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Samui Tourist Nationality Changing At A Rapid Rate

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Maybe the Bar scene is in decline because the Chinese don't go out drinking. Go on any Island tour or snorkeling trip......Full of Asians and Russians.

Small business owners in general have seen quite a decline over the last couple of years while large resorts and stores such as Tesco and 7/11 are doing very well. This has resulted in an increase of ill-considered xenophobic outbursts from small business owners mostly directed at Russians who they see as occupying rooms which would otherwise be filled by people who would spend their money over a larger footprint. There may be some element of truth is how they feel but for the most part the rooms would otherwise be empty.

Anyone who has the ability to adapt their business model in a fast changing environment of which Samui is just an example will do well, those that cannot will most likely fail.

Russians are similar to my nationality. some are drunken thus. some i ahve no problem with some of on fact some came out here for the same reasons as me. to get away from people from my own country. then those same people followed me. i have Russians live near me who moved hpouses because thewwy did not want to be arouynd other Russians. funny!

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