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Plodprasop Seeks Budget For Huge Seawall Project

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Plodprasop seeks budget for huge seawall project

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi wants a huge budget to build a giant dam along the Gulf of Thailand to prevent inland flooding caused by seawater intrusion.

"After April we'll start studying this project full steam. We must do it. For those disagreeing with it, I will ask them to write their names on the wall and remember, if one day there's a massive flood, not to blame me," he said.

Plodprasop, who chairs the Water and Flood Management Commission, said he would propose this idea to the government after the commission finishes the bidding for the Bt350-billion Water Management Master Plan project in April.


There are many construction options depending on the environmental impact, technology and budget.

"We'll take a year to conduct the study and then we'll know how much money we'll spend and how to build this dam," he said.

Local contractors might not be able to tackle this kind of dam project due to their limited knowledge and capacity, he said.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has downplayed reports about the establishment of a Ministry of Water, according to a Government House source.

Plodprasop has said the ministry is in the process of being formed, but the source said Yingluck had stressed it was just a suggestion that has not been finalised. There was a discussion about it when the government had just taken office and was dealing with the flood crisis.

"The idea involves the amendment of several laws and would not be completed within this government's term,'' the source said.

The Office of National Water and Flood Management Policy (ONWFMP), which has been transferred to the Office of the PM's Permanent Secretary, has the status of a department. It oversees the bidding on projects related to solving water and flood problems.

"We have to see if it's necessary to upgrade the ONWFMP into a ministry. At this moment it's not necessary. The PM has never said the office would be upgraded into a ministry,'' the source said.


-- The Nation 2013-02-11

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Let me see if I have this right. A seawall to prevent flooding? What - he wants to run the full width of the Bangkok flood plain? But the flooding comes from the other side n'est ce pas?

Then from this narcissistic nut case...

"For those disagreeing with it, I will ask them to write their names on the wall and remember, if one day there's a massive flood, not to blame me,"

Mayeb he is talking Tsunami.

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I seem to remember reading a few weeks ago that the prelim work had already been done and that the whole project would be complete in about 3 years. If a Bangkok barrage gets built in the next 15 years I'll be genuinely amazed.

Five weeks ago:

"It should be finished before the end of the government's term" = two and a half years.

Yeah, right. rolleyes.gif

Plodprasop Proposes Flood-Prevention Dam For Bangkok

A few disparities.


"We'll take a year to conduct the study and then we'll know how much money we'll spend and how to build this dam," he said.


This project, which has been under study for more than a year

I misspoke in earlier post regarding the budget of 350 Billion.

This huge project is IN ADDITION to the two other huge outlays of money.


It would not be funded by the already approved Bt120-billion and Bt350-billion flood-prevention budgets.


Edited by Buchholz
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I seem to remember reading a few weeks ago that the prelim work had already been done and that the whole project would be complete in about 3 years. If a Bangkok barrage gets built in the next 15 years I'll be genuinely amazed.

Five weeks ago:

"It should be finished before the end of the government's term" = two and a half years.

Yeah, right. rolleyes.gif

Plodprasop Proposes Flood-Prevention Dam For Bangkok

A few disparities.


"We'll take a year to conduct the study and then we'll know how much money we'll spend and how to build this dam," he said.


This project, which has been under study for more than a year


A dam to stop the flood water going into the sea???? Brains-NIL. if you want stupidity-build another great wall of China around Bangkok. OR land fill Bangkok 2 meters. But really better still have some brains on the water management --UPSTREAM
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And if the Thaksin-Barrage doesn't work, at keeping back the rising seas, it will at least be a convenient place to position Khun Plodprasop's emergency-reaction-force of highly-trained boats, to push the water back out to sea. rolleyes.gif

But the som-tam lady, fount of inside-knowledge & wisdom on all things Thai, tells me that in fact the barrage will be built from the rice-mountain, and thus the Ministry of Water will pay the Ministry of Commerce, at full cost-price plus an appropriate storage/administrative/transport fee of course. Two problems with one common solution, and trebles all round, as ever ! laugh.png

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Someone needs to send this student of science back to the dunce hat corner and build a barrier him, sound proff it while your at it. Just make it so isolated that piped sunlight and beans thru a pea shooter are his only outside contacts.to logical people, as what he has, may be contagious.

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The way stored rice is building-up under the rice pledging scheme Thailand will need this wall to keep the mountains of stored rice from from sliding into the Gulf of Thailand. Wait, wait....I just had an idea...use the rice to build the wall....add seawater to the rice, let cook under the hot sun for 30 minutes, and you have just made a long lasting Sticky Rice Wall...the wall could also be eaten during times of famine. Genius!!!

