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Thai Accused Of Providing Minors To Foreigners In Soi Sunee Plaza, South Pattaya

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Thai accused of providing minors to foreigners in Soi Sunee Plaza, South Pattaya


PATTAYA: -- A 21 year old Thai Man was arrested by officers from the Police Region 2 Child and Women Protection Unit on Wednesday afternoon in East Pattaya, accused of providing underage boys to foreign patrons situated in Soi Sunee Plaza, South Pattaya.


The suspect would provide the boys, for a fee, and they would provide sexual services for the foreigners in return.

Khun Boonchoi aged 21 was arrested at his house in Soi Neun Plub Wan just after 1.30pm on the strength of an arrest warrant which confirmed he is accused of providing boys, under the age of 15 to foreign patrons for the purpose of sexual services, in exchange for money.

Full story: http://www.pattayaon...-south-pattaya/


-- Pattaya One 2013-02-14

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Considering homosexuals make up such a small part of the population they do seem to be more inclined to get involved in this kind of behaviour ... or at least caught doing it.

dont misunderstand pedophile and homosexual. Usually the pedophiles are totally heterosexual.


Considering homosexuals make up such a small part of the population they do seem to be more inclined to get involved in this kind of behaviour ... or at least caught doing it.

dont misunderstand pedophile and homosexual. Usually the pedophiles are totally heterosexual.

A greater amount getting arrested in Thailand seem to have a tendency towards young boys.

I've nothing against homosexual people, these people are homosexual paedophiles ... it shouldn't go un-noticed imho.


Considering homosexuals make up such a small part of the population they do seem to be more inclined to get involved in this kind of behaviour ... or at least caught doing it.

dont misunderstand pedophile and homosexual. Usually the pedophiles are totally heterosexual.

A greater amount getting arrested in Thailand seem to have a tendency towards young boys.

I've nothing against homosexual people, these people are homosexual paedophiles ... it shouldn't go un-noticed imho.

sorry but pedophiles who like boys are not always homosexuals , have a look in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia .... I dont defend anyone but I think you just misunderstand .


i doubt that he would not also provide to this main demanding public, his own thai

farangs where just that little extra cash

pimping out other boys for money

buddism is not the religion in thailand, GREED is


Hey.. I am homosexual for thousands of years now. I worked as an AIDS educator in.gaols and i have bren around the traps.

99% of these underage pervert are MARRIED WITH A FAMILY. I can assure you we hate these bastards as much as anyone.

Before condemning ALL people as deviates and scumbags... Consider this... Not all heterosexuals are rapists.

Put the child molesters to death by pubic firing squads i say


This isn't just a Thailand issue.

It is a global issue.

A global database is required to try and prevent the offenders travelling,to easily pick up their prey.

In the less well off countries.


Every single foreign pedophile arrested in Pattaya for the last months was in boys. One exception, the American who picked up the 13 years old girl on the beach, and was probably framed. Go and check the news files yourselves.


This can't be true. According to the Government there is NO prostitution in Thailand. Now you can fully realize the depths at what a Thai will sink to just for money. Death Penalty - get it over and done with and this scumbag off the streets.


Hey.. I am homosexual for thousands of years now. I worked as an AIDS educator in.gaols and i have bren around the traps.

99% of these underage pervert are MARRIED WITH A FAMILY. I can assure you we hate these bastards as much as anyone.

Before condemning ALL people as deviates and scumbags... Consider this... Not all heterosexuals are rapists.

Put the child molesters to death by pubic firing squads i say

I'm not saying that they are but i am saying there is a disproportionate amount of the kind of stories involving underage boys .. but an educator shouldn't be making up stats such as 99% of these people are married with a family.


Considering homosexuals make up such a small part of the population they do seem to be more inclined to get involved in this kind of behaviour ... or at least caught doing it.

dont misunderstand pedophile and homosexual. Usually the pedophiles are totally heterosexual.

