain and it is their only nationality then you can't take their passports off them.

I must admit I thought I'd hit the Daily Mail website by mistake here.

Rubbish. coffee1.gif

So what's your definition of 'British' then? And how would you take the passport from someone who only has one nationality? I don't think the law would allow you to make them stateless.

My English chum's ex foreign wife is not in any way ''British'' but has a British passport and is now claiming zillions of quid sitting watching tele in UK. coffee1.gif

I asked you to define what you mean by 'British'. Could you do that for me please?

name='pinfold' timestamp='1360466990' post='6100682']

It is hard for a topic like this to stay "on topic" These two Indian scum were undoubtedly on benefits in the UK,likewise their families,easy way to make money,more surely to follow these two.Detection must be stepped up a pace. Looking at the dumb faces of these two a street dog here in Pattaya would put the two to shame at attempts of cunning


yes and now the full weight of the social services will swing into action to ensure his familly do not go without ,no wonder Britains broke.


If they have legitimate British passports then they are, by definition, British. If they were born in Britain and it is their only nationality then you can't take their passports off them.

I must admit I thought I'd hit the Daily Mail website by mistake here.

Rubbish. coffee1.gif

So what's your definition of 'British' then? And how would you take the passport from someone who only has one nationality? I don't think the law would allow you to make them stateless.

Wouldn't it be good if, as we have to we accept that they are in all probability "british" citizens, the Uk and all countries took back the passports of criminals who committed crimes abroad. stop them leaving their country.

I know this wont go down with the liberals but it would stop vermin from going abroad, ruining their country's reputation, getting an early release to go home then doing the same thing over and over again.

We are not privy to the inside pages of these two's passports but whats the bet that this isnt their first trip in recent months to countries where similar crimes have been committed.

As one who's 83 year old mother was scammed by filth like these two and had to prove to her bank that she had never been to either India or the Middle East before she got a refund.. I would love to see their reproductive organs fed into the same grinders used to make Findus Bolognese. but perhaps I am a tad extreme

  • Like 2

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



<snip> I would love to see their reproductive organs fed into the same grinders used to make Findus Bolognese. but perhaps I am a tad extreme

Yes, just a tad.



Two criminally-minded guys got caught running a credit card scam. More interesting than their passports and ethnicity would be angles like, why Pattaya and not, say, Bali? Why SCB and not another bank? What weakness did they think they had identified that was specific to Thailand and to SCB that they were trying to exploit? Sadly, none of this line of enquiry was followed and all we have is a run of the mill story of crooks getting caught.

Meanwhile, I am fascinated by this cognitive dissonance of foreigners living in Thailand complaining about foreigners living in "their" country. There are two ways to resolve this dissonance: 1) avoid living in a foreign country; 2) accept foreigners living in "your" country. Hilariously, the option some posters here seem to have chosen, albeit inadvertently is this: continue to come off looking foolish.


It is not the fact that they are ethnics living in the UK,the same as foreigners living here in Thailand,the big difference is welfare,not many UK foreigners living here in Thailand for sure that receive Thai benefits but you can bet your boots there are loads of foreigners living in the UK on benefits

Freedom of Information report few months ago revealed ALL Muslims living in the UK are on benefits,now this couple,along with their families Ill bet my bottom dollar are,erm ...millionairs LOL. No foolishness there,yes Im racist,and proud to admit it,cannot pay your way,?get booted back whence you came

  • Like 1

Two criminally-minded guys got caught running a credit card scam. More interesting than their passports and ethnicity would be angles like, why Pattaya and not, say, Bali? Why SCB and not another bank? What weakness did they think they had identified that was specific to Thailand and to SCB that they were trying to exploit? Sadly, none of this line of enquiry was followed and all we have is a run of the mill story of crooks getting caught.

Meanwhile, I am fascinated by this cognitive dissonance of foreigners living in Thailand complaining about foreigners living in "their" country. There are two ways to resolve this dissonance: 1) avoid living in a foreign country; 2) accept foreigners living in "your" country. Hilariously, the option some posters here seem to have chosen, albeit inadvertently is this: continue to come off looking foolish.


