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English Tourist Injured After He Attempts To Stop An Argument In Soi 8.


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English tourist injured after he attempts to stop an argument in Soi 8.

Police were called to the front of the Easteny Inn Hotel in Soi 8 after a late night disturbance involving three Thai men and an English Tourist. The case begins with a verbal altercation between a bar girl and two Thai men, later identified as Khun Sanan aged 20 and Khun Sompong aged 24. Khun Sanan has been admiring the girl who works at one of the bars inside the Soi for some time, however on a number of occasions, she has refused his advances and this night was no different.

Mr. Ashley Brown aged 32 from England was drinking in a nearby bar and witnessed the confrontation and decided to get involved :o and attempted to break up the argument. The two men told the English man to mind his own business and proceeded to attack him with an iron bar. A bar owner, Khun Pitack saw the fight and attempted to help the tourist without success and was injured in the process. Both were taken to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital and were treated for their injuries. The two attackers were arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station where they were charged with assault and locked up.

-Pattaya City News

Wednesday 1st March 2006

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Good on the lad and I'm happy it worked out this time, but lets face it could have gotten him killed - very stupid. ** I disagree - coming to the aid of a damsel indistress anywhere is proper. As a teenager I witnessed a drunk beat up his adult doughter at a train station and there was a crowd of onlookers. No one, including my father, did anything. I threw snow in the attacker's face and he ran off back to the bar. To just watch while a woman is endangered is not acceptable! (When thugs attacked me and destroyed my motorcycle near Dublin, I was frozen in shock - a 230 lbs guy wearing protective leather & a helmet, I could have ...). Brawling is not the solution - it was one hel_l of a situation!

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Small tip for farangs in this situation-


Good advice, not always easy to do.

Several years ago I was heading back not to far from Filppers,

Some bald knuckle head was beating this girl senseless, drunk of course,

maybe a lovers spat, maybe not.

I tried minding my own business, made it about twenty feet pass them, stopped,

told myself to keep walking but liquor and an Irish temper wasn't going to let it be.

Needless to say I intervened, a few minutes of rolling around on the pavement and

he had enough. But I could have just as easily ended up with a knife in my throat.

We all live by a code, for better or worse. :o

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Nobody should get themselves involved in a verbal altercation between strangers.

This Pom did and the bar owner then became involved trying to rescue the Pom. The bar owner then gets himself injured.

There would have been a million Thais witnessing the argument, all standing back and minding their own business. It took one dopey Pom to pin on his deputy sherrif badge and turn a minor verbal argument into an assault. :o

............and the silly thing is, he still didn't get the girl. :D

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Nobody should get themselves involved in a verbal altercation between strangers.

This Pom did and the bar owner then became involved trying to rescue the Pom. The bar owner then gets himself injured.

There would have been a million Thais witnessing the argument, all standing back and minding their own business. It took one dopey Pom to pin on his deputy sherrif badge and turn a minor verbal argument into an assault. :D

............and the silly thing is, he still didn't get the girl. :D

Is'nt it nice to know that there are still some English gentlemen left in the world and the poor bar-girl was not waiting for help from an Aussie!!! :o as it has been said before when a woman is in trouble 'gentlemen' should help.

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Is'nt it nice to know that there are still some English gentlemen left in the world and the poor bar-girl was not waiting for help from an Aussie!!! :o as it has been said before when a woman is in trouble 'gentlemen' should help.

Where did you get the idea that the "poor bar-girl" was in trouble, and where did you get the idea that she was "waiting for help"?

A verbal argument is hardly trouble but your "English gentleman" put his nose in where it wasn't appreciated and he turned a verbal exchange into a violent, physical encounter resulting in himself and another innocent Thai person requiring hospital attention.

Perhaps you and he get your wisdom from headbutting walls. :D

Aussies can be gentlemen but we use our brains before our brawn.

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Is'nt it nice to know that there are still some English gentlemen left in the world and the poor bar-girl was not waiting for help from an Aussie!!! :o as it has been said before when a woman is in trouble 'gentlemen' should help.

Where did you get the idea that the "poor bar-girl" was in trouble, and where did you get the idea that she was "waiting for help"?

