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We Have A New Website For All Asia


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Look I've given you a few positive posts so you know I'm not in for a dig, but the punters are right you website lacks flare and usability, listen to the critics as many things they say (Ok not all) are the customers perspective. To not have a fully searchable box outlining what, where and how much on the home page is inexcusable and will turn people off, hell it is just as bad as many of the Thai sites where you have to wade through countless pages of crap. I asssume you are using php with a mysql database as easily searchable? Also we understand that the "sold" sign looks like you are are in action, however keep it to a minimum. I'd also dump the ads, they just take up room and contribute nothing. I'm not completely ignorant about this stuff.

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One thing that baffles me is that you already operate http:www.buyrentchiangmai.com as a genuine Real Estate Agency website from which you earn commission but now you have started http:www.buyrentasia.com which you say is "....100% for free, Prospective buyers or tenants contact you direct, Unlimited listings....." etc.

So it looks to me as if you are now in direct competition with yourself blink.png Why?

If you can build up the traffic you can get Google ads plus advertise yourself on the site, plus you have all the emails. Additionally if you can beat the odds on these things and get heavy volume expecially for buyers then you can start to charge the sellers. It is a process.

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One thing that baffles me is that you already operate http:www.buyrentchiangmai.com as a genuine Real Estate Agency website from which you earn commission but now you have started http:www.buyrentasia.com which you say is "....100% for free, Prospective buyers or tenants contact you direct, Unlimited listings....." etc.

So it looks to me as if you are now in direct competition with yourself blink.png Why?

If you can build up the traffic you can get Google ads plus advertise yourself on the site, plus you have all the emails. Additionally if you can beat the odds on these things and get heavy volume expecially for buyers then you can start to charge the sellers. It is a process.

Sounds like you know how to make money online thumbsup.gif but we will never charge for setting up listings.

Not only with G ads, I don’t use G, there are easier ways to get money in

I know we must make some changes, also thought the search is not so a problem if I see my contact mails every day, if you real like to find a house for example 10K you just need to go some pages, there are not so many on it anyway as most our listings are available and will be removed if sold or rented for more then 1 year.

There are no “sold” ones on it, the “rented” ones are exact the right thing to do, and keeps me getting contacts for future available listings. But on this way I have an idea; I will try to add an option so they will be hidden on the normal search.

@LawrenceChee, read again, but this time the full post

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I will leave a bit feedback, ignore it if you want, but when you do a detailed search for price (rental properties) it starts at 0, then 29 baht, then 58 baht, then 87 baht, then 116 baht, then 145 baht etc etc? There are 34 odd amounts just up to 1000 baht a month?!

Why not use rounded numbers and start at a minimum of say 3000 baht a month?

Would I use your site? Yes, but why not listen to customer feedback on your site? It will make your site better and it is FREE advice!

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One thing that baffles me is that you already operate http:www.buyrentchiangmai.com as a genuine Real Estate Agency website from which you earn commission but now you have started http:www.buyrentasia.com which you say is "....100% for free, Prospective buyers or tenants contact you direct, Unlimited listings....." etc.

So it looks to me as if you are now in direct competition with yourself blink.png Why?

The 2 sites have nothing to do, one to the other, this is a completely different setup and purpose. We do have many contacts for listings not in Thailand, so this way I also can post them if they don’t want to do it by themself. I’m not seeing myself or any other agencies as competitors; the market is big and without others it would be too easy and no fun.

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I will leave a bit feedback, ignore it if you want, but when you do a detailed search for price (rental properties) it starts at 0, then 29 baht, then 58 baht, then 87 baht, then 116 baht, then 145 baht etc etc? There are 34 odd amounts just up to 1000 baht a month?!

Why not use rounded numbers and start at a minimum of say 3000 baht a month?

Would I use your site? Yes, but why not listen to customer feedback on your site? It will make your site better and it is FREE advice!

