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Csloxinfo Iostar Down Since Tuesday 28 February


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My CSLOXINFO connection has been down since 2am Tuesday the problem is with their gateway -- how many others are effected is it just CSLOXINFO , or Thaicom 4 or all IPSTAR

I had some trouble earlier in the week, for a couple of hours, but OK now.

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My CSLOXINFO connection has been down since 2am Tuesday the problem is with their gateway -- how many others are effected is it just CSLOXINFO , or Thaicom 4 or all IPSTAR

yeah, down most of the time. back online today except for a few hours in the early afternoon.

A friend has no probs at all, but he is IPStar user from the time before the new satelite, so he is most probably on another gateway. It seems to be the shiny new IPStar only.

Now that the crap is sold to SG it falls apart already. 4 days downtime, that's not a glitch, that's incompetence. period. :o

Edited by yuyi
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The current problems started on Saturday 25th with the usual error message:

Login succeeded.

Lost Network Synchronization.

Logging off.

Releasing IP address

Searching for network.

It then worked sort of until Tuesday when it quit altogether.

IPStar then put up a recorded message for two days saying that users can not connect, (we know that duh!)

I finally got through to them by phone and was told to hold the line. 15 minutes later I was still holding. This happend twice until I got a very nice girl who said they had a problem with the gateway and not to waste my time trying to log in until Saturday.

Saturday comes and guess what?

Login succeeded.

Lost Network Synchronization.

Logging off.

Releasing IP address

Searching for network.

I then sent them a very snotty email asking what they are doing to address the problem and what plans have they got to compensate users.

Surprise surprise, not a thing back from them and still we are getting log in errors and around 1 out every 3 downloads is corrupt.

Another favorite error still on going is' Server re set whilst the web page is loading' and 'Firefox can not find the server at www// ????

Quite disgracefull and we pay money for all this stress.

Everyone should demand compensation for this fiasco then maybe if it hurts them enough they will get it right.

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