Show me the data and the studies! LoL 5555

Since you ask and appear unable to do a search for yourself:







The Family Research Institute, Family Research Council and similar institutions, not surprisingly, take the opposite view:



The general conclusion is that between 1 and 7% of pedophiles are "homosexuals" - most statistical studies come up with around 3%, with around 97% being "heterosexuals". Scientific studies (using empirical data and physical tests) generally cite between 1 and 3% of pedophiles as being homosexuals, with a maximum of 9%, while non-scientific studies vary between 0.5 and 86%.

What is interesting, if you read that far, is that all the scientific studies conducted on random samples (ie samples of the general public rather than of sexual offenders) which used physical tests rather than interviews concluded that far fewer homosexuals found under age (pre-pubescent) boys attractive than heterosexuals did.


If a male is interested in other males they are not hetrosexual, they are by definition homosexual or bi-sexual.

In the news reports on here which i admit is hardly scientific analysis, the amount of young boys being assaulted seems to be more then that of their female peers.


In the news reports on here which i admit is hardly scientific analysis, the amount of young boys being assaulted seems to be more then that of their female peers.

No great mystery there, surely? They arent being assaulted, they are hookers working voluntarily. As such it seems quite obvious to me why there should be more young males than young females doing it.

This is an excellent example of a totally victimless crime and as such it will probably be hard to even make a significant reduction in it, let alone stop it.


If a male is interested in other males they are not hetrosexual, they are by definition homosexual or bi-sexual.

By your definition apparently so and I can quite understand how and why some take such a view, however psychiatry and science take a very different view - read any or all of the links above to understand why.

Homosexuals by definition (as it is defined by the psychiatric and scientific community) are men who prefer sex with other men - not men who prefer sex with pre-pubescent boys. Having read some of the studies, prompted by this thread, I was surprised to learn that the studies clearly indicate that far more men who are attracted to pre-pubescent boys are also primarily attracted to women (and pre-pubescent girls), while very few of those attracted to pre-pubescent boys are also attracted to men (or pre-pubescent girls).

Despite the anecdotal view that many homosexuals are predatory all the scientific studies indicate that pre-pubescent boys (and girls) would be considerably safer in the care of those who are openly homosexual than those who are openly heterosexual - not quite what the Family Research Council and Family Research Institute want to hear, but the "data and the studies" are pretty clear.


In the news reports on here which i admit is hardly scientific analysis, the amount of young boys being assaulted seems to be more then that of their female peers.

No great mystery there, surely? They arent being assaulted, they are hookers working voluntarily. As such it seems quite obvious to me why there should be more young males than young females doing it.

This is an excellent example of a totally victimless crime and as such it will probably be hard to even make a significant reduction in it, let alone stop it.

Not really "victimless" - they (boys or girls) may well be doing it by choice, but while that makes it harder to stop, as you say, that doesn't make them any less "victims" in the long term or any less likely to develop a warped sense of moral values, right and wrong, attitude to crime and drugs, the value of human life (including their own), etc.


Not really "victimless" - they (boys or girls) may well be doing it by choice, but while that makes it harder to stop, as you say, that doesn't make them any less "victims" in the long term or any less likely to develop a warped sense of moral values, right and wrong, attitude to crime and drugs, the value of human life (including their own), etc.

I dont see why being a hooker should necessarily lead to drug abuse or other crime, any more than not being a hooker would. In fact some might say that hookers may have enough money available to them that they dont need to commit crimes, or turn to drugs. Nor do I see why the profession should be assumed to be morally dubious. Personally I see little difference between being a hooker and doing any other job that entails much physical contact with the client.

As for me, I'll stick to working with computers, thanks, and I will happily leave to others all the jobs that involve working in close proximity to people.


If a male is interested in other males they are not hetrosexual, they are by definition homosexual or bi-sexual.

By your definition apparently so and I can quite understand how and why some take such a view, however psychiatry and science take a very different view - read any or all of the links above to understand why.

Homosexuals by definition (as it is defined by the psychiatric and scientific community) are men who prefer sex with other men - not men who prefer sex with pre-pubescent boys. Having read some of the studies, prompted by this thread, I was surprised to learn that the studies clearly indicate that far more men who are attracted to pre-pubescent boys are also primarily attracted to women (and pre-pubescent girls), while very few of those attracted to pre-pubescent boys are also attracted to men (or pre-pubescent girls).