We know this problem with the numbers, we already try to fix it but it is not working, today we try a new addon but still the same, looks like we need to upgrade the script to a new version as there are some not clear bugs in the DB.

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I'm looking forward to talking with you about renting my house near Bosang. I had contacted you earlier but my wife and kids decided to spent May through August at the house before coming back to the U.S. I didn't think that you came off as rude but,, to avoid the comments of several posters who have nothing better to do than stick their noses into matters that they were not asked about, many people that start threads now preface their comments with "constructive comments only." Anyway, its results that count, not how pretty a website is, and if I can get results on your website, I don't care if there are naked girls doing a photo spread of every house.

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I'm looking forward to talking with you about renting my house near Bosang. I had contacted you earlier but my wife and kids decided to spent May through August at the house before coming back to the U.S. I didn't think that you came off as rude but,, to avoid the comments of several posters who have nothing better to do than stick their noses into matters that they were not asked about, many people that start threads now preface their comments with "constructive comments only." Anyway, its results that count, not how pretty a website is, and if I can get results on your website, I don't care if there are naked girls doing a photo spread of every house.

Lol! Now THAT would be an interesting sales gimick! Coyote girls on every ad! Definitely would increase page views! Best suggestion yet. :)

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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One thing that baffles me is that you already operate http:www.buyrentchiangmai.com as a genuine Real Estate Agency website from which you earn commission but now you have started http:www.buyrentasia.com which you say is "....100% for free, Prospective buyers or tenants contact you direct, Unlimited listings....." etc.

So it looks to me as if you are now in direct competition with yourself blink.png Why?

If you can build up the traffic you can get Google ads plus advertise yourself on the site, plus you have all the emails. Additionally if you can beat the odds on these things and get heavy volume expecially for buyers then you can start to charge the sellers. It is a process.

I'd avoid Adsense if you're ultimately trying to sell something as it just cheapens a site.

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well this is all going swimmingly well for the OP. laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

Didn't know the Basil Fawlty Better Business School had opened a campus in Thailand but it would seem I am wrong as one of its alumni has obviously opened up shop in CM.

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well this is all going swimmingly well for the OP. laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

Didn't know the Basil Fawlty Better Business School had opened a campus in Thailand but it would seem I am wrong as one of its alumni has obviously opened up shop in CM.

OP makes Mr Fawlty look like Donald Trump.

Edited by 2020
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I'm looking forward to talking with you about renting my house near Bosang. I had contacted you earlier but my wife and kids decided to spent May through August at the house before coming back to the U.S. I didn't think that you came off as rude but,, to avoid the comments of several posters who have nothing better to do than stick their noses into matters that they were not asked about, many people that start threads now preface their comments with "constructive comments only." Anyway, its results that count, not how pretty a website is, and if I can get results on your website, I don't care if there are naked girls doing a photo spread of every house.

I remember you, let me know when you ready and we but your house online, thanks

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We finally found a way to add a better search option, also the number problem is fixed, I hope some of your guys are happy now, also if I didn’t want to turn this thread in a review one.

Don’t forget about the buyrentasia.com, you can add your listings for free. wai2.gif

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the OP sounds GERMAN

Are you German ????

It would explain your attitude and the way you come across as arrogant I certainly would never use your site because f the way you have presented yourself here.

SOME people shoot themselves in the foot before they even get started rolleyes.gif

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the OP sounds GERMAN

Are you German ????

It would explain your attitude and the way you come across as arrogant I certainly would never use your site because f the way you have presented yourself here.

SOME people shoot themselves in the foot before they even get started rolleyes.gif

I too felt that the OP has attitude, with a touch of arrogance thrown in.

If for example I did decide to use the services of this company and we needed to make an inquiry or had a problem, then I would be concerned as to what sort of responses we may receive from this outfit.

I was a manager with a PR company for over 30 years, customer relations was my business. Our motto was, you tell them what they want to hear and show them what they want see, with a smile and with enthusiasm.

But for me now this is all irrelevant because I have deleted your web site from my bookmarks anyway.