It is not the fact that they are ethnics living in the UK,the same as foreigners living here in Thailand,the big difference is welfare,not many UK foreigners living here in Thailand for sure that receive Thai benefits but you can bet your boots there are loads of foreigners living in the UK on benefits

Freedom of Information report few months ago revealed ALL Muslims living in the UK are on benefits,now this couple,along with their families Ill bet my bottom dollar are,erm ...millionairs LOL. No foolishness there,yes Im racist,and proud to admit it,cannot pay your way,?get booted back whence you came

Glad you are one with your eyes wide open. smile.png

Two criminally-minded guys got caught running a credit card scam. More interesting than their passports and ethnicity would be angles like, why Pattaya and not, say, Bali? Why SCB and not another bank? What weakness did they think they had identified that was specific to Thailand and to SCB that they were trying to exploit? Sadly, none of this line of enquiry was followed and all we have is a run of the mill story of crooks getting caught.

Meanwhile, I am fascinated by this cognitive dissonance of foreigners living in Thailand complaining about foreigners living in "their" country. There are two ways to resolve this dissonance: 1) avoid living in a foreign country; 2) accept foreigners living in "your" country. Hilariously, the option some posters here seem to have chosen, albeit inadvertently is this: continue to come off looking foolish.


It is not the fact that they are ethnics living in the UK,the same as foreigners living here in Thailand,the big difference is welfare,not many UK foreigners living here in Thailand for sure that receive Thai benefits but you can bet your boots there are loads of foreigners living in the UK on benefits

Freedom of Information report few months ago revealed ALL Muslims living in the UK are on benefits

Do you have a link or any credible evidence for that claim? I must ask my GP if he's on benefits when I go and see him next week. rolleyes.gif


Two criminally-minded guys got caught running a credit card scam. More interesting than their passports and ethnicity would be angles like, why Pattaya and not, say, Bali? Why SCB and not another bank? What weakness did they think they had identified that was specific to Thailand and to SCB that they were trying to exploit? Sadly, none of this line of enquiry was followed and all we have is a run of the mill story of crooks getting caught.

Meanwhile, I am fascinated by this cognitive dissonance of foreigners living in Thailand complaining about foreigners living in "their" country. There are two ways to resolve this dissonance: 1) avoid living in a foreign country; 2) accept foreigners living in "your" country. Hilariously, the option some posters here seem to have chosen, albeit inadvertently is this: continue to come off looking foolish.


It is not the fact that they are ethnics living in the UK,the same as foreigners living here in Thailand,the big difference is welfare,not many UK foreigners living here in Thailand for sure that receive Thai benefits but you can bet your boots there are loads of foreigners living in the UK on benefits

Freedom of Information report few months ago revealed ALL Muslims living in the UK are on benefits

Do you have a link or any credible evidence for that claim? I must ask my GP if he's on benefits when I go and see him next week. rolleyes.gif

Baroness Flather (Indian peer) House of Lords Statement (Freedom of Information) Look her up. Yes ask your Doctor.More ethnic GPs struck off the medical register for fraud are M.........

You made the claim - it's up to you to provide the evidence not tell me to look it up. While you're at it can you provide evidence about your claims about Muslims and fraud please.


You made the claim - it's up to you to provide the evidence not tell me to look it up. While you're at it can you provide evidence about your claims about Muslims and fraud please.

Ok Ill deliver it to you. what is your address

Two criminally-minded guys got caught running a credit card scam. More interesting than their passports and ethnicity would be angles like, why Pattaya and not, say, Bali? Why SCB and not another bank? What weakness did they think they had identified that was specific to Thailand and to SCB that they were trying to exploit? Sadly, none of this line of enquiry was followed and all we have is a run of the mill story of crooks getting caught.

Meanwhile, I am fascinated by this cognitive dissonance of foreigners living in Thailand complaining about foreigners living in "their" country. There are two ways to resolve this dissonance: 1) avoid living in a foreign country; 2) accept foreigners living in "your" country. Hilariously, the option some posters here seem to have chosen, albeit inadvertently is this: continue to come off looking foolish.


