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Sick As A Dog


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I've been home nearly 4 weeks now, I'm still thinking of pattaya every second of every day. When I'm with my mates I'm forcing myself not to talk about the trip cos i know everyones sick of hearing about it ( none of them have been there). I'm just hoping it gets easier after each trip cos right now this is a fuc_king nightmare!!

it doesn't get better, the second time seems easier but then the third time is the worst, some people get crazy even before leaving, considering to miss the flight back home or making a scene at the airport and crying and getting emotional and stuff, I've been through that wacko.png

There's a nice movie about pattaya called "lady bar", it's in french buy perhaps you can find english subtitles...

I'm curious to hear about your 3rd return home if that was even worse than the one you've already described.

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I've been home nearly 4 weeks now, I'm still thinking of pattaya every second of every day. When I'm with my mates I'm forcing myself not to talk about the trip cos i know everyones sick of hearing about it ( none of them have been there). I'm just hoping it gets easier after each trip cos right now this is a fuc_king nightmare!!

it doesn't get better, the second time seems easier but then the third time is the worst, some people get crazy even before leaving, considering to miss the flight back home or making a scene at the airport and crying and getting emotional and stuff, I've been through that wacko.png

There's a nice movie about pattaya called "lady bar", it's in french buy perhaps you can find english subtitles...

I'm curious to hear about your 3rd return home if that was even worse than the one you've already described.

Haha well actually for the third return it was much more quiet and straightforward, it all started once I was in europe... I resigned from a great job with an extraordinary salary, I sold my motorbike and ended the lease of my apartment, and I was back in pattaya only a couple of weeks later!!

It's scary isn't it? friends, family, all left behind! Now I live in pattaya for almost 2 years and am working on the web (it was hard to make money at the beginning but with the time I now make more than my previous salary so I'm really happy with my life smile.png and I don't have to "return home" anymore, as this is my home now!!!

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I have lived in Pattaya for 9 years now and its a million times better than England,well,Stoke on trent lol.With only going out twice a week i dont get bored of the nightlife but every night would not be enjoyable for me.I have a normal lifestyle in a abnormal place lol,but somebody has to live here.No regrets and no intention of ever living in the uk agian,but enjoy a holiday there to see family and friends.

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I'm very envious, you truly are one of the lucky few. Did you marry or are you still living the dream?

Got married a few months ago with a thai lady, but not one that ever worked in a bar of course! tongue.png

The one you cried about ?

No No another girl who's not from pattaya laugh.png
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That's because your notion of "married" is typically occidental, there's "married" and "married to a thai girl" which is really not the same!! My wife is the coolest girl ever, she's taking really good care of me, making everything I ever dreamed about sex, and she's even pushing me to go have short times with prostitutes whenever I want, and I'm just free and doesn't receive any critics or complains whatsoever like an occidental woman would make, I go out with my friends to the walking street (with or without her) whenever I want, I do as I please and she's always on my side and always making me feel good! I'm a happy men, seriously!

Now the marriage is purely technical, it was done to:

1 - stay in thailand with her

2 - bring her with me to europe

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That's because your notion of "married" is typically occidental, there's "married" and "married to a thai girl" which is really not the same!! My wife is the coolest girl ever, she's taking really good care of me, making everything I ever dreamed about sex, and she's even pushing me to go have short times with prostitutes whenever I want, and I'm just free and doesn't receive any critics or complains whatsoever like an occidental woman would make, I go out with my friends to the walking street (with or without her) whenever I want, I do as I please and she's always on my side and always making me feel good! I'm a happy men, seriously!

Now the marriage is purely technical, it was done to:

1 - stay in thailand with her

2 - bring her with me to europe

Say it again.....the more you repeat it, the more real it sounds.

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Why do you get to be so happy??!! I'm stuck here, just had another argument with the ex about money!!

I'm just clinging on to the false hope that I'm going to win the lottery. You might be right about having a breakdown in the airport after all.

Money was the main reason of my breakdown, if I had the money I would just have stayed or would have came back 2 days after, but I had no other option than going back to work as my remaining money was falling dramatically.

However you look much more stable financially than I was back then (as you're speaking about buying a property..) am I right?

Why do you get to be so happy??!!

it was a loonnng way before I could get to this situation, a way full of tears, pain, failures and poorness! I have more than once wished that I had never came to Pattaya so I would avoid to myself all the pain, and would just be a happy ignorant..

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That's because your notion of "married" is typically occidental, there's "married" and "married to a thai girl" which is really not the same!! My wife is the coolest girl ever, she's taking really good care of me, making everything I ever dreamed about sex, and she's even pushing me to go have short times with prostitutes whenever I want, and I'm just free and doesn't receive any critics or complains whatsoever like an occidental woman would make, I go out with my friends to the walking street (with or without her) whenever I want, I do as I please and she's always on my side and always making me feel good! I'm a happy men, seriously!

Now the marriage is purely technical, it was done to:

1 - stay in thailand with her

2 - bring her with me to europe

Say it again.....the more you repeat it, the more real it sounds.

What are you implying? that I'm not truly happy? or that this life I'm living is a big lie ready to explode?

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Why do you get to be so happy??!! I'm stuck here, just had another argument with the ex about money!!

I'm just clinging on to the false hope that I'm going to win the lottery. You might be right about having a breakdown in the airport after all.

Money was the main reason of my breakdown, if I had the money I would just have stayed or would have came back 2 days after, but I had no other option than going back to work as my remaining money was falling dramatically.

However you look much more stable financially than I was back then (as you're speaking about buying a property..) am I right?

Why do you get to be so happy??!!

it was a loonnng way before I could get to this situation, a way full of tears, pain, failures and poorness! I have more than once wished that I had never came to Pattaya so I would avoid to myself all the pain, and would just be a happy ignorant..