Despite the anecdotal view that many homosexuals are predatory all the scientific studies indicate that pre-pubescent boys (and girls) would be considerably safer in the care of those who are openly homosexual than those who are openly heterosexual - not quite what the Family Research Council and Family Research Institute want to hear, but the "data and the studies" are pretty clear.

The studies that back up what you want to believe.

But anyway lets put our heads in the sand and deny that bi/homosexual men are targeting young boys in Pattaya in disproportionate numbers .. happy now?

I've nothing against gay people, you can do as you please, but i despise PC people, who will defend their own no matter who it harms.


Considering homosexuals make up such a small part of the population they do seem to be more inclined to get involved in this kind of behaviour ... or at least caught doing it.

It's obvious that homosexuals are more inclined to get involved in homosexual behavior .... but you have no evidence that homosexuals are more inclined to get involved with underage kids. Sounds like a homophobic misassumption ... otherwise what do you base your statement on?

Considering homosexuals make up such a small part of the population they do seem to be more inclined to get involved in this kind of behaviour ... or at least caught doing it.

It's obvious that homosexuals are more inclined to get involved in homosexual behavior .... but you have no evidence that homosexuals are more inclined to get involved with underage kids. Sounds like a homophobic misassumption ... otherwise what do you base your statement on?

I am not saying homosexuals go for kids as this includes girls.

I am saying that for a male to be interested in interfering with another male then they are by definition homosexual (or bi), and that there are seemingly more reports about this kind of activity considering homosexuals make up only 1% of the population.

But no homosexuals are all cuddly gentile folk who would do no wrong so its clearly hetrosexuals up to this.

This is how PC and twisted western logic has become, well that of the liberals who control the MSM.


I am saying that for a male to be interested in interfering with another male then they are by definition homosexual (or bi), and that there are seemingly more reports about this kind of activity considering homosexuals make up only 1% of the population.

But no homosexuals are all cuddly gentile folk who would do no wrong so its clearly hetrosexuals up to this.

"Interested in interfering"? An emotive turn of phrase. Or do you "interfere" with your partner also?

As for "cuddly gentiles" it seems unreasonable to tar all non-Jews with the same brush, cuddly or not.


Not really "victimless" - they (boys or girls) may well be doing it by choice, but while that makes it harder to stop, as you say, that doesn't make them any less "victims" in the long term or any less likely to develop a warped sense of moral values, right and wrong, attitude to crime and drugs, the value of human life (including their own), etc.

I dont see why being a hooker should necessarily lead to drug abuse or other crime, any more than not being a hooker would. In fact some might say that hookers may have enough money available to them that they dont need to commit crimes, or turn to drugs. Nor do I see why the profession should be assumed to be morally dubious. Personally I see little difference between being a hooker and doing any other job that entails much physical contact with the client.

As for me, I'll stick to working with computers, thanks, and I will happily leave to others all the jobs that involve working in close proximity to people.

I think you've misunderstood my point. I never said that I viewed being a prostitute as "morally dubious" - far from it, I think that it IS "just another job" and one which (like many such professions) some people are suited to and some are not, and which some doing it are affected by and others are not. My point was that because of their age these children are unable to make an informed decision about their actions and they are far more susceptible to being influenced by their peers and their elders who they are associating with, and that many of those involved in prostitution are also involved in drugs - not all, by any means, but certainly a larger than normal number - and drugs and crime often go together.

Agreed, "hookers may have enough money available to them that they don't need to commit crimes, or turn to drugs", but clearly many DO turn to drugs (or they become prostitutes so they can afford drugs) as evidenced by up to 30% routinely testing positive for recent drug use in the various raids/drug tests carried out in gay bars - as similar raids have never been carried out on bar-girls, with them being marched outside and told to provide a urine sample in the middle of Walking Street, its difficult to say with any certainty if their drug-use is at a similar level.

Children are too young and far too easily influenced by adults to be able to make informed decisions about certain things and that should include their sexuality and their sexual behaviour. Children are no longer allowed to be soldiers, for example, even though they have often proved to be better at it than adults (in the West, until very recently, as well as elsewhere); just because they are doing something "voluntarily" doesn't mean that it is in their best interests to be doing it or that they are capable of making such a choice.