It is not the fact that they are ethnics living in the UK,the same as foreigners living here in Thailand,the big difference is welfare,not many UK foreigners living here in Thailand for sure that receive Thai benefits but you can bet your boots there are loads of foreigners living in the UK on benefits

Freedom of Information report few months ago revealed ALL Muslims living in the UK are on benefits,now this couple,along with their families Ill bet my bottom dollar are,erm ...millionairs LOL. No foolishness there,yes Im racist,and proud to admit it,cannot pay your way,?get booted back whence you came

Water, electricity, gasoline, milk, rice, sugar, cooking gas and a host of other things are government subsidized here in Thailand. Only foreigners who never use these things can claim non use of government benefits. Then there's things like roads, bridges, tunnels, trains, etc., that the Thai government provides for all our benefit, foreigner or local.

More insidiously, foreigners additionally benefit from the general poverty in the country that allows them to hire help, buy food, rent accommodations, etc at lower cost than in their homelands. It is a kind of exploitation, however one may wish to couch it in kindly terms.

Are foreigners on the whole a net benefit to Thailand? Decidedly. Just as in the aggregate foreigners are a net benefit to the UK. This is borne out by all credible research. There are bound to be bad apples in every bunch. Government policy is not decided based on anecdotal evidence of one's brother-in-law's brown neighbor sucking on the public teat. Not completely decided on such anecdotes.

A lot of immigration to the UK is a legacy of colonialism. All Brits and their descendants to this day have benefited from colonial exploitation and plunder, and immigration today cannot be untangled from that history because history doesn't begin at an arbitrary date of your choosing.

On the whole, receiving countries take the best human resources that poor countries have to offer. Even an uneducated immigrant by the very nature of his act to immigrate is a go-getting risk taker and the sending country is all the poorer for loosing him. If pure calculating self-interest prevailed in receiving countries instead of having to contend with ignorant emotional racism, poor countries would be sucked dry of all their talent. So the poor countries of the world owe the ignorant racists a debt of gratitude for holding their governments back.


  • Like 1

Two criminally-minded guys got caught running a credit card scam. More interesting than their passports and ethnicity would be angles like, why Pattaya and not, say, Bali? Why SCB and not another bank? What weakness did they think they had identified that was specific to Thailand and to SCB that they were trying to exploit? Sadly, none of this line of enquiry was followed and all we have is a run of the mill story of crooks getting caught.

Meanwhile, I am fascinated by this cognitive dissonance of foreigners living in Thailand complaining about foreigners living in "their" country. There are two ways to resolve this dissonance: 1) avoid living in a foreign country; 2) accept foreigners living in "your" country. Hilariously, the option some posters here seem to have chosen, albeit inadvertently is this: continue to come off looking foolish.


It is not the fact that they are ethnics living in the UK,the same as foreigners living here in Thailand,the big difference is welfare,not many UK foreigners living here in Thailand for sure that receive Thai benefits but you can bet your boots there are loads of foreigners living in the UK on benefits

Freedom of Information report few months ago revealed ALL Muslims living in the UK are on benefits

Do you have a link or any credible evidence for that claim? I must ask my GP if he's on benefits when I go and see him next week. rolleyes.gif

Please do so and do please let us know so we can all rest in peace ... Oye!!

You made the claim - it's up to you to provide the evidence not tell me to look it up. While you're at it can you provide evidence about your claims about Muslims and fraud please.

Ok Ill deliver it to you. what is your address Dumbo

Why would you need my address? You've already claimed that evidence is available by using Google. I'm simply asking you to use Google to produce the evidence as you'll already be familiar with the search terms needed. I'm asking you to back up your assertion that all 2.2 million Muslims in the UK are on benefits. Instead you resort to personal abuse.


You made the claim - it's up to you to provide the evidence not tell me to look it up. While you're at it can you provide evidence about your claims about Muslims and fraud please.

Ok Ill deliver it to you. what is your address Dumbo

Why would you need my address? You've already claimed that evidence is available by using Google. I'm simply asking you to use Google to produce the evidence as you'll already be familiar with the search terms needed. I'm asking you to back up your assertion that all 2.2 million Muslims in the UK are on benefits. Instead you resort to personal abuse.