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It's preposterous that Plodprasop is angling himself for Water Management Minister after his truly pathetic performance during the 2011 floods. He should had been shown the door after, nay, during that, let alone giving him his own ministry.

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I think that flooding at present is the result of tides and rainwater. When there is a high

tide and a lot of rain there will be floods. As time goes on tides will take on a bigger role

in flooding and there will be less rain needed. At sometime tides will flood Bangkok.

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I seem to remember reading a few weeks ago that the prelim work had already been done and that the whole project would be complete in about 3 years. If a Bangkok barrage gets built in the next 15 years I'll be genuinely amazed.

Five weeks ago:

"It should be finished before the end of the government's term" = two and a half years.

Yeah, right. rolleyes.gif

Plodprasop Proposes Flood-Prevention Dam For Bangkok

A few disparities.


"We'll take a year to conduct the study and then we'll know how much money we'll spend and how to build this dam," he said.


This project, which has been under study for more than a year

I misspoke in earlier post regarding the budget of 350 Billion.

This huge project is IN ADDITION to the two other huge outlays of money.


It would not be funded by the already approved Bt120-billion and Bt350-billion flood-prevention budgets.

Now, even more disparity in what is being said by the various faces of the government, both in budgeting sources and time lines to completion. :blink:

Their flopping about is staggering.

In related news, Plodprasop, Chairman of the Water and Flood Management Commission, said yesterday during the "Yingluck Government Meets the People" weekly TV programme that the government could complete its Bt350-billion dam, reservoir and floodway construction project for flood prevention in five years.

The government would draw up bidding conditions for the Bt350-billion project this week, he said, adding that details of the project, including an environmental impact assessment, would be finished in two weeks and contracts would be signed in April.


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Building a sea wall would help with high tides, but the fact remains the Bkk area is still flat and water does not drain well on flat.

Seems to me there's a further consideration.

Sure they need to somehow protect Bangkok from water coming in from the sea, at times, but what about when there is massive rain in the North of Thailand and it all, in massive massice quantities, make it's way South (causing massive flooding in numerous locations, including Bangkok, as per last year) and must eventually flow into the sea.

Would the sea wall proposed by this character in fact stop the rain water from North flowing out?

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I have a better idea.

Why not put an air- cushion under Bangkok and inflate it, whenever the water comes from...well...anywhere?!

A good example of the intelligent and constructive thought that makes TV such a wonderful source of insight and illumination.

The leaders of Thailand, whatever their political hue, must be beating a path to the inspirational founts of knowledge that exist on the forum.

These depths of wit wisdom and sagacity are truly unplumbable.

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the whole thing is laughable. The problem being that it is a good idea. Bangkok is sinking and a wall befrore it floods is a good idea. Besides it could help in the case of flooding. It would act as a barrier to stop the sea from running up the wrong wasy.

Be all that as it may there are a few points such ass

"Local contractors might not be able to tackle this kind of dam project due to their limited knowledge and capacity,"

might not?

How about for sure could not.

I notice they skipped over the elephant in the room. The Dutch that tells me that they are not interested in doing a proper job.

I like the part about "a Ministry of Water"

being downplayed by Yingluck. Come a flood and her response will be completely different. she will establish it immediately and name Chalerm to chair it.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I have a better idea.

Why not put an air- cushion under Bangkok and inflate it, whenever the water comes from...well...anywhere?!

A good example of the intelligent and constructive thought that makes TV such a wonderful source of insight and illumination.

The leaders of Thailand, whatever their political hue, must be beating a path to the inspirational founts of knowledge that exist on the forum.

These depths of wit wisdom and sagacity are truly unplumbable.

Take it easy with the thesaurus Philw, the leaders of Thailand do just fine alone with their "inspirational founts of knowledge" and "wit wisdom and sagacity"
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I have a better idea.

Why not put an air- cushion under Bangkok and inflate it, whenever the water comes from...well...anywhere?!

A good example of the intelligent and constructive thought that makes TV such a wonderful source of insight and illumination.

The leaders of Thailand, whatever their political hue, must be beating a path to the inspirational founts of knowledge that exist on the forum.

These depths of wit wisdom and sagacity are truly unplumbable.

"depths of wit wisdom and sagacity"

To be fair, one must admit that Plodprsop started it first, albeit with a Thaksin-era idea ! rolleyes.gif

We only take the piss out of it, they are the ones who keep on coming up, with these wonderful plans ! laugh.png

Perhaps Thailand is a Hub of wit wisdom and sagacity ?

Edited by Ricardo
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