Considering homosexuals make up such a small part of the population they do seem to be more inclined to get involved in this kind of behaviour ... or at least caught doing it.

It's obvious that homosexuals are more inclined to get involved in homosexual behavior .... but you have no evidence that homosexuals are more inclined to get involved with underage kids. Sounds like a homophobic misassumption ... otherwise what do you base your statement on?

An interesting question - which seems doomed to be left unanswered.

While Thailand1977 accuses me of only referring to "studies that back up what you want to believe" he appears to be relying for his "evidence" solely on "the kind of stories involving underage boys" featured in "the news reports on here".

I (and others) have referred him to several studies and papers - in my case they included a selection of scientific studies, studies of pedophile victims' reports, and studies of convicted pedophiles - some were technical and some non-technical, and some supported his view (some of the non-scientific ones) while others (all of the scientific studies I found) refuted it. He appears to have either been unable to read or unable to understand any of these, as he still insists on using his own "definitions" and accusing others of "making up stats" and choosing "studies that back up what you want to believe" while happily making up his own - where does that "1% of the population" come from?


Considering homosexuals make up such a small part of the population they do seem to be more inclined to get involved in this kind of behaviour ... or at least caught doing it.

It's obvious that homosexuals are more inclined to get involved in homosexual behavior .... but you have no evidence that homosexuals are more inclined to get involved with underage kids. Sounds like a homophobic misassumption ... otherwise what do you base your statement on?

An interesting question - which seems doomed to be left unanswered.

While Thailand1977 accuses me of only referring to "studies that back up what you want to believe" he appears to be relying for his "evidence" solely on "the kind of stories involving underage boys" featured in "the news reports on here".

I (and others) have referred him to several studies and papers - in my case they included a selection of scientific studies, studies of pedophile victims' reports, and studies of convicted pedophiles - some were technical and some non-technical, and some supported his view (some of the non-scientific ones) while others (all of the scientific studies I found) refuted it. He appears to have either been unable to read or unable to understand any of these, as he still insists on using his own "definitions" and accusing others of "making up stats" and choosing "studies that back up what you want to believe" while happily making up his own - where does that "1% of the population" come from?


1% plus 0.5% bisexual, so lets say half of those gay folk are males that 1 in 200 of the population.

You still one of those who claim 10% are sausage jockeys?

If you have sexual relations with someone of the same sex you're homosexual, because some academic wishes to alter this for his research does not mean he is correct.

These boys they are going for are not prepubescent, thus the men going for them are homosexual, but you don't want to admit that a small amount of men in the group you attach yourself with has a problem in Thailand when it comes to fiddling kids

Maybe if you did then something may get done to help these kids, all you care about is the good name homosexual being associated with what is in the minds of the majority a form of homosexual behaviour.

As for your links i had a quick read, but i've not the time on my hands to waste on this, some of us have families to look after.


My point was that because of their age these children are unable to make an informed decision about their actions and they are far more susceptible to being influenced by their peers and their elders who they are associating with,.......

And do you seriously believe that the vast bulk of persons over the age of 15 or 18 or 21 or wherever you care to place the bar are in any way more competent and less likely to be so influenced? I am not convinced.


Considering homosexuals make up such a small part of the population they do seem to be more inclined to get involved in this kind of behaviour ... or at least caught doing it.

It's obvious that homosexuals are more inclined to get involved in homosexual behavior .... but you have no evidence that homosexuals are more inclined to get involved with underage kids. Sounds like a homophobic misassumption ... otherwise what do you base your statement on?

An interesting question - which seems doomed to be left unanswered.

While Thailand1977 accuses me of only referring to "studies that back up what you want to believe" he appears to be relying for his "evidence" solely on "the kind of stories involving underage boys" featured in "the news reports on here".

I (and others) have referred him to several studies and papers - in my case they included a selection of scientific studies, studies of pedophile victims' reports, and studies of convicted pedophiles - some were technical and some non-technical, and some supported his view (some of the non-scientific ones) while others (all of the scientific studies I found) refuted it. He appears to have either been unable to read or unable to understand any of these, as he still insists on using his own "definitions" and accusing others of "making up stats" and choosing "studies that back up what you want to believe" while happily making up his own - where does that "1% of the population" come from?