A verbal argument is hardly trouble but your "English gentleman" put his nose in where it wasn't appreciated and he turned a verbal exchange into a violent, physical encounter resulting in himself and another innocent Thai person requiring hospital attention.

Where did you get the idea she was'nt in trouble?

I spoke with Ash yesterday and you should not believe all you read in the Pattaya city news!!! He may have been naive but his heart was in the right place.

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing!!!!!!!!

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We're talking about a 'hooker' here,not some old lady whose just been mugged...

He was trying to be a hero,and it backfired..

My guess is he wanted to impress the girl and whoever else was in the vicintiy

So what if she was a 'hooker' do you really think just because of her profession she deserves no help or respect? :o This could have gone onto an assault or rape of the girl and maybe this man, although he got a beating he stopped anything worse happening to the girl

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We're talking about a 'hooker' here,not some old lady whose just been mugged...

He was trying to be a hero,and it backfired..

My guess is he wanted to impress the girl and whoever else was in the vicintiy

So what if she was a 'hooker' do you really think just because of her profession she deserves no help or respect? :D This could have gone onto an assault or rape of the girl and maybe this man, although he got a beating he stopped anything worse happening to the girl

Perhaps the lady was asking for help?? (I'm one to admit that would be hard to ignore) And I agree profession has no bearing on if you should help someone or not. :o

Article only states he overheard a heated arguement and decided to intervene which by itself I doubt I would stick my neck out especially when steel pipe as below is involved. :D




Edited by britmaveric
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We're talking about a 'hooker' here,not some old lady whose just been mugged...

He was trying to be a hero,and it backfired..

My guess is he wanted to impress the girl and whoever else was in the vicintiy

So what if she was a 'hooker' do you really think just because of her profession she deserves no help or respect? :o This could have gone onto an assault or rape of the girl and maybe this man, although he got a beating he stopped anything worse happening to the girl

And the fact that she was having a "verbal dispute" rather than a "physical dispute" doesn't come into this then???

Would he have jumped in if it was a thai male rather than a lady of the night?

I doubt it!!

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I know its not easy to see something like this! Being a bar owner you see it all the time and you want to get involved but it will only end in tears for you better let the thais take care of it in there own way and not get involved! Its different if you know the person but just remember where you are! You wont get any thanks and she will probably be back with him in a few days!

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I know its not easy to see something like this! Being a bar owner you see it all the time and you want to get involved but it will only end in tears for you better let the thais take care of it in there own way and not get involved! Its different if you know the person but just remember where you are! You wont get any thanks and she will probably be back with him in a few days!

Khun Sanan has been admiring the girl who works at one of the bars inside the Soi for some time, however on a number of occasions, she has refused his advances and this night was no different. :o

Edited by britmaveric
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I know its not easy to see something like this! Being a bar owner you see it all the time and you want to get involved but it will only end in tears for you better let the thais take care of it in there own way and not get involved! Its different if you know the person but just remember where you are! You wont get any thanks and she will probably be back with him in a few days!

I agree....It is slightly different if you know the person involved..

But on saying that,if you have only known someone from drinking in a bar its not the same..

Not only did he not know the people involved,he probably doesn't speak thai either...So how the h*ll would he have known what they were arguing about???

The more I think about this,the more I think what an idiot this bloke was!!!

This is one of those occasions where he'll wake the next day having learnt a small lesson...

It could have far worse for him..

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Ok fair play but how do you know when you see something like this on the street its not a thai boyfriend bothering her when she is working?

You don't and thats what makes this even murkier, and reason not to get involved. I've known lads who've gotten involved in domestics and both the supposed victim and instigator turned on the them. :o

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I know I have seen it so many times I may be a newbe on this forum but I have been in this business in Pattaya for two and half years and I try to keep out of all the problems on the street I only get involved if it effects me personally (in my bar) then its different!

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Good on the lad and I'm happy it worked out this time, but lets face it could have gotten him killed - very stupid.

It's not finished yet, he won't be imprisoned, he didn't loose his memory and thais don't forget easy...not mentioning about forgiving easy :D:D

Ok fair play but how do you know when you see something like this on the street its not a thai boyfriend bothering her when she is working?