Now Why keep asking as to my source,too hard to use your keyboard? ..but Google is your friend (or enemy). Just type in Baroness Flather,go on try it!,now scroll down statements attributed to her(for one). Now you will see facts related to various omissions related to the titled lady,(but not also from her) but from Freedom of Information sources . Now you will observe from your illustrious eye newspaper articles under her thread(other threads available too) Feb 11 2013 DM,Muslims producing larger than large families to milk the benefits system, SUN again Feb 11 2013 ,All Muslims in the UK are on benefits. Now no way am I calling this titled lady a liar,are you? Now why should I personally deliver to you information that is readily available to your good self,is there a sort of benefits system applied here too,you know the sort sat on your fat arse for someone else to deliver

Two criminally-minded guys got caught running a credit card scam. More interesting than their passports and ethnicity would be angles like, why Pattaya and not, say, Bali? Why SCB and not another bank? What weakness did they think they had identified that was specific to Thailand and to SCB that they were trying to exploit? Sadly, none of this line of enquiry was followed and all we have is a run of the mill story of crooks getting caught.

Meanwhile, I am fascinated by this cognitive dissonance of foreigners living in Thailand complaining about foreigners living in "their" country. There are two ways to resolve this dissonance: 1) avoid living in a foreign country; 2) accept foreigners living in "your" country. Hilariously, the option some posters here seem to have chosen, albeit inadvertently is this: continue to come off looking foolish.


It is not the fact that they are ethnics living in the UK,the same as foreigners living here in Thailand,the big difference is welfare,not many UK foreigners living here in Thailand for sure that receive Thai benefits but you can bet your boots there are loads of foreigners living in the UK on benefits

Freedom of Information report few months ago revealed ALL Muslims living in the UK are on benefits,now this couple,along with their families Ill bet my bottom dollar are,erm ...millionairs LOL. No foolishness there,yes Im racist,and proud to admit it,cannot pay your way,?get booted back whence you came

Water, electricity, gasoline, milk, rice, sugar, cooking gas and a host of other things are government subsidized here in Thailand. Only foreigners who never use these things can claim non use of government benefits. Then there's things like roads, bridges, tunnels, trains, etc., that the Thai government provides for all our benefit, foreigner or local.

More insidiously, foreigners additionally benefit from the general poverty in the country that allows them to hire help, buy food, rent accommodations, etc at lower cost than in their homelands. It is a kind of exploitation, however one may wish to couch it in kindly terms.

Are foreigners on the whole a net benefit to Thailand? Decidedly. Just as in the aggregate foreigners are a net benefit to the UK. This is borne out by all credible research. There are bound to be bad apples in every bunch. Government policy is not decided based on anecdotal evidence of one's brother-in-law's brown neighbor sucking on the public teat. Not completely decided on such anecdotes.

A lot of immigration to the UK is a legacy of colonialism. All Brits and their descendants to this day have benefited from colonial exploitation and plunder, and immigration today cannot be untangled from that history because history doesn't begin at an arbitrary date of your choosing.

On the whole, receiving countries take the best human resources that poor countries have to offer. Even an uneducated immigrant by the very nature of his act to immigrate is a go-getting risk taker and the sending country is all the poorer for loosing him. If pure calculating self-interest prevailed in receiving countries instead of having to contend with ignorant emotional racism, poor countries would be sucked dry of all their talent. So the poor countries of the world owe the ignorant racists a debt of gratitude for holding their governments back.


So next time I wander over a road bridge here in Thailand I can take comfort in the fact that,although not built exclusively for me its OK that wandering hoards of bloodsucking ethnics are attempting to bleed the UK dry. You write akin to an adult mature student resident there in the UK,still pushing a blackboard around well in your 20s,you know the sort all felt tip/ball point pen armed,got answers for everything except his own worthless self,probably over here on a Ed Visa,writing to the folks back 'ome how his life's fulfillment has been found here in LOS educating the masses.

The best thing ever,and I mean ever to hit the UK in the next two months is the benefit cap,and more of the (punishment) relief to the UK taxpayer too,just bring it on. Now I'm off for a wander over a road bridge in outer Mongolia,see if I take great delight in that too

  • Like 1

Further Off Topic discussions about welfare benefits in the UK will be removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Two criminally-minded guys got caught running a credit card scam. More interesting than their passports and ethnicity would be angles like, why Pattaya and not, say, Bali? Why SCB and not another bank? What weakness did they think they had identified that was specific to Thailand and to SCB that they were trying to exploit? Sadly, none of this line of enquiry was followed and all we have is a run of the mill story of crooks getting caught.