1% plus 0.5% bisexual, so lets say half of those gay folk are males that 1 in 200 of the population.

You still one of those who claim 10% are sausage jockeys?

If you have sexual relations with someone of the same sex you're homosexual, because some academic wishes to alter this for his research does not mean he is correct.

These boys they are going for are not prepubescent, thus the men going for them are homosexual, but you don't want to admit that a small amount of men in the group you attach yourself with has a problem in Thailand when it comes to fiddling kids

Maybe if you did then something may get done to help these kids, all you care about is the good name homosexual being associated with what is in the minds of the majority a form of homosexual behaviour.

As for your links i had a quick read, but i've not the time on my hands to waste on this, some of us have families to look after.

The survey you quote is out of date and your link has the clear disclaimer that "All the survey's statistics are considered experimental, or in a testing phase, as they have not yet been assessed by the UK Statistics Authority" . Recent surveys, such as the recent Gallup Poll in the US, put the figure at around 5% (also with the disclaimer that those questioned may not be truthful in their response - although most people would assume that due to discrimination/prejudice considerably more people would claim to be heterosexual who were actually LGBT than those who would claim to be LGBT who were actually heterosexual; this would indicate a higher figure).

I do not "attach myself" to any group, although you have taken the liberty of doing that for me. Neither have I defended any of those molesting children in any way, be they heterosexual or homosexual (and they are, of course, both) ... and I, too, have a family to look after, although that does not make me prejudiced against those who do not ... neither does having a family somehow make me or anyone else any less likely to be a child-molester (of girls or boys) as the studies of those convicted of child-molesting show.

Your real colours are starting to show along with the abuse, making any further discussion rather pointless.


My point was that because of their age these children are unable to make an informed decision about their actions and they are far more susceptible to being influenced by their peers and their elders who they are associating with,.......

And do you seriously believe that the vast bulk of persons over the age of 15 or 18 or 21 or wherever you care to place the bar are in any way more competent and less likely to be so influenced? I am not convinced.

The bar hast to be placed somewhere, so yes I do believe that generally those aged 18 are more capable of making informed decisions than those aged, say, 15, and that those aged over 15 are more informed than younger children. If you are unconvinced, where would you place the bar for the age when people can vote or join the military, for example? You have to place it somewhere.

One thing I think Thailand has right is a "sliding" age of consent, which gives some element of protection to the young from elder predators. I have also worked with what are now called "child soldiers" and VERY "seriously believe" that children of that age can be very easily influenced by their elders and that it is only later that they realise what they have done and that they become affected by it (the Khmer Rouge are a prime example, as are those in Rwanda), and having seen them I believe that there are clear parallels between the two.


The survey you quote is out of date and your link has the clear disclaimer that "All the survey's statistics are considered experimental, or in a testing phase, as they have not yet been assessed by the UK Statistics Authority" . Recent surveys, such as the recent Gallup Poll in the US, put the figure at around 5% (also with the disclaimer that those questioned may not be truthful in their response - although most people would assume that due to discrimination/prejudice considerably more people would claim to be heterosexual who were actually LGBT than those who would claim to be LGBT who were actually heterosexual; this would indicate a higher figure).

I do not "attach myself" to any group, although you have taken the liberty of doing that for me. Neither have I defended any of those molesting children in any way, be they heterosexual or homosexual (and they are, of course, both) ... and I, too, have a family to look after, although that does not make me prejudiced against those who do not ... neither does having a family somehow make me or anyone else any less likely to be a child-molester (of girls or boys) as the studies of those convicted of child-molesting show.

Your real colours are starting to show along with the abuse, making any further discussion rather pointless.

What abuse, come on victim status boy where have i abused you?

You seem like one of those people who wake up and feel abused if someone doesn't whole heartedly agree with them.

I love the way your made up figure of how many people are homosexual is correct, yet mine clearly isn't.

If you stick your willy in a 15 year old boy you are homosexual, why is this too difficult for you to understand and accept?

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