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Why do you get to be so happy??!! I'm stuck here, just had another argument with the ex about money!!

I'm just clinging on to the false hope that I'm going to win the lottery. You might be right about having a breakdown in the airport after all.

Money was the main reason of my breakdown, if I had the money I would just have stayed or would have came back 2 days after, but I had no other option than going back to work as my remaining money was falling dramatically.

However you look much more stable financially than I was back then (as you're speaking about buying a property..) am I right?

Why do you get to be so happy??!!

it was a loonnng way before I could get to this situation, a way full of tears, pain, failures and poorness! I have more than once wished that I had never came to Pattaya so I would avoid to myself all the pain, and would just be a happy ignorant.."


My finances right now are shocking but I'm a contractor so they're always up and down March till november I'm a prince, dec/jan/feb I'm a pauper. Them quiet months work wise are the months i'll be spending in pattaya, starting next year.

Ignorance is bliss friend, but the way i see it is we only get one life, pattayas as close to heaven as we're ever going to get. So enjoy!!!

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Well then to the newly wed whose wife encourages him to have short-times with prostitutes whenever he wants. From the Thai Civil Code

Section 1516.
Grounds of action for divorce are as follows

(1) the husband has given maintenance to or honored such other woman as his wife, or the wife has committed adultery, the other spouse may enter a claim for divorce;

Maybe his cool wife just likes to plan things well in advance.

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Having read back through this thread id like to express a special thanks to Diddums. Your input and advice has been second to none, as well as heartwarming . When I'm back in town i'll buy you a drink.

Huh ??.....I'll have to go back and read whats I wrotes...

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Having read back through this thread id like to express a special thanks to Diddums. Your input and advice has been second to none, as well as heartwarming . When I'm back in town i'll buy you a drink.

Huh ??.....I'll have to go back and read whats I wrotes...

Ahuh....taking the piss or got me mixed up with someone else.......fess up, which is it ?

I don't mind either way.

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Well then to the newly wed whose wife encourages him to have short-times with prostitutes whenever he wants. From the Thai Civil Code

Section 1516.
Grounds of action for divorce are as follows

(1) the husband has given maintenance to or honored such other woman as his wife, or the wife has committed adultery, the other spouse may enter a claim for divorce;

Maybe his cool wife just likes to plan things well in advance.

interesting point!

...however we have no shared assets whatsoever, everything is mine (except her clothes), so whenever she wants to get divorced she'll just have to tell me and we'll go to the Ampur together, it's a 5 minutes process! I really don't care to get divorced so it's not a problem, she's the one with the most interests to be married to me as my lifestyle is much higher than her.. going skiing every year in the Alps in europe is not something many Thais have the opportunity to do!

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You have said "however we have no shared assets whatsoever, everything is mine."

I think you will find in reading the Thai Civil Code that, barring any written agreement prior to marriage and filed with the Court to the contrary, any and all property acquired subsequent to marriage, including earnings and income from investments or properties acquired before marriage, are shared property and subject to claim upon divorce.


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You have said "however we have no shared assets whatsoever, everything is mine."

I think you will find in reading the Thai Civil Code that, barring any written agreement prior to marriage and filed with the Court to the contrary, any and all property acquired subsequent to marriage, including earnings and income from investments or properties acquired before marriage, are shared property and subject to claim upon divorce.


Thanks for the information I didn't know that sad.png

What would be the right thing to do about it? We can get divorced now, write this agreement together that says everything's mine and will always be, and then re-marry 5 minutes after, does that sound silly or is it actually a good idea?

The wife doesn't care she'll do whatever I say.

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Well, i'll admit to having a little fun at your expense. From my one stab at this years back, lawyers are reluctant to write a prenuptial or any subsequent to marriage agreement such as you describe where everything belongs to the farang husband and there are no provisions for the Thai wife either during or upon dissolution of marriage. That mainly because, if push came to shove, it would not be enforceable in any Thai Court. Any marital agreement would also have to be filed with the court or the common property rule would apply by default.

If you have considerable assets and, especially as you describe, a current income stream from your business, you really should talk to someone qualified of which I'm sure there are many there in Pattaya.

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Well then to the newly wed whose wife encourages him to have short-times with prostitutes whenever he wants. From the Thai Civil Code

Section 1516. Grounds of action for divorce are as follows:

(1) the husband has given maintenance to or honored such other woman as his wife, or the wife has committed adultery, the other spouse may enter a claim for divorce;

Maybe his cool wife just likes to plan things well in advance.

interesting point!

...however we have no shared assets whatsoever, everything is mine (except her clothes), so whenever she wants to get divorced she'll just have to tell me and we'll go to the Ampur together, it's a 5 minutes process! I really don't care to get divorced so it's not a problem, she's the one with the most interests to be married to me as my lifestyle is much higher than her.. going skiing every year in the Alps in europe is not something many Thais have the opportunity to do!

The way I read it, your relationship is one of convenience. You basicly have a friend with benefits. A cool arrangement and I suspect you could not give a toss what the Thai legal codes says about marriage. Respect! wai.gif

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From Post #86 above

The way I read it, your relationship is one of convenience. You basicly have a friend with benefits. A cool arrangement and I suspect you could not give a toss what the Thai legal codes says about marriage. Respect! wai.gif

That is all well and good until the Thai wife decides she wants a divorce from this admitted philanderer and finds herself a good lawyer to handle the case for 1/3 of the recovery (after lawyer's expenses). As there was no prenuptial arrangement filed with the court, she would be entitled to half of all his earnings following the point of their marriage.

I would like to be in any court when the husband says during a divorce court proceeding: "But Judge. She encouraged me to screw all those other women!"

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