You don't know, that's why you should mind your own business unlees it's your wife/long time girlfriend or a very good friend of yours :o

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Khun Sanan has been admiring the girl who works at one of the bars inside the Soi for some time, however on a number of occasions, she has refused his advances and this night was no different. :o
I've known lads who've gotten involved in domestics and both the supposed victim and instigator turned on the them. sad.gif

Brit has made two very good points here.

If truth be known, the female "victim' probably booted the English guy in the head as he lay on the ground.

She refused his sexual advances in the past so obviously wasn't at all attracted to him or his money, and she didn't call out for any assistance from him on this occasion.

If she was a proud Thai, she would rather argue her own battles alone and thus save, or gain face amonst her co-workers.

Despite the Englishmans injuries, he is now marked man in that soi. I wonder if he will be stupid enough to drink there again.

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I was in chewng 2 years ago and walking back to my hotel about 5am and saw a thai girl getting pulled around by a mototaxi driver.....i was drunk and tried to seperate the two and ended up getting a kicking with an extenible bar from him and two mates......ive still got a lump on my calf from the rupcured muscle caused......definatly if you dont know the situation 100% then keep walking or call the :o police?

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lager lout heroes.......what next????


good bloke though.....big on brave and short on brains... :o:D

Hope he is ok :D

Good on the lad and I'm happy it worked out this time, but lets face it could have gotten him killed - very stupid. ** I disagree - coming to the aid of a damsel indistress anywhere is proper. As a teenager I witnessed a drunk beat up his adult doughter at a train station and there was a crowd of onlookers. No one, including my father, did anything. I threw snow in the attacker's face and he ran off back to the bar. To just watch while a woman is endangered is not acceptable! (When thugs attacked me and destroyed my motorcycle near Dublin, I was frozen in shock - a 230 lbs guy wearing protective leather & a helmet, I could have ...). Brawling is not the solution - it was one hel_l of a situation!
Small tip for farangs in this situation-


Dave.. well said, and sa many others have posted, yeah, admirable the guy stepped in, but dumb a%s for doing so in LOS.

this moral dilemma has gone around the board many times in similar stories, and yeah, however admirable and "proper" it is to aid a damsel in distress.... Do it in your own culture if you wish. When you´re a guest in the country, I go with Dave... MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.... For safeties sake.

Edited by kayo
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English tourist injured after he attempts to stop an argument in Soi 8.

Police were called to the front of the Easteny Inn Hotel in Soi 8 after a late night disturbance involving three Thai men and an English Tourist. The case begins with a verbal altercation between a bar girl and two Thai men, later identified as Khun Sanan aged 20 and Khun Sompong aged 24. Khun Sanan has been admiring the girl who works at one of the bars inside the Soi for some time, however on a number of occasions, she has refused his advances and this night was no different.

Mr. Ashley Brown aged 32 from England was drinking in a nearby bar and witnessed the confrontation and decided to get involved :o and attempted to break up the argument. The two men told the English man to mind his own business and proceeded to attack him with an iron bar. A bar owner, Khun Pitack saw the fight and attempted to help the tourist without success and was injured in the process. Both were taken to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital and were treated for their injuries. The two attackers were arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station where they were charged with assault and locked up.

-Pattaya City News

Wednesday 1st March 2006

We're talking about a 'hooker' here,not some old lady whose just been mugged...

He was trying to be a hero,and it backfired..

My guess is he wanted to impress the girl and whoever else was in the vicintiy

So what if she was a 'hooker' do you really think just because of her profession she deserves no help or respect? :D This could have gone onto an assault or rape of the girl and maybe this man, although he got a beating he stopped anything worse happening to the girl

And the fact that she was having a "verbal dispute" rather than a "physical dispute" doesn't come into this then???

Would he have jumped in if it was a thai male rather than a lady of the night?

I doubt it!!

I will be in pattaya next week,any 1 fancy a drink? i will be on soi 8 most nights wearing my fav, TShirt the one and only FAIR TRADE one ..LOL !!!! :D:D:D

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English tourist injured after he attempts to stop an argument in Soi 8.