Meanwhile, I am fascinated by this cognitive dissonance of foreigners living in Thailand complaining about foreigners living in "their" country. There are two ways to resolve this dissonance: 1) avoid living in a foreign country; 2) accept foreigners living in "your" country. Hilariously, the option some posters here seem to have chosen, albeit inadvertently is this: continue to come off looking foolish.


It is not the fact that they are ethnics living in the UK,the same as foreigners living here in Thailand,the big difference is welfare,not many UK foreigners living here in Thailand for sure that receive Thai benefits but you can bet your boots there are loads of foreigners living in the UK on benefits

Freedom of Information report few months ago revealed ALL Muslims living in the UK are on benefits,now this couple,along with their families Ill bet my bottom dollar are,erm ...millionairs LOL. No foolishness there,yes Im racist,and proud to admit it,cannot pay your way,?get booted back whence you came

Water, electricity, gasoline, milk, rice, sugar, cooking gas and a host of other things are government subsidized here in Thailand. Only foreigners who never use these things can claim non use of government benefits. Then there's things like roads, bridges, tunnels, trains, etc., that the Thai government provides for all our benefit, foreigner or local.

More insidiously, foreigners additionally benefit from the general poverty in the country that allows them to hire help, buy food, rent accommodations, etc at lower cost than in their homelands. It is a kind of exploitation, however one may wish to couch it in kindly terms.

Are foreigners on the whole a net benefit to Thailand? Decidedly. Just as in the aggregate foreigners are a net benefit to the UK. This is borne out by all credible research. There are bound to be bad apples in every bunch. Government policy is not decided based on anecdotal evidence of one's brother-in-law's brown neighbor sucking on the public teat. Not completely decided on such anecdotes.

A lot of immigration to the UK is a legacy of colonialism. All Brits and their descendants to this day have benefited from colonial exploitation and plunder, and immigration today cannot be untangled from that history because history doesn't begin at an arbitrary date of your choosing.

On the whole, receiving countries take the best human resources that poor countries have to offer. Even an uneducated immigrant by the very nature of his act to immigrate is a go-getting risk taker and the sending country is all the poorer for loosing him. If pure calculating self-interest prevailed in receiving countries instead of having to contend with ignorant emotional racism, poor countries would be sucked dry of all their talent. So the poor countries of the world owe the ignorant racists a debt of gratitude for holding their governments back.


So next time I wander over a road bridge here in Thailand I can take comfort in the fact that,although not built exclusively for me its OK that wandering hoards of bloodsucking ethnics are attempting to bleed the UK dry. You write akin to an adult mature student resident there in the UK,still pushing a blackboard around well in your 20s,you know the sort all felt tip/ball point pen armed,got answers for everything except his own worthless self,probably over here on a Ed Visa,writing to the folks back 'ome how his life's fulfillment has been found here in LOS educating the masses.

The best thing ever,and I mean ever to hit the UK in the next two months is the benefit cap,and more of the (punishment) relief to the UK taxpayer too,just bring it on. Now I'm off for a wander over a road bridge in outer Mongolia,see if I take great delight in that too

When you get to that bridge, stop for a moment and look away into the distance and think about the bitterness and bile that brews within you, fed by false information, hate propaganda and longing for a kind of Britain that never was. And lament the loss of the better, gentler less hate-filled man that you could've been. Then either cross back to a life of continued bitterness, foolishness and self-delusion, or cross over to the other side to a better, enlightened state. I sincerely wish you well.



Above...Now the truth hurts,I know,no false information there Do not need any bridges,is this sort of "enlightenment" trash ,sort of bury the head in sand stuff?"Seek the Truth and Ye shall find" LOL

Its found ,now piss off

...and below,take the advice!

  • Like 1

Above...Now the truth hurts,I know,no false information there Do not need any bridges,is this sort of "enlightenment" trash ,sort of bury the head in sand stuff?"Seek the Truth and Ye shall find" LOL

Its found ,now piss off

I guess you've made your choice. It's your own life you willfully poison and impoverish, no skin off my nose.



Well done to the police for catching these couple of Dumbo's quick. Deport them back to the UK asap, so that the state can keep them, and protect their human rights.

BTW vote UKIP in the next election

thumbsup.gif For the first time in a lifetime I shall be changing my vote,at the next election, I expect a shock result! and so will the British people!

So will I and I agree its going to be a shock. UKIP all the way.

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