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I guess that I'm old fashioned, in that I have installed and re-finished in person hardwood floors for the last 33 years. I tell people the truth, not what they want to hear or what will sell the job, and expect that my craftsmanship will sell itself. I have never had to use advertising for my business and I have always been booked up at least 4 weeks in advance. If this company is going to succeed, it will be from work of mouth, not from advice from a PR company or a consultant.

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@DiamondKing, if you judge peoples because of their nationality then you are already on my I don’t like you list. I think you have a problem with your attitude, not me.

@Beetlejuice, sells persons who say they tell the customer what he wants to hear, I never like them, not my still in the last 15 years and will never be. Honesty is the success from today and not lie.

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@DiamondKing, if you judge peoples because of their nationality then you are already on my I don’t like you list. I think you have a problem with your attitude, not me.

@Beetlejuice, sells persons who say they tell the customer what he wants to hear, I never like them, not my still in the last 15 years and will never be. Honesty is the success from today and not lie.

Well I didnt like you first biggrin.png and its not because of your nationality which I now know is Russian, but your right i don't like Russians either so we are on the same page,

The only reason I mentioned Germans is in my 30 years of traveling the world and coming into contact with many many Germans I can honestly say that I only ever liked ONE, so I am speaking from vast experience of my personal contact with germans and they come across very much like you do.

As for your business let me give you some friendly advice FIND SOMEONE TO POST HERE WHO IS LESS BRASH and can come across a a friendly personable person and let them build your business for you, as you sound like you should be kept in the back room away from the public, when people are using your business you should be polite courteous and service orientated and that means DROP THE ATTITUDE it might work in Russia but it wont work here.

have a great day


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The Russian Customer Service Handbook

As a person who is about to enter the customer service industry in Russia, it is important to understand the environment in which you will work. The points below should be followed without exception.

  • Under no circumstances should you smile or laugh.
  • When someone approaches you seeking help, feel free to ignore them for as long as possible. Finish what you are doing first and quickly look for other items to make you appear busy.
  • If they speak a language you don't understand, the most effective response is to roll your eyes and sigh while turning away.
  • Do not greet a customer or recognize their presence until they demand your attention.
  • A cold scowl is the standard facial expression- use it effectively.
  • When a transaction is complete, slide the money to the customer and walk away. "thank-yous" are not recommended.
  • As you are completing a transaction, ask yourself "Am I being as efficient as possible?" If so, slow down or stop completely. Efficiency only matters to the customer.
  • If your friend calls your mobile phone while you work, by all means answer it and do your best to complete the transaction while talking.
  • Eye contact should only happen by accident. Try your best to make the customer feel as if they are inhuman, like a robot.
  • Remember that foreigners are a nuisance and should be treated as such. They deserve no special treatment whatsoever.
  • Because foreigners have not taken the time to learn the Russian language, their method of pointing and gesturing to communicate should be viewed with contempt. Remember: ROLL THE EYES - it is the perfect response.
  • Foreigners do not understand how to deal with money and never provide exact change. When this happens, raise your voice a bit and hope that someone else can translate.
  • If a foreigner cannot provide exact change, snatch the money from their hand with an aggressive motion. After you've gone to all the trouble to make change, slap it onto the counter forcefully and walk away. Perhaps, over time, they will understand.

If you should have any questions or concerns about this handbook, please don't contact me.

~Your Russian Customer Service Manager

Courtesy of leelefever at http://www.theworldi...ustomer_service somerights20.png

Edited by Morakot
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Can we get away from the National stereotyping. As a reader I do not care where the OP came from. Yes he did have a pr FAIL on this topic. Maybe from language or cultural misunderstanding but a customer service oriented business should always try not to dictate to its potential customers.

Maybe the site with tweaking will work maybe not....it will live or die on how the oP relates to his potential customers not on his nationality or that of his wife or for that matter how good or bad the site is.

Edited by harrry
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