Police were called to the front of the Easteny Inn Hotel in Soi 8 after a late night disturbance involving three Thai men and an English Tourist. The case begins with a verbal altercation between a bar girl and two Thai men, later identified as Khun Sanan aged 20 and Khun Sompong aged 24. Khun Sanan has been admiring the girl who works at one of the bars inside the Soi for some time, however on a number of occasions, she has refused his advances and this night was no different.

Mr. Ashley Brown aged 32 from England was drinking in a nearby bar and witnessed the confrontation and decided to get involved :o and attempted to break up the argument. The two men told the English man to mind his own business and proceeded to attack him with an iron bar. A bar owner, Khun Pitack saw the fight and attempted to help the tourist without success and was injured in the process. Both were taken to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital and were treated for their injuries. The two attackers were arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station where they were charged with assault and locked up.

-Pattaya City News

Wednesday 1st March 2006

We're talking about a 'hooker' here,not some old lady whose just been mugged...

He was trying to be a hero,and it backfired..

My guess is he wanted to impress the girl and whoever else was in the vicintiy

So what if she was a 'hooker' do you really think just because of her profession she deserves no help or respect? :D This could have gone onto an assault or rape of the girl and maybe this man, although he got a beating he stopped anything worse happening to the girl

And the fact that she was having a "verbal dispute" rather than a "physical dispute" doesn't come into this then???

Would he have jumped in if it was a thai male rather than a lady of the night?

I doubt it!!

I will be in pattaya next week,any 1 fancy a drink? i will be on soi 8 most nights wearing my fav, TShirt the one and only FAIR TRADE one ..LOL !!!! :D:burp::D

NO hoLES BARRED! ooooooooooooHHH :D:D ps ,never get involved in nout,he was lucky!

English tourist injured after he attempts to stop an argument in Soi 8.

Police were called to the front of the Easteny Inn Hotel in Soi 8 after a late night disturbance involving three Thai men and an English Tourist. The case begins with a verbal altercation between a bar girl and two Thai men, later identified as Khun Sanan aged 20 and Khun Sompong aged 24. Khun Sanan has been admiring the girl who works at one of the bars inside the Soi for some time, however on a number of occasions, she has refused his advances and this night was no different.

Mr. Ashley Brown aged 32 from England was drinking in a nearby bar and witnessed the confrontation and decided to get involved :D and attempted to break up the argument. The two men told the English man to mind his own business and proceeded to attack him with an iron bar. A bar owner, Khun Pitack saw the fight and attempted to help the tourist without success and was injured in the process. Both were taken to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital and were treated for their injuries. The two attackers were arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station where they were charged with assault and locked up.

-Pattaya City News

Wednesday 1st March 2006

We're talking about a 'hooker' here,not some old lady whose just been mugged...

He was trying to be a hero,and it backfired..

My guess is he wanted to impress the girl and whoever else was in the vicintiy

So what if she was a 'hooker' do you really think just because of her profession she deserves no help or respect? :D This could have gone onto an assault or rape of the girl and maybe this man, although he got a beating he stopped anything worse happening to the girl

And the fact that she was having a "verbal dispute" rather than a "physical dispute" doesn't come into this then???

Would he have jumped in if it was a thai male rather than a lady of the night?

I doubt it!!

I will be in pattaya next week,any 1 fancy a drink? i will be on soi 8 most nights wearing my fav, TShirt the one and only FAIR TRADE one ..LOL !!!! :D:P:D

NO hoLES BARRED! ooooooooooooHHH :D:o ps ,never get involved in nout,he was lucky!


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Khun Sanan has been admiring the girl who works at one of the bars inside the Soi for some time, however on a number of occasions, she has refused his advances and this night was no different. :o

I've known lads who've gotten involved in domestics and both the supposed victim and instigator turned on the them. sad.gif

Brit has made two very good points here.

If truth be known, the female "victim' probably booted the English guy in the head as he lay on the ground.

She refused his sexual advances in the past so obviously wasn't at all attracted to him or his money, and she didn't call out for any assistance from him on this occasion.

M.M...........it wasn't the Brit she had turned down it was the Thai guy..........thats my reading of it anyway. :D

Edited by thaiflyer1
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