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Bangkok Taxi Drivers Face Harsher Penalties For Rejecting Passengers


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I took the advice of a fellow TV member and started leaving their doors open in traffic if they refuse.

It's funny to see how angry they get when you're passive aggressive back at them.

You guys should try it, it's good for a laugh while you wait for the next taxi!

Congratulation to the taxi driver that he didn't pick you up:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Def, cause I laughed at him as hard as I laughed at your comment!

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So here's how it goes: "you'll get harsher fines, you nasty, nasty taxi drivers, IF you ever get caught, you just pay a couple of 1000 Baht more, than we'll let you go, so next time you do it, don't get caught...."

Problem solved, international public image maintained, FACE SAVED, ...... And many months later, forgotten down the underground...whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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New application for iPhone and Android that allows you to complain directly to the Department of Land Transport about taxis, vans, buses and long distance coaches. And actually I know that they receive and DO act on the complaints!

You can even rate the taxi in and find the areas which have the bad and good taxi's. I guess Sukhumvit will be one long red line of flags showing bad taxi's....?



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I agree with some of the above posts, the ones about taxi gangs hanging out in touristy areas chasing off honest taxis. I also agree with those who say the airport taxi's should be using the meter. I had a friend go to the bottom floor taxi stand and the driver still refused to turn on the meter once a "farang" got in the car. He was inexperienced in Thailand and got taken for a ride in more ways than one.

I do not agree taxis should be obligated to take people to anywhere they ask. I reserve the right to turn my business down to potential customers due to their circumstances, demeanor, or whatever else i see fit and dont blame taxis for doing the same. there are times when a taxi honestly has a regular fare they may need to get to in an hour, or their shift ends in an hour and they dont have the time to drive you all the way to Pattaya. I live outside the city and get denied all the time, sometime it takes me 10 or more taxis but i always find one willing. Even better, once i find one who agrees he does a much better job and is more polite than a driver who does not want to make the trip 30+ kilometers away from Sukumivit.

Edited by yourauntbob
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I always thought in Bangkok it was easy ... if a taxi doesnt want to bring you anywhere ..take another one .... this practice from taxi drivers who prefer not to use meter or not want to bring customers too far or too close is the key problem ... I think the Bangkok airport taxi issue is bigger than that ... still so many drivers refuse to put meter from Airport to town. I guess with the help of some airport officers for sure. Well when money is involve ...

I am at the airport a lot and have never once had a taxi want to go off-meter when I boarded at the public taxi stand, where you get the written note with the taxi number on it and fair rules? Are you boarding somewhere else to avoid the 50 baht surcharge, or is that happening to you at the taxi stand?

Last Friday at Suvanabhumi from the official taxi rank. As soon as the driver hears my destination it's obvious he doesn't want to go there. I said to the girl at the desk I was happy to wait for another driver but she just smiled. Walking to the taxi the driver offered me three different prices before stowing my bags. 700, 500, 400 baht so I said 200 baht would be fine... the look on his face was priceless :) He reluctantly turned on the meter and didn't complain anymore. While we were driving he was chatting to someone on his phone, telling them where he was headed and how his foreign passenger would not accept his various prices...

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I figure when a driver does not want to take me, it is a problem with the system and pricing, not with the driver. Sure they knew the rules going in, but things change when you have people to feed. If they really do start to crack down, I think they should do it via their own pricing policies.

What is the general rule about why taxis don't want certain fares? Is it traffic? Long distances?

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Drivers don't want your business for various reasons. They're about to hand over to the next driver nowhere near where you are wanting to go, they don't want to go somewhere where they know they will be stuck in a really bad traffic jam when going in another direction could earn them more, some are reluctant to deal with foreigners if they have no language skills, when outside a busy location like Pantip Plaza they can cherry pick prospective customers and sometimes they're simply just hanging out for a noodle break...

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I was thinking if you could figure out somehow where they don't like to go, which seems difficult based on the answers above, you could tell them you are going to spot A (somewhere they may be inclined to go), and then change to spot B (ie your real destination).

If he doesn't take you, based on the taxi regulations, it seems you have a real strong argument to pay nothing if he tells you to get out after you change destination. Just say you got a text and you need to go to a new location now, and to just leave it on the meter. Maybe you are now in a spot closer to your destination, and maybe taxis are "easier" at the new location too.

Edited by isawasnake
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Last time I tried to get a taxi from the airport to my home which is a very quick and lucrative (150 baht) 20 minutes from the airport, none of the taxis wanted to go. They all wanted to take me to Pattaya. In my opinion, polite professional drivers make up about 1% of the taxi population.

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Another reason is the reason they aren't always keen to take me. Outside of central Bangkok especially late at night, they know they will struggle to get the next fare without having to drive most of the way back into town. Had one of the best drivers in a longtime today, a woman in a manual cab, very smooth, quick and safe... and drove barefooted...

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